Best kiss:While heart pounding kisses are galore in kdramas…. Some of them tend to linger in your mind more than others… The one I like most is from the kissing queen herself Yoo eun hye… And her ‘I don’t care if you are man, woman or alien kiss’ with Gong Yoo from Coffee Prince😍😍😍.. As a special mention the rooftop kiss from Healer..the snow the setting the music worked perfectly for that one and him stumbling afterward was cherry on top😆😆
If I have to consider secondary OTP there are not many in the dramas that I have seen that stand out… But it is tied for me between these two… Wee seon joo & shin se do (the couple despite breaking our FL leads heart manage to maintain their friendship and professional relationship with her smoothly till the end) in Dal ja’s spring
And the princess and the Eun bot from King 2 hearts their earnest first love story was beautifully depicted and broke my heart 💜❤
I liked those two from Dal Ja’s Spring! They were despicable at the beginning especially Se Do, but he fell in love, straightened up and fixed his life for Seon Joo. And Seon Joo, the more you know her, the more you realized she was not just that woman with a resting bitch face, but she’s layered, and she definitely worked hard to get to where she was as a famous TV host. I loved that they grew individually and together as a couple throughout the show. I love their baby!!!!!! And I love how they’re head over heels for her especially Seon Joo!
NOTP… Kill me heal me.Sorry a Psychiatrist and her patient is just ethically wrong. The drama had amazing acting from ji sung…. But the couple.. Eh I could have done without
This is the main reason I don’t want to watch this drama.
I know Ji Sung is fantastic in this one (have watched enough youtube videos to know), but I just find the premise so very wrong…
Sometimes I think that’s like the actress’s signature thing or something… It’s in moost if her dramas that I have seen… Maybe they put it in the contract… Thou shall scream your lungs out to scare/irritate the audience😂😂😂
She and I had an interesting relationship. The first few episodes I could not stand her screaming and OTT acting and questioned whether I could get through it, but I kept going for Ji Sung. After a few episodes, she began to mellow out while I simultaneously grew more used to her character. We eventually landed in an agreeable place of tolerance.
I think that’s how I went for me for most of her characters… They are always strangely screamy at first then mellow out to an acceptable level that u can tolerate…. I just don’t get why they keep making scream initially first… 🤔🤔
I dont think I ever reached comfortable tones with her. I made it to ep 8 or so and the person making me watch said if I still couldnt tolerate her to drop as she would never get better for me.
Oh! I love this couple! I thought it was a smart idea to not make her a doctor who administered treatment but more like his friend who spoke to him and understood him. She was just a student or resident or something right? Also they have great chemistry!
Yes she was a resident and not at all qualified for treating him. The only reason they hired her was because Se Gi claimed to know her and wouldn’t get violent with her.
Even as a resident he was still in her care as a patient….and she was privvy to all his personal and medical life details.. As a professional…. So no if they had introduced her a non doctor person whom his split personality took interest in something around that it would have been fine…
I guess with the epic backstory and her approach to dealing with the personalities because shes a psychiatrist, they made us overlook the ethical part, just like her professor also did. But yeah maybe they needn’t have fallen in love. I think I just loved it a lot so I’m defending it but yeah you’re right. I still feel they handled it better than other dramas.
Ok I know this will sound stupid.. Coming this late.. But how to get a higher character limit. Just 200 on my wall post is restricting for me. Is there a level you have to cross to increase the limit?
Yeah, I usually use an old post and type it in a reply box which has something like a 3000 character limit—lol, @sicarius—and paste into my posting box. Phone copy+paste works too. On a PC, just use the mouse buttons to copy+paste. I think you can actually use control+p to paste, but not control+c to copy (I think 🤔).
(Reply boxes and comments on news/recaps have 3000 character limits. I wouldn’t recommend going over 7000-9000 characters even in your copy and paste in a fan wall post: it’s doable but dB might freak on your formatting and cut the post off. )
Best OTP the otp that tugged my heart strings the most and I rooted for them to be together no matter what. Is BFFs Go nam soo and park heung soo from School 2013…🥰🥰🥰
I cried when they reconciled….
