Sadly, I didn’t find it interesting enough and stopped watching after 10 minutes. I realised that I got turned off by all those useless princes being carried on palanquins by probable slaves and being fussed over by countless women.
The drama certainly overdid the “concubines’ fates depended on their sons’ performance” thing and it ended up looking try-hard.
They could’ve shown the patriachy in more nuanced ways but I suppose the show decided to be gimmicky.
I’ll watch few more eps. By ideal palace drama standards it’s having lots of shortcomings. By the 99%-sageuks-of-the-past-few-years standard, it seems to be ok. (Which is not a praise I suppose 😂)
The concept is intriguing but it cannot seem to decide between whether to be full-on parody or to take a serious approach. The court scenes are as typical and annoying as ever, the dialogues are delivered over-emphasised (considering how Sageuk speech is very serious and pointed to begin with, this makes things quite dramatic)
My favourite thing for now is that the costumes are so orderly! Everyone are neatly dressed according to their ranks, the decreasing patterns on the danguis as ranks go lower, the gold dragon pins on Queen and phoenix on consorts, and Silver regalia on Crown Prince and Princess. That pleased my ocd so much😍
Aww thank you kiara! I feel honoured to hear that🥺
I watched ep 2 and I definitely enjoyed it more than ep 1, it felt like the drama is getting bit more comfortable in its niche. It’s still not there completely, though.
I think this would’ve worked better if the setup is of a Nobleman house, not royalty
Then all these inconsistencies that make my eyes tick would’ve been far more easily excused.
For example, this Palace ground has no guards nor servants. Everyone just run around like animals. When stuff like that happens it gets harder for me to take the drama seriously lol.
Also, do you have a Mydramalist? Do you wanna share? 😍 I’m Peonyplumblossoms there!
It’s the other way around, Peony :). Now I might watch it so we can talk.
Unfortunately, I do not have Mydramalist. If I make an account, I’ll let you know.
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October 15, 2022 at 11:58 AM
@kiara @sicarius
Under The Queen’s Umbrella
OK the intro is cute
bbstl 🧹
October 15, 2022 at 5:54 PM
Gosh, so many cute intros lately! Thanks, kdrama! 👍🏼
October 15, 2022 at 8:26 PM
Sadly, I didn’t find it interesting enough and stopped watching after 10 minutes. I realised that I got turned off by all those useless princes being carried on palanquins by probable slaves and being fussed over by countless women.
October 15, 2022 at 10:41 PM
The drama certainly overdid the “concubines’ fates depended on their sons’ performance” thing and it ended up looking try-hard.
They could’ve shown the patriachy in more nuanced ways but I suppose the show decided to be gimmicky.
October 15, 2022 at 10:56 PM
Nice! I’ll wait on your recommendation. I don’t know the writer and I wasn’t impressed with SECRET DOOR.
October 15, 2022 at 11:27 PM
I’ll watch few more eps. By ideal palace drama standards it’s having lots of shortcomings. By the 99%-sageuks-of-the-past-few-years standard, it seems to be ok. (Which is not a praise I suppose 😂)
The concept is intriguing but it cannot seem to decide between whether to be full-on parody or to take a serious approach. The court scenes are as typical and annoying as ever, the dialogues are delivered over-emphasised (considering how Sageuk speech is very serious and pointed to begin with, this makes things quite dramatic)
My favourite thing for now is that the costumes are so orderly! Everyone are neatly dressed according to their ranks, the decreasing patterns on the danguis as ranks go lower, the gold dragon pins on Queen and phoenix on consorts, and Silver regalia on Crown Prince and Princess. That pleased my ocd so much😍
October 16, 2022 at 10:40 AM
Thank you so much!
Keep tagging me even if I’m not watching. You always find exciting things to share. ❤️
October 18, 2022 at 7:21 AM
Aww thank you kiara! I feel honoured to hear that🥺
I watched ep 2 and I definitely enjoyed it more than ep 1, it felt like the drama is getting bit more comfortable in its niche. It’s still not there completely, though.
I think this would’ve worked better if the setup is of a Nobleman house, not royalty
Then all these inconsistencies that make my eyes tick would’ve been far more easily excused.
For example, this Palace ground has no guards nor servants. Everyone just run around like animals. When stuff like that happens it gets harder for me to take the drama seriously lol.
Also, do you have a Mydramalist? Do you wanna share? 😍 I’m Peonyplumblossoms there!
October 19, 2022 at 2:44 PM
It’s the other way around, Peony :). Now I might watch it so we can talk.
Unfortunately, I do not have Mydramalist. If I make an account, I’ll let you know.