I’m behind Cafe Minamdang recap discussions because life happened 😭 But I want you dear Beanies to know you made my day as I read through the shitposts & whatnot. LOL
I am … unapologetically enjoying the different Beanie feelings towards AoS’ final 2 eps & can’t wait for the recap thread 🍿 are we looking at 500+ comments?
I didn’t watch the show I sometimes jump into the weecaps (it sounds like a really complex storyline) and read the comments now and again and it’s fascinating as they are either solely focused on the characters and storyline with reflections, theories and questions or disappointment in the writing. I only came in because when it started so many people said people would be crying with frustration and disappointment by the end just because this is a consistent reaction to the writers work. I couldn’t believe they could maintain that record throughout their career.
Amazing aren’t they 🤣
I was never adverse to the sisters but now i realise it’s true.. of all their dramas i always enjoy 3/4 of the show and the ending as mehh.. the one that really made me mad is Big. I’m still ok with AoS though they had some plotholes that’s just dumb.
I also did not take the comments about the Hong Sisters too seriously, as prior to AOS, I had only watched HDL, and it was ok for me although it did drag in the middle, and I was also not convinced of the romance. But now that I see a pattern with AOS, I get what others are saying. I think they fall into the trap of trying to do a lot of things, and tell so many stories at once, and trying to please as many people as they can, and then along the way they lose their original plot premise.
Writer-nim decided to make the FL even more petty and vengeful no matter what ML does. And ML is also devolving into his own version of petty, though still competent at what he does along with his team.
I’m really watching this for the quirky Cafe Minamdang team. And after that backstory, ugh. All the more I’m hating how the FL is written. 😑 Like girl, c’mon. 😖
it is like the writer has never met an actual modern woman who are all tough girls and it is not a gimmick,it is an attitude.you cannot fake it or pretend it. so the lead is miscast. now we could hve had park Bo Young
You just shared my thoughts. I came over to DB to rant about the same thing. It’s going to be hard to get to like her. And even more, I found she has been unprofessional about the whole case from the start.
You can be dogged but still open-minded.
I even love Deaconess Kim more than the FL, and I just met the woman an episode ago! I guess OYS is really not for me.
I have never been able to warm up to OYS’s characters. It just seems like none of her characters can convey their emotions to me a viewer. And this is perhaps the main reason why I have never wanted to start Mad for Each Other.
I had the misfortune of watching it lol. I was kinda hoping it would get better 😅 At first, I was excited because the premise sounded fresh, but her character (or maybe it was how OYS interpreted her character) was meh.
I hate I’m that it sounds horrible, but I agree with one comment I saw before that she might be one of a few who I will avoid (at least for the time being)
She’s far from my favorite. She was good in Come Back Mister (especially early on) harmless in some earlier shows, but she was part of the problem in Hwayugi and now she’s one of the few who will make me less likely to start a show.
I thought I was the only one with reservations about her, but I can’t seem to like her in anything.
I am only watching CM because of Seo In Guk but I have already fallen in love with the rag tag team. Maybe because her character is pigheaded. And that is one peeve I can’t get over in anybody.
Someone who also shares my feeling towards her as an actress! Joo Won was my the oppa for some time and I really looked forward to his the last show My Sassy Girl 2 before he served his military duty and I lasted 1 episode I think. I strongly disliked her character (then as a princess) and the slapstick comedy there so much I couldn’t begin watching ep2. I noticed my feelings towards her so I always avoid any project she is in. I have never seen her in anything since then.
Been lurking forever, but I just dropped by to say
I’m missing the old DB.
However–knowing the lovely beanies are still here
Is enough to make me stay.
-Love, February
When he asked about it all I could think was NO DON’T go in there!!!
aauauguguguugughhh – but they were still so cute and how he was so amazed at the photos.
But when you could see the pain and grief grow on her face watching him – that is when I started to lose it.
Oh these two. 🙁
Dear Shampoo beanies, real life robbed me of spazzing with you via rabbit. So I’m spoiling myself with lots of DoraMo BTS fluff from now til the weekend.
I think some of them are. I used to watch the BTS then stopped when I saw a spoiler they added in the BTS. Can’t wait to watch all of this once this drama is over… **dread*** *dread***
0:06 – 0:09, Xing Fei: “…fluttered and suddenly pushed Gu Wei Yi onto the couch” [Caption: An opportunity has arrived]
0:19 [Caption: The first flutter]
0:24 [Caption: The second flutter]
0:25 *can’t make out the full caption but it says something like [Caption: begging *something something* begging for a hug]
0:34, Xing Fei: “Hair-touching fetish *turns to Lin Yi* “Do you want to mess up my hair? Don’t touch it so much”
0:40, [Caption, her side, general meaning: Messed up hair, there will be blood/ Caption, his side: The [hair]style cannot be messed]
0:43, Xing Fei: “1, 2, 3 go!”
