This variety TV show follows five celebrity friends (Park Seo-joon, Choi Woo-shik, Park Hyung-shik, Peakboy, and V of BTS) as they take a break from their busy professional schedules and enjoy some time together doing simple things, from fishing to cooking to relaxing.
This variety TV show follows five celebrity friends (Park Seo-joon, Choi Woo-shik, Park Hyung-shik, Peakboy, and V of BTS) as they take a break from their busy professional schedules and enjoy some time together doing simple things, from fishing to cooking to relaxing.
Our time with the beloved Wooga Squad comes to an end with plenty of laughs and shenanigans to round out this short but sweet friendship getaway. I didn't think it...
The Wooga Squad is definitely more low-key when it comes to how they like to spend their down time – a fact that Seo-joon himself brings up in Episode 3. But for...
In the mood for a relaxing watch that feels more like you’re hanging out with your favorite celebrities, who all happen to be BFFs? Pull up a chair and...