It's a heartbreaking episode, but it's the kind of heartbreak that awakens the soul(s). The transitory nature of our ajusshis' re-existence hits home, and that further drives them to...
Ah, birth secrets. The perfect excuse to shake things up in the middle of a drama and rearrange dynamics between characters. As Gi-tak tries to reconnect with his sister (without...
Our two death colleagues come together for big reveals and small steps towards revenge (shh, don't tell Maya!) against their shared enemy. Hae-joon learns to take steps in the right...
Gi-tak and Young-soo are halfway through their allotted time on earth, so it's time to buckle down and get serious. Or as serious as those two can when they're in...
We get more developments with Hae-joon this round, with the help of fellow death colleague Hong-nan. As Hae-joon continues to impose his one-sided views on restoring normality for his family,...
I'm back for one more episode! We've got the recaps and episodes on schedule now, which was worth the effort now that we can be more current with the airing...
Hey folks! Just popping in on Ajusshi to help catch us up, which I'm happy to do since the show is light and funny with heartfelt moments, making it one...
How is it that each episode just gets better and better? I'm certainly not complaining, since the show manages to give us a well-balanced mix of humor and the heartfelt....
This drama is hijinks galore, and I love it. Young-soo and Gi-tak settle into their new borrowed bodies, and start to pave their paths to settle their restless souls. Through...
Young-soo and Gi-tak start to settle into their new personas (and new bodies), although it's no easier getting close to the important women in their lives as it was before....
Come Back, Ajusshi: Episode 13
by dramallama
It's a heartbreaking episode, but it's the kind of heartbreak that awakens the soul(s). The transitory nature of our ajusshis' re-existence hits home, and that further drives them to...
Tags: Come Back, Ajusshi, featured, Lee Min-jung, Oh Yeon-seo, Rain
Come Back, Ajusshi: Episode 12
by odilettante
Ah, birth secrets. The perfect excuse to shake things up in the middle of a drama and rearrange dynamics between characters. As Gi-tak tries to reconnect with his sister (without...
Tags: Come Back, Ajusshi, featured, Lee Min-jung, Oh Yeon-seo, Rain
Come Back, Ajusshi: Episode 11
by dramallama
Our two death colleagues come together for big reveals and small steps towards revenge (shh, don't tell Maya!) against their shared enemy. Hae-joon learns to take steps in the right...
Tags: Come Back, Ajusshi, featured, Lee Min-jung, Oh Yeon-seo, Rain
Come Back, Ajusshi: Episode 10
by odilettante
Gi-tak and Young-soo are halfway through their allotted time on earth, so it's time to buckle down and get serious. Or as serious as those two can when they're in...
Tags: Come Back, Ajusshi, featured, Lee Min-jung, Oh Yeon-seo, Rain
Come Back, Ajusshi: Episode 9
by dramallama
We get more developments with Hae-joon this round, with the help of fellow death colleague Hong-nan. As Hae-joon continues to impose his one-sided views on restoring normality for his family,...
Tags: Come Back, Ajusshi, featured, Lee Min-jung, Oh Yeon-seo, Rain
Come Back, Ajusshi: Episode 8
by javabeans
I'm back for one more episode! We've got the recaps and episodes on schedule now, which was worth the effort now that we can be more current with the airing...
Tags: Come Back, Ajusshi, featured, Lee Min-jung, Oh Yeon-seo, Rain
Come Back, Ajusshi: Episode 7
by javabeans
Hey folks! Just popping in on Ajusshi to help catch us up, which I'm happy to do since the show is light and funny with heartfelt moments, making it one...
Tags: Come Back, Ajusshi, featured, Lee Min-jung, Oh Yeon-seo, Rain
Come Back, Ajusshi: Episode 6
by odilettante
How is it that each episode just gets better and better? I'm certainly not complaining, since the show manages to give us a well-balanced mix of humor and the heartfelt....
Tags: Come Back, Ajusshi, featured, Lee Min-jung, Oh Yeon-seo, Rain
Come Back, Ajusshi: Episode 5
by dramallama
This drama is hijinks galore, and I love it. Young-soo and Gi-tak settle into their new borrowed bodies, and start to pave their paths to settle their restless souls. Through...
Tags: Come Back, Ajusshi, featured, Lee Min-jung, Oh Yeon-seo, Rain
Come Back, Ajusshi: Episode 4
by odilettante
Young-soo and Gi-tak start to settle into their new personas (and new bodies), although it's no easier getting close to the important women in their lives as it was before....
Tags: Come Back, Ajusshi, featured, Lee Min-jung, Oh Yeon-seo, Rain