Slowly but surely making his mark, and never actually leaving the scene, (so it’s not quite accurate to call his appearances come backs). XZ, fresh and relaxed in his ad for Chongqing.
Hi Everyone,
I hope this post finds you all well! It’s the start of another month. I’ve been finding that 2020 has been passing faster than other years, which is strange, since I’m mostly home and should be bored to tears. However, it feels busier and more tiring somehow, and time has just sped by.
I like Xiao Zhan in his short hair (from a recent show he’s doing?) and as usual, looking happy, ‘real’ and sincere in endorsing his home. The food there sure looks good! It’s nice to see that XZ looks more well rested.
I saw another YT vid of him on CCTV8, which means he’s still visible and that some China channels are not afraid to be linked with him.
I love his pride and love for his hometown, Chongqing, it’s so adorable 😍😍😍😘😘😘🥰🥰🥰🥰
I agree that it’s SO GOOD to see him slowly, but surely, making appearance here and there on TV again ☺️☺️ And for his return to TV and the public this time he does look A LOT more relaxed and rested (which I know that he actually prefers… It’s definitely not because he’s ungrateful for all the popularity and all the love that he received last summer because of “The Untamed”, but I believe it’s because his personality just prefers to have a slower pace for his work and to be able to do more of the things that he likes and is more important for him, e.g. charity work) and it’s definitely lessened my worry about his health (I’m more worried about Wang Yi Bo now 🥺🥺🥺).
I believe he got the new hairstyle for his most recent role in the drama that tells the stories about people during the pandemic, the drama is titled “In Harm’s Way”, which is broadcasted by one of the government-funded broadcasting stations, CCTV. I don’t think CCTV is afraid of showing a lot more Xiao Zhan content compared to other broadcast stations because no one is going to complain (or is too scared to complain) about something that is funded by the country’s government.
This clip, I think is part of a bigger holiday special that CCTV has been doing this entire week to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, which is one of the bigger holidays in Chinese culture, and is a very family-oriented holiday. If I am not mistaken, it is also the very first big holiday for China since the pandemic
@bebeswtz Yes, you are right. The Mid-Autumn Festival is the first big holiday that China can celebrate after the Lunar New Year. I hope that the massive movement of people across the country does not bring on a new spate of infection.
It’s great that people see that CCTV is OK with XZ. Without making anything explicit, it shows that official sentiment is fine with XZ and that all the trumped up charges and criticism of netizens should be ignored.
Yeah, his obvious love for his home is sweet. A real hometown boy, happy to share the good stuff he enjoys with everyone. He’s the right and natural spokesman for his hometown. It was a good move on the part of the bodies that planned this. I’m thinking the tourist numbers in Chongqing will go up. 😆
I actually just read today that there has been a reported diagnosed case of the bubonic plague from a 3-year-old in China today 🥺🥺🥺 I REALLY hope that it doesn’t get bigger.
I agree, I hope that when people see that XZ has the support of CCTV, that the negative press he’s been (undeservedly gdtting) will lessen and then STOP, because the whole situation was not his fault to begin with.
His heart is just SO GOOD and KIND. He really IS just so happy to share with others the things, people, and places that he, himself, loves as well. It makes me so happy every time he shares his artwork and pieces of his life (like his kitty, 堅果, a.k.a. “Nut”) on his social media ☺️☺️☺️
I was just checking on the bubonic plague before I read your post. It is fortunately not like the coronavirus that can spread easily through droplets, and there are antibiotics for it, therefore we can breathe easy. But when I first heard about it, I was shocked as well and worried. I thought that that plague had been expunged, but nope!
It’s true. How the hair is makes such a difference to a person’s look. I was just watching videos on looking chic, and the hair can make or break that look!
I love how the shorter hair cut give him more manly look!! Our Chongqing beauty is still so beautiful… By the way @bebeswtz his new hairstyle is for his upcoming military drama “The Years of Ace Force of Heroes” produced by iQiyi (starring Huang Jingyu, Xiao Zhan and Zhong Chuxi)… He had his usual hairstyle in the CCTV pandemic drama
His shorter hair definitely makes him look more mature and more solid whereas his previous hairstyle made him look softer, but we all know that I love both looks ~!! Hehe
Ooooh, that makes sense!! Thank you for the correction 🙂
Yea, trying to get the latest news on him from where I live (Canada) isn’t always the easiest, especially when I don’t have accounts for and am not active on Chinese social media (Weibo, Douyin, etc.)
oh thank you for this @growingbeautifully:
i love his new look, he looks more like a man which he is since he just celebrated his 29th bday last 5th oct…in fact XZ Studio posted some new photos with his new cut and he looks handsome, as usual…he trended on twitter worldwide on that day…XZ Jiayou
Hi Everyone, I had a sombre morning today … someone (a stranger) passed away opposite my home. We saw police and a body being covered. Guesswork: the person (looked like a female) fell or jumped from several floors above. It’s a sobering and saddening thought, for a life to be lost just like that.
Trying to brighten up the day with a little Xiao Zhan and his sweet smile.
Thank you @bebeswtz. Unsettling is the word. The thought of that poor soul popped up over and over in my mind in the course of these days. Praying for that soul! 🙏
@carmen Yes, it’s sad on a few levels. I often wonder if some slight positive change in the interactions with persons might have made a difference … I don’t know if it was suicide or an accident, (and I don’t want to think of the 3rd alternative!) but regardless, maybe something could have prevented such a loss. Making it a point to be more positive despite everything!!
Thanks @strawberry. I love positive vibes. Was just mentioning to @carmen above that being positive could make a big difference. 🤗 👍 🙌 ✋ ✌️ 🙏 Positive signs! LOL.
Oh I’m so sorry – that must have been hard to think about someone jumping.
So let’s take time to be kind and loving to each other, and if you can’t do that – at least be respectful of people around you. @growingbeautifully – sending you many hugs today.
Thanks @stpauligurl, and I so agree. Let’s be good to each other and treat others as we’d like to be treated. We never know when that kind word or smile might have made the difference to a lost soul!! I hope ‘she’ is in peace. 🙏
Sheesh, has it been over 2 months since I’ve been here? Well what else would get me back to post except Xiao Zhan, LOL. Loved that expression in the last few seconds of this BTS.
I just happened along and saw this game ad BTS. Not sure if it was made some time back but our sweet XZ still looks great and eager to please. But those last few seconds of him looking like he’s puzzled and thinking about something, with down-turned mouth and looking from side to side were so cute.