while I love a couple with good chemistry: such as aarang and her Sato or mutual respect like in Witch’s romance or even bickering one like in King 2 hearts or Hyena… But these two kids just remain at the top😅😅
Favourite male lead: Kim bong soo… No one even comes close, Smarts is sexy
Favorite female lead: this one is harder.. But I may go by recency bias and give it to jung geum ja👸
Just finished two more episodes.. And have to rant.. Are there no good cops or security..In this world?.. A civilian is allowed to meet a psycho.😩. An actress being stalked &no security guards 🤬🤬
Started watching Find me in your memory…. Can someone explain why does our girl have so many creeps in her life???☹️☹️ Is it to balance out the one good guy that\’s our hero??? 🧐🧐🧐
Hospital playlist episode 9 ..that song!!! i was clapping and dancing along with Rosa even though it was late at night…..Rosa and Jong su are Friendship goals…🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Jdrama: Nodame Cantabile (the music..nuff said), first drama ever watched: Personal taste (first taste of lee min ho..i was hooked)
im a little late to this but ill catch up fav Kdrama: Healer (rewatch many times never gets old for me), Cdrama: Untamed (the story is just beautiful and drama gves it more color
Just finished the last two episodes of I’ll find you an a beautiful day…. I have no complains..I’m happy all characters found their peace in their on ways… Loved it
Yea I think that flute which I believe both of them turned into their.. Just a hunch… Is the medium used to move between worlds… Coz otherwise I don’t see why else wld the door open only to them…
I’m up to episode 28. It really doesn’t get old. And I see things and hear things I missed the last 4 or 5 times I’ve watched it!
But I NEVER get tired of Wei Wuxian’s glorious smile. never!
After this re-watch, I think I’m going to start watching the Special Edition….. I’ve been so immersed in the Original Version, that I’ve been delaying my watch of the Special Edition haha
Wei Wu Xian’s smile….. *swooooooon*
Don’t mind me, I’ll just be in my little safe corner of “The Untamed”, swooning over that beautiful smile of his
trying not to, so i can cross off those pending-watch list but we’ll see. I’ve done a couple of Master’s Sun rewatch before though, it has just the right amount of humor and angst.
May 9, 2020 at 11:07 PM
Best kiss:While heart pounding kisses are galore in kdramas…. Some of them tend to linger in your mind more than others… The one I like most is from the kissing queen herself Yoo eun hye… And her ‘I don’t care if you are man, woman or alien kiss’ with Gong Yoo from Coffee Prince😍😍😍.. As a special mention the rooftop kiss from Healer..the snow the setting the music worked perfectly for that one and him stumbling afterward was cherry on top😆😆
May 9, 2020 at 11:02 PM
Needed to share this..
#whencardoesntstart 😂😂😂😂
May 9, 2020 at 4:43 AM
If I have to consider secondary OTP there are not many in the dramas that I have seen that stand out… But it is tied for me between these two… Wee seon joo & shin se do (the couple despite breaking our FL leads heart manage to maintain their friendship and professional relationship with her smoothly till the end) in Dal ja’s spring
And the princess and the Eun bot from King 2 hearts their earnest first love story was beautifully depicted and broke my heart 💜❤
May 9, 2020 at 4:44 AM
I was able to post more than 200 characters what magic is this🤩🤩🤩
@purplesheesh thanks!!!
May 9, 2020 at 4:50 AM
May 9, 2020 at 5:11 AM
May 9, 2020 at 6:35 AM
I liked those two from Dal Ja’s Spring! They were despicable at the beginning especially Se Do, but he fell in love, straightened up and fixed his life for Seon Joo. And Seon Joo, the more you know her, the more you realized she was not just that woman with a resting bitch face, but she’s layered, and she definitely worked hard to get to where she was as a famous TV host. I loved that they grew individually and together as a couple throughout the show. I love their baby!!!!!! And I love how they’re head over heels for her especially Seon Joo!
May 9, 2020 at 6:53 AM
I liked that they covered this in the drama where our FL realises that they are more the villionous role she had given them in her life….
May 9, 2020 at 2:48 AM
NOTP… Kill me heal me.Sorry a Psychiatrist and her patient is just ethically wrong. The drama had amazing acting from ji sung…. But the couple.. Eh I could have done without
May 9, 2020 at 3:40 AM
This is the main reason I don’t want to watch this drama.
I know Ji Sung is fantastic in this one (have watched enough youtube videos to know), but I just find the premise so very wrong…
May 9, 2020 at 3:57 AM
When I was watching the drama I was more swept away from the ost and the humor…. But on reflection I realised… Yea no that is not right… 😅😅
isa: I'm not a serial killer I'm just really passionate about things
May 9, 2020 at 4:17 AM
Ive tried so many times to watch this out of the sheer love of him but she is SO SCREAMY i cannot do it. She screams her every line
May 9, 2020 at 4:23 AM
Sometimes I think that’s like the actress’s signature thing or something… It’s in moost if her dramas that I have seen… Maybe they put it in the contract… Thou shall scream your lungs out to scare/irritate the audience😂😂😂
May 9, 2020 at 4:34 PM
She and I had an interesting relationship. The first few episodes I could not stand her screaming and OTT acting and questioned whether I could get through it, but I kept going for Ji Sung. After a few episodes, she began to mellow out while I simultaneously grew more used to her character. We eventually landed in an agreeable place of tolerance.
