30 days drama challenge
ah have some catching up to do: drama with the best ending: King2hearts…i loved this couple and their..it was complete as in we know by the end no matter what life throws at them these two can handle…at the same time the drama does say that they donot have magical solution for uniting the two countries…they will still face opposition and scandals but they are gonna face it together..and thats all i needed..plus how cute was that tiny princeling…
Drama with poor ending…some one has to say it.:Cheese in trap…i need a closure for yoo jung and hong sol…that ending with a read email fell very flat…like all the BTS shit aside, would it have killed them to just give these two one scene of closure….this just sucked…
Best drama OST: okay there is no way i have just one in this place but the one that just pops in my brain when i think of drama music is the soothing music and sound tracks of A poem a Day i can listen to it on loop when i need to relax..its just that good, another one that i enjoy a lot is from Another Oh hae young…its probably coz i resonated with its characters so much…
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May 25, 2020 at 11:49 PM
30 days drama challenge
ah have some catching up to do: drama with the best ending: King2hearts…i loved this couple and their..it was complete as in we know by the end no matter what life throws at them these two can handle…at the same time the drama does say that they donot have magical solution for uniting the two countries…they will still face opposition and scandals but they are gonna face it together..and thats all i needed..plus how cute was that tiny princeling…
Drama with poor ending…some one has to say it.:Cheese in trap…i need a closure for yoo jung and hong sol…that ending with a read email fell very flat…like all the BTS shit aside, would it have killed them to just give these two one scene of closure….this just sucked…
Best drama OST: okay there is no way i have just one in this place but the one that just pops in my brain when i think of drama music is the soothing music and sound tracks of A poem a Day i can listen to it on loop when i need to relax..its just that good, another one that i enjoy a lot is from Another Oh hae young…its probably coz i resonated with its characters so much…