This was made some time ago—about a year ago, to be exact— around the same time him and Wang Yi Bo were doing their promotions and going on variety shows to promo “The Untamed” 😊
Here’s them singing (a remade version, with a rap) the theme song for the game on the variety show that Wang Yi Bo co-hosts, “Day Day Up” ☺️
It’s sad that there are few really new, recent clips of him. I just post what’s out there, which have been re-posted recently, although they might be many months old, but I don’t mind. I just want to save them here for us to savour anytime.
good news @strawberry, @growingbeautifully n the other ladies here, he’s included in the pandemic drama “heroes in harms way” which will be shown in CCTV this sept. 17. he is featured in one of the stories. there are 7 stories to be exact.. so happy for my boy, he’s finally back!!!
his roseonly livestream last aug was crazy, with 8.5M viewers live watching. his short 2 min vid about his usual routine in one day had more than 40M views. that’s how he is missed by his fans. i miss him
Thanks for tagging me. He is and always will be the essence of humility and kindness and authenticity in a young actor. He always seems just so ‘real’ in everything he does! And I never get tired of seeing him…
So true @stpauligurl. I like that humility and realness about him too.
Last clip I saw, had him carrying his own umbrella, so unlike those celebrities who go around ignoring their poor assistants, who have to scramble after them with an umbrella and all kinds of gear. Such sweet simple acts of humility and consideration go a long way.
many thanks @growingbeautifully, anything about my boy Xiao Zhan is always welcome.
i take him with the good and bad, that’s how i love/support/stan this boy who has been through a lot these last six months. he deserves our love and support.
and he’s so cute in this vid..
He’s been pretty quiet lately and has even been very much on the dl despite attending quite a few charity events lately… He’s been so quiet that it actually seems intentional, despite everything that he’s still doing 🧐🧐
He attended 1-2 charity events that helped to kickstart the reopening and rebuilding of the economy of Hubei
Province (where Wuhan is located), then he quietly attended a few charity events that worked towards promoting Chinese culture, focusing a lot on a lot of almost-lost agricultural and textile arts like paper-cutting, etc.
Might be a extra low key comeback strategy. Hopefully he’s getting good advice as to what to do. I felt that he looked extra young in this video. No need for makeup, costume and accessories, he still looked great, and even looked like a fresh faced kid. 😍 😆
His company/agency (whatever you want to call it) is useless… I believe what he’s doing now— choosing to keep a low profile and focusing on his charity work— is his own choice 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 The only useful thing of his agency (Xiao Zhan Studio) right now is that they are listening to him and letting him have input in what he does, for work and for how he wants to deal with all the defamation that he’s been going thru, because that’s the main purpose of a personal work studio/workshop format for an agency of an entertainer— their sole focus and purpose is for the ONE person they are named under (like Deng Lun Studio or Charmaine [Sheh]’s Workshop)— but other than that, they’ve been pretty useless this entire time, especially the PR department and how they’ve chosen to protect him 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️
Poor boy! He’s been on his own so much, never getting support or being sufficiently promoted. Still we have confidence that he’ll keep going and growing. 😉
Yea 🙁 The only reason Xiao Zhan Studio (but still under his agency) actually exists is because Xiao Zhan actually had to sue his agency for better treatment, better pay, and for fair pay. The lawsuit ended with an out-of-court agreement, and part of the agreement was for Xiao Zhan studio to be established… All of that happened during the same time Xiao Zhan was working on “Joy Of Life” and preparing for “The Untamed”. Xiao Zhan actually had to argue against his agency and to help himself to get the role of Wei Ying for “The Untamed” because his agency kept telling him that he ‘wasn’t good enough’ and actually put steps out to try to stop him from auditioning, but thankfully Xiao Zhan got the role just based off of a photo that was shown to the director of “The Untamed” from one of the staff of “The Untamed”
What I love most about this appearance is that he’s wearing his own charity $13 t shirt, no make up, no jewelry (except the red charm bracelet tha his mom gave to him), no expensive brand, and he’s still shining like the brightest star and breaking all the hot topics and social media trends
That’s actually the first thing o noticed about him from this vid— unfiltered (no makeup), simple (not wearing brand names, just his own t-shirt), and true to himself (the bracelet his mother gave him ❤️)
I’ve always liked his natural boyish look and how he’s happy as himself. No need to put on a show or create an image. Being authentic in the crazy world of entertainment is quite a feat. Kudos to him for keeping true. 😃
I’ve just started watching the cdrama, ‘We are All Alone’ about the drama/entertainment industry and it will be pretty stark and not too far from the truth, I believe. 😣 Not a peaceful sort of workplace at all! 😀
Agreed!! I am happy that he is happy with himself through and through 🙂
Here’s a pretty good “First Impressions” review of “We Are All Alone” by AvenueX, and she actually says that the drama’s depiction of the entertainment industry in China is actually quite accurate, as AvenueX is someone who used to work in the Chinese entertainment industry:
Just saw clips of XZ’s recent interview, my heart aches for him.
The industry is super competitive, stressful and nasty. For every success story, there are hundreds or maybe thousands of failure. Then when one becomes successful, it’s still such a tough life. Since Untamed, I’ve been watching mostly C dramas. There is a big pool of actors, more than in Kdramas. Many are good looking, young and talented but sadly limited good scripts, good production and thus few opportunities. I’m watching We Are All Alone after Ave X had it in her video, I wanted to understand more about the industry. It’s certainly interesting and surprising to know some of these things that happen behind the scenes.
Xiao Zhan and Yibo were extremely lucky to catch their break with The Untamed. I just hope the fame they have achieved will allow them to pursue their dreams instead of being an obstacle in their lives. Xiao Zhan is more popular but also has a harder time than Yibo. This is just my observation. I guess the more popular you are, the more antis you attract and the more people there are who want to displace you. In XZ’s case, it’s not always those who are against him, his own fanatic fans have contributed to his woes.
I only hope he will find more happiness in this cray cray world.
The last couple of months (especially this last month) has had its ups and downs during my country & city’s stay-at-home order due to COVID, but I’m hanging in there 💪🏻💪🏻
I have also not been able to move on from Chinese dramas since completing “The Untamed” last year (it’s almost the 1-year anniversary of the airing of Episode 1!!!!), and have watched a couple of Chinese dramas here and there since then, a few BL ones, too, but found myself not really going back to Korean dramas 🤨🤨
The industry is definitely really competitive, and it may be different levels of intensity as well, depending on the direction an artist goes down… I know that the Chinese film & drama industry is super competitive just from the mere fact of its population and just how many actors and actresses make up the Chinese entertainment industry 🥺🥺
In terms of Xiao Zhan, I’m in no way happy about what’s happened to him, especially since he really didn’t do anything and was basically collateral damage for the actions of others, but—in a way— I’m happy for what it has brought him in terms of a slower pace in his work (it was not fun having to worry about his health all the time last year when all the craziness from “The Untamed” happened on top of him filming 2-3 dramas back-to-back 😰😰😰) and how much stronger he has become when resuming his work after, not just the scandal, but also from being forced to take time off and stay at home—because of COVID— to think things through and reflect. It’s also somewhat comforting to know that he’s okay and understands the other side of things and that he’s okay with it, too— he may not like it and it’s really unfortunate, but he understands why his endorsements dropped him so he’s not going to say or hint at anything bad towards those brands or companies, he understands that when he is so loved that he will most likely also have (an equal amount or more) people who dislike him— he’s always said that, and by doing so, I think he’s also always prepared himself for the day that the antis and haters would end up doing something 🤷🏻♀️ And here we are…
But Xiao Zhan has a pretty high EQ, and I trust and know that he knows how to face and how to deal with everything ☺️☺️☺️
What a coincidence. I too watched Avenue X and decided to pick up We Are All Alone to find out more about the tough c-ent industry. Just started and can’t say I could grasp it all but it does give us the hard-as-nails attitude that one has to have to get in and go through it.
