also, i didn’t know the obligatory playing-by-the-sea scene could also be inserted into a sageuk drama, but it’s still a kdrama, so no trope is ever totally off the books i guess ¯\_(ツ)_/
(not that i’m saying it wasn’t cute. it was, though i wish we got it sooner and not when things are in the middle of doom and devastation on all fronts.)
i may have clapped like a seal when gae ddong walked away from both guys because a) they’ve been such deceitful fools, and b) kept taking away her agency.
such. a. winsome. moment. like, finally.
it almost made me like the love triangle. almost.
Thanks for the heads up!💜
On another note, do you also find anything wrong with GD x MH’s relationship/feelings? I don’t get why most people in the comments section are hard and hating on Gae ddong and Ma Hoon
Kim Soo, I’ve enjoyed watching you grow as a king this whole time, but your recent actions towards Gae Ddong have been disappointing. You claim that she is the love of your life, but right now you’re treating her as an object and ignoring her feelings, which is ironic, considering what you’ve gone through in the palace. Hoon, you are such a coward, look her in the face and listen to her words, even if you choose not to accept them. Gae Ddong-ah, let’s forget these silly boys (forget Kim Min Jae-I mean Hoon and his angsty eyes). You don’t need them. Let’s just get your brother and go far and away!
(I’m probably the only one who looks forward to this drama the most on these Mon/Tues. It’s not a masterpiece, I admit, but it’s earnest in its simplicity and often predictability. Heart-fluttering even amidst all the tropes. I also love the cast, with the exception of the side couple who-shall-not-be-named. Somehow all of those elements make for a comforting drama, make the start of work week less dreary, help me keep going. It’s enough for me. It’s enough.)
Woo Seok is rather a weak link in the cast for me–I never found him charming like the way Song Joong Ki was in Sungkyunkwan, and his angst lacked depth (partly due to writing too), so already 1/2 of the couple is a hard sell for me. There are aspects of Ji Hwa that I normally would love, but she has also shown herself to be cruel, and upbringing can only be blamed for so much. Since I couldn’t come to like either character, I felt no interest in them as a couple and skipped most of their scenes together.
I agree with you about being so disappointed of Soo. But I think it’s needed for the drama and all.. they have to give Gae Ddong a reason, besides loving Hoon and not Soo anymore, for her to choose Hoon without her feeling guilty. I’m sad that they had to turn his character like this.
And I also agree regarding the side couple, I don’t feel anything for them and they don’t even have a solid backstory on how they fell in love. And the girl (whose name I never learned) is just so manipulative, now that she “knows” he’s the king, she’s willing to be with him (?). I don’t really know coz I skipped their part. haha
It’s just a really cheap move, to make the now-second lead less likeable by throwing characterization down the drain. Though perhaps that being king, he has grown a bit accustomed to being above all and getting what he wants (in theory, I know regency is still going on), so he’s more possessive now? Or conversely, he’s so desperate to bring Gae Ddong near him so that he can protect her (same as Hoon trying to send her there), and also afraid of losing her (esp. after that court lady), that he’s acting up? I guess it’s all excuses in the end.
Yeah, I don’t know how the side couple fall in love or what drew them in besides physical attraction. I only like Ji Hwa during her confrontations with her dad; other than that, she’s shown to be both cruel and manipulative (as you said), so it’s hard to root for her in anything. Sigh, if only she can be like Jeon Hye Bin’s character in Joseon Gunman.
I dropped this after the first episode cos I wasn’t prepared to watch Soo’s character go down the drain and reading your post makes me kind of relieved I don’t have to feel the disappointment 🙁
To be honest, he was fine, great at times even, up until the recent episode, that I was totally rooting for him–to grow as king, if nothing else (his lack of scenes with Gae Ddong made it harder to ship them together), but that little scene of possessiveness left a bit of a bad taste. I can only hope he doesn’t get worse solely for the sake of getting main OTP together, but we’ll see.
Welp, I just finished marathoning Put Your Head on My Shoulder in 2.5 days… So this is how I spent my long weekend… (To be fair, I was also sick & bedridden)
I’d say it’s the result of all the beanies spazzing on the fanwall, which is part of it, but also because I loved A Love So Beautiful to pieces so I figured I’d enjoy this too. And I was right! I marathoned this drama pretty much the same way I did with ALSB. They’re just both lots of gooey giggling snorting cute that can get you easily addicted. I don’t think there’s any other way to watch them, honestly (that and I think if I were to watch live, my brain would think too much & focus on the flaws more).
