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Episode 1 & 2

@Minniegupta1Β @MidnightΒ @SeekerΒ @23new2kdramaΒ @SkieeΒ @Claire2009Β @IsagcΒ @KoalatownΒ @CeciliedkΒ @MazarinΒ @IndyfanΒ @Kas61 (please tag if I missed someone)

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Community watch episode 3 & 4

How in the world did Kang Doo manage to survive to adulthood, considering the immense challenges he faced? He not only had to give up his childhood and live with the insinuations that his dad was the cause of the accident because he sold rebars on the side (dear God, that was a gut punch) but also shoulder the responsibility of a sick mother, go into lifelong debt, be the man of the house, support a sister, all the while being dirt poor himself and face relentless trauma after trauma, compounded by vivid, persistent hallucinations of another victim, suggesting he has more than just Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

The theme of survivor’s guilt that plagues him and reinforces his belief that he doesn’t deserve happiness twists something deep in the gut every time we get a peek into his stormy eyes and blustering swagger. Who forgot to give this beautiful buy the memo that everyone, everyone deserves happiness?

From this point onwards, this show squarely becomes a Junho show. He is brilliant. JunHo’s Kang Doo has a place for everyone in his life, and he decides where he wants to keep them. He has no qualms about giving the middle finger to all who displease him but will protect those he cares for with his life. He has a moral compass that’s strictly 90 degrees, and if he could, he would go back and save the guy who has been traumatising him in his nightmares.

However, most characters, including Moon Soo, have a lot to bring to the table. I love it when she smiles, and the fact that she does have really tiny but finely sharpened claws and uses them if she must, and Joowon is perceptive. Even the clueless supervisor at the site has a character. And yes, seeing Kang Doo get totally nonplussed at being called Ajjushi was hilarious!

Overall, episodes 3 and 4 are some of the most profound episodes I have ever watched. It’s not just because of the story itself but also because of all the other things that very, very, very few shows ever cover without the immense sensitivity that this show does. Consider this:

1) We have a paraplegic who is smart, full of life, has a sense of humour, is financially independent and lives by herself . She is so routine mid-twenties that we do not even realise she needs support for mobility in the first short. Hey, I am all for that R-rated manhwa!

2) I fell in love with Kang Doo in this episode right at this part. He just not nonchalantly (in my books gallantly) carries Wanjin from her wheelchair to the taxi, but asks for permission before touching her.
Unheard of. Abso-freaking-lutely unheard of. I loved it so, so, so much!!

3) Kang Doo and the grandmother – This punk, while being rude and abrasive to the entire world and its aunts, has a light shining in his eyes when he is with the grandmother while she calls him all sorts of names; never mind, she is a loan shark. A loan shark!! In my recent viewing, I do not recall a grandmother gangsta who gives back as good as she gets. The way she shows the sister how to find a vein! Haha!
But more than that, she is gold.
“It doesn’t mean that the one who cries louder is in more pain.”
I, the forever anti-smoker, wriggled my toes with glee at the cigarette scene.

4) Cardboard villain who just might not be – the older step-bro is a slimeball. No two ways about it. But, there is something, and I cannot put my finger on it, that gives off the feeling that somewhere within all that shitty brain lies a semi-decent man who could have turned out different if he had not been saddled with the responsibility of being a jerk. It’s like someone gave him a memo that he needed to be a jerk to look successful. And he obediently followed it. Makes sense? He is a pathetic villain, but I only feel sorry for him.

5) We have a special needs character who is not used for laughs but is, again, treated with empathy and respect. The fact that he thinks Kang Do is his ‘hyung’ is adorable, but it also reflects that the mode of address does not always decide who gets to steer the wheel between two people.

5) Ultimate Healing Method: I sobbed-laughed in this scene. It was just so deep in its casualness. Ever had your child stop crying because Mama made the boo-boo go away by giving that big hug? Ah! The simplicity of a simple, healing touch. It reminded me of Harry Harlow’s inanimate wire vs cloth mother experiment, where baby monkeys chose wooden cloth mothers over wire mothers, even at the expense of forgoing food. Touch is powerful. (He traumatised hundreds of baby monkeys in the process, but that’s a subject for another day).