I have never watched Godfrey Gao before, but knowing what happened to him and seeing him on screen, actually affects me. I find it saddening that someone young and with so much potential, had his life cut short.
I’m thinking of starting the light The Romance of Tiger and Rose, since Avenue X reviewed it highly, and it sounds fun.
I deplored what happened to XZ. I believe that whatever he chose to do, to respond or not to all the furor, would still have found critics. We have faith that he has weathered the worst of it and will continue to get through it well, and likely stronger.
I am at ep 12 now. I almost skipped the show because I thought it would be too sad to watch GG, knowing that he’s no longer around. I’ve not watched any of his shows but heard of his name as he’s been around and posthumously, read good things about him. What a loss! Unfortunately, I am skipping his scenes because the romance just doesn’t work for me. Nothing bad but it’s boring. I am watching to understand the C industry.
Tiger and Rose was absolutely fun and I’ve discovered more talented actors in Ryan Ding and Zhao Lusi. If you enjoy ROTR, do try out the short drama Reset Life which Ryan is in, it’s just 5 eps and a good watch.
It might be a long stretch but I find some similarities between what happened to XZ and WWX. Of course, XZ’s character is totally opposite to WWX. It’s more about how fast and hard the public opinion can turn against you. They can praise you sky high and then drag you to the lowest next. XZ still has a large fanbase and support so it’s not that bad. However, these incidents show how volatile it can be. I like the lyrics of Yibo’s song which went along this line- I am not as good as you say(fans) I am or as bad as you think(antis). People forget they are humans.
Thanks for the quick reviews @outofthisworld. I was rooting around for cdramas to watch and your recommendations are just in time! I’m also going to test watch It’s Okay to Not Be Okay (kdrama). If it works out that’s fine but nowadays, I don’t have as much time and bandwidth to watch.
Yes, the similarities of how opinion turned against XZ and WWX did occur to me. It was comforting to know, that in one of his interviews, XZ already sounded like he knew what to expect. He knew that fame came and went easily and that he had no control over public opinions. He was able to accept that even early on in his career and hopefully remembers what he himself has said. On the whole, he has taken everything in his stride and is at least no longer silent or invisible.
You are obviously still a great fan of WYB. I haven’t been searching out the latest news on the boys of TU, but if I happen on Star News, I get to hear bits and pieces about both WYB and XZ. It seems WYB still prefers his sports and work and eschews mixing with any ladies. Wise young man!
happy to see you posted after such a long time.
what happened to XZ was really crazy. C-ent i think is crazier comparing to K-ent, maybe because of the huge population. from XZ’s latest interview though, he looked much better and his smile is much brighter comparing to his first interview, which made me a lot happier as his fan.
hope all of you ladies are fine and well considering that the virus is still around us.
once again,thank you @outofthisworld for remembering us here.
that’s why we don’t get to see you much around here. am glad that you’re ok. been missing you and your posts. i’m also on tweeter most of the time, just come here to check if somebody’s posted anything about WangXian/TU, from time to time.
Hi @outofthisworld long time no see! I truly missed you.
Yeah, the c entertainment industry seems very scary, and the most scary parts are fanatic fans… they seems to be the one feeding the anti and haters with their misbehavior… I heard Yibo also received so 1000s of hate letters and treats, but his agency acted better by taking legal act against the few main people involved… I don’t know who in their right mind can hate such talented artists… this is too sad… I just hope Xiao Zhan can stay strong through this stom and this is not the end of his career
Hi @persianrose! I miss you too! Great to see you at discord the other day.
The C ent industry is scary alright. I do notice that C artists are more vocal and likely to take action than K ones. They need to otherwise it would be terrible for them. For XZ’s case, it’s very unfortunate. He shot to tremendous fame overnight and his fanbase exploded. His fans were seen as bullies to other fandoms although fanwars aren’t uncommon. They ‘offended’ many and the AO3 thing had far more reaching consequences than they imagined. His agency did not handle it well.
not confirmed..
it is a multi starrer and there is news that they are signed on..
but yibo is already booked on next drama, couple of variety etc etc.. so not sure how feasible this will be
It’s just a rumor for now… I feel that they’re dropping rumors to test public opinion before they decide!!!
That picture though 🤣🤣🤣 it’s like hotpot editors are Yizhan shipper 🤣🤣🤣
To be honest, I really hope this isn’t true. Yibo and Xiao Zhan should not be in anything together for a long time. There are already way too many crazy people out there causing issues for the 2 of them and it will just feed their delusions more if they appear in something again so soon.
@persianrose Imagine if he’d be out and working in ‘high-key’ LOL. He’d have had so much more endorsements and been chosen for new dramas. I’m glad that the experience has only slowed him but not stopped him. He’ll continue to come through stronger. 😄
I’ve seen bits and pieces this on various SNS, but have never seen the thing as a whole. This must’ve been a while ago, since the brand D&G (Dulce & Gabbana) is mentioned, but the brand has been sort of staying quiet from the Mainland China market since the controversy back in 2018
I’m so impatient and hard-to-please nowadays, I hardly sit for 5 minutes at a stretch to watch or read 1 anything, unless it’s a drama that I’m very engaged in. So it’s good that these come in short bits so that I can watch without hitting the next button so soon. 😬 😑 😁
Thanks – I’m keeping up fairly well as for some reason I keep getting notices about new XZ posts every day!
Sent a friend an article about why it’s a good idea to binge TU on Netflix. She’d never watched an Asian drama but tried it and so far is loving it. Of course, to keep up with her I have to re-watch it myself. I didn’t realize before that when re-watching I’ve seen ep 33-50 many times, but the first 32 episodes only watched once. I’m catching even more this time! Unbelievable! And it’s still so good that I don’t want to watch anything else while I’m watching this.
thank you so much @growingbeautifully for this. FYI, Xiao Zhan’s fans in twitter and as far as i know weibo are missing him a lot. I do miss our boy a lot. We’re all waiting for The Wolf, Douluo Continent and TOOL but so far no official news of release yet.
