The first stills are out of blockbuster film Tower, which began filming last month and is currently deep in production. As previously mentioned, Tower is an action movie that centers...
Sohn Ye-jin (Chilling Romance, Personal Taste) has announced her next project. As expected, she'll be returning to filmlandia; what's not as expected is the genre. She'll be starring in her...
This sounds pretty interesting: Baek Sung-hyun (Accidental Couple, Like the Moon Escaping From Clouds) is taking on a leading role in a Drama Special miniseries called Monster. Most Drama Special...
KBS's romantic comedy My Country Calls went out quietly on Tuesday with its finale episode, its 16th. The drama has performed under the radar in its Monday-Tuesday timeslot, having gone...
My Country Calls will be airing once Birth of the Rich is over, and has released its official posters. The romantic-comedy series pairs a cute but accident-prone policewoman (Lee Soo-kyung)...
Mondays and Tuesdays will soon be getting a new romantic comedy, My Country Calls, to replace Birth of the Rich. Several key leads play spies, but this'll be a far...
The drama to follow KBS's Birth of the Rich is romantic-comedy series My Country Calls [국가가 부른다], which has cast Lee Soo-kyung as its lead actress. She will play a bold and...
Kim Sang-kyung and Moon Geun-young are the newest recipients of the 2008 Grime Award (pronounced gree-may) for acting, presented by the Korean Television Directors of Photography Association. The honor goes to...
Blockbuster disaster movie Tower releases first stills
by javabeans
The first stills are out of blockbuster film Tower, which began filming last month and is currently deep in production. As previously mentioned, Tower is an action movie that centers...
Tags: Kim Sang-kyung, Sohn Ye-jin, Sol Kyung-gu
Sohn Ye-jin back to the big screen with Tower
by girlfriday
Sohn Ye-jin (Chilling Romance, Personal Taste) has announced her next project. As expected, she'll be returning to filmlandia; what's not as expected is the genre. She'll be starring in her...
Tags: Kim Sang-kyung, Sohn Ye-jin, Sol Kyung-gu
White Christmas
Tags: Baek Sung-hyun, Esom, Hong Jong-hyun, Jung Seok-won, Kim Sang-kyung, Kim Woo-bin, Kim Young-kwang, Lee El, Lee Soo-hyuk, mystery, Sung Joon, thriller
Baek Sung-hyun leads the boys in Monster
by javabeans
This sounds pretty interesting: Baek Sung-hyun (Accidental Couple, Like the Moon Escaping From Clouds) is taking on a leading role in a Drama Special miniseries called Monster. Most Drama Special...
Tags: Baek Sung-hyun, Drama Special, Hong Jong-hyun, Kim Sang-kyung, Kim Young-kwang, Lee Soo-hyuk
My Country Calls ends quietly on KBS
by javabeans
KBS's romantic comedy My Country Calls went out quietly on Tuesday with its finale episode, its 16th. The drama has performed under the radar in its Monday-Tuesday timeslot, having gone...
Tags: Horan, Kim Sang-kyung, Lee Soo-kyung, My Country Calls, Ryu Jin
Posters for KBS’s upcoming My Country Calls
by javabeans
My Country Calls will be airing once Birth of the Rich is over, and has released its official posters. The romantic-comedy series pairs a cute but accident-prone policewoman (Lee Soo-kyung)...
Tags: Horan, Kim Sang-kyung, Lee Soo-kyung, My Country Calls, Ryu Jin
A look at KBS’s upcoming My Country Calls
by javabeans
Mondays and Tuesdays will soon be getting a new romantic comedy, My Country Calls, to replace Birth of the Rich. Several key leads play spies, but this'll be a far...
Tags: Horan, Kim Sang-kyung, Lee Soo-kyung, My Country Calls, Ryu Jin
Lee Soo-kyung’s new drama My Country Calls
by javabeans
The drama to follow KBS's Birth of the Rich is romantic-comedy series My Country Calls [국가가 부른다], which has cast Lee Soo-kyung as its lead actress. She will play a bold and...
Tags: Kim Sang-kyung, Lee Soo-kyung, Ryu Jin
TV directors of photography honor sageuk actors
by javabeans
Kim Sang-kyung and Moon Geun-young are the newest recipients of the 2008 Grime Award (pronounced gree-may) for acting, presented by the Korean Television Directors of Photography Association. The honor goes to...
Tags: awards, East of Eden, Kim Sang-kyung, Moon Geun-young, The Painter of Wind