So currently I’m watching Run on and rewatching My Ajusshi with my mom and both shows are making me want to rewatch Misaeng. Even my beanie level is Jang Geu rae. Maybe it’s a sign from dramaland.
Okay maybe I should persuade my mom to watch with me after we finish MA. Recently saw some clips of Misaeng and Im shi wan looks like a baby in that drama!!
Go go go! It was my first rewatch of Misaeng with minimal skips and lots of actors are making their names now. Kinda fun to see the ‘green’ versions of them.
Right!! Even a rewatch of my ajusshi is giving me a different set of feels from run on and is distracting me. Again went back to listening MA OST. Will watch Misaeng after completing run on.
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January 14, 2021 at 12:35 AM
So currently I’m watching Run on and rewatching My Ajusshi with my mom and both shows are making me want to rewatch Misaeng. Even my beanie level is Jang Geu rae. Maybe it’s a sign from dramaland.
neener ~ Inside the Magic Shop ~
January 14, 2021 at 2:46 AM
You should! I actually binged rewatched it a few days ago. It’s still as good as it is even after 6 yrs
January 14, 2021 at 2:57 AM
Okay maybe I should persuade my mom to watch with me after we finish MA. Recently saw some clips of Misaeng and Im shi wan looks like a baby in that drama!!
neener ~ Inside the Magic Shop ~
January 14, 2021 at 5:09 AM
Go go go! It was my first rewatch of Misaeng with minimal skips and lots of actors are making their names now. Kinda fun to see the ‘green’ versions of them.
January 14, 2021 at 11:54 AM
You maybe want to do that, Misaeng and My Ahjussi at the same time may break you heart in a hundred pieces.
January 14, 2021 at 9:09 PM
Right!! Even a rewatch of my ajusshi is giving me a different set of feels from run on and is distracting me. Again went back to listening MA OST. Will watch Misaeng after completing run on.