6) Power of predictability: Wow! That spoke to me. Life sucks, but you always have a friend who sticks to you; Hard work gets rewarded; Bad guys are pounded and grounded. (And we end a romance with a HEA kiss…)
Yes. That is nice. And JBL, I truly hope you are going there.

A troubling question: All of that fun stuff on the roof, what happens when it rains?

The rooftop is gorgeous.

Look at King JunHo. No wonder he got picked for Red Sleeve.


    Need to go to bed but will be back tomorrow. So excited for this!!💜


    Thank you Minnie for such a beautifully written and empathetic post. This drama really talks to the soul – much like your writing.

    For a football player Kang-doo’s leg injury would be a constant and painful reminder of his trauma which never let’s him move on mentally or physically.

    While we have a non-functional fridge, the sofa is a bit too well polished for a piece of furniture exposed to the elements. And won’t they just go to a more *ahem* intimate setting i.e. the small room when it rains.


    This is one of my all time favorite K-dramas. I wish I had time right now to rewatch with you. Enjoy.


      Please stop by when you have time to share with us your thoughts about the show 🫶


    Thank you, Minnie ❤️ I’ll finish these two episodes today and will come back to this tonight.

    @indyfan I’m sad that you’ve decided to leave DB behind. Wherever you are, I wish you well. We’ll keep tagging you in these posts, because Junho and we will miss you.


    What I like about this show is that all characters are given great presence and they’re just not here to support the leads but have their own life. The disability was shown wonderfully, she was not shown as a character of pity but as a character whom we admire and just as part of the society as every other person. Same goes for special need character although he lives with his mothers support, they show what he meant to Kang Doo and the support he gives to him. Villians are not just Villians they have their own reasons. But the main focus in Kang Doo and junho does it so well. OTP interactions are very few but I like them.


      Great comment, especially about the 2 roles with disability. I liked how he ASKED if he could pick her up. Was he sensitive to that because he is just that sweet kind of guy or because of his relationship with Sang-Man. I love the way he treats this young man like a contemporary. K-dramas have such a special way of showing people with Autism. I really appreciate what I learn about these friends on these shows. Lee Gang-Doo is, of course, the perfect friend for him. And Sang-Man’s total honesty helps drive the story along.


        Gangdoo also had to use the crutch for a while after the accident before halmeoni lent him the money for his surgery so he partly felt the disability first-hand.


        Yes this the best part of the show.


      What I like about this show is that all characters are given great presence and they’re just not here to support the leads but have their own life.

      💯 exactly that!! The primary sign of a well written piece of literature is that it does *not* just revolve around the leads. Yes we are with them on their journey and tag along with their highs and lows but we also interact with the persons who they come in contact with. If we can identify with these characters it is a well-written piece.


    Thank you, Minnie! Great review! I love that this drama is full of details. It’s extremely well written.
    In fact, I loved more the details or punctual scenes than the overall show.

    As I said last week, this is the best Junho I have ever seen and still my favorite.


    Comment was deleted


    For those who are interested, here’s to finding your Korean boyfriend according to your birth month, which means we may have to share with each other ☺️

    Source: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5afMIUpoNC/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

    For those of you who are not on instagram:


    Everyone needs someone like Kang Du by their side. And Mama too…


    I just finished a binge rewatch of JBL. Happy to discover the group watch discussion on DB. Please tag me. Thank you.

    Just Between Lovers, eps 3&4 CW

    WARNING: I’m going all out because you all encouraged me to!! Apologies in advance to all the fans and dears CW chingus.

    Reason no. 567853 I dislike JBL. Making up random, mostly dumb reasons to make MS look like a victim.