The OST was also super nice in this drama too, esp. the opening theme song. Very much like ALSB. Gotta love that the opening song alone could hook you in for each drama.
Anyhow, I very much enjoyed my time and felt it was well spent, hee :p
Time to find the Viet translation of the novel to read~ (Wouldn’t be surprised if the novel turns out to be very different like it did for ALSB too).
Actually, you can read what several Chinese -reading Beanies say about the novel on rabbit. I wish I could read Vietnamese well enough to read a novel. I can read, but slowly and with a dictionary, so it would take me forever. You’ve been invited to 末未 wants juice!:
Update: I submitted my job application in time! (After much struggle fighting with the printer/scanner and what-not).
Now I can go ahead and watch HPL’s latest ep with no guilt :p
Me: Got a job application to meet that is approaching fast (like..tomorrow)
Also me: Marathoned all 10 eps of ‘Her Private Life’ since yesterday night instead…
I clearly have priorities…
Romance is a Bonus Book: To watch or not to watch, hmnnn. I’m being impatient why waiting for RoS to air. Beanies, help me out. 3 reasons I should watch this drama? (aside from ahemLJSahem)
It’s not a super exciting drama but it has its really poignant moments that stirs your emotions. It took me about 4 weeks to make myself finish the 2 two episodes but then after that I binged until I caught up, I say give it a try
I usually give a 4-episode grace period for a drama to see whether it’ll catch my interest, so good to know that the beginning might not be a hit right away.
1. A variety of well developed relationships going beyond the romance of the main couple.
2. (So far) little manufactured angst. The problems feel like they could actually happen and actually matter, and even if you are mad at choices made you can see why they were.
3. The books and love of words. The way these characters jobs are actually integral to the plot and character development.
Gosh, that is harder to put into words. I love the show so far though.
It passes the Bechtel test for me. Even if the women are talking about men, it’s more in context of how relationships have changed them. And the women are smart and competent at work.
Absolutely. Every female character has her life, her goals and her dreams. A man is a part of her life. She doesn’t exists to fill a role in a mans world.
I would recommend. I know some beanies were very disappointed. It depends on what you expect from it. If you want more romcom stuff then this is not that.
It has a slow burn feel and more about characters. The leads are just part of the larger set up and don’t entirely occupy the show.
It opened up a lot of conversations amongst a few of us.
Watch 4 episodes and decide.
It’s beautifully shot and the OST is wonderful. And the books!! If you love books then just watch it :))
Since I’m falling for Yoo In Na all over again thanks to RoS, does this mean it’s time for my bi-annual re-watch of QIHM? (Mayhaps I just want an excuse to see Kim Boong Do again, sue me)
They haven’t, but I’m waiting 😛 Always firm, please make sure your lawyer is Jung Rok and his secretary, Yoon Seo, is brought along. I won’t even need representation since I have a law background~
I meant to go to bed after catching up with RoS eps this week but now I can’t seem to from the rush of sugar-high that I got from the drama ughhh. Can Yoon Seo & Jung Rok get any cuter???
Even all the endless elevator scenes cannot deter me from having a blast (by that I mean tons of giggle-snorts) while watching Reach of Sincerity. It’s my new favourite rom-com! Yoo In Na is 💖💖💖
Wow, I really really really love the Boyfriend/Encounter. That I’m able to say it every week, that I’m able to say it consistently for 6 weeks…I love that even more. Thank you, show, for being the highlight of my week. I’m always watching at an unhealthy hour (12-2am, it being the only time my house is quiet enough for me to leisurely savour the drama the way it’s meant to), but drama dearest, you’re one of healthiest mechanisms I have to cope with work (and life). So thank you. Really, really, thank you.
Beanies who have watched Crazy Rich Asians, would you recommend it to a fellow Beanie? Asking for myself and a friend. We’re thinking of watching it this weekend. I’m just curious if being a regular drama-watcher would bring something different to the experience.
