Ji Sung (Swallow the Sun) is taking the titular role in MBC's upcoming drama Kim Suro, as pictured in these newly released stills. He has acted mostly in contemporary dramas...
Yoo Oh-sung (Swallow the Sun) plays one of the nine chiefs of Kaya (before Kaya was Kaya) in the upcoming sageuk series Kim Suro, as we can see in these...
MBC has a weekend sageuk in the works, a drama called Kim Suro (after the king, not the actor), which began its first shoots the last week of March with...
Ji Sung in MBC’s Kim Suro
by javabeans
Ji Sung (Swallow the Sun) is taking the titular role in MBC's upcoming drama Kim Suro, as pictured in these newly released stills. He has acted mostly in contemporary dramas...
Tags: Go Joo-won, Ji Sung, Kim Suro (drama), Seo Ji-hye
Yoo Oh-sung as a chieftan in Kim Suro
by javabeans
Yoo Oh-sung (Swallow the Sun) plays one of the nine chiefs of Kaya (before Kaya was Kaya) in the upcoming sageuk series Kim Suro, as we can see in these...
Tags: Kim Suro (drama), Yoo Oh-sung
MBC’s Kim Suro begins filming
by javabeans
MBC has a weekend sageuk in the works, a drama called Kim Suro (after the king, not the actor), which began its first shoots the last week of March with...
Tags: Bae Jong-ok, Ji Sung, Kim Suro (drama), Yoo Oh-sung