She’s been my fave for a while now. She’s one of the idol actresses who I find enjoyable to watch. Apart from the fact she’s my f(x) bias I’ve started to like her acting since prison playbook.
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April 12, 2022 at 6:06 PM
i had a silly smile while watching this scene. gave me deja vu to another kjw drama that involved a couch and cute bantering…
April 13, 2022 at 8:48 AM
i think i really like krystal.. her appearance and cute factor.. she was my fav in the heirs.. her and the cnblue guy couple.. it was so so cute
she is perfect for rich, arrogrant, spoilt brat but oh so naive innocent and cute
April 13, 2022 at 12:49 PM
She’s been my fave for a while now. She’s one of the idol actresses who I find enjoyable to watch. Apart from the fact she’s my f(x) bias I’ve started to like her acting since prison playbook.