Horang, I almost liked you. There are still 3 episodes left, so please redeem yourself. I know it’s not wrong to dream about doing what everyone else does, but is that really going to make you happy?


    Your happiness is dependent on them (society). Why can’t you wear a red coat once you’re married? Who cares if you’re 50 and still unmarried. It’s YOUR life. Don’t live by their standards.


    I’m thirty and I have like no intention of marrying, no boyfriend in sight and I’ve gotten so many questions about marriage, kids and everything that comes attached and I’m just living my life from day to day and enjoying the good parts forgetting the bad. And truthfully I’m sick of her whining about marriage. seriously. she feels like someone I’d have a hard time hanging out with, I’d get so frustrated at her. I didn’t like her coat analogy I found it so dreary, like why must she lose her personality as she ages?