0:45, Xing Fei: “Slower, slower!”
– Running lines, practicing:
0:51, Xing Fei: “I’ll go get you a cup of water”
0:53- 0:55, Lin Yi: “I don’t want it” (Literally, “I’m not going to drink it”)
0:56, [Caption, on her side: Meticulously looking at the script]
0:59, Lin Yi: “I don’t want it”
1:03: [Caption, on her side: Xing ‘Charm’ smiles]
1:04, Xing Fei: “Are you sure you’re drunk?”
1:07 – 1:08, Lin Yi: “I… I… I… I’m sure”
1:10 – 1:13 , Xing Fei: “I’ll ask you one last time– are you sure you’re drunk?”
1:18: [Caption above Lin Yi: changed to good behaviour in a millisecond]
1:20, Lin Yi: “I’m not [drunk]”
1:25 – 1:27, Xing Fei: “Say it… say it”
1:29, Lin Yi: “Say what…?”
1:31 – 1:37, Xing Fei: “Say why you didn’t tell me that you’re going to Germany with Xie Yu Lin”…. *smiles” “…Together…” “Tell me why you didn’t tell me about going to Germany with Xie Yu Lin”
1:44, Lin Yi: “I told you”
1:49, giant & gross panda meme: [Caption: “As long as you’re happy”]
Dear lovely Beanies,
Thanks to you all, my resolve to sleep early for the first time in weeks went down the drain cause I binge-watched Put Your Head on My Shoulder. 😍😍 Count me officially smitten!
Thank you! Lol
Me (before watching) : Why are Beanies raving about this? Ho-hum 😒
Also me, after 7 episodes of binge-watching : 😍 What sorcery is this?!!? 😍 moooore
Lololol yes Sorcery is the perfect word for this Put Your Head on My Shoulder craziness. I’m so bewitched, so entranced. Once I hit that play button, I back again in its fictional universe for the 46848384737748384th time rewatching something I just saw 5 mins ago 😖😖😖
So I told myself I’ll only watch 7 episodes, cause besides the fact I need to wake up early for work, I’ve learned from other Beanies here that only 16 eps have been uploaded so far, & I don’t want the agony of waiting for other eps to be uploaded. But lo and behold, the sun’s already up by the time credits rolled for ep 16. My eyes are mad at me, & phone battery’s nearly drained. OMG, I need help 😀
OMG, we knew she must be a gambler in the past, but now we find out she is THE ONLY female gambler in Korea. LOL! Hello there, Lady 10-tailed fox of Pyeongtaek! You & your hot posse. 😀
#TFP 27-28
My only quibble about #TheFieryPriest is that they seem to have forgotten about the therapist arc. Or will there be room for that in the last 4 episodes? I hope Father Hae-il will still go through it.
Therapist? I’m enjoying the drama so much I couldn’t care less about the slow plot or anything other than the fun parts of the show. Every char is crazy but I like each and every one of them, even the baddies. 😀
Haha, same here! It’s just that the therapist from Eps 1-3ish (?) who initially approached Father Hae-il has been absent since then. I hope to see our fiery priest still go into therapy, even if not with her.
I remember her now. Agreed! Hae-il needs treatment for his anger issues. Who knows, maybe she’ll reappear in this week’s eps. And everyone is the drama needs a shrink, tbh. 😂
Randomly clicking on recommended YouTube vids is a double-edged sword, but tonight I found a gem.
Dedicated to my fellow Beanies who are in need of some self-love reminders. :* Aja!
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
August 28, 2022 at 7:44 PM
I’m behind Cafe Minamdang recap discussions because life happened 😭 But I want you dear Beanies to know you made my day as I read through the shitposts & whatnot. LOL
💜🍍☠ Sicarius The Queen of Melonia ☠🍍💜
August 29, 2022 at 1:08 AM
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
August 28, 2022 at 7:42 PM
I am … unapologetically enjoying the different Beanie feelings towards AoS’ final 2 eps & can’t wait for the recap thread 🍿 are we looking at 500+ comments?
Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
August 28, 2022 at 7:44 PM
At least that, I would say, based on the numbers over the past few episodes. People are signing up just to comment on this show!