I’m not saying everyone and their family and friends should watch Along with the Gods: The Two Worlds and its sequel, The Last 49 Days…but that is exactly what I’m saying.
it’s the week before the finale and LoM is still not holding back on its punches (quite literally in some sense). on one hand, that’s a great show in the making. on the other hand…my heart. my poor heart is just so damn scared for all our main characters. is it too much to hope that they’ll all be safe and sound and together and happy in the end? (those who’ve watched the BBC series, shush, no spoilers!) at the same time, i’m not sure i’ll be able to say goodbye to this show next week ahhh (saying goodbye to wwwsk this week was already hard)
LoM ep 12… What a rollercoaster that was. We got many answers but also many more questions. How does this show keep getting better with every episode? And to think there’s 8 left! Bring it on, show! My head and heart are beyond excited, and let me tell you, they aren’t always on the best on terms on most days.
LOL. I wouldn’t be upset if they gave it an extension, but I feel like the writer had everything written since production started, the plot is just so darn tight, and we shouldn’t mess with the pacing this far in the game. 🙂 But I would have gladly welcomed 20 episodes with this crazy team!
I think MG just lost me at ep 4. That was assault. Physical and sexual assault. Full stop. I don’t think I can condone it. Not sure if there’s anything DMS can do to even get me past that. I knew he was hot-headed, that he has a mental age of a 4-year-old, but that crossed too far a line. Because the thing is, no matter how childish he is, he has the body and full strength of a 21-22-year-old man, and if he keeps using it to unleash his anger and jealousy against SC, then that’s not ok. Let’s say he’s contrite this time, and maybe apologizes for it, but who’s to say he won’t repeat it even when they’re dating in future? Because heaven forbids she so much looks at another guy with a smile.
What I want to also ask is how on earth did the screenwriter and producers let this scene happen? I can’t remember if it was in the manga or not, but even if it was, this is 2018, it’s not ok anymore. Are they expecting us as viewers to be able to stomach this kind of person as the romantic male lead, and like be ok with SC (or any sane person for that matter) to fall in love with him? His friends, even his butler, kept trying to tell SC (and us) that DMS is not a ‘bad’ guy, but I’m having a very hard time believing it. To think I even thought he was cute at times (though that might be mostly due to the actor)… Sure, maybe he isn’t inherently bad or evil, but intentions aside, actions count too, sometimes more than the intentions themselves.
Beanies who are still watching this drama, how did you move past this scene? I genuinely want to know.
For me what helped is that I was watching that scene and at the same time multitasking. So that questionable scene totally slipped under my radar lol. And then later to get a better idea of what’s happening, I rewinded and thought that scene was totally unnecessary. I mean like some other beanies mentioned even the actor himself seemed pretty uncomfortable doing that scene and I kind of felt the same. It was so out of sync with rest of the episode and the overall vibe of the show that I just didn’t let it get to my head. I guess either someone within the writing team suggested it, [ or the manga has the scene, I hope someone who has read the manga can enlighten us.] Whatever the case is, it should not have been there. And honestly no girl would fall for a boy who tries to scare a girl with a forced kiss or repetitive hit on the wall, so it really fails to create any impact.
Fortunately since that scene no other violent scene has taken place so I’m hoping they realized where they went wrong.
That’s what it felt like to me too. That they could have totally done away with the scene. Or at the most, a forced kiss would do. But the entire sequence was way overdone and unnecessarily long, might even be triggering for some viewers.
I watched BOF, this guy was supposed to be like this, he’s got anger issues, he is sometimes violent, doesn’t respect bounds, doesn’t understand he is not better than others. I don’t know if in the previous MG this existed but I bet it did and how do you make a remake and change such a thing without changing everything that comes later? How to respect the original work? They are not asking us to like what he did, but it is true to his character.
I read the manga and also watched the Korean BOF, but perhaps it’s been really long so my memory is fuzzy, so I somehow don’t remember him being that bad? I know this character got some serious issues, I went in knowing that, but that scene still left me in a bad taste. I don’t know, the violence in that scene was just too much.
Sure, there’s the respecting original work, and then there’s recognizing the times have changed, and adapting to it. I’m not saying we can’t have problematic male leads who eventually change for the better, but in that scene he felt like a sexual predator to me and just lost all my goodwill. It’s just how I feel.
I think what got me past episode 4 was the fact that they did not romanticize that scene at all. You could see it all over Shan Cai’s face that we was feeling violated and harassed, and at some point at the end of the scene Ah Si looked like he regretted it. The show never showed it as something like, “he does this and it’s totally okay.” He did it and it hurt both of them, Shan Cai especially. Even in the later episodes, Shan Cai still grimaces whenever he gets too close, probably scared that he would do the same thing.
