This live-action adaption of the manga by Hitoshi Iwaaki was written for the screen by the famed Yeon Sang-ho. The sci-fi horror tells the story of unidentified parasitic creatures taking over humans hosts and gaining power.
This live-action adaption of the manga by Hitoshi Iwaaki was written for the screen by the famed Yeon Sang-ho. The sci-fi horror tells the story of unidentified parasitic creatures taking over humans hosts and gaining power.
So, what are we all watching this week?
What kept you reaching for more (or agonizing when there was no more), and what made you want to throw your remote...
Time slot: Friday (single drop)
Broadcaster: Netflix
Genre: Sci-fi, horror, mystery, action
Episode count: 6
Reasons to watch: Yeon Sang-ho fans, prepare! His latest production is here in the shape of...