Cops, cops, everywhere! Dramaland's already teeming with cops these days, so what's a few more? Casting is in full swing for SBS's new Monday-Tuesday drama Mrs. Cop, the action police...
Endlessly elegant Kim Hee-ae (Secret Love Affair, Elegant Lie, A Wife's Credentials) is being courted to take the lead in an SBS drama titled Mrs. Cop, and that title makes...
Sohn Ho-joon, Lee Hana courted to join Mrs. Cop
by girlfriday
Cops, cops, everywhere! Dramaland's already teeming with cops these days, so what's a few more? Casting is in full swing for SBS's new Monday-Tuesday drama Mrs. Cop, the action police...
Tags: Kim Hee-ae, Lee Hana, Mrs. Cop, Sohn Ho-joon
Kim Hee-ae in talks to become Mrs. Cop
by javabeans
Endlessly elegant Kim Hee-ae (Secret Love Affair, Elegant Lie, A Wife's Credentials) is being courted to take the lead in an SBS drama titled Mrs. Cop, and that title makes...
Tags: Kim Hee-ae, Mrs. Cop