Here’s a video of Xiao Zhan doing a live stream interview. Does anyone know when this was? Love that it’s all about The Untamed and it’s characters and how he would relate to them now.
Let’s see if this video does or does not disappear from here!!! Was this a long ago interview and video posted soon after TU aired? The posting date is just 30 April 2020.
It looks like the date on the video is 7-29-19 – so it was filmed in the middle of airing.
How can he be just so cute and nervous and innocent at the same time? sigh… my heart will never be over him.
thanks for this @growingbeautifully!
The date listed in the video title should be the same as the date of the interview, so it would’ve been during the airing of “The Untamed” and Xiao Zhan was doing his promo rounds for the drama ☺️ It was during the same interview where they secretly filmed Xiao Zhan reacting to the MV for Wei Ying’s theme song, “曲盡陳情” (starts around the 6-minute mark)…
His reaction and his explanation of his interpretation of the character Wei Ying is what drew me to go back and to take another look—a new look— at the character of Wei Ying, which then has caused me to fall in love with him (the character 🥰🥰… I’ve always loved Xiao Zhan haha 😏😏)
Thanks @bebeswtz Oh yes! Those videos! Love them but they are receding in memory now. Oh dear… can’t afford to go back down that rabbit hole!!! LOL.
There’s another one (rabbit hole) figuratively, and somewhat literally, in the ‘Alice’ analogy used in The King: Eternal Monarch. Now that’s one deep and convoluted hole and I’m not getting out any time soon!
I love how XZ in this video was at times, at a loss for words, but nevertheless gave his best answer on the fly. The interviewer did not give him the questions in advance to prepare?!?!
I think they did give him the questions ahead of time—it’s interviewer etiquette to do so—but from what I remember about what he said in another interview ABOUT interviews, Xiao Zhan actually doesn’t like to prep too much for interviews nor does he like to prepare his answers ahead of time or interviews, because he feels that premeditated answers takes away from the authenticity and of his answers
That was sweet. The name thing is cute. I wouldnt write it but was trying to think whose name I would of written if I was her and I guess it would of been Yoo.
Xiao Zhan has a new song and within 13 hours it’s out and subbed! Thanks to JongShine.
I like the lyrics, especially the meaningful English lyrics of the chorus that are so appropriate to our times.
“That we’ve got one life, one world
So let’s come together, we’ll weather the storm
A rain of colours, look up to the sky
We’re all made of shooting stars
We are made to love”
Certainly we’re made to love XZ, and his voice and song!
Here’s an article giving an explanation of the song, what was Xiao Zhan’s thought process when he was co-writing it, and the team that helped him produce it (it’s the same team of people who worked with Wang Yi Bo to produce his song “No Sense” ) ☺️☺️☺️
Thanks @bebeswtz! Nice to know that he’s not just singing songs written by and already sung by others, but is getting into a bit of songwriting himself. I’m glad for that. ☺️
It makes me happy that he’s always so open to trying new things, learning new things, and changing things up— all in the name of self-improvement, growth, and maturity in all that he does 🥰🥰🥰
At the end of the day, it’s because of who Xiao Zhan is as a person and his efforts in staying true to that and true to his roots.
He’s very popular, he’s very established, yet, he’s very humble and very hard-working and UNDERSTANDS that hard work is what is needed to reach success. Even when he’s reached success, he knows that it isn’t everlasting and can disappear at any time.
“For as many people there are who will like you, there is an equal amount of people who will dislike you.”
– Xiao Zhan
He decides what he wants to do and goes for it, he does what he thinks and feels is important to himself and knows how to productively use his status as a public figure to influence that (like his charity project and the equipment donations he quietly made for Covid-19), he does what he enjoys, he is the person he wants to be (personality, temperament, how he carries himself, etc.), and many of his decisions about his work he makes himself and is influenced very little by anyone else (that is what he wants and that is why “Xiao Zhan Studio” was established). He doesn’t choose to do things and never picks projects because he thinks it’s going to be popular or that it’s going to bring him more fame— everything he chooses to do—all of his drama project and all of his variety shows appearances— he chooses because it’s something he wants to do and is something he knows he has the ability to put 100% of himself into it and/or because it will bring him a good learning experience and ways to improve himself 👌🏻
I added it to my Viki watchlist and it’s so pretty…
I remember when the first trailer came out (years ago!) I was so excited. Put the photo on my desktop. A Chinese friend who also watched c-dramas saw it on my computer so I told her I really liked Darren Wang because he was unusual looking. The 2nd male lead, who I had no idea who it was, I told her was the classically handsome man but I liked the unusual way Darren Wang looked. Only a few years later did I realize that beautiful 2nd lead was Xiao Zhan.
I don’t know where else to post this, so I apologize because this is slightly off topic. I was watching the last episode of the Special Edition and towards the end, the part where they’re about to say goodby to Wen Ning and Ah Ruan(?), there’s a close up shot of WY looking at LZ with adoring eyes and LZ looking back at him with the same eyes. I’d never noticed before the slow blinks with half open eyes that they each gave the other. I had just finished reading an article about how you know your cat loves you – one of the things it said was it will give you slow blinks with half open eyes. Then the article said that humans do the same thing, which I never knew that! Anyway, what before I thought was just a shot of them looking at each other with adoring eyes, the sleepy-eyed slow blinks meant love. Did everybody else already know this interesting fact??
When I see it, I interpret it as a look with a smile or a look with a thought behind it, but not necessarily a look of love. That particular scene, it was a look of understanding that passed between WY and LZ.
LZ had wanted to tell WY precisely this piece of info (that little Ah Yuan was Si Zhui), and had waited for the right time to do so. WY had received the info with surprise and delight from Si Zhui directly instead, and it slowly dawned on him what LZ and done for Ah Yuan, and why it was only at this moment that LZ was about to tell him.
To me it was a look with a thought and the half closed eyes gave the message, ‘I understand, and I’m grateful.’ Lan Zhan’s response is an acknowledgement that he knows that WY knows ‘Good that you know and you’re welcome!’. 😄
@growingbeautifully Yes, I agree with you but what surprised me was the article I read about cat’s expressions of love and that humans do it too, without realizing. It’s the slow blink of the eye and in that end scene (and I’ve found another scene since then, the one where they’re in the market and WY buys LZ the rabbit lantern) the camera lingers on their faces until they slowly blink. Yeah, the smiles are there, the looks, but surely the camera and the director knew what they were doing. It was just an added detail that we probably only noticed subconsciously.
