Also known as Fake Family Service, this drama tells the story of a wealthy young girl who loses her family in a car accident, after which she has amnesia. In order to regain her memories, a fake family of misfit characters is hired to act out the roles of people in her household.
Also known as Fake Family Service, this drama tells the story of a wealthy young girl who loses her family in a car accident, after which she has amnesia. In order to regain her memories, a fake family of misfit characters is hired to act out the roles of people in her household.
Since I've had a lot of requests for drama recommendations following You're Beautiful, I thought I'd put this up as its own post. I may be spotty with some of...
Lately, I've noticed something about the dramas I've been watching, which is that I've been finding -- more so than the big dramatic romantic turns -- that the most affecting,...