In this dystopian sci-fi drama, Earth is set to collide with an asteroid in 200 days. With the end of the world rapidly approaching, chaos breaks out, and our heroes must keep themselves and their loved ones safe as the end draws nigh...
In this dystopian sci-fi drama, Earth is set to collide with an asteroid in 200 days. With the end of the world rapidly approaching, chaos breaks out, and our heroes must keep themselves and their loved ones safe as the end draws nigh...
Disorienting and despair-stricken, Goodbye Earth paints its tale of impending destruction in broad strokes as mayhem descends upon the country doomed to be obliterated by a meteorite. Netflix's latest apocalyptic...
Welcome to the Drama Hangout for Netflix's dystopic sci-fi Goodbye Earth, where Ahn Eun-jin and company are faced with the earth's imminent demise in 200 days.
This is your place to...