This drama tells the story of a detective with a personal vendetta who is fighting to take down a powerful drug rin, and the morally ambiguous characters that run and orchestrate the ring's many crimes. By telling both sides of the story, the drama delves deeply into questions of loyalty, justice, deception, and love.
This drama tells the story of a detective with a personal vendetta who is fighting to take down a powerful drug rin, and the morally ambiguous characters that run and orchestrate the ring's many crimes. By telling both sides of the story, the drama delves deeply into questions of loyalty, justice, deception, and love.
There are heroes, and then there are vigilante heroes. Whether they're fighting against the system that failed them, against deep-rooted corruption, or against their own demons — or heck, why not...
javabeans: It seemed a natural progression to follow our favorite drama bromances with our favorite female friendships, since next to romance, it’s often the heartwarming depictions of friendships that...
javabeans: It seemed only natural to follow up our list of favorite couples with our list of favorite bromances, which are sometimes just as compelling as the love stories—er,...
The one good thing about working one day a year and outsourcing most of your menial labor to elves is that it gives you plenty of time to watch dramas....
Here are your winners for 2013! It was an interesting year in dramaland, with a wide array of genres to choose from all year long. It was also a year without...