I feel like a traitor coming back like, but seeing old beanie friend’s posts motivated me to write this post. I admit it’s been months since I have had the chance to open Dramabeans. My «love» for dramas has not wavered. Instead, I found solace in the occasional use of twitter because the application felt more accessible to me.

SO, this year:

1. Loved Black Dog
Now, I must admit I don’t remember details of this drama. I just remember enjoying it at the time. It was my discovery of Seo Hyun-Jin, because I didn’t quite love her previous dramas. Strong Miseang vibes.
I guess it’s only default is that it’s forgettable.

2. LOVED Hi Bye Mama.
Y’all know I love sad-happy tear-jerkers. Loved the strong mom-oriented theme. And family.
For me, it was perfect at the time, despite its’ faults. (The show felt it was going in circles near the end, so I feel it could’ve been 14 episodes instead of 16). But not regrets. Loved it. I still go back and watch clips to relieve a bit of tension and cry.

OST Side note- In The Night – Parc Jae Jung *kiss noise* Masterpiece.

3. LOVED Into the Ring
Strong, cooky, quirky, smart, hilarious female lead. UGH I love you Goo-Sera.
PRAISE the three stooges and mouth spray dude. I need more of you.
Loved the female lead’s friends, parents and Gong-Myung.
That’s how we write a male lead.
And the plot was wacky and unpredictable.

Added to my list of favorite romcoms.

OST Side note – All the Way (Boramiyu), Until the Day (Minseo) *kiss noise* Masterpiece

4. Enjoyed Hospital Playlist
Fun fun fun fun fun fun fun.
Now that’s medical content I want. Yes.
OST — Complete OST * YES*

1. Finished It’s Okay not to be Okay
It wasn’t extraordinary but it had its moments.
It’s my discovery of Kim Soo Hyun — visuals WOW. Acting WOW
The most notable scene for me was when his hyung called him out for not wanting him alive. Now that’s acting.

OST Side note – I’m Your Psycho (Janet Suhh), In Your Time (Lee Su Hyun of AKDONG), Light Up Your World (Janet Suhh), Wake Up (Elaine). not *kiss* but still yes.

6. Record of Youth. Im just not vibing with it. The female lead feels like an after thought and
18 Again. It’s good. Except I know the plot. So I can’t fall in love with it and I simply don’t have the time.

7. Do You Like Brahms.
It’s good, except the female lead is losing too much confidence and I feel is too demanding on the male lead.
Also what? Kim Min Jae makes my heart flutter? oh no.

8. Do Do Sol Sol …
Does anyone use their brain? Then again, Shopping King Louie felt too over the top for me but I get it. Currently in the mood for a romcom so…

9. More Than Friends
So Male lead pissed me off at first. It felt too cruel the way he was selfist the female lead and kept giving her false hopes. But then she put her foot down. If we see her continue to be independent and their chemistry works for me… I might like this.

10. Itaewon Class
I couldn’t go on when the female lead kissed a drunk Park Seo Joon and accused the second female lead of doing the same.
Sometimes I have such random limitations but that was it for me.

OST Side note — in general the whole album is good, but Start (Gaho) *CHEF’S KISS* . Anything Sondia is winner

11. Mystic Pop Up Bar
Just fun. fun. fun.
That is all. Like yes watch, but also, you’re not missing out SO much if you miss it.

12. Crash Landing On You
I know it was super popular but I wasn’t able to finish it. Sorry. The plot turned in circles and lagged.

13. King Eternal Monarch.
What happened again? When it took more effort for me to watch it than not, I stopped. Come on drama, I don’t watch you to USE my brain, I do to NOT use my brain.

14. Romantic Dr Kim 2
Fun ride. Lol as a hospital clinical pharmacist I have too comments
Way over the top fun stuff (and yes, I have worked in trauma reanimation rooms)
and why is there no clinical pharmacist?

There are more but I am tired of writing and I don’t think anyone will read this.

Watching retroactively

1. Prison Playbook
Didn’t get to watch it while it was airing due to subbing delays. But it’s on Netflix and easily accessible.
This one is shooting up to be in my top 10. Or even top 5.
Quality stuff.


    Welcome back! I’m pretty sure you’re going to like Prison Playbook.
    Black dog was on my list but it being the forgettable Misaeng doesn’t appeal much to me. I love Misaeng but I may just make inevitable comparisons hence I have avoided it.


      Like I’m glad I watched it. And At the time, i was grateful for live watching it. But would I go out of my way to rewatch it? No.



    INTO THE RING WAS BEST (can you tell by my avatar?).

    Also, your affinity to Twitter is funny because I find it completely inappropriate for actual drama discussion. I got so frustrated I basically rage-quit the app.


      That’s exactly it. I don’t have time to discuss anymore. Two jobs, three research projects, on top of a presentation per month, no time to “discuss”, only just dish and leave (*cries*). It’s more like a private diary no one reads. 😅




      YES. Just wonderful perfect yes


        have u seen reply 1988??


          I steer clear of the whole reply series. Because the second lead syndrome is strong and i dont want to root for the wrong guy. I have weird criteria.


            i get it– i would really recommend r88 because of the friends and fam dynamic and how funny and heartwarming the show is, but if you will have SLS easily, probably stay away if you don’t want to get your heartbroken. imo, this show also gave me the worst SLS i’ve ever had (still not over it T_T), but it’s so warm and nice that i still love it.


    I agree!!!


      Oufffff YAY. So my drama likes and dislikes aren’t too out of the ordinary. Good


    We agree on a lot of dramas. I loved Black Dog and Into the Ring too.


    Welcome back! I myself got back a few months ago as I’ve finished residency! You’ll definitely love Prison playbook!!


    The only good thing about Eternal PPL was Woo Do Hwan. If I hadn’t live watched to discuss it with other Beanies it would’ve been a quick fast forward to just his portions. I’m your opposite. I have less time and find myself here, but not watching as much. Oh, and welcome to the Kim Min Jae fan club!


    Haven’t watched everything on the list or liked everything that you liked but most of our thoughts/likes match :).


    Welcome back!
