Woo-shik’s eye smile just made my day ^^ I’m rooting for our maknae the hardest! We need more happy go lucky guys putting themselves first in this world.
Me too! Something about the way these characters converse with each other makes them very fun and engaging to watch. On the other hand, I’m not sure why Show is spending so much time on Seon-kyeom’s dad.. I skip every scene he’s in.
Me tooo, couldn’t care less about his dad and all his selfish “love”, ugh.
That face though, how could Sun-kyum even try to take the bread away from that cutie!
These two are the perfect amount of nerdy, clueless, and handsome. Will this be my new favorite bromance? I hope they have many, many more scenes together!!
I really appreciated how he didn’t treat Seon-gyeom as an unapproachable, famous person. Unlike many, he’s not intimidated by wealth, which is also exhibited in how he interacts with Dan-ah. Yeong-hwa reminds me of golden retriever puppy <3
Notice the drama title spelled out on cones in this scene from Run On ep 2, so clever! It continues the manhwa feel from episode 1’s excellent opening scene.
When Kim Soo-hyun walked into the photo studio, my mom and I were *thiiiissss* close to shedding actual tears just because he was so beautiful. I had no idea beauty could invoke such strong emotion?!
Yesterday, you received early admission to the top public school! You were overwhelmed with gratitude and cried many tears of joy. It was a perfect birthday present. You realized the true weight of your burdens when you finally set them down for the first time. Being hard on yourself has gotten you very far, but I don’t believe it will drag you any further.
In this next month, as you anxiously wait for the other decisions, I want you to admire life the way it is. You are so blessed with loving parents and close friends. I understand that there will be no shortage of challenges, but I hope you struggle through them for the right reasons.
Soon, this world will fall back to reveal a new one filled with even more opportunity. When you return, your room will feel so much smaller than it once was.
Everyone is stumbling through life, mistake after mistake, but sometimes we all find a gem to treasure for a moment. I want this part of your life to be imbued with good memories rather than stressful ones.
I’m so excited for you, early admissions! Congratulations! Everything else you have said here is so true, it’s just hard to remember😉 You’re way ahead, you already know it!❤️
Hi sukkie dear,
I’ve been thinking of you a lot and wonder how you’re doing during Covid. What has happened to your (other) school admissions, how did you feel about your senior year-end being cancelled? Are you doing something special for graduation?
Of course, where have you been? Have you given up kdramas? I hope not but the Beanies have slowed down quite a bit 😕
Anyway, just wanted you to know that this old lady in St Louis has been thinking of you and wishing you all the best ❤️❤️❤️
I’m so sorry it’s been an entire month and I haven’t logged onto Dramabeans to respond!! Thank you so much for thinking about me. It really means a lot that somebody I connected with through kdrama cares about my wellbeing. I’ve been watching kdrama these past few months, but not nearly as frequently. However, recently I’ve re-discovered my enthusiasm for it and I would like to say I’m dedicating myself to be back on Dramabeans!
College admissions was truly a roller-coaster. In the end I decided to attend the school I talked about in this post, and I’m becoming more and more excited about it. Senior year-end being cancelled was very sad, but I knew that my problems with Covid couldn’t even compare to what other people were facing so I didn’t focus too much on my own disappointment. Although graduation was not grandiose, I still really enjoyed it. Overall, this time has been for relaxation, gratitude, and looking forward to the future.
감사합니다 for checking in! Let’s get excited about kdrama together again!
Aieyeeee! I’m so sorry for not answering you 😯 I’ve been obsessed with the news for these four months and pretty much never stop watching and reading. I need to watch more kdrama 👍🏼
Well, I’m excited that you’re excited about starting school! I’m sorry I won’t be able to see you at WashU 😁 but you will have a great experience wherever you are.
Are you watching anything? I’m watching It’s Okay. And rewatching MLFAS in order to make myself feel better. And Hamilton, I’ll do that today!