May 9, 2020 at 11:10 PM
I think that’s how I went for me for most of her characters… They are always strangely screamy at first then mellow out to an acceptable level that u can tolerate…. I just don’t get why they keep making scream initially first… 🤔🤔
isa: I'm not a serial killer I'm just really passionate about things
May 10, 2020 at 5:37 AM
I dont think I ever reached comfortable tones with her. I made it to ep 8 or so and the person making me watch said if I still couldnt tolerate her to drop as she would never get better for me.
Edgar Pordwed
May 9, 2020 at 5:30 AM
Oh! I love this couple! I thought it was a smart idea to not make her a doctor who administered treatment but more like his friend who spoke to him and understood him. She was just a student or resident or something right? Also they have great chemistry!
May 9, 2020 at 6:07 AM
Yes she was a resident and not at all qualified for treating him. The only reason they hired her was because Se Gi claimed to know her and wouldn’t get violent with her.
May 9, 2020 at 6:30 AM
Even as a resident he was still in her care as a patient….and she was privvy to all his personal and medical life details.. As a professional…. So no if they had introduced her a non doctor person whom his split personality took interest in something around that it would have been fine…
Edgar Pordwed
May 9, 2020 at 8:20 AM
I guess with the epic backstory and her approach to dealing with the personalities because shes a psychiatrist, they made us overlook the ethical part, just like her professor also did. But yeah maybe they needn’t have fallen in love. I think I just loved it a lot so I’m defending it but yeah you’re right. I still feel they handled it better than other dramas.
May 9, 2020 at 2:37 AM
Ok I know this will sound stupid.. Coming this late.. But how to get a higher character limit. Just 200 on my wall post is restricting for me. Is there a level you have to cross to increase the limit?
May 9, 2020 at 2:48 AM
Copying from somewhere and pasting without using shortcuts help. 😄
May 9, 2020 at 3:53 AM
Ok that sounds doable…. I’ll give it a try next time I post…. Thanks!!!! 😄😄😄
May 9, 2020 at 5:19 AM
Yeah, I usually use an old post and type it in a reply box which has something like a 3000 character limit—lol, @sicarius—and paste into my posting box. Phone copy+paste works too. On a PC, just use the mouse buttons to copy+paste. I think you can actually use control+p to paste, but not control+c to copy (I think 🤔).
May 9, 2020 at 6:25 AM
I just used notes app on my cell… It worked so yaaay.. Thanks for the advice!!
💜🍍☠ Sicarius The Queen of Melonia ☠🍍💜
May 9, 2020 at 3:28 PM
(Reply boxes and comments on news/recaps have 3000 character limits. I wouldn’t recommend going over 7000-9000 characters even in your copy and paste in a fan wall post: it’s doable but dB might freak on your formatting and cut the post off. )
May 9, 2020 at 2:13 AM
Best OTP the otp that tugged my heart strings the most and I rooted for them to be together no matter what. Is BFFs Go nam soo and park heung soo from School 2013…🥰🥰🥰
May 9, 2020 at 2:14 AM
I cried when they reconciled….
while I love a couple with good chemistry: such as aarang and her Sato or mutual respect like in Witch’s romance or even bickering one like in King 2 hearts or Hyena… But these two kids just remain at the top😅😅
May 9, 2020 at 2:15 AM
,*Go nam soon
May 9, 2020 at 2:00 AM
Favourite male lead: Kim bong soo… No one even comes close, Smarts is sexy
Favorite female lead: this one is harder.. But I may go by recency bias and give it to jung geum ja👸
May 9, 2020 at 2:02 AM
What can I say those tracksuits and guts got to me…. Weirdly the other female I like is from the same actress in Signal’s Cha soo hyeon🤩🤩
May 9, 2020 at 2:18 AM
*Kim bong do… I keep misspelling the names😖
May 8, 2020 at 5:49 AM
Just finished two more episodes.. And have to rant.. Are there no good cops or security..In this world?.. A civilian is allowed to meet a psycho.😩. An actress being stalked &no security guards 🤬🤬
May 8, 2020 at 2:09 AM
Oh also and his \’friend\’ tae un?? Sucks as a doctor and a friend… I\’m at the mom\’s funeral scene… Just feeling emotional 😞😞
May 8, 2020 at 2:07 AM
Started watching Find me in your memory…. Can someone explain why does our girl have so many creeps in her life???☹️☹️ Is it to balance out the one good guy that\’s our hero??? 🧐🧐🧐
May 8, 2020 at 1:09 AM
