Are you watching WWW? Don’t you want to hack? 😈


      I haven’t started it yet! Huhu it’s ironic that after being an IT Bean, I got even less time to watch shows and write code and hang out in comments section :’(


        That stinks! But you are the one who keeps us going, so we’re very grateful.

        I hope you’ll have time for WWW especially since it’s all about IT.


    Wow, you code? May I know what part of the development world are you in? I just started my first development job 4 months ago and am having a slightly hard time :/ . It’s really great to see a kdrama fan who’s a developer 😛


      Helloooooo~ yes, I do webdev. *waves back*

      How is coding life treating you?


        Well, coding life is making me suffer from some major imposter syndrome 😛 . You’ve been coding since how long? How did you get into coding? And how did you manage to survive 😛


          *hugs* I got into coding as a hobby, so I always struggle with imposter syndrome since I worked with CS majors and I can never have that. And tbh, programming usually has a lot of uhm… “genius” types in the workplace that could easily make you feel even more inadequate. :'(

          I coded for 12 years. (15 if we count the unpaid, hobby part.) Hehe

          Having a bit of self-doubt isn’t bad. <3 If you think you're "not yet there", then you'll always give yourself room for growth. And if you're feeling too down about yourself right now, take a look at your older code! I always tell myself "As long as I can laugh and spot improvements in my old code, that means I've learned things since then. I just didn't notice it." This works for other things too like writing, taking care of dogs, relationships, cooking… 😀

          This last point is a bit contentious because I fully acknowledge that it comes with privilege. Not everyone has the free time to do this. But if you can, work on really quick, even throwaway projects for fun. I love the Kdrama fandom because they will enjoy stuff like this that would get lots of bashing on the technical side (free plug) http://kdramalaws.com/manahole/ But fellow fans remind me that coding is really about making things that people find useful (laughing is important too). Because too often, at work, we don't get to see the impact of our code on actual people and that drains my mental battery a lot. :') If you're the same kind of person, try to carve out space for yourself to have fun. Or if you're sick of code, just step away for a while and do something that makes you happy. :)))

          Wow this is so long hihihi hang in there! I'm sure you're doing great, even if you don't notice it! ♥


            Wowww 15 whole years!!! Daebakk!!! Thank you so much for those kind and wise words!!! I think I need to get my hands dirty with fun throwaway projects!! The manhole one is so cool XD. You’ve honestly given me hope and more hope!! Thank you so so so much Mary!!!!! I’ll now sleep with a smile on my face all because of you!!!! ;D