I loveee that you’re watching MLFAS again! Maybe I shall join you in that rewatch.. What episode are you on? I am also watching It’s Okay and LOVING all the pretty and Seo Ye-ji’s voice. Other kdramas I’m watching are My Unfamiliar Family (for the makjang!) and Backstreet Rookie (hanging on for Ji Chang-wook). I watched Hamilton yesterday! It was deeply emotional, I wish I had the opportunity to see them perform live.
Hi! Boy, I really fell off the edge of the earth there🤦🏼♀️
How are you? I didn’t end up watching much of MLFAS but man, IOTNBO is blowing me away. Isn’t it great? Gosh, they’re all so good. I cry every episode and that never happens to me anymore.
I watched Hamilton on Disney for the first time as well. What a great experience! THEY were all so incredible! Being old, I was greatly helped by watching with the captions on 😄 It was quite emotional for me as well given the state and direction of our country right now. Oh, to have leaders that can form complete sentences! And that’s the least of it. One day you will see it live, I feel sure.
@bbstl I’ve been well! I decided to move to campus and I already enrolled for my first college classes. It all seems so much more real now. I dropped Backstreet Rookie, but still going strong with IOTNBO and Unfamiliar Family. I’m watching IOTNBO with my mom and she has the greatest commentary. Somehow, she catches all the nuanced details and helps me learn a lot about life. Also, I highly recommend Unfamiliar Family! You should watch it if you get a chance.
You don’t need to tag me, I get an automatic notification when you reply.
IOTNBO is kind of wrenching my heart out and I keep realizing things about myself and my childhood, so I’m not surprised that your Mom sees a lot in the show. How great to have her for your watching companion ❤️
How can you already be on campus? I thought all the colleges in the country were closed down, is that not true? Will you have online or in person classes? That’s probably starting in just a few weeks, how did it already get to be August? What a weird year *shakes head*.
Well, however weird it is it’s the new normal so try to enjoy every minute in its own weird way 😁 Not to sound all ominous, but you’ll only get this time once. And the memories of it will be vivid forever.
I don’t think I have enough life experience to truly understand the things IOTNBO is conveying. Every time I ask my mom a question about the drama, she tells me I’m too young and that I’ll learn eventually. I guess I was always rather proud of my ability watch kdramas depicting mature topics, but IOTNBO has me defeated LOL On another note, we can’t stop staring at Kim Soo-hyun. His beauty is so unconventional, it’s refreshing to see his face every time. wow
Our college gave us a choice: to move to campus or not to move? I chose to move because like you said I wanted to cherish as much of my 4 years as possible. Unfortunately, there have been changes and everything’s up in the air now because California residents can’t comprehend mask wearing and basic courtesy. I really hope I’ll still be able to start college normally (all classes are online though!!), but it doesn’t seem like that will be possible anymore. Sighhhh goodbye independence ;-;
Huh. That’s very interesting. I wonder what your mom means? Well, you can ask me anything and I’ll be part of your “growing up” 😉 although right now I’m two eps behind. Why am I glued to the news all day when I could be watching those beautiful people? Like as if the news can’t happen without me 🤦🏼♀️ Did you see the picture where someone combined half of KSH’s face with half of her (can’t think of actress’s name) face? They are sooooooo similar!
I’m very interested in hearing how your student eXperience goes, it will be unlike anyone’s I’ve ever known. I saw a YT of two guys interviewing people at Huntington Beach about why they weren’t wearing masks. I was so surprised, I never expected there to be so many boneheads in CA. Here where we are a Trump state, we expect that everywhere. Our rates are jumping up every day as well. Our Governor just said that the kids have to go back to school on time, yes they will get sick and no they won’t be in hospitals, they’ll just go home and get well when they do. Everybody just get over it. Okay! I wonder why I live here 🤷🏼
*A new off-screen character is introduced that the audience doesn’t know about*
*Extreme character reactions indicates this said character is rather important*
It is Sun-woong’s job to keep the audience up to speed, so he turns around to find the camera, straightens himself up, and launches into an explanation.
I was going to take a screencap of your pix and put it in comment. So in the future, when you changed that pix, we still know what we talked about here.
But then, I will have to upload it to the Internet somewhere before I can include it in the img tag. Too much work. lol. Thanks for tips!
