👍🏾 Great idea to post it here too. I am looking forward to reading through when I am next on my desk top. I rarely go on there for K drama things but the recent spreadsheets and bingo cards has made me start to use it more for this part of my life❤️
I have finally gone on to my desk top, and read through the comprehensive notes which really help someone like me who has a very basic working knowledge of Excel. Thanks again for taking the time to create this. It is a great cross referencing tool to look at a drama to decide if it is worth adding to the ever growing watchlist.
Some dramas that I have enjoyed are low on the list because they were not good enough to put in the top ten but are definitely in the top 25 or 50. My top 50 would have loads on the same number in terms of enjoyment so it would look like a pyramid rather than a ladder. I think the You can only pick one posts gives some great feedback on a range of dramas in each genre by focusing on one actors portfolio so they can be used alongside this table to find good dramas in our chosen genres or by our favourite actors.
So, I’m looking at the genres and there are 51 genres. We need to reduce the list. How/where can we discuss this ?
What surprises me it that there is only one drama whose genre contains healing. (Call it love)
I’m so sorry, I’m somehow only now seeing this! I fully agree that we need to reduce the genre list, particularly because I find some of the “genres” (e.g., “idol”) incredibly unhelpful. I would love to make a project of this — particularly if we could conscript some other Beanies to help us. Is that still something you’d be interested in? If so, we could do probably do it in time for the 2024 Top 10 Poll (which, based on the current pattern should come out sometime in May). I have started a new job since last year that is keeping me much busier than I was when I created this, but we’ve still got time!
As for “Call it Love” being the only healing drama… I think that’s because of me. For the vast majority of the dramas, I looked up their genres listed on MyDramaList/Viki/Dramabeans/Wiki and then compiled the genres that felt representative. I think I was adding that one and just stubbornly included “Healing” because it felt so quintessential to the drama itself. I think I removed it during my last attempt to clean up the genres, but it did feel like a bit of a loss.
Over the last several months, I’ve slowly created a new spreadsheet for me to use for my own drama watching purposes, and I’ve been trying to play around with a genre system that I like. Currently, I’m using a check-box system to track lots of aspects of genre: traditional genre (like romance, comedy, action, etc.), environment (law, school, medical, war, etc.), and focuses (e.g., youth, family, friendship, neurodivergence, etc.). I also track a bunch of non-genre tropes that we certainly wouldn’t include, but those tags could be a place to start if we wanted? The spreadsheet is not super non-me user friendly right now, but you’re welcome to take a look and see if it gives you any thoughts.
I’m motivated to work on classification with you, though I do not have much time.
Maybe we should make a call for other data-tracking oriented beanies ?
Definitely do a call on the Open thread as more beanies will see it than on a fan wall. I only noticed the updates here because someone liked my comment above nearly a year later I don’t even know how they found this post.
Yes! Your spreadsheet is actually what inspired me to start my own — before that, I was just tracking it on a simple document. Mine is still incredibly incomplete — I was hoping to create sheets to pull the data and compile a list of my most watches actors etc., but I haven’t gotten around to it yet. I’ve had it in the back of my mind, though, that I need to re-reference yours for ideas about how to do that — using Filter, if I remember correctly. 🙂
I fully understand the problem of lots of motivation and very little time. I love the idea of recruiting on the open thread! Before we do that, though, it might be helpful to think through what this process would look like. What would we be asking other Beanies to do? It might be easier to figure out some details via email (or whatever easy communication platform you’re comfortable with!) before we ask for others’ help — unless we would need others’ help to figure out what the task is? @Healer‘s and I were recently talking about some data compiling, which is how I originally found this missed comment. Healer’s, are you interested in being a part of this endeavor? (In short, the goal would be to clean up the genres list on the Top 10 spreadsheet so they are more usable in data analysis.)
@kmromrell sorry, I saw your comment just now, because you actually tagged someone else whose username is the same as my display handle. My tag name is claire2009.
Yes, count me in. Sometimes my reply may be delayed due to real-life responsibilities, but I’m committed to finishing what is started.
This spreadsheet is superb. I never thought to note when I started to watch a drama just the year that I watched it. Where you have watches is that a record of rewatches or amount you watched before dropping?
🫘Beansprout🌱 awarded for generous sharing of your talents and for thinking of a way to benefit the beanies re the 2024 top ten.