@stpauligurl This song is somehow so simple and yet so catchy. Definitely one of those songs I’ll be playing over and over as I move around. XZ is a treasure indeed… to those who are his ‘capital’, but not only that. He’s worth his weight in gold, and not only in terms of money, but in how he deals with, and gets the better of all kinds of challenges beyond his control.
we can feel the essence of xiao zhan in this song. he is extraordinary. many thanks @growingbeautifully for this. i’m much happier now that he is slowly making his way back.
bdw, the sale of this ep in 24 hrs is 73 million yuan.
@marites59 Yup, I didn’t take note during the announcement by one of the YouTubers who follow everything XZ, but it seems that within minutes and then hours his song reached gold or diamond status in the number who bought it. His likability trumps any ‘bad vibes’ people try to throw at him. He hasn’t even reached the peak of his abilities yet, and he’s already so popular. I hope he can keep improving and not let all this hoopla detract him.
No, this time my post does not include XZ, but figures iconic to us at DB. What fun seeing our overlords again, lording it over LMH and his latest show.
Wow, their voices are so soothing and the choice of music too. Poems read out by Xiao Zhan and his Wei Wu Xian voice actor, Lu Zhixing. Sounds to relax to. 😃
thank you – this was beautiful, but I found myself not reading the text so I could just listen to the sound of their voices, and the beauty and tones of the Chinese words.
Yes this is beautiful!
But Wei Wuxian’s voice in TU is NOT Xiao Zhan?????
Yup, the voice actor has quite a similar voice and is very good at following the emotions of the actor. But it was not Xiao Zhan’s voice in TU. XZ himself credited the voice actors for the success of the show.
OMG I love this, thank you for sharing ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I like the fact that it’s so slow— both are taking their time slowly to read, to set a mood, taking the effort to be very articulate and precise in their speaking of every word and every syllable 😘😘😘 It makes the literature and art nerd in me so happy!!!
I love that we have turned away from the rush of life, at least for a while, and can take the time to listen to the slow beat of the poem. When the madness returns, we can come back to refresh ourselves in this, over and again. 😄
Yes!!! Despite the reasoning, I’m glad that we have been forced to slow down in life, take a breath, and have learned to refocus ourselves, our lives, and to tweak the pace of everything 🥰🥰🥰
This is interesting! Would any of us, fans of The Untamed, like to let Chinese Star News translate our love for TU into Chinese for China’s TU fans to read? If so please watch the vid.
When I watched this video, offering viewers a chance to write about themselves and how they love TU, thoughts of you gals and guys popped into my mind immediately, since I know Beanies are great writers.
I didn’t know it’s been 2 years since TU started filming. No one knew then, what a big part it would play in our ‘entertainment’ lives. That’s certainly something to write about, and what fun to think that our counterparts in China will be reading/hearing what we say through Chinese Star News!
That’s true and a very nice way of looking at it @bebeswtz 😀 It is a nice initiative and it was the fans of the written work and the animated work as well that made The Untamed such a big thing. People like me were just drawn in sort of by accident and then hooked by the characters and their tale. If not for our ‘love’, TU would have just been another fantasy Xian Xia/Wu Xia.
lol I was rewatching episodes here and there at random before just to relive some of my favourite moments, but it was only yesterday that I completed a FULL and official rewatch of the entire drama, all 50 episodes, in chronological order, no skipping and no fast-forwarding 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Xiao Zhan seems to be back! Anyway, we can get to see a picture of the plum blossoms that he posted (and may have drawn himself) and to hear his voice again, to begin with. A melodic old song.
According to Chinese Star News, plum blossoms have significance in China. I paraphrase: “It can mean that XZ is not defeated by the controversy (and continuing hate). These flowers symbolise strength and elegance, … being unafraid of the cold. … It is an auspicious symbol that comes with good news. Plum blossoms mean everything is reviving and Spring is coming. So … we do not need to worry about Xiao Zhan.” 😃 Well I certainly hope so!!
Now hoping that Oath of Love won’t take forever to be aired!
thank you so much @growingbeautifully for posting this. i really hope that all of you guys here are doing well with the nasty stuff that is going on right now.
In the meantime, you won’t believe what I’m doing – watching The Untamed once more. Didn’t realize how much I missed it. One thing led to another: watched the above video and song, then missed Xiao Zhan’s voice and watched other music videos like “Faded”, which led to telling a friend about XZ and sent her the official Untamed OST to watch, then rewatched it myself, which led to watching more OSTs which led to episodes 1-4 and skip to 33.
LOL! Here’s a true fan, easily sucked down the Untamed rabbit hole once again!
Glad that you’re happy and enjoying yourself! I’m too tied up with RL to watch much. No energy and flagging interest in shows generally. However I do perk up on any news on XZ, or The Untamed, and will keep updating this fan wall. 😁 Catch ya again!
Was at your fan wall grinning like a loon. Loved the clip of Wang Yi Bo’s un-Lan Zhan-like face contortions and bad posture! From other posts on XZ, looks like he’s really started working again. As usual, Yay! But I hope he still gets enough rest. 😉
Hahaha I’m happy to hear that my posts can bring a smile to your face 😁😁😁
Yes!! I’m glad that he was able to get his rest. He’s mentioned on multiple occasions that he didn’t get to go home AT ALL ever since the promotions for “The Untamed” began and he picked up a lot more spokesperson work on top of other things, at least, not until the beginning of 2020 when he was given time off for the Lunar New Year. Im happy that he is back, better than ever, and that he’s starting off his comeback doing the things that are close to his heart, i.e. charity work and concentrating on his charity project (fund??)
This is so sweet!! Thanks for sharing!!!
Loss of work/revenue/etc. aside, these bouts of groundless bullying are so detrimental to one’s mental health. I hope he’s taking care of himself and I’m very excited to watch Oath of Love~~~
@strawberry You’re welcome! Yes, as if it isn’t bad enough that there is loss of income, and an undeserved smear on his name, he still has to continue through the constant bullying and mean nastiness. He has to keep up looking fine and being OK, while knowing that a bunch of faceless people are just out to destroy his career for no good reason. What ever he does, will be scrutinised and criticised. It’s a very stress-filled situation to live with for months.
Yes, I hope he has good people around him, and that he can maintain good and positive mental health. ☺️
Are things slowly starting to look up for Xiao Zhan? Thanks to China Star News, we get little updates and translations of stuff buzzing on Weibo. Waiting for his 3 shows!!
Little bits and pieces is better than no news at all— I’LL TAKE IT!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
A few days ago, he/his studio even put out a statement to declare the official launch of his charity 🥰🥰🥰 Charity is something that’s always been on his heart, so I’m happy that he is able to use his own platform as a social figure to do what he wants and to encourage others to follow in doing good
I heard about it. He has been quietly working on stuff that matters to him, and at the same time raising his visibility slightly. I believe that even the charity effort evoked some negative comments but that’s to be expected, since the smear campaign appears to be deliberate.
