Cold blows the north wind ;
Thick falls the snow .
Ye who love and regard me ,
Let us join hands and go together .
Is it a time for delay ?
The urgency is extreme !
The north wind whistles ;
The snow falls and drifts about .
Ye who love and regard me ,
Let us join hands , and go away for ever .
Is it a time for delay ?
The urgency is extreme !
Nothing red is seen but foxes ,
Nothing black but crows .
Ye who love and regard me ,
Let us join hands , and go together in our carriages .
Is it a time for delay ?
The urgency is extreme !
Mmm are you asking for original Korean version or the original-original Chinese version? In which case I don’t speak either languages and can’t find them/type.
If you are asking for “original lines” as in the English translation in the drama, well I’d say it’s more or less the same as what I copied here, few words might be different based on the subber’s choice of words. It also might change based on which subber did the episode you watched.
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December 6, 2021 at 1:53 AM
Book of Odes for anyone who would love to read, in English. If you haven’t already found it🤭
The poem Deok-im recites for San-
41. BEI FENG (North wind)
Cold blows the north wind ;
Thick falls the snow .
Ye who love and regard me ,
Let us join hands and go together .
Is it a time for delay ?
The urgency is extreme !
The north wind whistles ;
The snow falls and drifts about .
Ye who love and regard me ,
Let us join hands , and go away for ever .
Is it a time for delay ?
The urgency is extreme !
Nothing red is seen but foxes ,
Nothing black but crows .
Ye who love and regard me ,
Let us join hands , and go together in our carriages .
Is it a time for delay ?
The urgency is extreme !
January 31, 2022 at 2:06 AM
Can you share those original lines from the series which doek im is reciting to san
January 31, 2022 at 2:47 AM
Mmm are you asking for original Korean version or the original-original Chinese version? In which case I don’t speak either languages and can’t find them/type.
If you are asking for “original lines” as in the English translation in the drama, well I’d say it’s more or less the same as what I copied here, few words might be different based on the subber’s choice of words. It also might change based on which subber did the episode you watched.