Whoever planned to watch QUEENMAKER, don’t (I suffered it for you)!

Instead, I recommend THE WAVE MAKERS, a tw-drama. Just 8 episodes, it’s thematically similar (politics, elections, etc), but plot is different, and far more sensibly handled. It’s timed beautifully as well (unless I’m reading too much into the subtext), in that it’s very much about the idea of democracy, whether it’s about celebrating it, or recognising its underbelly.


    I dropped Queenmaker after ep 2.

    I saw Wave Makers and wanted to start. Thanks for the review.


      Queenmaker was utter rubbish. I watched it only for Moon So-ri, and she didn’t even have that great a role.

      I’m reading TWM as an insidious tw-led pro-democracy campaign. But I also thought it didn’t push the envelope far enough on many issues. Would love to hear your thoughts after you watch!


    Queenmaker felt a little makjang-ie for me after the end of ep2 so thanks for the review, will not continue unless I’m in the mood


      It was exactly that. I think it was my first truly makjang-ie drama, having successfully avoided others in the past. I watched the whole thing in utter shock and awe at how ridiculous it could be. Good decision to drop!


        I tend to drop nowadays if it’s feeling makjang-ie. Too bad though bcs I wanted to watch these two great actresses.


          I was more disappointed with the writing. It became predictable from scene one. Plus I felt the actresses did not shine in the two episodes I saw. Glad I dropped.


    Thanks for this recommendation! Just had a look – director of The World Between Us and Ying-Hsuan Hsieh as the lead!! I am in. Hsieh is an excellent actress and so versatile – I will forever remember her performance in Dear Ex.

    And probably the drama may not be as dramatic as the real politics in Taiwan, which is always fascinating to follow.


      Yess! Some of the political positions taken in TWBU are being re-iterated here, which comes as no surprise. I do wish they’d been a little more adventurous with the politics, but I guess the liberal democratic angle they took here was bold enough for a drama, otherwise it might have descended into an all-out manifesto.

      And yes! YHH is such a star! – she’s one of those actresses I’d love to befriend, because she just seems so cool.


    I’m enjoying Queenmaker as a group of great actresses showing what they can do. Also as a reflection of how dirty and corrupt politics is everywhere.