    Exhibition no.1: The petty coworker who is suddenly jealous with zero reason. Being angry that MS doesn’t wear makeup or fancy clothes?? At least be angry that she is the CEO’s babe from day one with zero reason! And then pretending that MS falling in the well is her fault for not telling her about the fallen sign. One: it was the construction site’s fault for letting it fall on the ground. Two: it was MS’s fault for being incredibly careless.

    Exhibition no. 2: She burns her hand because her coworker tells her to grill the meat.

    Reason no. 796885 I dislike JBL. I have a too practical mind, and I tend to notice impractical, improbable, illogical points in dramas too hardly. Sometimes the drama isn’t asking you to take it literally so I don’t mind. But a show like JBL which is pretending to be very real, but uses such tricks to make one care falls completely flat.

    Exhibition no. 1: How did she fall into the well head first from a sitting position while leaving all the things she was holding in her hands safe and dry at the top, and herself remained completely dry from arms up?? This scene is so silly that it takes me out every time. I guess we couldn’t let the precious Iphone and maps and gears get wet. Didn’tanyone imagine, let alone try out, how such a fall would turn out?

    Exhibition no. 2: There is absolutely no one who knows their job or how to build a building except for her. No one. Now she is in all the management meetings too. If the show wasn’t pretending so hard that it’s not makjang, she would have been the boss’s mistress by now.

    Reason no. 235784 I dislike JBL. That rooftop. Yeah, I’m probably the only person in the whole universe who rolls her eyes every time that ropftop is shown. It’s extremely fake, and staged. There is nothing remotely affecting, poignant, or emotional in it for me. It leaves me cold, as does 95 percent of this show. Actually everything about the show, from the company, to the workers, the bar, the streets, the restaurants, the clothes, everything feels fake and staged.

    The other 5 percent that is keeping me still: Kang Hanna and Junho’s electric scenes. Junho’s gruff but sweet landlady. The cinematography.


      Important note: I had recently been searching for something and came upon many articles about the extreme censoreship and blacklisting in Korean media between 2014 to 2016, with the governmant trying to keep the people and the artists silent after the Sewol Ferry disaster. So from a cultural and historical point of view, I know now that JBL had a phenomenal impact for the Korean audience and especially for all the actors and crew involved in its making. So I’m watching with a lot more appreciation for the intention behind making the show this time. But it’s not making me like any of the characterizations and the storytelling.

      I seriously wholeheartedly hope I haven’t offended anyone🙈
      Now I’m dreading next week that is my own turn to host!🙈


        I laughed, and am still laughing. Because the reasons you gave are so genuine, and so funny that while it does not change what I saw, it gives me a new appreciation of my own ability to ignore the glitches that stand out like a sore thumb.

        I was wondering who would be the first to point out that fall that looked fake from get go. A modelling architect on a construction site (never happens) who takes a fall bottom down had me raise my brows to the sky. I mean, hello. I even had a feeling that the entire architecture mumbo jumbo was off tangent, but I could be wrong.

        The co-worker rubbed me the wrong way too.


        Midnight, here’s tag list for next week

        Minniegupta1 Midnight Seeker 23new2kdrama Skiee Claire2009 Isagc Koalatown Ceciliedk Mazarin Indyfan Kas61 Snowflower


        You make very valid points Midnight. Please do cintinue to share your thoughts. We would only be offended if you didn’t. 😅
        Also this drama was supposed to be your choice. 😉😊😂❤


        Well we have been better movies come out from State imposed censorship, heck the entire C-Entertainmemt industry is better called “censored” than the name of the country. But then to be fair they have more practice walking the thin line to avoid censorship I guess.


        Still I would say it is commendable to take up this subject and we don’t really know how much was censored. Obviously couldn’t be much characterization 🙄 but still.


      @seeker @claire2009 tagging you 2 because I took your encouragement to be frank to heart!


        I love your frankness, Midnight!! So just go all out, never hold back, I’d always like to read your thoughts.