Crash Landing on You expects me to believe that she landed in North Korea because she paraglided straight into a tornado and survived without any injuries?! Apparently that wasn’t enough crazy because she then proceeds to fall straight into Hyun Bin’s arms. Unbelievable 😂
I can forgive the chaebol shenanigans, but I feel like this drama is making the entire world have misconceptions about North Korea. I hope no one does anything stupid 😂
I see what you mean. Luckily almost all the people watching are SK and they should know the realities. Although our FL seems pretty uneducated about NK much of the time 🤔
I’m waiting to see where NK stands by the end of the show: folks just like us, super-baddies or just the thing that comes between our star-crossed (wind-crossed) lovers?
I really should have gone into the drama expecting that it wouldn’t be realistic. North Korea’s insane human rights violations always get me riled up, so seeing this drama portray the country so lightly kind of got on my nerves. But I’m working on watching just for enjoyment!
I saw on his concert date & locations list that he’s coming to a city that’s in the same province as me, just 3 hours away, and I was like, “WHY IS IT ALWAYS THAT CITY?? WHY CAN’T IT BE MYYYYYYY CITY FOR ONCE???” Lol
I’ve never really listened to him, though to a couple of his podcasts. He was recently a guest on Tablo’s podcast with his brother Eddie who is one of Epik High’s managers or something. Fun ep if you are a fan of either.
I just finished that episode today! Tablo’s podcast has quickly become my favorite podcast of all time. Besides him being super funny and relatable, I just love listening to his voice. I love Eddie’s voice too and Diane the producer’s hysteric laughter in the background. Eddie is both Epik High’s manager and Eric’s manager (I think it might just be for touring, but I’m not sure about the details). My favorite part of the episode with Eric was the creation of Todd 😂
Rewatching Reply 1988 with my mother is so heartwarming. The drama gives her so much nostalgia and it makes me so happy to see her remember the good memories.
Happy Halloween to all the Beanies who celebrate! I strategically placed some fake blood on my face and now I’m Lee Jong-suk fresh out of an encounter with the Truck of Doom.
My heart screams Watch My Country episode 2! I’m dying!!! but my mind screams Refrain from the temptation of a good story on screen and write a good story in your essays so you don’t regret it later. This has been going on for a full week and I’m slowly going insane. I even have the tab open, and it’s just sitting there mocking me.
One of the best things about Be Melo is the clever ways the writer blatantly includes meta references. These at the beginning of ep 15 were especially good!! And yes, I am also beyond excited for My Country to finally air.
March 7, 2021 at 4:48 PM
Me when I’m watching Sisyphus
January 13, 2021 at 6:57 PM
Woo-shik’s eye smile just made my day ^^ I’m rooting for our maknae the hardest! We need more happy go lucky guys putting themselves first in this world.
January 13, 2021 at 8:25 PM
So far, I’m highly entertained with all the characters. Well, except for the evil family members.
January 13, 2021 at 8:37 PM
Me too! Something about the way these characters converse with each other makes them very fun and engaging to watch. On the other hand, I’m not sure why Show is spending so much time on Seon-kyeom’s dad.. I skip every scene he’s in.
January 14, 2021 at 1:55 AM
Me tooo, couldn’t care less about his dad and all his selfish “love”, ugh.
That face though, how could Sun-kyum even try to take the bread away from that cutie!
January 1, 2021 at 2:59 PM
These two are the perfect amount of nerdy, clueless, and handsome. Will this be my new favorite bromance? I hope they have many, many more scenes together!!
January 1, 2021 at 3:01 PM
I love how they immediately became friends!
January 1, 2021 at 3:17 PM
Me too! When I saw them together, it immediately clicked for me that they’re meant to be 😂
January 1, 2021 at 8:51 PM
I love these two!!! I loved the “Aw, shucks, hyung! Thanks for buying my groceries, you’re super awesome! I love you, man!” moment right after this.