I’m happy and very glad that he is able to work and produce things that are important to him and matter to him, and that he is using his platform as a public figure for good 🥰🥰🥰
I’m very positive that this will pass soon 🥰🥰 Since, like you said, it’s a deliberate smear campaign, and we have seen how smear campaigns can only last so long and will lose momentum and traction (anti-fans of EXO’s CHEN are an example)…. It’s just a matter of ‘when’ 🤔🤔🤔
But it could possibly be soon, since the lockdown in China has been loosened in the last few days and people are now allowed to leave their homes and not sit in front of their screens all day/night
It also helps that Xiao Zhan has a good head on his shoulders and has an understanding that you cannot make the whole world like you, and for every person that likes you, you will most likely have the same amount of people who dislike you. He is mature enough and understands that, and I think it’s what has kept himself (and his agency & Xiao Zhan studio by association) from speaking out. He can see that by doing so (speaking out), in the long run, depending on what he chooses to say if he were to put out a statement, that it may not be a very good move, therefore, he’s choosing to stay quiet and just let it pass, let time tell the tale 👌🏻👌🏻
International fans are out to console and in support of Xiao Zhan. Please join in leaving a comment on the YT video and giving it a like to show your support.
over 28 minutes of XZ!! Thanks to this Vietnamese fan, we get to see a great video bringing in many if not all his endorsements. What a lot of work he has done! Fighting Xiao Zhan! You’re looking great!
You’re heartily welcome @marites59. I will certainly miss XZ if all his shows don’t get to air this year. All we have are the ads, his singing, Who’s the Murderer and the ones from before 2020. Cheers!
Over 11 minutes compilation of Xiao Zhan with Olay plus other video cuts, before the sh*t hit the fan and this endorsement was taken down. Love that the ad is a mini drama-wannabe, with his voice.
I’m glad I finally got to see the OLAY ad. It’s nice to see him looking like a high schooler, with boyish good looks and not just the smouldering man in the suit and the smooth moves. It’s sad that he’s been losing endorsements through no fault of his own, but we wish him all the best and may these dark days be over soon.
Forgot to add that the most beautiful scenery in this compilation is of course Xiao Zhan himself. What a sweet song, especially when sung by XZ … can’t help swaying to it!
The sad thing is that XZ is being hurt by what I call immature, entitled ‘brats’ (most I believe are young girls/kids) who have struck out in a very mean way … to express their horror, dismay, anger using any means that they can, just because XZ’s fans/anti-fans, etc caused enough ruckus to get AO3, their beloved fan-fic site, blocked in China.
They want to hurt XZ’s fans who reported AO3 for indecency, by hurting XZ … and/or he’s just an easy target for angry kids to hit at in their tantrums. Because they went on a rampage and threatened to boycott products XZ endorsed, he has been taken off the ads for a few of them. They down voted shows that he acted in.
The thing is, they know that they are not supposed to be consuming ‘immoral’ stuff, and that it was always tentative when authorities might decide to do another clean sweep to block/clear out ‘bad influences’. They are not entitled to it just because they like it. It could have been the case that regulators had already decided to take action, and would have done something about sites like AO3 anyway around March 1st, so it could have had nothing at all to do with XZ or his fans. However the timing was just so bad. It was a few days end of Feb, when a fan started getting others to report AO3 and the whole thing blew up, so the block seems to be linked to XZ’s fans.
XZ said in one interview, some time back, that he has been in the ‘trough’ or down and out before, and is not afraid of having to work hard to climb out of it again if he should have to. Well, it seems the time has come where he will have to do just that. May his struggle to overcome this setback make him stronger and show what a determined and persevering soul he is. Jia You Xiao Zhan!
what happens all boils down to MONEY. Xiao Zhan’s meteroric rise to popularity in China has created jealousy within the c-ent industry. as far as i ununderstand there are paid people who only post hate stuff to whoever they were paid to do their smear campaign online. these people are being paid by competing entertainment companies, PR agencies, as well as rival celebs, with the purpose to bring him down just so all the lucrative product endorsements and acting jobs will not be offered to him anymore. so these people were the ones who made this big when it all started with that fan/s reporting those stuff.
his cfans played right into their hands. i just pity the poor boy. i think his supporters are just afraid to speak up for him for fear of the backlash from these antis and haters. i have faith that Xiao Zhan will be able to recover from all of this. God bless him.
They did speak up. Both sides were accusing each other of cyberbullying.
Then, the more “main stream” state-affiliated media and perhaps paid cybertroopers joined in leaning towards XZ fans side emphasizing copyright infringement as well as a citizen’s right to report “immoral” content.
Revamped fan leadership asked the fans to be more low key.
“Creative freedom” side sensed that big money and government might be turning public opinion against their cause so it also called on its followers to be low key on social media but continue with the boycott. The makeup of this group makes the participants even harder to control.
But according to new regulations all BL content is immoral and bad influence? Let’s not be hypocritical here, those who are involved in this from both side are mean and immature but being angry at censorship isn’t wrong, what’s is wrong it the way they expressed it.
I read lots of BL web novels and some fanfics on various Chinese platforms. I also listen to BL-based audio dramas. A few years ago, smut and racy stuff were common. Now, those have been either taken down or re-edited. When it gets to the racy parts, “Lights off!”
Some writers can be very creative at making their writings imply such content. However, many have either used “…” or “Here would be content considered unsuitable to publish by…”
As a regular consumer of various Chinese BL content, I must say, “Censorship sucks!” It’s a pain in the ass trying to decipher words that have been replaced with 口口. Reading older material, written during laxer censorship, whole chunks of missing stuff entire chapters locked really irritate me to no end.
Often the blocked words are perfectly normal and acceptable in the entire content. Just that the filters are stupid. Even English words, for example, 口口ile (=”smile”) because “sm” (taken as s&m, abbreviation for sadomasochism) is a no-no.
I read that other fandoms took to boycotting XZ endorsements and mass writing to the brands he is representing 🙁 This mess is still not over and it’s not looking good. His fandom really do him.
@shach Yes, they really did him in. Acted without thinking of the consequences because of course, there would be retaliation. Wish we international fans can do something more to encourage him and show our support. Maybe I’ll like all the videos of him or something! 🙂
Good idea @growingbeautifully. Other than that it’s better to let it go and don’t bring attention to this matter until it pass. He has a lot of good will in industry and unless his fans will do something stupid again it should pass. But for sure it will leave dent in his public image for time being.
I’ve read about this but I still don’t understand why the fandom has been taking it out on him when he wasn’t responsible. sigh… I feel so bad for him.
But can I repeat once again, he is sooo beautiful to look at in every way with that smile of his and wonderful voice.
