My old favorite! I was mainly attracted by the main couple and the sly Queen Jung-sun. I was heartbroken when Han Ji Min’s character (Lady Sung) died. I didn’t bother watching the remaining eps after that TT.TT
I wanted to compare princess Hawawan too but Tumblr allows only 10 pics at a time huhu
Kiara wasn’t there a bts pic of Adult Deok im and Yi san with baby counterparts? Do you have a link?
I want to put that together with the one from YI SAN 🤣
He was! And me too!
But nuuu I mean I want that pic of Red Sleeve Cuff. I alr have the Yi San one.
There was a one for Red Sleeve too right? Or did I hallucinate it lol
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December 5, 2021 at 2:22 AM
@kiara Couldn’t help myself😆
(You’ll have to click the link to see both sides I think?)
December 5, 2021 at 2:49 AM
My old favorite! I was mainly attracted by the main couple and the sly Queen Jung-sun. I was heartbroken when Han Ji Min’s character (Lady Sung) died. I didn’t bother watching the remaining eps after that TT.TT
December 5, 2021 at 8:17 AM
Thank you @peony!
I kind of miss the old YI SAN.
December 5, 2021 at 8:21 AM
I wanted to compare princess Hawawan too but Tumblr allows only 10 pics at a time huhu
Kiara wasn’t there a bts pic of Adult Deok im and Yi san with baby counterparts? Do you have a link?
I want to put that together with the one from YI SAN 🤣
December 5, 2021 at 9:33 AM
Park Ji-bin was awesome! I wish to see him in a sageuk again.
December 5, 2021 at 10:30 AM
He was! And me too!
But nuuu I mean I want that pic of Red Sleeve Cuff. I alr have the Yi San one.
There was a one for Red Sleeve too right? Or did I hallucinate it lol