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
August 28, 2022 at 7:46 PM
Haha I’m warming up to the deep dive 🏊
Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
August 28, 2022 at 8:02 PM
I didn’t watch the show I sometimes jump into the weecaps (it sounds like a really complex storyline) and read the comments now and again and it’s fascinating as they are either solely focused on the characters and storyline with reflections, theories and questions or disappointment in the writing. I only came in because when it started so many people said people would be crying with frustration and disappointment by the end just because this is a consistent reaction to the writers work. I couldn’t believe they could maintain that record throughout their career.
parkchuna is Scouting for Stars in Hanyang 🍉
August 28, 2022 at 10:14 PM
Amazing aren’t they 🤣
I was never adverse to the sisters but now i realise it’s true.. of all their dramas i always enjoy 3/4 of the show and the ending as mehh.. the one that really made me mad is Big. I’m still ok with AoS though they had some plotholes that’s just dumb.
August 29, 2022 at 12:40 AM
I also did not take the comments about the Hong Sisters too seriously, as prior to AOS, I had only watched HDL, and it was ok for me although it did drag in the middle, and I was also not convinced of the romance. But now that I see a pattern with AOS, I get what others are saying. I think they fall into the trap of trying to do a lot of things, and tell so many stories at once, and trying to please as many people as they can, and then along the way they lose their original plot premise.
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
July 21, 2022 at 10:55 AM
My face when Oh Yeon-seo’s character is on.
Ctto lol
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
July 19, 2022 at 6:08 PM
Cafe Minamdang Ep 7
Le sigh. I was hoping they would eventually go the Live-up-to-your-name route and work together despite their clashing views or pettiness. But NO. 😖
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
July 19, 2022 at 6:10 PM
Writer-nim decided to make the FL even more petty and vengeful no matter what ML does. And ML is also devolving into his own version of petty, though still competent at what he does along with his team.
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
July 12, 2022 at 9:07 AM
Cafe Minamdang Ep 6
I’m really watching this for the quirky Cafe Minamdang team. And after that backstory, ugh. All the more I’m hating how the FL is written. 😑 Like girl, c’mon. 😖
July 12, 2022 at 12:48 PM
it is like the writer has never met an actual modern woman who are all tough girls and it is not a gimmick,it is an attitude.you cannot fake it or pretend it. so the lead is miscast. now we could hve had park Bo Young
July 12, 2022 at 2:19 PM
Comment was deleted
July 12, 2022 at 3:01 PM
You just shared my thoughts. I came over to DB to rant about the same thing. It’s going to be hard to get to like her. And even more, I found she has been unprofessional about the whole case from the start.
You can be dogged but still open-minded.
I even love Deaconess Kim more than the FL, and I just met the woman an episode ago! I guess OYS is really not for me.
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
July 11, 2022 at 8:26 AM
Cafe Minamdang, Ep 5. Okay, how many times must the FL accidentally punch/physically assault the ML?
I wish she was badass but unbiased at the same time.
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
July 11, 2022 at 8:27 AM
At this point, I don’t even care about their past connection. 😪
July 11, 2022 at 12:01 PM
I have never been able to warm up to OYS’s characters. It just seems like none of her characters can convey their emotions to me a viewer. And this is perhaps the main reason why I have never wanted to start Mad for Each Other.
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
July 12, 2022 at 9:10 AM
I had the misfortune of watching it lol. I was kinda hoping it would get better 😅 At first, I was excited because the premise sounded fresh, but her character (or maybe it was how OYS interpreted her character) was meh.
July 12, 2022 at 10:13 AM
I hate I’m that it sounds horrible, but I agree with one comment I saw before that she might be one of a few who I will avoid (at least for the time being)
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
July 5, 2022 at 9:20 AM
Cafe Minamdang:
Is it only me? I can’t seem to warm up to Oh Yeon Seo’s character. I realized I also didn’t like her much in Mad for Each Other.
Not sure if it’s how her character/s are written.
Lord Cobol (Kdramas, like water, flow downhill)
July 5, 2022 at 10:16 AM
She’s far from my favorite. She was good in Come Back Mister (especially early on) harmless in some earlier shows, but she was part of the problem in Hwayugi and now she’s one of the few who will make me less likely to start a show.
July 5, 2022 at 10:52 AM
I thought I was the only one with reservations about her, but I can’t seem to like her in anything.
I am only watching CM because of Seo In Guk but I have already fallen in love with the rag tag team. Maybe because her character is pigheaded. And that is one peeve I can’t get over in anybody.