I had to do an absurd amount of history tracking in order to find a lot of my start dates.😅 Luckily, I always added a drama with a brief review to a Google doc when I finished, so I had a decent list of those dates. The rest were compiled with reference to my Netflix history, browser history (thank goodness I search the cast so often when starting a new drama!), texts with friends, calendar events, memories of surrounding activities… It was an endeavor, and a few of the dates are more approximate than I would have liked. Now, though, I love to look back and see what I was watching at specific times! (And thank you for the Beansprout!)
Oops, and just realized I missed your questions when replying before. Yes, “Watches” is both rewatches and dropped watches — ish. It isn’t really accurate to dropped watches, but I have the data count a dropped watch as “.5” of a watch (since I only consider it dropped if I make it a significant portion of the way through the drama). I add comments to the “Status” column to tell myself exactly which episode I dropped on, but I don’t think other viewers can see comments when shared in view-only mode.
Can’t get this to reply to your response below but I am excited to see the end result. I am sorry I can’t help because I am am rubbish in this area but I would say a core group chatting offline via email/Whatsapp makes the most sense. It was the best way for the beanies from across the globe to communicate across time zones with our other commitments re the Watch and Discuss Korean Drama club. We have made it work for a year now.
It just turn out that I’ll be travelling for work in the next days and won’t even have time to watch anything, but I’ll come back to you Sunday.
I’m okay with whatsapp or email or comments in a google.sheet
No worries! I started this chat and then promptly worked a 20-hour day, so this might not have been the best timing for me either. We can check in later. 🙂
I’m also ok with whatsapp or email or other tools that you guys think are best. I’m not goot at planning but pretty good at leg work, so just give your command and I’ll follow 🙂 Another thing is that I basically watch less than other active beanies here, so there’re quite a few weecaps, recaps and hangouts I’m not actively participating in. But it’s good that that doesn’t hinder the tracking down of data on DB.
Well done for starting the trawl through on the bean count. I have seen the requests and clicked the link to the spreadsheet, I am loving it. it surprised me that some dramas that were popular on weecaps had really low numbers of watches on the spreadsheet; Oh Youngshim had higher watches than The Fabulous and CEO dol-Mart 😱 I am hoping this is because it’s not got everyone’s data on it yet.
I am impressed you were able to send the same message multiple times as usually a spam alert comes up or duplicate message so well done for getting that under the radar. I hope the beanies respond. I noticed some beanies only log in for the bean count so you may not get responses from everyone.
Good luck on the mission I hope you get your core group of spreadsheet queens together and come up with a workable plan. Take it easy though 20 hours days are not funny I hope this is a rare event and you have caught up on sleep.
Oh, I didn’t even know there was a spam filter! I really lucked out then. I did feel rather spammy, so I often tweaked the message a tiny bit each time. I wonder if that’s what saved me?
As for the Oh! Young Shim vs. The Fabulous and CEO dol-Mart, my current hypothesis is that more people dropped the latter two than the first. Couldn’t really tell you why, except that maybe the shortness of Oh! Young Shim encouraged more people to finish for the bean? That was the case for me, though I was watching on 3x speed by the end. 🤣I didn’t watch the other two, so I don’t know what the weecaps were like, but maybe more people dropped the drama but stuck around for the weecaps? Not sure.
I’ve gotten a decent response so far! I had about 13 people add their lists, which was about a third of those that I was missing. (It was interesting to watch how the stats changed with even just those 13 people!) I’ll keep adding as people comment, but I’m expecting it will slow down a fair amount. While I’d love to include everyone, we already have a pretty good sample size for the data. 🙂
(And I did get to catch up on some sleep! Unfortunately working late into the night isn’t abnormal for me right now, but I’m trying to get it a little more under control. 😅)
I agree that people enjoyed or hated The fabulous but it was a NETFLIX series drop so it was easy to binge and move on. CEO dol-Mart had a webdrama feel so lots of beanies dropped it early or stuck with it as an easy bean.
It’s 2024 so I hope sleep deprivation will soon be a thing of the past but if it’s caring responsibilities or work deadlines then there isn’t much you can do; I know it’s unrealistic to tell midwives to just drop everything and go home or tell IT staff to give up on sorting server crashes.