Having watched both the original and BOF though, it really helped to know that DMS’s character really improves from here, that he does not stay a douche like he is now. I think that’s what makes HYD such a classic (at least for me), because it shows people that even the worst kind of person can change for the better. At this point, Ah Si still has a lot of growing up to do. Hope you can stick around and see that with us. 🙂
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. I too did notice he was contrite but that it took her crying for him to recognize he did wrong…it’s very hard for me to swallow. I tried watching one more episode but he never got around to apologizing and instead at one point even blamed her?
I have read the manga and watched BOF, so I also know he will eventually get ‘better’ because that’s a major point to the story, but right now I’m still reeling from the scene. Perhaps I might check out 1-2 more eps on another day, but for now, I’m going to take a break from it.
Was hoping he’d apologize for it too. Glad that SC voiced out her thoughts about it, that he had to apologize. But alas his pride couldn’t handle it. That’s something that’s been kind of bothering me since episode 5 and I can’t even say he “paid” for it by being heartbroken in the next couple of episodes.
Go ahead, and take a break from it! You definitely have a valid reason for stopping. 🙂
From what I remember in the source material, he does some terrible things such as dragging her with a car, having all her classmates torture her, and instructing other guys to sexually assault her. He WAS awful. They have actually toned him down a bit in this version. I can’t really say that what he did is forgivable, but we do see that he becomes her support and really cherishes her during his character growth.
October 29, 2019 at 9:38 PM
also, i didn’t know the obligatory playing-by-the-sea scene could also be inserted into a sageuk drama, but it’s still a kdrama, so no trope is ever totally off the books i guess ¯\_(ツ)_/
(not that i’m saying it wasn’t cute. it was, though i wish we got it sooner and not when things are in the middle of doom and devastation on all fronts.)
October 29, 2019 at 9:35 PM
i may have clapped like a seal when gae ddong walked away from both guys because a) they’ve been such deceitful fools, and b) kept taking away her agency.
such. a. winsome. moment. like, finally.
it almost made me like the love triangle. almost.
October 30, 2019 at 4:32 PM
I finally found another beanie watching this drama!
I’m still stucked on Ep 12 but this is a lil bit encouraging
October 30, 2019 at 7:45 PM
I’m thinking you might want to wait till next week and watch all 4 episodes in one go because it’s pretty angsty this week 😥
October 31, 2019 at 4:14 PM
Thanks for the heads up!💜
On another note, do you also find anything wrong with GD x MH’s relationship/feelings? I don’t get why most people in the comments section are hard and hating on Gae ddong and Ma Hoon
October 22, 2019 at 12:16 AM
Kim Soo, I’ve enjoyed watching you grow as a king this whole time, but your recent actions towards Gae Ddong have been disappointing. You claim that she is the love of your life, but right now you’re treating her as an object and ignoring her feelings, which is ironic, considering what you’ve gone through in the palace. Hoon, you are such a coward, look her in the face and listen to her words, even if you choose not to accept them. Gae Ddong-ah, let’s forget these silly boys (forget Kim Min Jae-I mean Hoon and his angsty eyes). You don’t need them. Let’s just get your brother and go far and away!
(I’m probably the only one who looks forward to this drama the most on these Mon/Tues. It’s not a masterpiece, I admit, but it’s earnest in its simplicity and often predictability. Heart-fluttering even amidst all the tropes. I also love the cast, with the exception of the side couple who-shall-not-be-named. Somehow all of those elements make for a comforting drama, make the start of work week less dreary, help me keep going. It’s enough for me. It’s enough.)
mugyuljoie is preciousss
October 22, 2019 at 12:19 AM
I’m even okay with the side couple.
October 22, 2019 at 12:40 AM
Woo Seok is rather a weak link in the cast for me–I never found him charming like the way Song Joong Ki was in Sungkyunkwan, and his angst lacked depth (partly due to writing too), so already 1/2 of the couple is a hard sell for me. There are aspects of Ji Hwa that I normally would love, but she has also shown herself to be cruel, and upbringing can only be blamed for so much. Since I couldn’t come to like either character, I felt no interest in them as a couple and skipped most of their scenes together.
