30daysdrama challenge
when it comes to dramas that makes mecry there are not many…althoug i may tear up a bit in emotional scenes but as a whole dramas that really pushed my tear duct were only these two:
marriage contract the pain and struggle of f our female lead and her staying strong for her daughter made th emoments when she breaks down so much more harder to watch…especially when she asks out ML whether he will be fine with with someone as sick as her….ahh just thinking of it made me cry
School 2013
these two boys and their broken friendship, just pushed me to its limits…but when the quiet honor sudent of the class takes that drastic step coz he cant find any other escape route….the flood gates opened…
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May 21, 2020 at 11:45 PM
30daysdrama challenge
when it comes to dramas that makes mecry there are not many…althoug i may tear up a bit in emotional scenes but as a whole dramas that really pushed my tear duct were only these two:
marriage contract the pain and struggle of f our female lead and her staying strong for her daughter made th emoments when she breaks down so much more harder to watch…especially when she asks out ML whether he will be fine with with someone as sick as her….ahh just thinking of it made me cry
School 2013
these two boys and their broken friendship, just pushed me to its limits…but when the quiet honor sudent of the class takes that drastic step coz he cant find any other escape route….the flood gates opened…