I have tried two times to post my top ten at the present page for 2024 and it doesn’t seem to work. So for good measure here it is, even if it means that maybe you will end up getting this three times:
• It’s Okay Not to Be Okay,
• Mr. Queen,
• Coffee Prince
• See you in my 19th life
• Because this is my first life
• Run-On
• Chief Kim
• The Matchmakers
• Guilty Pleasure Do Bong Soon
• Reply 1988
And thanks for the reminder, @kmromrell !
My first attempt at answering didn’t seem to get through, so trying again:
This was hard and couldn’t be anything but unfair. The choosing video was for people who actually knew which ones they liked better, so didn’t help me.
I can’t post gifs here, but:
[insert gif with Meryl Streep choosing which of her movie children should be killed]
Looking forward to seeing how this turns out. In my mind, I will add
Queen of Tears, Rookie Historian, Moon embracing the Sun, Hello, My Twenties/Age of Youth, Be Melo, Doctor Slump … and maybe Atypical Family?
TheOutsideJoke (@kmromrell)
July 7, 2023 at 9:17 PM
My Top 10 spreadsheet with any bit of information I could think of. 🙂
Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
July 7, 2023 at 10:11 PM
👍🏾 Great idea to post it here too. I am looking forward to reading through when I am next on my desk top. I rarely go on there for K drama things but the recent spreadsheets and bingo cards has made me start to use it more for this part of my life❤️
Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
July 9, 2023 at 3:02 AM
I have finally gone on to my desk top, and read through the comprehensive notes which really help someone like me who has a very basic working knowledge of Excel. Thanks again for taking the time to create this. It is a great cross referencing tool to look at a drama to decide if it is worth adding to the ever growing watchlist.
Some dramas that I have enjoyed are low on the list because they were not good enough to put in the top ten but are definitely in the top 25 or 50. My top 50 would have loads on the same number in terms of enjoyment so it would look like a pyramid rather than a ladder. I think the You can only pick one posts gives some great feedback on a range of dramas in each genre by focusing on one actors portfolio so they can be used alongside this table to find good dramas in our chosen genres or by our favourite actors.
July 9, 2023 at 9:47 AM
Anniyong Chinguya !
I really like all the calculations.
I have to think about it, and try to play with the data so as to have ranking on the genres.
July 9, 2023 at 11:10 AM
So, I’m looking at the genres and there are 51 genres. We need to reduce the list. How/where can we discuss this ?
What surprises me it that there is only one drama whose genre contains healing. (Call it love)
TheOutsideJoke (@kmromrell)
January 20, 2024 at 11:27 PM
I’m so sorry, I’m somehow only now seeing this! I fully agree that we need to reduce the genre list, particularly because I find some of the “genres” (e.g., “idol”) incredibly unhelpful. I would love to make a project of this — particularly if we could conscript some other Beanies to help us. Is that still something you’d be interested in? If so, we could do probably do it in time for the 2024 Top 10 Poll (which, based on the current pattern should come out sometime in May). I have started a new job since last year that is keeping me much busier than I was when I created this, but we’ve still got time!
As for “Call it Love” being the only healing drama… I think that’s because of me. For the vast majority of the dramas, I looked up their genres listed on MyDramaList/Viki/Dramabeans/Wiki and then compiled the genres that felt representative. I think I was adding that one and just stubbornly included “Healing” because it felt so quintessential to the drama itself. I think I removed it during my last attempt to clean up the genres, but it did feel like a bit of a loss.
Over the last several months, I’ve slowly created a new spreadsheet for me to use for my own drama watching purposes, and I’ve been trying to play around with a genre system that I like. Currently, I’m using a check-box system to track lots of aspects of genre: traditional genre (like romance, comedy, action, etc.), environment (law, school, medical, war, etc.), and focuses (e.g., youth, family, friendship, neurodivergence, etc.). I also track a bunch of non-genre tropes that we certainly wouldn’t include, but those tags could be a place to start if we wanted? The spreadsheet is not super non-me user friendly right now, but you’re welcome to take a look and see if it gives you any thoughts.
Current Drama Spreadsheet Tracker: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1b9qLDqukBbP9VJdPc-iYcy615d6vuZS5IE122t0ZmhA/edit?usp=sharing
January 21, 2024 at 11:54 AM
Beautiful speadsheet ! I like your breakdown of categories.