October 22, 2019 at 2:07 AM
I agree with you about being so disappointed of Soo. But I think it’s needed for the drama and all.. they have to give Gae Ddong a reason, besides loving Hoon and not Soo anymore, for her to choose Hoon without her feeling guilty. I’m sad that they had to turn his character like this.
And I also agree regarding the side couple, I don’t feel anything for them and they don’t even have a solid backstory on how they fell in love. And the girl (whose name I never learned) is just so manipulative, now that she “knows” he’s the king, she’s willing to be with him (?). I don’t really know coz I skipped their part. haha
October 23, 2019 at 6:56 PM
It’s just a really cheap move, to make the now-second lead less likeable by throwing characterization down the drain. Though perhaps that being king, he has grown a bit accustomed to being above all and getting what he wants (in theory, I know regency is still going on), so he’s more possessive now? Or conversely, he’s so desperate to bring Gae Ddong near him so that he can protect her (same as Hoon trying to send her there), and also afraid of losing her (esp. after that court lady), that he’s acting up? I guess it’s all excuses in the end.
Yeah, I don’t know how the side couple fall in love or what drew them in besides physical attraction. I only like Ji Hwa during her confrontations with her dad; other than that, she’s shown to be both cruel and manipulative (as you said), so it’s hard to root for her in anything. Sigh, if only she can be like Jeon Hye Bin’s character in Joseon Gunman.
protect junwoo
October 22, 2019 at 4:02 AM
I dropped this after the first episode cos I wasn’t prepared to watch Soo’s character go down the drain and reading your post makes me kind of relieved I don’t have to feel the disappointment 🙁
Have they revealed who/where GD’s brother is?
mugyuljoie is preciousss
October 22, 2019 at 4:51 AM
They’ve shown us the brother and she knows where he is now.
October 23, 2019 at 7:01 PM
To be honest, he was fine, great at times even, up until the recent episode, that I was totally rooting for him–to grow as king, if nothing else (his lack of scenes with Gae Ddong made it harder to ship them together), but that little scene of possessiveness left a bit of a bad taste. I can only hope he doesn’t get worse solely for the sake of getting main OTP together, but we’ll see.
May 19, 2019 at 9:28 PM
Welp, I just finished marathoning Put Your Head on My Shoulder in 2.5 days… So this is how I spent my long weekend… (To be fair, I was also sick & bedridden)
I’d say it’s the result of all the beanies spazzing on the fanwall, which is part of it, but also because I loved A Love So Beautiful to pieces so I figured I’d enjoy this too. And I was right! I marathoned this drama pretty much the same way I did with ALSB. They’re just both lots of gooey giggling snorting cute that can get you easily addicted. I don’t think there’s any other way to watch them, honestly (that and I think if I were to watch live, my brain would think too much & focus on the flaws more).
The OST was also super nice in this drama too, esp. the opening theme song. Very much like ALSB. Gotta love that the opening song alone could hook you in for each drama.
Anyhow, I very much enjoyed my time and felt it was well spent, hee :p
Time to find the Viet translation of the novel to read~ (Wouldn’t be surprised if the novel turns out to be very different like it did for ALSB too).
May 20, 2019 at 3:43 AM
Actually, you can read what several Chinese -reading Beanies say about the novel on rabbit. I wish I could read Vietnamese well enough to read a novel. I can read, but slowly and with a dictionary, so it would take me forever. You’ve been invited to 末未 wants juice!:
May 15, 2019 at 8:38 PM
Update: I submitted my job application in time! (After much struggle fighting with the printer/scanner and what-not).
Now I can go ahead and watch HPL’s latest ep with no guilt :p
May 14, 2019 at 8:43 PM
Me: Got a job application to meet that is approaching fast (like..tomorrow)
Also me: Marathoned all 10 eps of ‘Her Private Life’ since yesterday night instead…
I clearly have priorities…
May 15, 2019 at 12:38 PM
Just be alive, I died a few times in some episodes.
March 13, 2019 at 5:49 AM
I feel like I’m watching Forest of Secrets as this scandal unfolded more and more…
March 5, 2019 at 7:36 PM
Romance is a Bonus Book: To watch or not to watch, hmnnn. I’m being impatient why waiting for RoS to air. Beanies, help me out. 3 reasons I should watch this drama? (aside from ahemLJSahem)
March 5, 2019 at 7:46 PM
The staff at the publishing company, woman bonding and as of episode 11 and 12 an overload of cuteness.
