This 2010 drama follows a young orthopedist who's dismissed from her job after exposing corruption. She starts working as the doctor for the athletes at the Korean National Training Center. Here, she finds herself in a love triangle between a judo star and the medical director at the training center.
This 2010 drama follows a young orthopedist who's dismissed from her job after exposing corruption. She starts working as the doctor for the athletes at the Korean National Training Center. Here, she finds herself in a love triangle between a judo star and the medical director at the training center.
Currently Airing
Monday-Tuesday (December 9-10)
- Brewing Love 11-12 (ENA)
- Parole Examiner Lee 7-8 (tvN)
- Face Me 11-12 (KBS)
- Sorry Not Sorry 2 (KBS Joy) Weekend (December 13-15)
- Marry YOU 9-10 (Channel A)
- Iron Family 22-23 (KBS)
- The Tale of Lady Ok 4-5 (JTBC)
- When the Phone Rings 5-6 (MBC)
- The Fiery Priest 2 10-11 (SBS)
- Love Your Enemy 7-8 (tvN)
- Family Matters (Coupang Play)
- Light Shop 5-6 (Disney+)
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