Today is the 6th day, as in, Day6
So let me share one of my favorite Day6 song, that I think is one of my favorite expressions of love:
When you love someone 그렇더라고요
Though this song was sung in Korean, I have repeated this too many times that I understand the first line:
오늘 많이 힘들었던 하루였죠 “Today was a hard day, isn’t it?”
It’s not a question of how your day went, how are you, or why are you sad, are you tired?
It does not demand an answer from you, nor does not ask you to explain your pain.
It acknowledges it. It acknowledges that you are having a hard time, you are weary, that you had a long day and so it does not need anything more from you. And sometimes, that is all what we need.
So this song, for me, gives a sense of comfort
Like a warm meal waiting for you at the table
A warm bed ready for you to tuck you in
A pet that happily greets you
A playlist accompanying you home
An episode you downloaded ready to be watched
A book to usher you to sleep
A cup of your favorite night time tea
The scent you sprayed to help you sleep
The arms of a loved one ready to squeeze you tight
Or just the thought of home after a long hard day
So here’s to the things that comfort us, without questions and without asking for anything in return
Love, February
I’m sharing this FMV made by PH MyDays and played during Gravity in Manila, which made Jae cry
Thanks for the lovely songs! One of these days I need to do a deep dive into Day 6. I really like the few songs of theirs that I’ve heard.
Btw, your handle is a Day 6 joke, right? It makes me smile.
February 6, 2020 at 6:45 AM
Today is the 6th day, as in, Day6
So let me share one of my favorite Day6 song, that I think is one of my favorite expressions of love:
When you love someone 그렇더라고요
Though this song was sung in Korean, I have repeated this too many times that I understand the first line:
오늘 많이 힘들었던 하루였죠
“Today was a hard day, isn’t it?”
It’s not a question of how your day went, how are you, or why are you sad, are you tired?
It does not demand an answer from you, nor does not ask you to explain your pain.
It acknowledges it. It acknowledges that you are having a hard time, you are weary, that you had a long day and so it does not need anything more from you. And sometimes, that is all what we need.
So this song, for me, gives a sense of comfort
Like a warm meal waiting for you at the table
A warm bed ready for you to tuck you in
A pet that happily greets you
A playlist accompanying you home
An episode you downloaded ready to be watched
A book to usher you to sleep
A cup of your favorite night time tea
The scent you sprayed to help you sleep
The arms of a loved one ready to squeeze you tight
Or just the thought of home after a long hard day
So here’s to the things that comfort us, without questions and without asking for anything in return
Love, February
I’m sharing this FMV made by PH MyDays and played during Gravity in Manila, which made Jae cry
February 6, 2020 at 6:46 AM
@katakwasabi @leetennant @ally-le @snarkyjellyfish @bebeswtz @msrabbit @kat23 @hebang @ndlessjoie @yuyuu @lugirl131415 @tspmasala @willow @moomoomoondog @carmen @hotcocoagirl @mindy @gadis @coffeprince4eva @suriyana-shah @kimbapnoona @justme @greenfields @wishfultoki @raonah @moana @anothernicole @khalessymd @oppafangirl @natzillagorilla @acacia @sweetiepie54 @waterhyacinth @isthatacorner @fatcat007 @maybemaknae @tsutsuloo @egads @pineapplegongzhu @rukia @eazal @babybeast @bammsie @thetinyl @sensationalfantasy @sicarius
February 6, 2020 at 6:50 AM
another favorite is Your Song by Sam Kim, Lee Jina, Jung Seung Hwan and Kwon Jina.
mugyuljoie is preciousss
February 6, 2020 at 3:45 PM
Sam Kim ❤️
mugyuljoie is preciousss
February 6, 2020 at 3:45 PM
February 6, 2020 at 5:54 PM
Sam Kim ♥️♥️ and the Antenna Angels.
Yuyuu, The Drama Queen
February 8, 2020 at 6:55 AM
One of my favourites!
When I first heard it, it made me cry and i couldn’t stop playing it probably for months
February 6, 2020 at 7:26 AM
You beat me to this!!! I’ll just will post another Day6 gem! They have many!
February 6, 2020 at 4:16 PM
Aww Ally! You can still share this song! You may have a different experience with this one, and i want to know that! 💕😍
February 6, 2020 at 8:53 AM
I love this song ☹❤
February 6, 2020 at 4:17 PM
Me too!! But why the 🙁??
February 7, 2020 at 1:57 AM
It’s my way of saying I’m touched, that emoji followed by a heart, LOL!
February 7, 2020 at 4:08 PM
Oh! Well that is new use for the frowning emoji! 😅
February 6, 2020 at 3:53 PM
Gahh i shouldve just posted a song instead of pointing out its day 6 every year.
The Manila fanproject was amazing!
February 6, 2020 at 4:19 PM
Nah, your post is simple and still full of pride! 💕 so High Five to you fellow MyDay!!
I wish I was able to attend the concert! I got teary eyed while watching this one!
February 7, 2020 at 1:30 PM
Thanks for the lovely songs! One of these days I need to do a deep dive into Day 6. I really like the few songs of theirs that I’ve heard.
Btw, your handle is a Day 6 joke, right? It makes me smile.
February 7, 2020 at 4:07 PM
You should deep dive! My fave era of them is everyday6!
And yes, its a day6 inside joke. 😂