Also known as Inspiring Generation, this historical drama chronicles a group of freedom fighters in 1930s Japan-occupied Shanghai. A wronged young man becomes a powerful fighter and seeks a justice all his own.
Also known as Inspiring Generation, this historical drama chronicles a group of freedom fighters in 1930s Japan-occupied Shanghai. A wronged young man becomes a powerful fighter and seeks a justice all his own.
I think I echo the entire human race when I say that there was something in the air this year that made the days go by faster. What other explanation...
If you're anything like me, then you're probably wondering to yourself, How is it December already? It really does feel like this year flew past in the blink of an...
The Beanie Awards are here! You know what that means -- the Dramabeans annual Year End Review Extravaganza is underway, with lots of reviews, Editors' Picks, and maybe even a...
Um, we have some good news and some bad news. I'll start with the bad news because we actually only have bad news. HeadsNo2 was unfortunately in an accident yesterday,...
War comes to Shanghai by means of an incredibly deadly game of telephone, which—if that doesn’t already sound fun to you—is actually one of the better sequences...
The time has come to prepare for an all out war between the factions and their representative territories, in what’s turning into a small-scale depiction of the Second World...
It’s an hour full of blood, pain, and goodbyes, as the show keeps chugging along with its own brand of organized chaos and ever-changing rules. Though we may not...
Friends become enemies in the blink of an eye as the turf warfare escalates to familiar heights, with the gold standard for solving problems being the tried-and-true method of setting...
Whether holding our hero’s treasured girlfriend hostage or massacring a bunch of innocent people, our ambiguously awful duo of baddies go the extra mile this episode to make sure...
Despite Age of Feeling being one of the most troubled productions in recent memory, this episode marks a huge improvement over the past couple weeks, in that it used its...