I want more of lee do hyun!! Any recommendations? I watched HDL, sweet home and 18 again. I have resorted to watching running man for him. He has a very short filmography. How about still 17?
He also appears in Beyond Evil. Cameo role from time to time as young version of one of the leads. I have to say, even if this is just a cameo role he is killing it.
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March 11, 2021 at 6:32 PM
I want more of lee do hyun!! Any recommendations? I watched HDL, sweet home and 18 again. I have resorted to watching running man for him. He has a very short filmography. How about still 17?
March 11, 2021 at 7:23 PM
I liked Still 17 and LDH does have a role in that, although it’s pretty secondary.
March 11, 2021 at 8:43 PM
He also appears in Beyond Evil. Cameo role from time to time as young version of one of the leads. I have to say, even if this is just a cameo role he is killing it.