#30daysdramachallenge bad kisses
Well…. While wide eyed… Duck faced kisses of.. (Have to say her name)… Park shin hye were pretty cringe worthy but the worst ones I found to are the ones where they jus fall onto each other’s lips…. Like how in the holy hell does that happen😐😐😐 looks sideways at ‘you are beautiful’ , ‘greatest hit’ & flowerboy next door… Hmm I’m sensing something common here
yea it was bad but i loved that moment in the story…cant believe i have to say this but he could have just gone for a hug instead of kiss…it wld have been much better
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May 11, 2020 at 1:51 AM
#30daysdramachallenge bad kisses
Well…. While wide eyed… Duck faced kisses of.. (Have to say her name)… Park shin hye were pretty cringe worthy but the worst ones I found to are the ones where they jus fall onto each other’s lips…. Like how in the holy hell does that happen😐😐😐 looks sideways at ‘you are beautiful’ , ‘greatest hit’ & flowerboy next door… Hmm I’m sensing something common here
May 11, 2020 at 1:55 AM
This list can be longer!
May 11, 2020 at 6:52 AM
That one in Heartstrings as well! It’s on my phone as I considered it as my worst kiss entry but Heirs’ won. 😂
May 11, 2020 at 8:29 AM
yea it was bad but i loved that moment in the story…cant believe i have to say this but he could have just gone for a hug instead of kiss…it wld have been much better