January 1, 2021 at 10:06 PM
I really appreciated how he didn’t treat Seon-gyeom as an unapproachable, famous person. Unlike many, he’s not intimidated by wealth, which is also exhibited in how he interacts with Dan-ah. Yeong-hwa reminds me of golden retriever puppy <3
December 21, 2020 at 11:54 PM
December 17, 2020 at 2:22 PM
Notice the drama title spelled out on cones in this scene from Run On ep 2, so clever! It continues the manhwa feel from episode 1’s excellent opening scene.
December 12, 2020 at 8:27 PM
Found these super cute kdrama plushies on Instagram! I’m thinking of buying one for Christmas and bringing it with me when I move ^^
Karmen ~ 🍜🏢🎭 ~ 📚☔🦋 ~ 🪂🌱💘 ~ ✨🍊💫 ~
December 13, 2020 at 10:25 AM
So cute!
July 30, 2020 at 9:35 PM
When Kim Soo-hyun walked into the photo studio, my mom and I were *thiiiissss* close to shedding actual tears just because he was so beautiful. I had no idea beauty could invoke such strong emotion?!
February 9, 2020 at 10:20 AM
Dear suk,
Yesterday, you received early admission to the top public school! You were overwhelmed with gratitude and cried many tears of joy. It was a perfect birthday present. You realized the true weight of your burdens when you finally set them down for the first time. Being hard on yourself has gotten you very far, but I don’t believe it will drag you any further.
In this next month, as you anxiously wait for the other decisions, I want you to admire life the way it is. You are so blessed with loving parents and close friends. I understand that there will be no shortage of challenges, but I hope you struggle through them for the right reasons.
Soon, this world will fall back to reveal a new one filled with even more opportunity. When you return, your room will feel so much smaller than it once was.
Everyone is stumbling through life, mistake after mistake, but sometimes we all find a gem to treasure for a moment. I want this part of your life to be imbued with good memories rather than stressful ones.
bbstl 🧹
February 9, 2020 at 10:38 AM
I’m so excited for you, early admissions! Congratulations! Everything else you have said here is so true, it’s just hard to remember😉 You’re way ahead, you already know it!❤️
February 9, 2020 at 10:51 AM
February 10, 2020 at 7:48 AM
bbstl 🧹
May 25, 2020 at 6:18 PM
Hi sukkie dear,
I’ve been thinking of you a lot and wonder how you’re doing during Covid. What has happened to your (other) school admissions, how did you feel about your senior year-end being cancelled? Are you doing something special for graduation?
Of course, where have you been? Have you given up kdramas? I hope not but the Beanies have slowed down quite a bit 😕
Anyway, just wanted you to know that this old lady in St Louis has been thinking of you and wishing you all the best ❤️❤️❤️
June 18, 2020 at 4:05 PM
I’m so sorry it’s been an entire month and I haven’t logged onto Dramabeans to respond!! Thank you so much for thinking about me. It really means a lot that somebody I connected with through kdrama cares about my wellbeing. I’ve been watching kdrama these past few months, but not nearly as frequently. However, recently I’ve re-discovered my enthusiasm for it and I would like to say I’m dedicating myself to be back on Dramabeans!
College admissions was truly a roller-coaster. In the end I decided to attend the school I talked about in this post, and I’m becoming more and more excited about it. Senior year-end being cancelled was very sad, but I knew that my problems with Covid couldn’t even compare to what other people were facing so I didn’t focus too much on my own disappointment. Although graduation was not grandiose, I still really enjoyed it. Overall, this time has been for relaxation, gratitude, and looking forward to the future.
감사합니다 for checking in! Let’s get excited about kdrama together again!
bbstl 🧹
July 4, 2020 at 8:26 AM
Aieyeeee! I’m so sorry for not answering you 😯 I’ve been obsessed with the news for these four months and pretty much never stop watching and reading. I need to watch more kdrama 👍🏼
Well, I’m excited that you’re excited about starting school! I’m sorry I won’t be able to see you at WashU 😁 but you will have a great experience wherever you are.
Are you watching anything? I’m watching It’s Okay. And rewatching MLFAS in order to make myself feel better. And Hamilton, I’ll do that today!