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
July 5, 2022 at 9:24 PM
Yeah, Come Back Mister made me notice her. Then it was disappointment from then on 😆
July 6, 2022 at 12:37 PM
“she’s one of the few who will make me less likely to start a show”
July 5, 2022 at 1:04 PM
Someone who also shares my feeling towards her as an actress! Joo Won was my the oppa for some time and I really looked forward to his the last show My Sassy Girl 2 before he served his military duty and I lasted 1 episode I think. I strongly disliked her character (then as a princess) and the slapstick comedy there so much I couldn’t begin watching ep2. I noticed my feelings towards her so I always avoid any project she is in. I have never seen her in anything since then.
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
July 5, 2022 at 9:26 PM
Agree! 🙈
July 5, 2022 at 5:44 PM
I’ve really never liked her.
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
July 5, 2022 at 9:27 PM
Maybe turning likable characters into unlikable ones is also a talent? 😬
July 5, 2022 at 7:01 PM
Not just you! I felt the same after the first week and thought maybe I was just taking a while to warm up but ep.3 didn’t change my feelings at all 😔
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
July 5, 2022 at 9:28 PM
I’ve warmed up to the slapstick, then ff her scenes. Sad that she’s the FL 🥲
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
February 1, 2020 at 5:58 AM
Been lurking forever, but I just dropped by to say
I’m missing the old DB.
However–knowing the lovely beanies are still here
Is enough to make me stay.
-Love, February
Cocoa, The Fake Poet of February
February 1, 2020 at 7:17 AM
^_^ thank you, for dropping by.
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
February 2, 2020 at 3:13 AM
I’m always online, lurking and squeeing or ranting with the rest of you! haha ^_^
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
July 4, 2019 at 3:30 AM
photo booth of doom?
Kairoskat 💐
July 4, 2019 at 3:37 AM
I thought the props in the picture uploaded on kbsdrama instagram look like photobooth props.
Now someone is going to die. Huuu
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
July 4, 2019 at 4:08 AM
OMO … what are the rules in the photobooth of doom though? The happier they look, the greater the probability of death? :'(
Kairoskat 💐
July 4, 2019 at 4:58 AM
I made a compilation of photobooths for reference, it involves 4 dramas: the last empress, the fiery priest, goblin and he is psychometric.
3 out of 4 end up with dead characters including Hyuk aka RH my DB avatar 😢. Only the characters in Fiery Priest survived the photobooth curse.
July 4, 2019 at 1:18 PM
Even the ToD doesn’t have a perfect record!
Nice tribute to the PhotoBooth of Doom. Thanks!
liar song #PuppyNotPuppyLeeJaeWookIsBack
July 4, 2019 at 3:43 AM
July 4, 2019 at 4:51 AM
When he asked about it all I could think was NO DON’T go in there!!!
aauauguguguugughhh – but they were still so cute and how he was so amazed at the photos.
But when you could see the pain and grief grow on her face watching him – that is when I started to lose it.
Oh these two. 🙁
mugyuljoie is preciousss
July 4, 2019 at 6:54 AM
It’s like the ToD, but slower.
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
May 17, 2019 at 5:34 AM
Dear Shampoo beanies, real life robbed me of spazzing with you via rabbit. So I’m spoiling myself with lots of DoraMo BTS fluff from now til the weekend.
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
May 10, 2019 at 5:27 AM
OMO, subbed ep 17 premiering now on YouTube MY HEARTTTT #Put Your Head on My Shoulder
🍙 kimbap noona
May 10, 2019 at 9:43 AM
My Head!
My Shoulder!
My Everything!
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
May 8, 2019 at 12:43 AM
As if the episodes aren’t enough to kill and melt us… OMG their off-cam chemistry is just as swoon worthy LOL
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
May 8, 2019 at 12:46 AM
I love how he still tries to be super respectful of her space irl behind the scenes, because she’s a few years older
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
May 8, 2019 at 2:05 AM
I just wish these bts came with subtitles cause I want to know what they’re all saying LOL
May 8, 2019 at 4:58 AM
I think some of them are. I used to watch the BTS then stopped when I saw a spoiler they added in the BTS. Can’t wait to watch all of this once this drama is over… **dread*** *dread***
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
May 8, 2019 at 6:27 PM
Hahaha for some reason, I let myself be spoiled over and over 😂
Blue (@mayhemf)
May 8, 2019 at 1:32 PM
Why are guys doing this to me. I can’t I can’t. I can’t.
