It’s election day and I was on my way to work and my manager called to say I could stay home if I wanted as my life remains in shambles so I start episode 9 of Love Next Door. We have a confession. We have heart pounding. I NEED cute.
Instead we have cancer.
I told myself I’d go vote after something cute happens. At this rate the election is going to pass me on by.


    Why is she saying this crap to him?


    I’m just going to say it. This episode is boring. And did mom have an affair with her boss or not? Because this is the 3rd time they’ve done an adultery fake out. 1. With Seok-Ryu 2. With Seong-hyus parents and 3. Seok-Ryus parents. At this point I’m not sure I care.


      It’s interesting to see the way the other characters are effected by Seok-Ryus diagnosis. From her family members crying alone to the lavender sisters to the goofy brother reading up about cancer .

      I loved the mom calling out her arrogance in not telling them. At some point she’s not “doing it for them” she’s being selfish. She could have died. She could have died and she robbed them of comforting her, of comforting each other.

      Even now she’s being selfish. She knows how Seonh-Hyu feels about her and first she tells him that he really doesn’t and then after breaking his heart (telling him that she thought it wasn’t too late to get back with her ex) she’s whining why didn’t he call her? She HURT HIM! That’s why! And she’s just acting like it doesn’t matter.

      And I get that she’s trying to lighten things up by literally making light of the situation but she legit pissed me off every time she mentioned her parents putting the spoons in their eyes.

      Two things that I like about this drama: people muttering out loud to themselves and immediately getting called out. And 2. Mo-eums fish kiss. I feel like I haven’t seen a fish kiss in years!

      And finally. She JUST had a cancer scare and she didn’t tell ANYONE! Even now she didn’t tell anyone. She’s selfish and I want to kick her.


    The ex seemed like a really good guy. Being a caregiver is hard as heck and as a person with depression I can see that caring for someone with depression would be frustrating but it seems like he snapped once and she went ah! The excuse I’ve been waiting for! I don’t know what she should have done since she didn’t want to encourage him but he flew over from the US. She could have been kinder.

    As for his parents she’s so prideful that she’s not even going to fight for her marriage? I feel badly for the dad he CLEARLY loves her even though he thinks she’s been cheating on him for 20 years.


    I watch dramas to run away from my problems not cheerfully engage with them.
    There has been absolutely 0 happening with either couple. Cool teapot lady is gone and now we have a dementia storyline. Awesome