Have you seen mine ? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mlr5v64Nc0BtRpxcrjcmngJsJATLXbnPLed47s1x2_k/edit?usp=sharing
I have also a sheet to track actors, actresses.
An extensive list of dramas to watch, a complicated ranking system, and a list of tropes that has extended since I share this drama-sheet model.
I’m motivated to work on classification with you, though I do not have much time.
Maybe we should make a call for other data-tracking oriented beanies ?
Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
January 21, 2024 at 2:11 PM
Definitely do a call on the Open thread as more beanies will see it than on a fan wall. I only noticed the updates here because someone liked my comment above nearly a year later I don’t even know how they found this post.
TheOutsideJoke (@kmromrell)
January 21, 2024 at 11:19 PM
Yes! Your spreadsheet is actually what inspired me to start my own — before that, I was just tracking it on a simple document. Mine is still incredibly incomplete — I was hoping to create sheets to pull the data and compile a list of my most watches actors etc., but I haven’t gotten around to it yet. I’ve had it in the back of my mind, though, that I need to re-reference yours for ideas about how to do that — using Filter, if I remember correctly. 🙂
I fully understand the problem of lots of motivation and very little time. I love the idea of recruiting on the open thread! Before we do that, though, it might be helpful to think through what this process would look like. What would we be asking other Beanies to do? It might be easier to figure out some details via email (or whatever easy communication platform you’re comfortable with!) before we ask for others’ help — unless we would need others’ help to figure out what the task is? @Healer‘s and I were recently talking about some data compiling, which is how I originally found this missed comment. Healer’s, are you interested in being a part of this endeavor? (In short, the goal would be to clean up the genres list on the Top 10 spreadsheet so they are more usable in data analysis.)
Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
January 21, 2024 at 11:23 PM
🫘Beansprout🌱 for inspiring others to step up their game which will ultimately benefit the Beanie community.
January 30, 2024 at 8:31 AM
@kmromrell sorry, I saw your comment just now, because you actually tagged someone else whose username is the same as my display handle. My tag name is claire2009.
Yes, count me in. Sometimes my reply may be delayed due to real-life responsibilities, but I’m committed to finishing what is started.
Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
January 21, 2024 at 2:09 PM
This spreadsheet is superb. I never thought to note when I started to watch a drama just the year that I watched it. Where you have watches is that a record of rewatches or amount you watched before dropping?
🫘Beansprout🌱 awarded for generous sharing of your talents and for thinking of a way to benefit the beanies re the 2024 top ten.
TheOutsideJoke (@kmromrell)
January 21, 2024 at 11:23 PM
I had to do an absurd amount of history tracking in order to find a lot of my start dates.😅 Luckily, I always added a drama with a brief review to a Google doc when I finished, so I had a decent list of those dates. The rest were compiled with reference to my Netflix history, browser history (thank goodness I search the cast so often when starting a new drama!), texts with friends, calendar events, memories of surrounding activities… It was an endeavor, and a few of the dates are more approximate than I would have liked. Now, though, I love to look back and see what I was watching at specific times! (And thank you for the Beansprout!)
TheOutsideJoke (@kmromrell)
January 21, 2024 at 11:32 PM
Oops, and just realized I missed your questions when replying before. Yes, “Watches” is both rewatches and dropped watches — ish. It isn’t really accurate to dropped watches, but I have the data count a dropped watch as “.5” of a watch (since I only consider it dropped if I make it a significant portion of the way through the drama). I add comments to the “Status” column to tell myself exactly which episode I dropped on, but I don’t think other viewers can see comments when shared in view-only mode.
Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
January 21, 2024 at 11:32 PM
Can’t get this to reply to your response below but I am excited to see the end result. I am sorry I can’t help because I am am rubbish in this area but I would say a core group chatting offline via email/Whatsapp makes the most sense. It was the best way for the beanies from across the globe to communicate across time zones with our other commitments re the Watch and Discuss Korean Drama club. We have made it work for a year now.
Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
January 21, 2024 at 11:36 PM
Thank you for replying, your attention to detail is impressive🥰
January 23, 2024 at 12:14 PM
It just turn out that I’ll be travelling for work in the next days and won’t even have time to watch anything, but I’ll come back to you Sunday.