I just never get tired of looking at him. sigh…..
Thanks for the video @growingbeautifully!!
His fans reported individual writers to authorities, that’s what enraged people the most, and that they played right into government plans to further censor internet content.
His fandom reported to authorities not only sites (they not only reported AO3 but other popular Chinese portals too) but individual writers and that could put this people in very real legal trouble, it enraged not only other celebrities fans but people who were creatively engaged on this sites too. Yes he is not at fault but he in the way represents his fandom in the eye of the public so there is that.
Thank you for sharing this ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I really needed it, what with all the negative stuff about XZ and his fandom that just keeps and happening and not relenting 😞😞😞😞
I really believe that he will be able to bounce back once everything is passed, because he, himself, did not do anything wrong personally
@bebeswtz Yes, compared to those who were in drug or sex scandals, XZ has been above board. Unfortunately I heard the China Star News guy say that the lady who interviewed him before advised that he should not just remain quiet but be ready to speak up about it. However, I have no clue what he can possibly say. He cannot speak badly about what the fans did nor go against what authorities have laid as rules to follow. Just that general apology that hopes to hit no nerves is all the XZ Studio could do. But it’s considered as not enough.
From hindsight, if anyone could have guessed what would happen, his people should have if they could have, controlled the fans a bit. I hear that they can give incentives etc and maybe could have prevented it going overboard, but this is only wisdom after the damage is done.
Like you said, the damage is done. Unless an official statement comes out from somewhere—someone— clarifying and completely detaching Xiao Zhan from everything, nothing more that he says or does will help, his words and actions will just be twisted and used against him. It’s the same with us fans: The more we try to say or do to defend him and try to help the situation—even if our motives is good— it will only be twisted and used against us for now because the situation is still attached to him (even though it’s just all rumours and angry speculations & allegations for now, nothing confirmed).
So I actually think it’s smart for him to keep silent for now
This whole thing makes me sick. It’s like XZ has become WWX in real life, being blamed and vilified when he did nothing wrong.
My daughter always says social media is a shark infested water.
October 2, 2020 at 7:40 PM
Slowly but surely making his mark, and never actually leaving the scene, (so it’s not quite accurate to call his appearances come backs). XZ, fresh and relaxed in his ad for Chongqing.
October 2, 2020 at 7:53 PM
@linda-palapala @trinpie @kimbapnoona @shach @jenmole @zetteceniza @giegie0384 @1tea1 @alasecond @bcampbell1662 @egads @drawde2000 @marites59 @nightmoon @blueskye @lillamy @stpauligurl @strawberry @gadis @gmelenco @artgirl @maybemaknae @bluekitchen @carmen @mrobles @noobita @zgs1994 @infinitize @bunny @shinayame @sweetsammy @larelle79 @mayhemf @persianrose @pinklolipop @dramalava @outofthisworld @neener @hades @llljr
Hi Everyone,
I hope this post finds you all well! It’s the start of another month. I’ve been finding that 2020 has been passing faster than other years, which is strange, since I’m mostly home and should be bored to tears. However, it feels busier and more tiring somehow, and time has just sped by.
I like Xiao Zhan in his short hair (from a recent show he’s doing?) and as usual, looking happy, ‘real’ and sincere in endorsing his home. The food there sure looks good! It’s nice to see that XZ looks more well rested.
I saw another YT vid of him on CCTV8, which means he’s still visible and that some China channels are not afraid to be linked with him.
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
October 2, 2020 at 9:05 PM
I love his pride and love for his hometown, Chongqing, it’s so adorable 😍😍😍😘😘😘🥰🥰🥰🥰
I agree that it’s SO GOOD to see him slowly, but surely, making appearance here and there on TV again ☺️☺️ And for his return to TV and the public this time he does look A LOT more relaxed and rested (which I know that he actually prefers… It’s definitely not because he’s ungrateful for all the popularity and all the love that he received last summer because of “The Untamed”, but I believe it’s because his personality just prefers to have a slower pace for his work and to be able to do more of the things that he likes and is more important for him, e.g. charity work) and it’s definitely lessened my worry about his health (I’m more worried about Wang Yi Bo now 🥺🥺🥺).
I believe he got the new hairstyle for his most recent role in the drama that tells the stories about people during the pandemic, the drama is titled “In Harm’s Way”, which is broadcasted by one of the government-funded broadcasting stations, CCTV. I don’t think CCTV is afraid of showing a lot more Xiao Zhan content compared to other broadcast stations because no one is going to complain (or is too scared to complain) about something that is funded by the country’s government.
This clip, I think is part of a bigger holiday special that CCTV has been doing this entire week to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, which is one of the bigger holidays in Chinese culture, and is a very family-oriented holiday. If I am not mistaken, it is also the very first big holiday for China since the pandemic
October 2, 2020 at 9:30 PM
@bebeswtz Yes, you are right. The Mid-Autumn Festival is the first big holiday that China can celebrate after the Lunar New Year. I hope that the massive movement of people across the country does not bring on a new spate of infection.
It’s great that people see that CCTV is OK with XZ. Without making anything explicit, it shows that official sentiment is fine with XZ and that all the trumped up charges and criticism of netizens should be ignored.
Yeah, his obvious love for his home is sweet. A real hometown boy, happy to share the good stuff he enjoys with everyone. He’s the right and natural spokesman for his hometown. It was a good move on the part of the bodies that planned this. I’m thinking the tourist numbers in Chongqing will go up. 😆
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
October 2, 2020 at 9:47 PM
I actually just read today that there has been a reported diagnosed case of the bubonic plague from a 3-year-old in China today 🥺🥺🥺 I REALLY hope that it doesn’t get bigger.
I agree, I hope that when people see that XZ has the support of CCTV, that the negative press he’s been (undeservedly gdtting) will lessen and then STOP, because the whole situation was not his fault to begin with.
His heart is just SO GOOD and KIND. He really IS just so happy to share with others the things, people, and places that he, himself, loves as well. It makes me so happy every time he shares his artwork and pieces of his life (like his kitty, 堅果, a.k.a. “Nut”) on his social media ☺️☺️☺️
October 3, 2020 at 6:38 AM
I was just checking on the bubonic plague before I read your post. It is fortunately not like the coronavirus that can spread easily through droplets, and there are antibiotics for it, therefore we can breathe easy. But when I first heard about it, I was shocked as well and worried. I thought that that plague had been expunged, but nope!
neener ~ Inside the Magic Shop ~
October 3, 2020 at 5:27 AM
He looks more mature than he already is in his short hair xD
October 3, 2020 at 6:40 AM
It’s true. How the hair is makes such a difference to a person’s look. I was just watching videos on looking chic, and the hair can make or break that look!
neener ~ Inside the Magic Shop ~
October 3, 2020 at 9:13 AM
Ohmy, not even XZ can save that hair then?
