The prequel to the decades-long series comes to a boisterous finale filled with nostalgic callbacks and a strong sense of justice. From beginning to end, the show maintained its zippy...
Our heroes watch as the nation enters a time of development with shiny signs and taller buildings lining the streets of the city, yet beneath the glamour lies the forgotten...
A new age. A new time. While the world ushers in a new decade, some things remain the same. Villains still exist, corruption runs rampant, and the law isn’t...
The cases get a more serious this week as the body count climbs up. Thankfully, the villains aren’t as cunning as they think, and our heroes aren’t as...
The iconic series that ran for nearly two decades and aired 880 episodes has gotten a prequel, but don’t worry if you haven’t caught up with the behemoth original...
Chief Detective 1958: Episodes 9-10 (Final)
by lovepark
The prequel to the decades-long series comes to a boisterous finale filled with nostalgic callbacks and a strong sense of justice. From beginning to end, the show maintained its zippy...
Tags: Chief Detective 1958, Choi Woo-sung, Lee Dong-hwi, Lee Je-hoon, Seo Eun-soo, Yoon Hyun-soo
Chief Detective 1958: Episodes 7-8
by lovepark
Our heroes watch as the nation enters a time of development with shiny signs and taller buildings lining the streets of the city, yet beneath the glamour lies the forgotten...
Tags: Chief Detective 1958, Choi Woo-sung, Lee Dong-hwi, Lee Je-hoon, Seo Eun-soo, Yoon Hyun-soo
Chief Detective 1958: Episodes 5-6
by lovepark
A new age. A new time. While the world ushers in a new decade, some things remain the same. Villains still exist, corruption runs rampant, and the law isn’t...
Tags: Chief Detective 1958, Choi Woo-sung, Lee Dong-hwi, Lee Je-hoon, Seo Eun-soo, Yoon Hyun-soo
Chief Detective 1958: Episodes 3-4
by lovepark
The cases get a more serious this week as the body count climbs up. Thankfully, the villains aren’t as cunning as they think, and our heroes aren’t as...
Tags: Chief Detective 1958, Choi Woo-sung, Lee Dong-hwi, Lee Je-hoon, Seo Eun-soo, Yoon Hyun-soo
Chief Detective 1958: Episodes 1-2
by lovepark
The iconic series that ran for nearly two decades and aired 880 episodes has gotten a prequel, but don’t worry if you haven’t caught up with the behemoth original...
Tags: Chief Detective 1958, Choi Woo-sung, Lee Dong-hwi, Lee Je-hoon, Seo Eun-soo, Yoon Hyun-soo