I’m okay with whatsapp or email or comments in a google.sheet
TheOutsideJoke (@kmromrell)
January 24, 2024 at 9:00 AM
No worries! I started this chat and then promptly worked a 20-hour day, so this might not have been the best timing for me either. We can check in later. 🙂
January 31, 2024 at 8:02 PM
I’m also ok with whatsapp or email or other tools that you guys think are best. I’m not goot at planning but pretty good at leg work, so just give your command and I’ll follow 🙂 Another thing is that I basically watch less than other active beanies here, so there’re quite a few weecaps, recaps and hangouts I’m not actively participating in. But it’s good that that doesn’t hinder the tracking down of data on DB.
Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
January 24, 2024 at 12:31 PM
I am replying here to something unrelated.
Well done for starting the trawl through on the bean count. I have seen the requests and clicked the link to the spreadsheet, I am loving it. it surprised me that some dramas that were popular on weecaps had really low numbers of watches on the spreadsheet; Oh Youngshim had higher watches than The Fabulous and CEO dol-Mart 😱 I am hoping this is because it’s not got everyone’s data on it yet.
I am impressed you were able to send the same message multiple times as usually a spam alert comes up or duplicate message so well done for getting that under the radar. I hope the beanies respond. I noticed some beanies only log in for the bean count so you may not get responses from everyone.
Good luck on the mission I hope you get your core group of spreadsheet queens together and come up with a workable plan. Take it easy though 20 hours days are not funny I hope this is a rare event and you have caught up on sleep.
TheOutsideJoke (@kmromrell)
January 25, 2024 at 10:01 PM
Oh, I didn’t even know there was a spam filter! I really lucked out then. I did feel rather spammy, so I often tweaked the message a tiny bit each time. I wonder if that’s what saved me?
As for the Oh! Young Shim vs. The Fabulous and CEO dol-Mart, my current hypothesis is that more people dropped the latter two than the first. Couldn’t really tell you why, except that maybe the shortness of Oh! Young Shim encouraged more people to finish for the bean? That was the case for me, though I was watching on 3x speed by the end. 🤣I didn’t watch the other two, so I don’t know what the weecaps were like, but maybe more people dropped the drama but stuck around for the weecaps? Not sure.
I’ve gotten a decent response so far! I had about 13 people add their lists, which was about a third of those that I was missing. (It was interesting to watch how the stats changed with even just those 13 people!) I’ll keep adding as people comment, but I’m expecting it will slow down a fair amount. While I’d love to include everyone, we already have a pretty good sample size for the data. 🙂
(And I did get to catch up on some sleep! Unfortunately working late into the night isn’t abnormal for me right now, but I’m trying to get it a little more under control. 😅)
Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
January 25, 2024 at 11:10 PM
I agree that people enjoyed or hated The fabulous but it was a NETFLIX series drop so it was easy to binge and move on. CEO dol-Mart had a webdrama feel so lots of beanies dropped it early or stuck with it as an easy bean.
It’s 2024 so I hope sleep deprivation will soon be a thing of the past but if it’s caring responsibilities or work deadlines then there isn’t much you can do; I know it’s unrealistic to tell midwives to just drop everything and go home or tell IT staff to give up on sorting server crashes.
DK-Drama ❤️🎄 Giffing n Space Cadetting 👼🏻🌟
June 12, 2024 at 1:14 AM
I have tried two times to post my top ten at the present page for 2024 and it doesn’t seem to work. So for good measure here it is, even if it means that maybe you will end up getting this three times:
• It’s Okay Not to Be Okay,
• Mr. Queen,
• Coffee Prince
• See you in my 19th life
• Because this is my first life
• Run-On
• Chief Kim
• The Matchmakers
• Guilty Pleasure Do Bong Soon
• Reply 1988
And thanks for the reminder, @kmromrell !
My first attempt at answering didn’t seem to get through, so trying again:
This was hard and couldn’t be anything but unfair. The choosing video was for people who actually knew which ones they liked better, so didn’t help me.
I can’t post gifs here, but:
[insert gif with Meryl Streep choosing which of her movie children should be killed]
Looking forward to seeing how this turns out. In my mind, I will add
Queen of Tears, Rookie Historian, Moon embracing the Sun, Hello, My Twenties/Age of Youth, Be Melo, Doctor Slump … and maybe Atypical Family?
TheOutsideJoke (@kmromrell)
June 12, 2024 at 11:25 PM
We’re that it wasn’t letting you post, but I’ve got you added now!