I need to know what they are saying. Why is she biting his forearms.
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
May 8, 2019 at 6:26 PM
IKR? i’m making stuff up in my head as to what they’re saying to each other! Lol
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
May 8, 2019 at 7:06 PM
Sigh… Do I want to be nice and translate the vid for everyone?? 😅😅
May 8, 2019 at 7:18 PM
Yes please many thanks!!!! 😍
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
May 8, 2019 at 10:39 PM
– Reading the script:
0:06 – 0:09, Xing Fei: “…fluttered and suddenly pushed Gu Wei Yi onto the couch” [Caption: An opportunity has arrived]
0:19 [Caption: The first flutter]
0:24 [Caption: The second flutter]
0:25 *can’t make out the full caption but it says something like [Caption: begging *something something* begging for a hug]
0:34, Xing Fei: “Hair-touching fetish *turns to Lin Yi* “Do you want to mess up my hair? Don’t touch it so much”
0:40, [Caption, her side, general meaning: Messed up hair, there will be blood/ Caption, his side: The [hair]style cannot be messed]
0:43, Xing Fei: “1, 2, 3 go!”
0:45, Xing Fei: “Slower, slower!”
– Running lines, practicing:
0:51, Xing Fei: “I’ll go get you a cup of water”
0:53- 0:55, Lin Yi: “I don’t want it” (Literally, “I’m not going to drink it”)
0:56, [Caption, on her side: Meticulously looking at the script]
0:59, Lin Yi: “I don’t want it”
1:03: [Caption, on her side: Xing ‘Charm’ smiles]
1:04, Xing Fei: “Are you sure you’re drunk?”
1:07 – 1:08, Lin Yi: “I… I… I… I’m sure”
1:10 – 1:13 , Xing Fei: “I’ll ask you one last time– are you sure you’re drunk?”
1:18: [Caption above Lin Yi: changed to good behaviour in a millisecond]
1:20, Lin Yi: “I’m not [drunk]”
1:25 – 1:27, Xing Fei: “Say it… say it”
1:29, Lin Yi: “Say what…?”
1:31 – 1:37, Xing Fei: “Say why you didn’t tell me that you’re going to Germany with Xie Yu Lin”…. *smiles” “…Together…” “Tell me why you didn’t tell me about going to Germany with Xie Yu Lin”
1:44, Lin Yi: “I told you”
1:49, giant & gross panda meme: [Caption: “As long as you’re happy”]
– “Gwiyomi” starts:
1:50 – 1:55: [Caption: carefully approaching]
1:55: [Caption on her side: concentrating]
1:57 – 1:58: [Lin Yi’s speech bubble: cough cough]
1:59: [Caption, black screen, white letters: SWEETNESS OVERLOAD INCOMING]
2:09, Lin Yi: “I’ll shift over a little bit”
2:12: [Capton on her side: Hugging again]
2:13: [Caption, black screen, white letters: A LITTLE TASTE OF SUGAR]
2:16 – 2:21, Lin Yi: *puts out arm* “Why don’t you bite me?” *Xing Fei chomps down* “I haven’t showered yet!”
2:24: [Gross ‘panda’ meme: A tasty reality]
2:29: [Pink caption: heart hurts], Xing Fei: *frown* “Why aren’t you stopping the bite?”
2:46, Lin Yi: “[My] hand is oily”
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
May 8, 2019 at 11:32 PM
Why so sweet @bebeswtz? Thank you so much! <3
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
May 8, 2019 at 11:32 PM
You’re welcome 🙂
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
May 6, 2019 at 9:58 AM
Dear lovely Beanies,
Thanks to you all, my resolve to sleep early for the first time in weeks went down the drain cause I binge-watched Put Your Head on My Shoulder. 😍😍 Count me officially smitten!
🍙 kimbap noona
May 6, 2019 at 10:29 AM
😂😂😂 Why does your suffering also make me so giddy at the same time? Welcome to the Head and Shoulders Club!!
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
May 6, 2019 at 10:59 AM
Thank you! Lol
Me (before watching) : Why are Beanies raving about this? Ho-hum 😒
Also me, after 7 episodes of binge-watching : 😍 What sorcery is this?!!? 😍 moooore
May 6, 2019 at 12:56 PM
Lololol yes Sorcery is the perfect word for this Put Your Head on My Shoulder craziness. I’m so bewitched, so entranced. Once I hit that play button, I back again in its fictional universe for the 46848384737748384th time rewatching something I just saw 5 mins ago 😖😖😖
Blue (@mayhemf)
May 6, 2019 at 11:00 AM
I love this collective squealing on the fan walls!!
