In this teen drama, a young girl dreams of being a pop singer and attends a prestigious high school where her idol and role model also studies. When the two become roommates, the girl uncovers a shocking secret: the pop princess is actually a boy in disguise.
In this teen drama, a young girl dreams of being a pop singer and attends a prestigious high school where her idol and role model also studies. When the two become roommates, the girl uncovers a shocking secret: the pop princess is actually a boy in disguise.
Review extravaganza time!
I know: Already? It feels like just the other day I was killing myself to corral all my thoughts in coherent fashion in a monster review of 2011...
We wrap up mini-drama Ma Boy with Episode 3, which shows that being pegged into a particular genre and market have little to do with telling an effective story. There's plenty...
I will say this about Ma Boy: If the entire thing must hinge upon a single conceit, then at least it's got that one conceit down pat. Because Hyun-woo (er,...
Aww, this show is super cute. The gender-bender mini-drama Ma Boy initially got on my radar for its simple twist of taking the very familiar girl-dresses-like-boy-to-infiltrate-boy-world premise of so many...