        My mind is pretty logical in real life situations, but when watching dramas, I guess I’m like Minnie, having the ability to overlook those details when my focus is on other things.


          It’s a good thing, makes one able to enjoy dramas to the fullest!

          I can overlook many things when the drama isn’t too serious. But when the show wants me to feel real feelings I tend to become a bit too hard to please unfortunately.

          Nobody Knows is a great example. The attention to detail is so exact in some scenes that it is mind boggling how much work and thought must have gone into it. I feel deep respect for everyone on that set, no matter the occupation.


          Also, you are very kind, thank you😊🫰


          I second Claire, please please never hold back. At least in the CWs. 😅


      I noticed the scene Moonsoo fell into the well too and questioned the same thing. I guess the FL in Kdramas is not allowed to look unpretty with a wet top and hair, same logic with always waking up so pretty even one passed out drunk the previous night πŸ™‚


      Not related to JBL, but there’s one thing I always have trouble with when encountering it when watching dramas. Since this is a small group, I’ll say it here because I really want to know what you guys think. It’s when a couple, err, doing the deed without washing up first 🫣 I know not all details need to be shown on screen, I can use a little imagination. But you know, there are certain situations where imagination couldn’t suggest otherwise.


      YAY!!! ALL OUT Midnight!
      I also tend to be a very practical thinker and unless it is a fantasy where anything can and will happen, I tend to find the annoying points of unrealistic life in these kind of slice of life shows. I think the slow pace doesn’t help because it gives you time to focus on them more. Part of the reason with this show that I decided to only watch 2 episodes at a time. Then I don’t focus so much on what bugs me and carry it through. I’ll forget by next week.
      I hope I can come to you when I am feeling the need to be very honest. Poor Claire tends to get all my rants before I delete them.


        You’re more than welcome to rant with me anytime ☺️ I’m also sticking to watching 2 episodes per week with JBL.


        You are very welcome to rant any time! 😁


      I do like JBL, and the inconsistencies don’t make me dislike it, but I agree they are real.
      Adding to your list:

      There is no way he pulled her out of the hole the way the drama shows it- she was too far down, and he would have been pulled down by her weight. The physics is all wrong.
      His limp comes and goes according to what the drama needs. (not according to the weather, or his state of stress or exhaustion or health – all real reasons why people have intermittant disabilities)

      I don’t mind the rooftop. I think Seoul has seasons, I know people at similar latitudes who put the outside furniture and cushions etc out for the summer, and bring them in for the winter. I think they mostly have rain in Spring? I live in a ‘four seasons in one day’ town, so it would never work here, but it works in other parts of the world


      Wow…Hahaha…😝😝.. I understand you and the reasons you listed are valid.. I had the same thoughts. I’m the type of person who doesn’t mind technicalities and other dumb stuff kdramas does if the I like the story and characters. I’m an easy watcher😉.. The only thing that annoys me is if the leads characters annoy me. And you know with some dramas you click with some you don’t , it’s just that simple. So no need to worry and be sorry about it.😇


      Midnight I always appreciate your perspective. Thank you for sharing your views.

      I never realized that indeed the show is making up random reasons to victimize Moon-soo. Not a sound narrative technique and sure-shot way to alienate sympathizers.

      I’m sorry but your logical deconstruction of Moon-soo’s fall made me laugh. Heck even Jack broke his crown when he fell. Here not only did Moon-soo fall in a most un-gravitational way she didn’t even need vinegar and brown to mend her head. 🤭😂

      I actually applauded when Yoo Taek called out Moon-soo’s presence in meetings and told that there are all experts here. 😅


    The actor playing Jung Yootaek (Tae Inho) always gave a nuanced portrayal of the characters he played, thanks to that, in these episodes, I too had a feeling about him like you described, Minnie.

    Junho’s Kangdoo is THE comfort character for many beanies, and you’ve listed down all the reasons so beautifully in this post.