May 6, 2019 at 12:56 PM
Same!! I’m all grinning reading all these fanwall posts!
May 6, 2019 at 5:07 PM
Me toooo! 💕💕💕
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
May 6, 2019 at 9:39 PM
So I told myself I’ll only watch 7 episodes, cause besides the fact I need to wake up early for work, I’ve learned from other Beanies here that only 16 eps have been uploaded so far, & I don’t want the agony of waiting for other eps to be uploaded. But lo and behold, the sun’s already up by the time credits rolled for ep 16. My eyes are mad at me, & phone battery’s nearly drained. OMG, I need help 😀
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
April 6, 2019 at 8:59 AM
This image isn’t helping cool down the summer heat in our side of the world. HOT, HOT I tell you! 😀
#TheFieryPriest 27-28
KS stuck on 🥰 Aegiya KHAAJA🥰
April 7, 2019 at 10:24 AM
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
April 6, 2019 at 8:54 AM
OMG, we knew she must be a gambler in the past, but now we find out she is THE ONLY female gambler in Korea. LOL! Hello there, Lady 10-tailed fox of Pyeongtaek! You & your hot posse. 😀
#TFP 27-28
April 6, 2019 at 9:17 AM
Hot posse! Lol
April 6, 2019 at 9:22 AM
None of my priests and nuns in my life looked that good.
TV lies to us. LIES !!!!
April 6, 2019 at 10:21 AM
April 6, 2019 at 2:21 PM
April 6, 2019 at 10:20 AM
That reveal was so brilliant. I just love these characters!
April 6, 2019 at 2:22 PM
*doing a double take*
Wait. The nun?
I can’t wait to get to this part of the show! This is great.
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
March 31, 2019 at 5:14 AM
My only quibble about #TheFieryPriest is that they seem to have forgotten about the therapist arc. Or will there be room for that in the last 4 episodes? I hope Father Hae-il will still go through it.
March 31, 2019 at 6:13 AM
I think we have 12 more episodes.
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
March 31, 2019 at 6:35 AM
Whoa! Great to know that! ^__^
March 31, 2019 at 12:41 PM
Therapist? I’m enjoying the drama so much I couldn’t care less about the slow plot or anything other than the fun parts of the show. Every char is crazy but I like each and every one of them, even the baddies. 😀
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
April 6, 2019 at 8:50 AM
Haha, same here! It’s just that the therapist from Eps 1-3ish (?) who initially approached Father Hae-il has been absent since then. I hope to see our fiery priest still go into therapy, even if not with her.
April 6, 2019 at 9:16 AM
I remember her now. Agreed! Hae-il needs treatment for his anger issues. Who knows, maybe she’ll reappear in this week’s eps. And everyone is the drama needs a shrink, tbh. 😂
Azy JT Evol
May 6, 2019 at 12:06 PM
Thing is she was credited as a cameo at the end of her last appearance which explains why she didnt reappear 🙁 Maybe S2? 8D
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
March 30, 2019 at 8:31 AM
Randomly clicking on recommended YouTube vids is a double-edged sword, but tonight I found a gem.
Dedicated to my fellow Beanies who are in need of some self-love reminders. :* Aja!
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
March 30, 2019 at 12:31 AM
They’ve. joined. hands!!! Sealed with matching glasses. lol
#TheFieryPriest ep 25-26
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
March 30, 2019 at 12:18 AM
Now this is just too funny, how can a link chart of eeevil people be so cute!
#TheFieryPriest ep 25-26
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
March 26, 2019 at 6:57 AM
I must’ve done something awesome in my past life to deserve this honor–NOT!!!
I woke up and leveled up! Haha
mugyuljoie is preciousss
March 26, 2019 at 7:12 AM
Hurray! At least you’re strong now.
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
March 30, 2019 at 12:14 AM
Yes, like brand new! ^^
RaOnAh loves Jay B 💚
March 26, 2019 at 8:07 AM
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
March 30, 2019 at 12:15 AM
Thank you! 😀
March 26, 2019 at 12:38 PM
Congrats!! Hope you are the stinky kind that is strong and durable and can drive all the terrors away lol!
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
March 30, 2019 at 12:16 AM
Thank you! I hope so too, and toss in a can-crawl-on-the-wall skill!
March 26, 2019 at 3:39 PM
klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
March 30, 2019 at 12:16 AM
Thank you! 😀