The charismatic Ji Sung is back as a mysterious celebrity judge in the ruthless world of tVN's newest offering The Devil Judge. Amid social turmoil, the powers that be decide...
We finally get a look at Kim Min-jung (My Fellow Citizens) in the new promos for tvN's The Devil Judge, along with Ji Sung (Doctor John) and Jinyoung (When My...
New promos have been released for tvN's upcoming drama The Devil Judge, featuring lead actor Ji Sung (Doctor John) in a new poster and video teaser.
The drama aims to...
Ji Sung, Kim Min-jung, Jinyoung, Park Kyu-young
Recently, it was confirmed that Kim Min-jung (My Fellow Citizens) is the latest casting addition to The Devil Judge, the upcoming drama about...
Our conman lays it all on the line to confront corruption in the Assembly. Jung-gook defies common practices and comes clean, but only so that he can purge the dirty...
Our conman-politician turns over a new leaf, as he goes rogue and attempts to serve the public interests. Jung-gook separation from bossy mob boss Hoo-ja and partnership with ex-opponent Sang-jin...
With two more episodes to look forward to, our con artist duels with a snake of an assemblyman who's determined to succeed at Jung-gook's expense. Committed to live as a...
With her plans to infiltrate to National Assembly gone awry, mob boss Hoo-ja resorts to more threats and bribes to achieve her goals. Unfortunately for her, our hero Jung-gook is...
Our conman-assemblyman can't seem to stay out of trouble but he's determined to maintain a low profile in order to save life and limb. Unfortunately, that attitude is at odds...
The Devil Judge: Episode 1
by quirkycase
The charismatic Ji Sung is back as a mysterious celebrity judge in the ruthless world of tVN's newest offering The Devil Judge. Amid social turmoil, the powers that be decide...
Tags: Ahn Nae-sang, featured2, first episodes, Got7 Jinyoung, Jang Young-nam, Ji Sung, Kim Jae-kyung, Kim Min-jung, Park Kyu-young, The Devil Judge
The Devil Judge
Tags: Ahn Nae-sang, Got7 Jinyoung, Jang Young-nam, Ji Sung, Kim Jae-kyung, Kim Min-jung, legal, mystery, Park Kyu-young
Kim Min-jung antagonizes Ji Sung in new promos for The Devil Judge
by tccolb
We finally get a look at Kim Min-jung (My Fellow Citizens) in the new promos for tvN's The Devil Judge, along with Ji Sung (Doctor John) and Jinyoung (When My...
Tags: Got7 Jinyoung, Ji Sung, Kim Min-jung, The Devil Judge
Ji Sung commands the courtroom in new promos for The Devil Judge
by tccolb
New promos have been released for tvN's upcoming drama The Devil Judge, featuring lead actor Ji Sung (Doctor John) in a new poster and video teaser. The drama aims to...
Tags: Got7 Jinyoung, Ji Sung, Kim Min-jung, Park Kyu-young, The Devil Judge
Kim Min-jung joins Ji Sung in tvN’s The Devil Judge
by tineybeanie
Ji Sung, Kim Min-jung, Jinyoung, Park Kyu-young Recently, it was confirmed that Kim Min-jung (My Fellow Citizens) is the latest casting addition to The Devil Judge, the upcoming drama about...
Tags: Got7 Jinyoung, Ji Sung, Kim Min-jung, Park Kyu-young, The Devil Judge
My Fellow Citizens: Episodes 35-36 (Final)
by TeriYaki
Our conman lays it all on the line to confront corruption in the Assembly. Jung-gook defies common practices and comes clean, but only so that he can purge the dirty...
Tags: Choi Siwon, Kim Min-jung, Lee Yoo-young, My Fellow Citizens
My Fellow Citizens: Episodes 33-34
by dramallama
Our conman-politician turns over a new leaf, as he goes rogue and attempts to serve the public interests. Jung-gook separation from bossy mob boss Hoo-ja and partnership with ex-opponent Sang-jin...
Tags: Choi Siwon, Kim Min-jung, Lee Yoo-young, My Fellow Citizens
My Fellow Citizens: Episodes 31-32
by TeriYaki
With two more episodes to look forward to, our con artist duels with a snake of an assemblyman who's determined to succeed at Jung-gook's expense. Committed to live as a...
Tags: Choi Siwon, Kim Min-jung, Lee Yoo-young, My Fellow Citizens
My Fellow Citizens: Episodes 29-30
by dramallama
With her plans to infiltrate to National Assembly gone awry, mob boss Hoo-ja resorts to more threats and bribes to achieve her goals. Unfortunately for her, our hero Jung-gook is...
Tags: Choi Siwon, Kim Min-jung, Lee Yoo-young, My Fellow Citizens
My Fellow Citizens: Episodes 27-28
by TeriYaki
Our conman-assemblyman can't seem to stay out of trouble but he's determined to maintain a low profile in order to save life and limb. Unfortunately, that attitude is at odds...
Tags: Choi Siwon, Kim Min-jung, Lee Yoo-young, My Fellow Citizens