July 6, 2020 at 9:39 AM
I loveee that you’re watching MLFAS again! Maybe I shall join you in that rewatch.. What episode are you on? I am also watching It’s Okay and LOVING all the pretty and Seo Ye-ji’s voice. Other kdramas I’m watching are My Unfamiliar Family (for the makjang!) and Backstreet Rookie (hanging on for Ji Chang-wook). I watched Hamilton yesterday! It was deeply emotional, I wish I had the opportunity to see them perform live.
bbstl 🧹
July 16, 2020 at 7:53 PM
Hi! Boy, I really fell off the edge of the earth there🤦🏼♀️
How are you? I didn’t end up watching much of MLFAS but man, IOTNBO is blowing me away. Isn’t it great? Gosh, they’re all so good. I cry every episode and that never happens to me anymore.
I watched Hamilton on Disney for the first time as well. What a great experience! THEY were all so incredible! Being old, I was greatly helped by watching with the captions on 😄 It was quite emotional for me as well given the state and direction of our country right now. Oh, to have leaders that can form complete sentences! And that’s the least of it. One day you will see it live, I feel sure.
July 18, 2020 at 5:38 PM
@bbstl I’ve been well! I decided to move to campus and I already enrolled for my first college classes. It all seems so much more real now. I dropped Backstreet Rookie, but still going strong with IOTNBO and Unfamiliar Family. I’m watching IOTNBO with my mom and she has the greatest commentary. Somehow, she catches all the nuanced details and helps me learn a lot about life. Also, I highly recommend Unfamiliar Family! You should watch it if you get a chance.
July 2, 2020 at 1:32 PM
@bbstl I’ll tag you since I forgot how DB notifies users about comments on beanie posts
bbstl 🧹
July 18, 2020 at 6:32 PM
You don’t need to tag me, I get an automatic notification when you reply.
IOTNBO is kind of wrenching my heart out and I keep realizing things about myself and my childhood, so I’m not surprised that your Mom sees a lot in the show. How great to have her for your watching companion ❤️
How can you already be on campus? I thought all the colleges in the country were closed down, is that not true? Will you have online or in person classes? That’s probably starting in just a few weeks, how did it already get to be August? What a weird year *shakes head*.
Well, however weird it is it’s the new normal so try to enjoy every minute in its own weird way 😁 Not to sound all ominous, but you’ll only get this time once. And the memories of it will be vivid forever.
July 21, 2020 at 9:24 AM
I don’t think I have enough life experience to truly understand the things IOTNBO is conveying. Every time I ask my mom a question about the drama, she tells me I’m too young and that I’ll learn eventually. I guess I was always rather proud of my ability watch kdramas depicting mature topics, but IOTNBO has me defeated LOL On another note, we can’t stop staring at Kim Soo-hyun. His beauty is so unconventional, it’s refreshing to see his face every time. wow
Our college gave us a choice: to move to campus or not to move? I chose to move because like you said I wanted to cherish as much of my 4 years as possible. Unfortunately, there have been changes and everything’s up in the air now because California residents can’t comprehend mask wearing and basic courtesy. I really hope I’ll still be able to start college normally (all classes are online though!!), but it doesn’t seem like that will be possible anymore. Sighhhh goodbye independence ;-;
bbstl 🧹
July 21, 2020 at 4:34 PM
Huh. That’s very interesting. I wonder what your mom means? Well, you can ask me anything and I’ll be part of your “growing up” 😉 although right now I’m two eps behind. Why am I glued to the news all day when I could be watching those beautiful people? Like as if the news can’t happen without me 🤦🏼♀️ Did you see the picture where someone combined half of KSH’s face with half of her (can’t think of actress’s name) face? They are sooooooo similar!
I’m very interested in hearing how your student eXperience goes, it will be unlike anyone’s I’ve ever known. I saw a YT of two guys interviewing people at Huntington Beach about why they weren’t wearing masks. I was so surprised, I never expected there to be so many boneheads in CA. Here where we are a Trump state, we expect that everywhere. Our rates are jumping up every day as well. Our Governor just said that the kids have to go back to school on time, yes they will get sick and no they won’t be in hospitals, they’ll just go home and get well when they do. Everybody just get over it. Okay! I wonder why I live here 🤷🏼
January 23, 2020 at 11:37 PM
META catch #2
*A new off-screen character is introduced that the audience doesn’t know about*
*Extreme character reactions indicates this said character is rather important*
It is Sun-woong’s job to keep the audience up to speed, so he turns around to find the camera, straightens himself up, and launches into an explanation.
