A detective investigates a cold case about serial killings from twenty years ago. Though the statute of limitations has passed, new clues appear and prompt the reinvestigation. The detective's father was also once held as a suspect, so he has a personal interest in solving the case.
A detective investigates a cold case about serial killings from twenty years ago. Though the statute of limitations has passed, new clues appear and prompt the reinvestigation. The detective's father was also once held as a suspect, so he has a personal interest in solving the case.
How on earth has another year zoomed by already? It felt as though I'd only just recovered from banging my head against my keyboard over last year's year-end reviews when...
The Beanie Awards are here! You know what that means -- the Dramabeans annual Year End Review Extravaganza is underway, with lots of reviews, Editors' Picks, and maybe even a...
Here we are, at the end of the psychopath's road. Mysteries (what's left of them) are explained, our heroes come to an understanding of sorts, and hitherto unsolved investigations are...
We're one episode shy of the finale, which means the loose ends should be coming together and tightening up as we address the last few questions that still linger about...
Was it me, or was this episode incomprehensible? I'm still trying to figure out whether it was just a little too cryptic for its own good, or if it was...
So what happens when your bad guys are identified and caught with four episodes still left to go? Time to crack the code, of course—not the who of the...
This show is taking the complete opposite approach of how I'd tell a serial killer story, but I suppose that doesn't have to be a bad thing. It's just that...
It's interesting to see how far you can take a story despite knowing all the pieces in advance, because by conventional storytelling standards that makes for a less satisfying payoff....
Whoa, things get legitimately good. It came a little later than I wanted, but better late than never. This episode injects a fresh jolt of energy into a story that...