KBS has been busily preparing for the 2023 season of Drama Special, putting together an anthology this year that focuses on personal journeys. Calling out to all of us who are...
Netflix is planning a new revenge drama called The Glory, with Park Sung-hoon (Memorials) and Song Hye-gyo (Now We Are Breaking Up) as the leads. The production will be headed...
It's the final week of Psychopath Diary and I'm going to miss this weekly dose of mayhem! As expected, the ante is upped to the extreme, and in our finale...
The tables are turning for our hero this week, and it's just about everything wrapped in one: hilarious, satisfying, and shocking. With his memory back, and armed with the truth,...
When the psychopath gets the upper hand, our little hero is shouldered with the blame for a diary full of serial killings. Our hero might be wrecked, but something still...
Our fake psychopath is in for it this week. Since the real psychopath not only has all the information, but a higher IQ than all the other characters put together,...
Our pretend psychopath gets entangled with a copycat killer this week, and circumstances continue to perpetuate his fantasies about himself — and continue to do the opposite for everyone else. With...
Our hero continues to rely on movie quotes and channeling his inner psycho to get through the day — but that's becoming increasingly complicated for him, since his self-talk says one...
Pyramid Game
Tags: Bona, Choi Sung-won, suspense, thriller, youth
KBS’s Drama Special lineup for 2023
by tccolb
KBS has been busily preparing for the 2023 season of Drama Special, putting together an anthology this year that focuses on personal journeys. Calling out to all of us who are...
Tags: Baek Sung-hyun, Baro, Choi Sung-won, Drama Special, Ham Eun-jung, Hong Seung-hee, Kim Do-hoon, Kim Hyun-soo, Kim Joo-hun, Kim Kwang-kyu, Kim Won-hae, Kim Young-ah, Lee Jae-won, Lee Min-jae, Park Ha-sun, Ren (Choi Min-ki), Shin So-yool
Showtime Begins
Tags: Ahn Chang-hwan, Choi Sung-won, comedy, fantasy, Go Kyu-pil, Hong Soo-hyun, Im Won-hee, Jin Ki-joo, Jung Jun-ho, Jung Suk-yong, Kim Won-hae, mystery, Park Hae-jin, romance
News bites: January 22, 2022
by tccolb
Netflix is planning a new revenge drama called The Glory, with Park Sung-hoon (Memorials) and Song Hye-gyo (Now We Are Breaking Up) as the leads. The production will be headed...
Tags: Choi Ji-woo, Choi Sung-won, Ha Suk-jin, Ji Sung, Jin Ki-joo, Jung Eun-ji, Kim Gab-soo, Kim Haneul, Kim Hee-sun, Kim Ro-woon, Kim Sung-ryung, Kim Young-dae, Kim Yun-jin, Kwon Yul, Lee Soo-hyuk, Lee Soo-kyung (2), Lee Sung-kyung, news bites, Park Hae-jin, Park Hae-joon, Park Hae-soo, Park Se-young, Park Sung-hoon, Seo Ji-hye, Song Hye-gyo, Taecyeon, Tang Joon-sang, Yoo Ji-tae
Psychopath Diary: Episodes 15-16 Open Thread (Final)
by missvictrix
It's the final week of Psychopath Diary and I'm going to miss this weekly dose of mayhem! As expected, the ante is upped to the extreme, and in our finale...
Tags: Choi Sung-won, Jung In-sun, Park Sung-hoon, Psychopath Diary, Yoon Shi-yoon
Psychopath Diary: Episodes 13-14 Open Thread
by missvictrix
The tables are turning for our hero this week, and it's just about everything wrapped in one: hilarious, satisfying, and shocking. With his memory back, and armed with the truth,...
Tags: Choi Sung-won, Jung In-sun, Park Sung-hoon, Psychopath Diary, Yoon Shi-yoon
Psychopath Diary: Episodes 11-12 Open Thread
by missvictrix
When the psychopath gets the upper hand, our little hero is shouldered with the blame for a diary full of serial killings. Our hero might be wrecked, but something still...
Tags: Choi Sung-won, Jung In-sun, Park Sung-hoon, Psychopath Diary, Yoon Shi-yoon
Psychopath Diary: Episodes 9-10 Open Thread
by missvictrix
Our fake psychopath is in for it this week. Since the real psychopath not only has all the information, but a higher IQ than all the other characters put together,...
Tags: Choi Sung-won, Jung In-sun, Park Sung-hoon, Psychopath Diary, Yoon Shi-yoon
Psychopath Diary: Episodes 7-8 Open Thread
by missvictrix
Our pretend psychopath gets entangled with a copycat killer this week, and circumstances continue to perpetuate his fantasies about himself — and continue to do the opposite for everyone else. With...
Tags: Choi Sung-won, Jung In-sun, Park Sung-hoon, Psychopath Diary, Yoon Shi-yoon
Psychopath Diary: Episodes 5-6 Open Thread
by missvictrix
Our hero continues to rely on movie quotes and channeling his inner psycho to get through the day — but that's becoming increasingly complicated for him, since his self-talk says one...
Tags: Choi Sung-won, Jung In-sun, Park Sung-hoon, Psychopath Diary, Yoon Shi-yoon