January 24, 2020 at 1:26 PM
love love love the way they make fun of shows, themselves, and break the fourth wall
January 21, 2020 at 10:10 PM
The best bit of unexpected meta I’ve seen in a while. I love this show so much.
January 21, 2020 at 10:31 PM
What is the title of this drama?
January 21, 2020 at 10:46 PM
Diary of a Prosecutor
January 22, 2020 at 4:25 AM
Me too! I LOL so hard. 😂😂😂
January 22, 2020 at 6:14 AM
I don’t watch the show but yes, indeed, this is Meta Gold !
thanks for sharing !
Ms. Rabbit 🐇
January 22, 2020 at 10:34 AM
Just dropping in to say I love your cover picture, Suk. Very apt for Wrongly Accused Fugitive! 😉
[I wish we can attach pix to our comments/replies].
January 22, 2020 at 12:32 PM
Thanks! I remember reading somewhere on the fanwall about how to do it. Let me try it out:
January 22, 2020 at 12:33 PM
IT WORKED! So here’s the code:
. Just type that into the text box and it will appear as an image 🙂
January 22, 2020 at 12:34 PM
Comment was deleted
January 22, 2020 at 12:35 PM
This link will help better than I can LOL https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_images.asp
Ms. Rabbit 🐇
January 22, 2020 at 12:44 PM
I was going to take a screencap of your pix and put it in comment. So in the future, when you changed that pix, we still know what we talked about here.
But then, I will have to upload it to the Internet somewhere before I can include it in the img tag. Too much work. lol. Thanks for tips!
January 22, 2020 at 3:38 PM
Oh, I see. Sadly, I don’t think there is any way to include an image directly from the computer in a comment.
January 5, 2020 at 9:24 AM
Look who I saw when I was out eating lunch today (which was delicious btw)! It was hard to keep my eyes off the screen 😂 #btimfl
January 5, 2020 at 2:25 PM
Wow you lucky
January 5, 2020 at 7:58 PM
I was thinking of tagging you 🙂 I associate this drama with mindy now hehe
January 6, 2020 at 3:01 AM
As you should
December 24, 2019 at 9:47 PM
Merry Christmas to all the beanies who celebrate! I hope everyone is enjoying wonderful times with their friends and families. Warm wishes to you all!
December 18, 2019 at 4:17 PM
Jonghyun-ah… We love you and we miss you. Your legacy lives on.
December 15, 2019 at 3:46 PM
Crash Landing on You expects me to believe that she landed in North Korea because she paraglided straight into a tornado and survived without any injuries?! Apparently that wasn’t enough crazy because she then proceeds to fall straight into Hyun Bin’s arms. Unbelievable 😂
December 15, 2019 at 4:02 PM
but what is worse is she is acting as if she is in a hotel
this series is nothing but stupid script until ep 2
December 15, 2019 at 4:17 PM
And then she manages to outrun three North Korean soldiers over a minefield? I want her luck!
December 15, 2019 at 4:19 PM
THERE IS NO WAY North Korean soldiers are THAT incompetent
bbstl 🧹
December 16, 2019 at 8:29 AM
Gurrrrl, you just gotta go with it! 😁
December 16, 2019 at 9:09 AM
I can forgive the chaebol shenanigans, but I feel like this drama is making the entire world have misconceptions about North Korea. I hope no one does anything stupid 😂
bbstl 🧹
December 16, 2019 at 5:04 PM
I see what you mean. Luckily almost all the people watching are SK and they should know the realities. Although our FL seems pretty uneducated about NK much of the time 🤔
I’m waiting to see where NK stands by the end of the show: folks just like us, super-baddies or just the thing that comes between our star-crossed (wind-crossed) lovers?
