30daysdrama challenge
drama that made me laugh:
it would be a crime if i didnt include Hospital playlist after its current episode.
but apart from it the dramas (plural coz there just cant be one in this category) that made laugh will be:
Best Love: the puns the amazing puns…and not mention the crazy recaps at DB this one will always take the cake for its witty dialogue
Marriage not dating: lets face it this was physical comedy at its best…especially the cold open in the poop episode..(if you dont know what i mean then watch the drama) 🙂
Woohoo waikiki: i still watch some of the cuts on youtube….’Rebecca’ never gets old….hehehe
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May 21, 2020 at 11:57 PM
30daysdrama challenge
drama that made me laugh:
it would be a crime if i didnt include Hospital playlist after its current episode.
but apart from it the dramas (plural coz there just cant be one in this category) that made laugh will be:
Best Love: the puns the amazing puns…and not mention the crazy recaps at DB this one will always take the cake for its witty dialogue
Marriage not dating: lets face it this was physical comedy at its best…especially the cold open in the poop episode..(if you dont know what i mean then watch the drama) 🙂
Woohoo waikiki: i still watch some of the cuts on youtube….’Rebecca’ never gets old….hehehe