    I really enjoyed Kangdoo’s mannerism in this show, the way he throws the helmet on the ground, opens a bottle,… it feels real and very consistent, and it gives an impression that although he couldn’t care less about those extra details, the caringness and the gentleness are ingrained in his fibers, and there’s a muted elegance to his actions.


    When it rains, I guess Sang Man’s mom would go up and take the cushions and books inside, like we do with clothes πŸ™‚


    I always wonder why Junho has never sung an OST? Ji Changwook, Park Hyungsik, Park Seojoon, Ahn Bohyun all did, and they are not even professional singers like Junho. Talking about OSTs, this show’s OSTs and background musis is exceptional. The melodies really tugged at my heartstrings.

    Personally, I found the flashbacks especially hard to watch. At some scenes, I did think if I could bail out of this CW. But of course, I can’t leave Junho like that 😅 ☺️

    I saw a BTS video of this scene when he was pulling Moonsoo out of the pit, there were angles where he was pulling nothing. Excellent acting.


      the way he throws the helmet on the ground, opens a bottle,… it feels real and very consistent

      I noticed and loved that too. Very natural.


      Dramawiki says that he sang the song What Do You Need To Say for JBL’s ost.

      He also has a few other ost song too.


        Oh, so that’s him, thank you for the information ❤️ The first time I watched JBL, I hadn’t listened to Junho’s singing so I had no idea. And I had no memory of JBL’s OSTs after the first time, until this watch.


          I’m extremely dumb in anything related to music 🙈 but I have been meaning to ask something for such a long time. Hope my question isn’t too dumb🙈

          Is it normal for singers’ singing voices to be so different from their speaking voices?

          Talking only about 2PM, Jun-k’s and Wooyoung’s speaking voices are sooo similar to their singing voices. But no matter how many times I watch Junho’s dramas, (and his variety shows, and songs) knowing all his dialogues by heart, I still can’t recognize his singing voice without context. I can pick him out in 2PM songs because I now know all the 6’s voices and I’m only distinguishing his voice from 5 other that I mostly know. But I can never recognize his singing voice where I don’t expect to hear it, or just randomly in an ost, even if it’s his drama.

          This has always fascinated me as a very music-illiterate person, and I don’t know how normal it is.


            How interesting! I picked his OST right away. I have only heard a couple of 2PM’s song but I can’t distinguish any of them. JunHo’s voice lightens when he sings, hitting higher tenor notes, much like PHS, who often sings in high octaves and rarely dips into bass. JunHo has a much deeper tone than his singing voice, and my guess is he can hot it pretty low if he wants. I wonder if he ever sang opera like PHS.


            @minniegupta1 OH! I was going to mention that PHS’s singing voice surprised me a lot too! But decided to keep my comment about 2PM because I know them better than him!


            PHS has an ethereal singing voice that’s more suited to classical than k-pop. His enunciation on notes is excellent. When he sings bass his sounds very deep (for example Two Lights Remulino – a gorgeous OST that gives goosebumps). JunHo seems to have similar grasp and range but I have not heard him enough to discern his strengths.


            I think his singing voice is very high compared to his speaking voice.


            I think it’s normal for a person to have a singing voice different from their normal speaking voice. I think it happens with my voice too. I’m no singer, but I love to sing alone, and sometimes I recorded it, my singing voice is nothing like my speaking voice. And talking about speaking voice, during the pandemic, I had to do a lot of online teaching, and our lectures were recorded. I’d never really known how my speaking voice sounded to others’ ears, no idea at all, so one time I listened to my recorded lectures, and OMG, it sounded awful. Since then I have practised my pacing and enuciation by slowing down and also by singing. I guess I could blame a guy who had a crush on me during college. He once told me I had a nice voice and he liked to listen to it, which gave me an illusional idea all these years 🤣

            About Junho’s voice, I think on a good day, I can recognise his singing voice 😂 I haven’t tried that so I really don’t know if I could. I think idols often have to sing higher notes than their normal speaking voice.


            Whatever song thrown into Junho’s hands, I always rest assured it’s in good hands.


