This historical action drama tells the story of Joseon’s last swordsman, as he trades in his trusted weapon for a new novelty called a gun. On a mission to avenge his family, he ushers in a modern era of combat, becoming a hero of the people in the process.
This historical action drama tells the story of Joseon’s last swordsman, as he trades in his trusted weapon for a new novelty called a gun. On a mission to avenge his family, he ushers in a modern era of combat, becoming a hero of the people in the process.
How on earth has another year zoomed by already? It felt as though I'd only just recovered from banging my head against my keyboard over last year's year-end reviews when...
The Beanie Awards are here! You know what that means -- the Dramabeans annual Year End Review Extravaganza is underway, with lots of reviews, Editors' Picks, and maybe even a...
Didja think yesterday mostly wrapped up the story, and today's finale episode would merely be an epilogue? Well you'd be wrong, given how jam-packed with plot this hour is, providing...
It looks like finale week just may give us a strong finish to Joseon Gunman, which I'd worried about because I found last week's episodes to be a bit plodding....
It's showtime. The plot picks up and as both sides amp up their strategizing, with spies and counterspies deployed in the game to win the upper hand and outmaneuver the...
We get some poignant character beats in today's episode, but I'm sorry to report that it does also have the distinctive ring of extension-induced slowdown. I can see where there...
The game of one-upsmanship intensifies with both sides gaining some and losing some. And while Choi Won-shin has the bounce-back of a rubberized demonic energizer bunny, it's pretty satisfying to...
There's a Korean saying that suits practically every hero and heroine known to dramaland, which is mountain after mountain. As in, you exert all this energy into climbing one huge...
You know, just because you decide to become a hero doesn't mean you automatically become one. That's something that'll be challenging our guy as he ups his game in working...
A hero is born! It's an episode of turning points, as some people turn toward the light and others head for the darkness. Our hero faces a moment of truth...