Hospital playlist episode 9 ..that song!!! i was clapping and dancing along with Rosa even though it was late at night…..Rosa and Jong su are Friendship goals…🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
May 8, 2020 at 12:49 AM
Jdrama: Nodame Cantabile (the music..nuff said), first drama ever watched: Personal taste (first taste of lee min ho..i was hooked)
May 8, 2020 at 7:18 AM
That’s still my favourite Lee Minho. 💙
May 8, 2020 at 12:45 AM
im a little late to this but ill catch up fav Kdrama: Healer (rewatch many times never gets old for me), Cdrama: Untamed (the story is just beautiful and drama gves it more color
May 1, 2020 at 12:15 AM
This time it was all about parents.. Old and new…. And residents who are very much human…. But the little baby made me cry😭😭 # hospital playlist
May 1, 2020 at 4:07 AM
Me too 😭😭
bbstl 🧹
May 1, 2020 at 7:13 AM
Gahhh, I cried through all of episode 8. It was great 😢
May 1, 2020 at 9:47 AM
I was sobbing so hard 😭
May 1, 2020 at 12:13 AM
Just finished Hospital playlist ep 7 😭😭😭🤧🤧
May 1, 2020 at 1:08 AM
*episode 8
April 24, 2020 at 11:50 AM
When I heard that goat sound effects… 😂😂😂😂😂😂🐑🐑🐐🐐🐐 # hospital playlist
April 23, 2020 at 3:16 AM
Just finished the last two episodes of I’ll find you an a beautiful day…. I have no complains..I’m happy all characters found their peace in their on ways… Loved it
April 23, 2020 at 3:14 AM
I didn’t know I needed this till I got this and it was wonderful.. 🥰
April 18, 2020 at 2:47 AM
The moment I saw that flute break…. I tght… Dang it’s not strong like Chenqing… WWX wld have stopped that sword😅 #untamed #king-monarch🤷♀
Edgar Pordwed
April 18, 2020 at 3:44 AM
Ikr! Uncle just allowed him to break the flute! It was quite weird!
Edgar Pordwed
April 18, 2020 at 7:22 AM
But now I’m wondering if it needed to be broken for the parallel world door to be opened.
neener ~ Inside the Magic Shop ~
April 18, 2020 at 9:33 AM
So both uncle and him can have a piece
Edgar Pordwed
April 18, 2020 at 10:21 AM
Ok thanks!
April 18, 2020 at 11:18 AM
Yea I think that flute which I believe both of them turned into their.. Just a hunch… Is the medium used to move between worlds… Coz otherwise I don’t see why else wld the door open only to them…
April 18, 2020 at 7:08 AM
Same! I was also like “Is that flute more powerful than WWX’s Chenqing?” LOL
April 18, 2020 at 11:19 AM
Obviously not it cldnt stand the sword attack from a child….
April 17, 2020 at 4:57 AM
Rewatching Master’s Sun… For some funny chills. 😉😉… Any of you guys on rewatch of your favourites??
April 17, 2020 at 5:35 AM
Yes, I rewatched WYWS
April 17, 2020 at 5:47 AM
Oh yes, the only thing that can really get my mind off things is rewatching The Untamed – with ff-ing through some scenes.
April 17, 2020 at 7:17 AM
I have reread that one… Many times…
bbstl 🧹
April 17, 2020 at 6:57 AM
I’m really thinking about it, I need some comfort from old friends these days ❤️
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
April 17, 2020 at 8:19 AM
Currently almost done my first official rewatching of “The Untamed”— on episode 46 of 50
April 17, 2020 at 12:16 PM
I’m up to episode 28. It really doesn’t get old. And I see things and hear things I missed the last 4 or 5 times I’ve watched it!
But I NEVER get tired of Wei Wuxian’s glorious smile. never!
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
April 17, 2020 at 1:12 PM
No truer words— it really DOESN’T get old ❤️
After this re-watch, I think I’m going to start watching the Special Edition….. I’ve been so immersed in the Original Version, that I’ve been delaying my watch of the Special Edition haha
Wei Wu Xian’s smile….. *swooooooon*
Don’t mind me, I’ll just be in my little safe corner of “The Untamed”, swooning over that beautiful smile of his
April 18, 2020 at 7:30 AM
I know I KNOW – his smile really is everything isn’t it? I’ve watched the one on Viki I think 4 times and the special edition once…..
parkchuna is Scouting for Stars in Hanyang 🍉
April 17, 2020 at 8:31 AM
trying not to, so i can cross off those pending-watch list but we’ll see. I’ve done a couple of Master’s Sun rewatch before though, it has just the right amount of humor and angst.
April 17, 2020 at 11:48 PM
I get what u mean.. I am currently also going through my anime to watch list…. So rewatching a familiar drama… For humor is fun…
April 17, 2020 at 11:06 AM
Yes, I’m currently rewatching Because this is my first life. I’ll rewatch CLOY after I finish that.