Our favorite foodie is back! The third season is both a sequel and a prequel as the timeline bounces between the present day and 2004, giving us a glimpse of how...
Baek Jin-hee (Jugglers) may become the third heroine to fall in love with Yoon Doo-joon (Radio Romance) in tvN's Let's Eat franchise, and has announced that she is considering taking...
Oh yay, a third season of Let's Eat? Put me down for a table of one. This is one series I'm happy to grab endless helpings of, all-you-can-eat buffet style....
Let’s Eat 3: Episode 1
by odilettante
Our favorite foodie is back! The third season is both a sequel and a prequel as the timeline bounces between the present day and 2004, giving us a glimpse of how...
Tags: Baek Jin-hee, featured2, first episodes, Let's Eat 3, Yoon Doo-joon
Premiere Watch: Let’s Eat 3
by girlfriday
Let's Eat 3: Begins Time slot: Monday & Tuesday Broadcaster: tvN Genre: Slice-of-life, romantic comedy Episode count: 16 Reasons to watch: Woohoo, our favorite dramaland foodie is back with new treats, a...
Tags: Let's Eat 3, Premiere Watch
A taste of the past with Let’s Eat 3: Begins
by girlfriday
I'm a big fan of origin stories, so I'm really happy with the concept of the third season of Let's Eat, which takes us back in time to the very...
Tags: Baek Jin-hee, Let's Eat 3, Yoon Doo-joon
Let’s Eat 3 offers lead role to Baek Jin-hee
by javabeans
Baek Jin-hee (Jugglers) may become the third heroine to fall in love with Yoon Doo-joon (Radio Romance) in tvN's Let's Eat franchise, and has announced that she is considering taking...
Tags: Baek Jin-hee, Let's Eat, Let's Eat 2, Let's Eat 3, Yoon Doo-joon
Yoon Doo-joon courted for a third season of Let’s Eat on tvN
by girlfriday
Oh yay, a third season of Let's Eat? Put me down for a table of one. This is one series I'm happy to grab endless helpings of, all-you-can-eat buffet style....
Tags: Let's Eat, Let's Eat 2, Let's Eat 3, sequels, Yoon Doo-joon