March 5, 2019 at 9:45 PM
Ohh woman bonding is definitely a brownie point in my book (no pun intended).
RaOnAh loves Jay B 💚
March 5, 2019 at 7:49 PM
And beautiful bookshelves full of beautiful books 💕
March 5, 2019 at 9:45 PM
Me, a certified bookworm: Hmnn, noted 🙂
March 5, 2019 at 9:04 PM
It’s not a super exciting drama but it has its really poignant moments that stirs your emotions. It took me about 4 weeks to make myself finish the 2 two episodes but then after that I binged until I caught up, I say give it a try
March 5, 2019 at 9:47 PM
I usually give a 4-episode grace period for a drama to see whether it’ll catch my interest, so good to know that the beginning might not be a hit right away.
March 6, 2019 at 4:35 AM
1. A variety of well developed relationships going beyond the romance of the main couple.
2. (So far) little manufactured angst. The problems feel like they could actually happen and actually matter, and even if you are mad at choices made you can see why they were.
3. The books and love of words. The way these characters jobs are actually integral to the plot and character development.
Gosh, that is harder to put into words. I love the show so far though.
March 6, 2019 at 4:37 AM
It passes the Bechtel test for me. Even if the women are talking about men, it’s more in context of how relationships have changed them. And the women are smart and competent at work.
Blue (@mayhemf)
March 6, 2019 at 7:02 AM
Absolutely. Every female character has her life, her goals and her dreams. A man is a part of her life. She doesn’t exists to fill a role in a mans world.
Blue (@mayhemf)
March 6, 2019 at 7:06 AM
I would recommend. I know some beanies were very disappointed. It depends on what you expect from it. If you want more romcom stuff then this is not that.
It has a slow burn feel and more about characters. The leads are just part of the larger set up and don’t entirely occupy the show.
It opened up a lot of conversations amongst a few of us.
Watch 4 episodes and decide.
It’s beautifully shot and the OST is wonderful. And the books!! If you love books then just watch it :))
February 27, 2019 at 10:04 PM
Since I’m falling for Yoo In Na all over again thanks to RoS, does this mean it’s time for my bi-annual re-watch of QIHM? (Mayhaps I just want an excuse to see Kim Boong Do again, sue me)
February 27, 2019 at 10:09 PM
He is one of my all time favorite male leads. ❤️
February 27, 2019 at 10:31 PM
As he is mine :p
February 27, 2019 at 11:42 PM
This was the show that made me fall in love with YIN. She is just so likable. And Boong do was such an awesome lead!
Lord Cobol (Kdramas, like water, flow downhill)
February 28, 2019 at 12:27 AM
So, have the RoS law firm sue you?
February 28, 2019 at 1:10 AM
let me know when the court hearing starts then. ill be there~
February 28, 2019 at 7:18 PM
They haven’t, but I’m waiting 😛 Always firm, please make sure your lawyer is Jung Rok and his secretary, Yoon Seo, is brought along. I won’t even need representation since I have a law background~
February 23, 2019 at 9:27 PM
I meant to go to bed after catching up with RoS eps this week but now I can’t seem to from the rush of sugar-high that I got from the drama ughhh. Can Yoon Seo & Jung Rok get any cuter???
February 23, 2019 at 9:24 PM
Even all the endless elevator scenes cannot deter me from having a blast (by that I mean tons of giggle-snorts) while watching Reach of Sincerity. It’s my new favourite rom-com! Yoo In Na is 💖💖💖
February 23, 2019 at 10:04 PM
She is 💖💖💖. You just can’t help but love her!
February 23, 2019 at 10:41 PM
Her character reminds me of her role in QIHM but she’s even more adorable in RoS. What is this witchcraft???
January 11, 2019 at 11:45 PM
Wow, I really really really love the Boyfriend/Encounter. That I’m able to say it every week, that I’m able to say it consistently for 6 weeks…I love that even more. Thank you, show, for being the highlight of my week. I’m always watching at an unhealthy hour (12-2am, it being the only time my house is quiet enough for me to leisurely savour the drama the way it’s meant to), but drama dearest, you’re one of healthiest mechanisms I have to cope with work (and life). So thank you. Really, really, thank you.