December 16, 2019 at 11:49 PM
I really should have gone into the drama expecting that it wouldn’t be realistic. North Korea’s insane human rights violations always get me riled up, so seeing this drama portray the country so lightly kind of got on my nerves. But I’m working on watching just for enjoyment!
December 6, 2019 at 8:41 AM
I don’t know if there are any Eric Nam fans here, but I’m going to his concert in February as a birthday celebration! I’m so excited ><
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
December 6, 2019 at 9:11 AM
I saw on his concert date & locations list that he’s coming to a city that’s in the same province as me, just 3 hours away, and I was like, “WHY IS IT ALWAYS THAT CITY?? WHY CAN’T IT BE MYYYYYYY CITY FOR ONCE???” Lol
December 6, 2019 at 10:22 AM
He has been teasing possible India concert this time so I am just waiting for it!
December 6, 2019 at 10:29 AM
Ooh share some pictures if you take any, would love to see them!
I’m hoping he will come to the UK
December 6, 2019 at 4:34 PM
I’ve never really listened to him, though to a couple of his podcasts. He was recently a guest on Tablo’s podcast with his brother Eddie who is one of Epik High’s managers or something. Fun ep if you are a fan of either.
December 6, 2019 at 5:35 PM
I just finished that episode today! Tablo’s podcast has quickly become my favorite podcast of all time. Besides him being super funny and relatable, I just love listening to his voice. I love Eddie’s voice too and Diane the producer’s hysteric laughter in the background. Eddie is both Epik High’s manager and Eric’s manager (I think it might just be for touring, but I’m not sure about the details). My favorite part of the episode with Eric was the creation of Todd 😂
December 4, 2019 at 6:57 PM
Taking a rejection like a true gentleman. Take notes, K-drama douchebags.
November 3, 2019 at 4:42 PM
Rewatching Reply 1988 with my mother is so heartwarming. The drama gives her so much nostalgia and it makes me so happy to see her remember the good memories.
October 31, 2019 at 9:37 AM
Happy Halloween to all the Beanies who celebrate! I strategically placed some fake blood on my face and now I’m Lee Jong-suk fresh out of an encounter with the Truck of Doom.
Lord Cobol (Kdramas, like water, flow downhill)
October 31, 2019 at 10:08 AM
And I will be putting on my tie soon so I can dress up as the kind of person who wears ties 🙂
Ms. Rabbit 🐇
October 31, 2019 at 11:00 AM
LOL. That’s what some of my coworkers are doing. They are supposed to be MIB.
mugyuljoie is preciousss
October 31, 2019 at 11:35 AM
Happy Halloween!
October 9, 2019 at 12:44 AM
My heart screams Watch My Country episode 2! I’m dying!!! but my mind screams Refrain from the temptation of a good story on screen and write a good story in your essays so you don’t regret it later. This has been going on for a full week and I’m slowly going insane. I even have the tab open, and it’s just sitting there mocking me.
October 9, 2019 at 12:45 AM
I exaggerate. It hasn’t even been a week since it aired. But why does it feel like it’s been an eternity.
bbstl 🧹
October 9, 2019 at 3:28 AM
good luck keeping your hair on!
October 9, 2019 at 9:01 AM
My hair is definitely in the danger zone
parkchuna is Scouting for Stars in Hanyang 🍉
October 9, 2019 at 7:33 AM
For the love of your hair, close the tab!
Or just watch it anyway then write your essay. What’s an hour here & there 😆
October 9, 2019 at 9:00 AM
An hour and 20 minutes somehow seems so much longer than an hour 😂 But the tab is now closed.
Ms. Rabbit 🐇
October 9, 2019 at 8:22 AM
Watch it and save your hair! Speaking of hair, we have some great hair in that drama. 😄
October 9, 2019 at 9:01 AM
That’s like half of my problem! I miss their gorgeous hair already!
September 27, 2019 at 10:07 PM
One of the best things about Be Melo is the clever ways the writer blatantly includes meta references. These at the beginning of ep 15 were especially good!! And yes, I am also beyond excited for My Country to finally air.