Disorienting and despair-stricken, Goodbye Earth paints its tale of impending destruction in broad strokes as mayhem descends upon the country doomed to be obliterated by a meteorite. Netflix's latest apocalyptic...
Welcome to the Drama Hangout for Netflix's dystopic sci-fi Goodbye Earth, where Ahn Eun-jin and company are faced with the earth's imminent demise in 200 days.
This is your place to...
The first teaser has been posted for Netflix's dystopian sci-fi Goodbye Earth, where we follow our heroine Ahn Eun-jin (My Dearest) as humankind is served a notice of doom.
Goodbye Earth: Episode 1 (First Impressions)
by solstices
Disorienting and despair-stricken, Goodbye Earth paints its tale of impending destruction in broad strokes as mayhem descends upon the country doomed to be obliterated by a meteorite. Netflix's latest apocalyptic...
Tags: Ahn Eun-jin, First Impressions, Goodbye Earth, Jeon Sung-woo, Kim Kang-hoon, Kim Yoon-hye, Yoo Ah-in
Goodbye Earth: Episodes 1-12 (Drama Hangout)
by DB Staff
Welcome to the Drama Hangout for Netflix's dystopic sci-fi Goodbye Earth, where Ahn Eun-jin and company are faced with the earth's imminent demise in 200 days. This is your place to...
Tags: Drama Hangout, Goodbye Earth
Premiere Watch: Goodbye Earth
by missvictrix
Time slot: Friday (single drop) Broadcaster: Netflix Genre: Sci-fi, action, drama Episode count: 12 (more…)
Tags: Goodbye Earth, Premiere Watch
Ahn Eun-jin prepares for the final days in Goodbye Earth
by tccolb
The first teaser has been posted for Netflix's dystopian sci-fi Goodbye Earth, where we follow our heroine Ahn Eun-jin (My Dearest) as humankind is served a notice of doom. (more&...
Tags: Ahn Eun-jin, Goodbye Earth, Jeon Sung-woo, Kim Kang-hoon, Kim Yoon-hye, Yoo Ah-in