            @claire2009 😆😆 You are so funny!


            I thought singing voice is almost 99% of the time different from speaking voice. Ordinarily I am able to recognize singers in English songs but sometimes I get confused with Korean artists.


            @claire2009 I refuse to believe that you sound anything even remotely not nice in your recorded lectures. Usually they say one never likes one’s own voice. A good idea to practice voice modulation and clarity in speaking is to record ourselves and hear.


            @seeker It was true, I spoke too fast and I’m sure the students couldn’t understand me clearly. Perhaps it’s not that my natural voice is not nice, but the pacing, the enunciation, and sometimes the tone was not that good. As I’m more aware of it now, I think I’m getting better.


            @claire2009 That is good to hear. 😊 It is natural that we tend to speak faster when talking about a subject we are confident about. Really sweet of you to think about your students first and trying to improve their experience. ❤


            @claire2009 Do you speak in a language while teaching that’s not native to you? If so, accent can also make it hard.

            My older son has a voice that’s made for stage. He has the perfect pitch and has a beautiful voice. However, as a child when he spoke one to one, it was very hard to follow him because his pitch dipped to a point where his words became indistinguishable. When we used to tell him earlier, he would take his time to enunciate better but it was still hard for us to understand him (he is the geek of our family, and loves to talk). I think it was more so because our ears were used to Indian/British English vs American. However, after he went to college, it suddenly became better. Now we have no trouble understanding him (too bad he does not have as much to talk about any more, sigh!)


            @Minniegupta1 I taught in both my native language and English, and they were equally bad 😂 When I listened to my voice, I realised that it didn’t have a degree of sweetness, gentleness and calmness that I love to hear in others’, to the point I was almost shocked in disappointment 😅 One reason is that I am often nervous when I have to speak in front of many people, that’s why I sometimes speak faster than I am aware of and want to.


            @Seeker Thank you ☺️ Usually they say one never likes one’s own voice I heard of this too, but because I never got to hear something along the line of one often finds others’ voices nice (which is what I got to experience), I wasn’t sure if it’s that I suffered said syndrome, or that my voice was actually not that nice 🤣



            I taught in both my native language and English, and they were equally bad 😂 When I listened to my voice, I realised that it didn’t have a degree of sweetness, gentleness and calmness that I love to hear in others’, to the point I was almost shocked in disappointment 😅



            You are kidding me.

            Claire I wish you could have my (and other beanies) lens when you read your own posts. Your words flow over like soothing a fresh spring water over scorching rocks downhill, sweet, refreshing, and filled with promise for the parched throats. ❤️❤️❤️ And I can bet my life you are not very different when you speak.

            However, honestly I hear you when you say you don’t like your own voice. I agree with Cera about that. I think it’s because when we speak, our voice comes back differently to us than those who listen to us.

            In ancient times, I did a few celebrity interviews on Podcast (Indian celebrities). I got tons of compliments, but I. Hated. My. Voice.

            Once a realtor who I spoke to long distance before we met in person told me she was shocked I was so tiny, because listening to me she thought I would be a tall, large person 🤣


            Since Minnie has kindly allowed us to mooch off her 😉 and obviously I can’t express it any better. So here goes.

            Claire – Your words flow over like soothing a fresh spring water over scorching rocks downhill, sweet, refreshing, and filled with promise for the parched throats.Β Β And I can bet my life you are not very different when you speak.



            soothing a fresh spring

            I do not know that ‘a’. I refuse to associate with it. 😱

            soothing fresh a spring water…..

            There, better. You are most welcome Cera 🥰


            And same applies to you too Minnie. Exact same thing you said to Claire. ❤🥰 🫶

            Both your comments are so soulful and touching I’m shook to the core. There is no way your teaching could be any less impactful. A well modulated voice is indeed very attractive but it can be practiced and learned as can enunciation and pacing. But that is just style, the *content* of your views is si powerful that I’m sure people will try extra hard to listen and learn from both of you.