December 26, 2018 at 4:28 PM
Wait, there’s no Boyfriend/Encounter this week? When I’m off from work and will finally be able to watch it on the day it airs? Whyyy????? 😭
August 29, 2018 at 8:04 PM
Beanies who have watched Crazy Rich Asians, would you recommend it to a fellow Beanie? Asking for myself and a friend. We’re thinking of watching it this weekend. I’m just curious if being a regular drama-watcher would bring something different to the experience.
August 29, 2018 at 8:50 PM
I would! Go watch it! 😊
August 29, 2018 at 9:04 PM
It’s totally fun! No Subway PPL, though 🙂
August 29, 2018 at 9:20 PM
It’s a very enjoyable rom-com and the acting is super so yes 😀
August 29, 2018 at 10:16 PM
yes, it’s a fun watch
August 30, 2018 at 3:44 PM
Thanks, everyone. I guess we’ll go watch it then~ I’ll report after if it was to my liking or not :p
August 8, 2018 at 7:58 PM
I’m not saying everyone and their family and friends should watch Along with the Gods: The Two Worlds and its sequel, The Last 49 Days…but that is exactly what I’m saying.
August 9, 2018 at 6:39 PM
Tell me it was I who convinced you (lol I’m jk). I’d totally get my mom to watch this if I could, actually, except we’re not in the same country :p
August 4, 2018 at 4:10 PM
Me: *yells * Subs for LoM ep 15 is up! 🎉
Also me: I don’t know why I’m yelling when I haven’t even watched ep 14 yet… (it’s been a busy week)
July 28, 2018 at 7:52 PM
it’s the week before the finale and LoM is still not holding back on its punches (quite literally in some sense). on one hand, that’s a great show in the making. on the other hand…my heart. my poor heart is just so damn scared for all our main characters. is it too much to hope that they’ll all be safe and sound and together and happy in the end? (those who’ve watched the BBC series, shush, no spoilers!) at the same time, i’m not sure i’ll be able to say goodbye to this show next week ahhh (saying goodbye to wwwsk this week was already hard)
July 22, 2018 at 7:52 PM
LoM ep 12… What a rollercoaster that was. We got many answers but also many more questions. How does this show keep getting better with every episode? And to think there’s 8 left! Bring it on, show! My head and heart are beyond excited, and let me tell you, they aren’t always on the best on terms on most days.
July 22, 2018 at 9:43 PM
Wait, is this show 16 or 18 episodes?! I thought it was 16 but if it’s 18 I’m not complaining in the slightest!
July 22, 2018 at 10:01 PM
Oops, my bad. I thought I read somewhere that it was 20 eps (in my dreams, probably)? It’s 16 from the looks of it.
July 23, 2018 at 7:12 AM
LOL. I wouldn’t be upset if they gave it an extension, but I feel like the writer had everything written since production started, the plot is just so darn tight, and we shouldn’t mess with the pacing this far in the game. 🙂 But I would have gladly welcomed 20 episodes with this crazy team!
July 23, 2018 at 9:03 AM
16 or 18?!
Please, say 18 !
July 22, 2018 at 1:36 PM
I think MG just lost me at ep 4. That was assault. Physical and sexual assault. Full stop. I don’t think I can condone it. Not sure if there’s anything DMS can do to even get me past that. I knew he was hot-headed, that he has a mental age of a 4-year-old, but that crossed too far a line. Because the thing is, no matter how childish he is, he has the body and full strength of a 21-22-year-old man, and if he keeps using it to unleash his anger and jealousy against SC, then that’s not ok. Let’s say he’s contrite this time, and maybe apologizes for it, but who’s to say he won’t repeat it even when they’re dating in future? Because heaven forbids she so much looks at another guy with a smile.
What I want to also ask is how on earth did the screenwriter and producers let this scene happen? I can’t remember if it was in the manga or not, but even if it was, this is 2018, it’s not ok anymore. Are they expecting us as viewers to be able to stomach this kind of person as the romantic male lead, and like be ok with SC (or any sane person for that matter) to fall in love with him? His friends, even his butler, kept trying to tell SC (and us) that DMS is not a ‘bad’ guy, but I’m having a very hard time believing it. To think I even thought he was cute at times (though that might be mostly due to the actor)… Sure, maybe he isn’t inherently bad or evil, but intentions aside, actions count too, sometimes more than the intentions themselves.
