After taking some time to focus on movies, Song Joong-ki (Reborn Rich) may soon be returning to dramaland and is considering a new series called My Youth (working title). Production...
Goodbyes are hard, but like tenants at a guesthouse, we always knew our time with the Ihwawon family was temporary. And now it's coming to a heartfelt, hard-won end. But...
It's the penultimate week, which means it's time for taking action, breaking hearts, spilling secrets, and drawing lines in the sand. And did I mention shedding tears? Some of our...
If you repeat a lie enough times and get enough people to believe it, does it become true? Or will the truth inevitably come to light no matter how deeply...
In the wake of last week's reveals, our characters navigate shifting relationships and ever-mounting political tension. Everyone wants to protect the ones they love, but the question is: can they...
Answers at last! As we cross the halfway point of our story, our characters move into position to commence with their respective plans. In the process, however, they'll have to...
Think you've guessed the secrets of our guesthouse and its Flower Scholar tenants? Guess again! New revelations throw everything we thought we knew in a different light as our characters...
As secrets start to come to light, our characters are faced with some tough choices that will affect not only them, but also the people they've come to care about....
The plot thickens as our heroine strikes a dangerous deal to protect her home, livelihood, and loved ones. Is she jumping in over her head? Perhaps, especially considering her new...
News bites: January 20, 2024
by tccolb
After taking some time to focus on movies, Song Joong-ki (Reborn Rich) may soon be returning to dramaland and is considering a new series called My Youth (working title). Production...
Tags: Choi Woo-shik, Jang Nara, Jang Seung-jo, Jeon Jong-seo, Ji Seung-hyun, Jung Geon-joo, Kim Haneul, Kim Hee-sun, Kim Jae-wook, Kim Joon-han, Lee Hye-young, Moon Sang-min, Nam Ji-hyun, news bites, Park Bo-young, Pyo Ji-hoon, Song Joong-ki, Yeon Woo-jin
The Secret Romantic Guesthouse: Episodes 17-18 (Final)
by mistyisles
Goodbyes are hard, but like tenants at a guesthouse, we always knew our time with the Ihwawon family was temporary. And now it's coming to a heartfelt, hard-won end. But...
Tags: Jung Geon-joo, Kang Hoon, Ryeoun, Shin Ye-eun, The Secret Romantic Guesthouse
The Secret Romantic Guesthouse: Episodes 15-16
by mistyisles
It's the penultimate week, which means it's time for taking action, breaking hearts, spilling secrets, and drawing lines in the sand. And did I mention shedding tears? Some of our...
Tags: Jung Geon-joo, Kang Hoon, Ryeoun, Shin Ye-eun, The Secret Romantic Guesthouse
The Secret Romantic Guesthouse: Episodes 13-14
by mistyisles
If you repeat a lie enough times and get enough people to believe it, does it become true? Or will the truth inevitably come to light no matter how deeply...
Tags: Jung Geon-joo, Kang Hoon, Ryeoun, Shin Ye-eun, The Secret Romantic Guesthouse
The Secret Romantic Guesthouse: Episodes 11-12
by mistyisles
In the wake of last week's reveals, our characters navigate shifting relationships and ever-mounting political tension. Everyone wants to protect the ones they love, but the question is: can they...
Tags: Jung Geon-joo, Kang Hoon, Ryeoun, Shin Ye-eun, The Secret Romantic Guesthouse
The Secret Romantic Guesthouse: Episodes 9-10
by mistyisles
Answers at last! As we cross the halfway point of our story, our characters move into position to commence with their respective plans. In the process, however, they'll have to...
Tags: Jung Geon-joo, Kang Hoon, Ryeoun, Shin Ye-eun, The Secret Romantic Guesthouse
The Secret Romantic Guesthouse: Episodes 7-8
by mistyisles
Think you've guessed the secrets of our guesthouse and its Flower Scholar tenants? Guess again! New revelations throw everything we thought we knew in a different light as our characters...
Tags: Jung Geon-joo, Kang Hoon, Ryeoun, Shin Ye-eun, The Secret Romantic Guesthouse
The Secret Romantic Guesthouse: Episodes 5-6
by mistyisles
As secrets start to come to light, our characters are faced with some tough choices that will affect not only them, but also the people they've come to care about....
Tags: Jung Geon-joo, Kang Hoon, Ryeoun, Shin Ye-eun, The Secret Romantic Guesthouse
The Secret Romantic Guesthouse: Episodes 3-4
by mistyisles
The plot thickens as our heroine strikes a dangerous deal to protect her home, livelihood, and loved ones. Is she jumping in over her head? Perhaps, especially considering her new...
Tags: Jung Geon-joo, Kang Hoon, Ryeoun, Shin Ye-eun, The Secret Romantic Guesthouse
The Secret Romantic Guesthouse: Episode 2
by mistyisles
Faced with the prospect of losing her beloved inn, our heroine and her new friends rally to find a way to save it. At the same time, we dig a...
Tags: Jung Geon-joo, Kang Hoon, Ryeoun, Shin Ye-eun, The Secret Romantic Guesthouse