Last Christmas day, I made Kkwabaegi (Twisted Doughnut) since I was craving for some after watching Kang Doo ate it in JBL. Hehehe…
Here’s the recipe link:
@peony here’s the recipe link.
Twisting the dough is a bit tricky. I’ve to try several times (was it more than 5? 10?) before I could get this result.😅😅 Good luck on trying this new recipe!
It looks great! You’ve done that curls really neat. Thank you hikari!
Btw, Maangchi writes her recipes in such a simple yet tempting way that almost all the food there looks like they’re easy to follow right?
(Ooh and, I’ve to say,your username too reminds me of food,heh. In ye’olde America,they used to use hickory wood for smoking raw meat as a preservation method. I remember from book 1 of Little house series which has been a BIG part of my childhood, that Pa Charles always said that no ham is as good as the hickory-smoked ones. As I remembered the detailed food making scenes in those books I still salivate.
Sorry if I weirded you out on your username and taking an odd turn in a k-food conversation hehe 😉
Right, her writing could convince us to tey the recipes.
Hickory-smoked meat! I wish I had a chance to try it when I studied in US a few years ago. I like the smell and taste of Hickory-smoked BBQ sauce, the only thing I could afford of Hickory-smoked things. 😅😂😂
It’s a nice take on my name since I love foods! 😊 Actually, hikari is a Japanese word that is the closest meaning to a part of my real name meaning. 😉
January 13, 2018 at 9:27 AM
Last Christmas day, I made Kkwabaegi (Twisted Doughnut) since I was craving for some after watching Kang Doo ate it in JBL. Hehehe…
Here’s the recipe link:
January 13, 2018 at 9:36 AM
@peony here’s the recipe link.
Twisting the dough is a bit tricky. I’ve to try several times (was it more than 5? 10?) before I could get this result.😅😅 Good luck on trying this new recipe!
January 13, 2018 at 10:50 AM
It looks great! You’ve done that curls really neat. Thank you hikari!
Btw, Maangchi writes her recipes in such a simple yet tempting way that almost all the food there looks like they’re easy to follow right?
(Ooh and, I’ve to say,your username too reminds me of food,heh. In ye’olde America,they used to use hickory wood for smoking raw meat as a preservation method. I remember from book 1 of Little house series which has been a BIG part of my childhood, that Pa Charles always said that no ham is as good as the hickory-smoked ones. As I remembered the detailed food making scenes in those books I still salivate.
Sorry if I weirded you out on your username and taking an odd turn in a k-food conversation hehe 😉
January 13, 2018 at 5:46 PM
Right, her writing could convince us to tey the recipes.
Hickory-smoked meat! I wish I had a chance to try it when I studied in US a few years ago. I like the smell and taste of Hickory-smoked BBQ sauce, the only thing I could afford of Hickory-smoked things. 😅😂😂
It’s a nice take on my name since I love foods! 😊 Actually, hikari is a Japanese word that is the closest meaning to a part of my real name meaning. 😉
January 13, 2018 at 6:33 PM
So I guessed right that it was a Japanese name! 🙂
Happy that you liked my take. I love food too. Hehe who doesn’t
Yuyuu, The Drama Queen
January 13, 2018 at 3:39 PM
Now I’m craving them too!
January 13, 2018 at 5:16 PM
I was laughing hard, reading your comment while seeing your dp. 😂😂😂
Now, I feel quite bad that I couldn’t share the real food with you and everyone else. Maybe you could try making it yourself and have fun with it. 😊
Yuyuu, The Drama Queen
January 14, 2018 at 5:37 AM
(that happens quite often that my dp is the accurate description of my feelings. It cracks me up sometimes too)
I’ll definitely try to make them.
January 19, 2018 at 11:55 AM
These look good. Ah, it’s almost 4AM here and I’d love to have these for breakfast… along with a cup of hot coffee /hungry sigh/