Beanies who are still watching this drama, how did you move past this scene? I genuinely want to know.
July 22, 2018 at 2:28 PM
For me what helped is that I was watching that scene and at the same time multitasking. So that questionable scene totally slipped under my radar lol. And then later to get a better idea of what’s happening, I rewinded and thought that scene was totally unnecessary. I mean like some other beanies mentioned even the actor himself seemed pretty uncomfortable doing that scene and I kind of felt the same. It was so out of sync with rest of the episode and the overall vibe of the show that I just didn’t let it get to my head. I guess either someone within the writing team suggested it, [ or the manga has the scene, I hope someone who has read the manga can enlighten us.] Whatever the case is, it should not have been there. And honestly no girl would fall for a boy who tries to scare a girl with a forced kiss or repetitive hit on the wall, so it really fails to create any impact.
Fortunately since that scene no other violent scene has taken place so I’m hoping they realized where they went wrong.
July 22, 2018 at 2:28 PM
questionable kiss*
July 22, 2018 at 6:12 PM
That’s what it felt like to me too. That they could have totally done away with the scene. Or at the most, a forced kiss would do. But the entire sequence was way overdone and unnecessarily long, might even be triggering for some viewers.
July 22, 2018 at 2:53 PM
I watched BOF, this guy was supposed to be like this, he’s got anger issues, he is sometimes violent, doesn’t respect bounds, doesn’t understand he is not better than others. I don’t know if in the previous MG this existed but I bet it did and how do you make a remake and change such a thing without changing everything that comes later? How to respect the original work? They are not asking us to like what he did, but it is true to his character.
July 22, 2018 at 6:20 PM
I read the manga and also watched the Korean BOF, but perhaps it’s been really long so my memory is fuzzy, so I somehow don’t remember him being that bad? I know this character got some serious issues, I went in knowing that, but that scene still left me in a bad taste. I don’t know, the violence in that scene was just too much.
Sure, there’s the respecting original work, and then there’s recognizing the times have changed, and adapting to it. I’m not saying we can’t have problematic male leads who eventually change for the better, but in that scene he felt like a sexual predator to me and just lost all my goodwill. It’s just how I feel.
July 22, 2018 at 5:05 PM
I think what got me past episode 4 was the fact that they did not romanticize that scene at all. You could see it all over Shan Cai’s face that we was feeling violated and harassed, and at some point at the end of the scene Ah Si looked like he regretted it. The show never showed it as something like, “he does this and it’s totally okay.” He did it and it hurt both of them, Shan Cai especially. Even in the later episodes, Shan Cai still grimaces whenever he gets too close, probably scared that he would do the same thing.
Having watched both the original and BOF though, it really helped to know that DMS’s character really improves from here, that he does not stay a douche like he is now. I think that’s what makes HYD such a classic (at least for me), because it shows people that even the worst kind of person can change for the better. At this point, Ah Si still has a lot of growing up to do. Hope you can stick around and see that with us. 🙂
July 22, 2018 at 6:26 PM
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. I too did notice he was contrite but that it took her crying for him to recognize he did wrong…it’s very hard for me to swallow. I tried watching one more episode but he never got around to apologizing and instead at one point even blamed her?
I have read the manga and watched BOF, so I also know he will eventually get ‘better’ because that’s a major point to the story, but right now I’m still reeling from the scene. Perhaps I might check out 1-2 more eps on another day, but for now, I’m going to take a break from it.
July 22, 2018 at 9:10 PM
Was hoping he’d apologize for it too. Glad that SC voiced out her thoughts about it, that he had to apologize. But alas his pride couldn’t handle it. That’s something that’s been kind of bothering me since episode 5 and I can’t even say he “paid” for it by being heartbroken in the next couple of episodes.
Go ahead, and take a break from it! You definitely have a valid reason for stopping. 🙂
July 22, 2018 at 8:38 PM
From what I remember in the source material, he does some terrible things such as dragging her with a car, having all her classmates torture her, and instructing other guys to sexually assault her. He WAS awful. They have actually toned him down a bit in this version. I can’t really say that what he did is forgivable, but we do see that he becomes her support and really cherishes her during his character growth.
July 21, 2018 at 7:45 PM
Just finished watching LoM ep 11. I am ready to go find the culprit and wring him with my bare hands. How dare he. You do NOT mess with our girl.