            Minnie that is such a relatable story about your son. Kids often have so much to say and often we nod along half guessing half assuming that this is what was said but when they grow up and have to interact with more people somehow magically they become more clear both in thought and speech. 😂


            ^^ @claire2009 forgot to tag you. 😅👍😊


            LOL Cera @seeker, so true about kids. Though my younger one is exact opposite. His speech and diction used to be flawless, but he used most of it for saying – “No one listens to me, ever!” 😂


            That is a common complaint of *all* kids which they can not only say flawlessly but also with perfect timing.


            @Minniegupta1 @Seeker I don’t know what to say except “thank you” for your high praise 🥰 It definitely has made my Monday morning ❤️❤️❤️ And Minnie, do you know what you said about PHS’s voice in OBY (deeper than usual), which might have been a random comment, had a great impact on me? If I’m not mistaken, you mentioned it around the time it was airing or in a drama chat around that time, and it made me think voice can be modulated to get the desired outcome.
            And by the way you described how others felt about your voice, I guess you have a resonant voice!? I’m not sure if you like singing, but a resonant voice does not only sound good in speech but in singing too. And not all professional singers are bestowed with a resonant voice.


          I need to thank Cera too ❤️❤️❤️ @seeker, you are a heart 🤗

          Claire, I must have said a thousand different things about PHS, my fangirling never ends 😂😂😂 So while I don’t remember this particular comment, what I do remember at the time of watching OBY was how blown away I was by his deep, sonorous voice (His “Meomcheoda’ has a permanent spot in my heart). More so because of all things, his voice wasn’t the one that caught my attention when I watched him earlier (I had no clue he could sing, let alone he was an idol). I didn’t even like him in the beginning of Hwarang (I have a thing against stalkers and I wasn’t impressed by his waist grabs of Go Ara’s character, and that forced kiss – awful. I even forwarded his scenes when he was modelling for the Hwarang costumes earlier in the drama during my first watch. I know. My ajusshi moment wasn’t the first with him, ugh! LOL!), so was definitely not paying attention to his voice.

          But yes, voices can be modulated. There are singers who can mimic other singers who sound completely different from them down to the T.

          I have no idea if my voice has resonance. I did sing once upon a time, but it’s been a very long time I have belted a tune (unless you count singing along a track totally out of tune 😂).


        The song is also confusingly called Truelove in some places.



      I also always look at the OST to see if an actor had sung.


      If anyone is interested in the young man who plays young Kangdoo



    This show is one of the rare cases when I had trouble following the dialogues, there are so many lines in each conversation, and they are all meaningful, there’s almost no filler dialogues.


    Welcome To The Treasure Chest

    As I went to watch this weeks episodes- I am only watching 2 a week right now with the comments- I had a heart attack because I couldn’t find Just Between Lovers ANYWHERE!!! Did they pull it off my service??? Then somehow I remembered on Netflix is called Rain or Shine!! WHY???

    After watching these next 2 episodes I am ready to treasure Lee JunHo. I’m very impressed by this scruffy looking young man who is doing a great job at standing up for his rights, getting along with others, and working hard. I love the way he is kind to those who have shown kindness to him and will protect them at all costs. All I have heard about with this drama is JunHo so I was expecting to love him. Glad it happened as soon as it did. My favorite quote of his this week is
    “What if—Is a never ending circle.” He knows this because he has lived it.
    I wish I could feel as in love with Won Jin-ah. She seems so young and immature. Maybe that’s the point. And her eyes are so abnormally big and sad looking. Maybe that is on purpose also. She does look better when she smiles. I hope JunHo doesn’t overshadow her the whole show.

    So glad I am having this chance to watch with you all. I will now read the overview by Minnie and all of your comments.

    (If you need reference for the Treasure Chest-
    Instead of calling an actor my favorite, I came up with my Treasure and they all live in my Treasure Chest. I can’t find where we talked about it but I am sure Claire can.)