October 3, 2020 at 8:41 PM
LOL he’ll go with the look and take on the persona of the character. 😜
neener ~ Inside the Magic Shop ~
October 4, 2020 at 1:26 AM
@growingbeautifully He’s capable of that xD
October 5, 2020 at 9:48 AM
I love how the shorter hair cut give him more manly look!! Our Chongqing beauty is still so beautiful… By the way @bebeswtz his new hairstyle is for his upcoming military drama “The Years of Ace Force of Heroes” produced by iQiyi (starring Huang Jingyu, Xiao Zhan and Zhong Chuxi)… He had his usual hairstyle in the CCTV pandemic drama
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
October 5, 2020 at 9:51 AM
His shorter hair definitely makes him look more mature and more solid whereas his previous hairstyle made him look softer, but we all know that I love both looks ~!! Hehe
Ooooh, that makes sense!! Thank you for the correction 🙂
Yea, trying to get the latest news on him from where I live (Canada) isn’t always the easiest, especially when I don’t have accounts for and am not active on Chinese social media (Weibo, Douyin, etc.)
October 10, 2020 at 11:40 AM
oh thank you for this @growingbeautifully:
i love his new look, he looks more like a man which he is since he just celebrated his 29th bday last 5th oct…in fact XZ Studio posted some new photos with his new cut and he looks handsome, as usual…he trended on twitter worldwide on that day…XZ Jiayou
October 10, 2020 at 7:39 PM
You’re welcome @marites59. I should go look up more of his photos in his birthday month! Jiayou to you too!
September 22, 2020 at 8:52 PM
Xiao Zhan, cat and tea. Always looking good and better together!
September 22, 2020 at 8:55 PM
@linda-palapala @trinpie @kimbapnoona @shach @jenmole @zetteceniza @giegie0384 @1tea1 @alasecond @bcampbell1662 @egads @drawde2000 @marites59 @nightmoon @blueskye @lillamy @stpauligurl @strawberry @gadis @gmelenco @artgirl @maybemaknae @bluekitchen @carmen @mrobles @noobita @zgs1994 @infinitize @bunny @shinayame @sweetsammy @larelle79 @mayhemf @persianrose @pinklolipop @dramalava @outofthisworld @neener @hades @llljr
Hi Everyone, I had a sombre morning today … someone (a stranger) passed away opposite my home. We saw police and a body being covered. Guesswork: the person (looked like a female) fell or jumped from several floors above. It’s a sobering and saddening thought, for a life to be lost just like that.
Trying to brighten up the day with a little Xiao Zhan and his sweet smile.
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
September 22, 2020 at 8:58 PM
Oh no, that’s just unsettling
Sending lots of positive vibes ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
September 24, 2020 at 7:28 PM
Thank you @bebeswtz. Unsettling is the word. The thought of that poor soul popped up over and over in my mind in the course of these days. Praying for that soul! 🙏
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
September 24, 2020 at 7:34 PM
Definitely praying 🥺🥺🙏🏻🙏🏻
Not only for the poor soul, but for the family and friends of the deceased
neener ~ Inside the Magic Shop ~
September 22, 2020 at 10:32 PM
Oh no, sending hugs GB!
September 24, 2020 at 7:28 PM
Thank you @neener. I do really appreciate the hugs. Hugs back to you too! 🤗
Karmen ~ 🍜🏢🎭 ~ 📚☔🦋 ~ 🪂🌱💘 ~ ✨🍊💫 ~
September 23, 2020 at 2:50 AM
It’s so sad!
September 24, 2020 at 7:31 PM
@carmen Yes, it’s sad on a few levels. I often wonder if some slight positive change in the interactions with persons might have made a difference … I don’t know if it was suicide or an accident, (and I don’t want to think of the 3rd alternative!) but regardless, maybe something could have prevented such a loss. Making it a point to be more positive despite everything!!
September 23, 2020 at 8:51 AM
*sending virtual hug to @growingbeautifully *
September 24, 2020 at 7:32 PM
Thank you @larelle79 Many hugs to you too. I still think of that poor soul.
September 23, 2020 at 9:19 AM
That’s so sad. Sending you lots of positive vibes!!!!!! 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
September 24, 2020 at 7:34 PM
Thanks @strawberry. I love positive vibes. Was just mentioning to @carmen above that being positive could make a big difference. 🤗 👍 🙌 ✋ ✌️ 🙏 Positive signs! LOL.
September 23, 2020 at 1:17 PM
Oh I’m so sorry – that must have been hard to think about someone jumping.
So let’s take time to be kind and loving to each other, and if you can’t do that – at least be respectful of people around you.
@growingbeautifully – sending you many hugs today.
September 24, 2020 at 7:36 PM
Thanks @stpauligurl, and I so agree. Let’s be good to each other and treat others as we’d like to be treated. We never know when that kind word or smile might have made the difference to a lost soul!! I hope ‘she’ is in peace. 🙏
September 8, 2020 at 4:42 AM
Sheesh, has it been over 2 months since I’ve been here? Well what else would get me back to post except Xiao Zhan, LOL. Loved that expression in the last few seconds of this BTS.
September 8, 2020 at 4:52 AM
@linda-palapala @trinpie @kimbapnoona @shach @jenmole @zetteceniza @giegie0384 @1tea1 @alasecond @bcampbell1662 @egads @drawde2000 @marites59 @nightmoon @blueskye @lillamy @stpauligurl @strawberry @gadis @gmelenco @artgirl @maybemaknae @bluekitchen @carmen @mrobles @noobita @zgs1994 @infinitize @bunny @shinayame @sweetsammy @larelle79 @mayhemf @persianrose @pinklolipop @dramalava @outofthisworld @neener @hades @llljr
Hi there everyone!! How’ve you all been?
I just happened along and saw this game ad BTS. Not sure if it was made some time back but our sweet XZ still looks great and eager to please. But those last few seconds of him looking like he’s puzzled and thinking about something, with down-turned mouth and looking from side to side were so cute.
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
September 8, 2020 at 8:35 AM
This was made some time ago—about a year ago, to be exact— around the same time him and Wang Yi Bo were doing their promotions and going on variety shows to promo “The Untamed” 😊
Here’s them singing (a remade version, with a rap) the theme song for the game on the variety show that Wang Yi Bo co-hosts, “Day Day Up” ☺️
September 8, 2020 at 9:36 AM
Thanks @bebeswtz. Yup. It’s strange how relative time is. Been both too long and yet it doesn’t feel like a year. Take care of yourself!
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
September 8, 2020 at 9:41 AM
Thank you!!!
You take care, as well 😄😄 AMD welcome back to DB!!!!
September 8, 2020 at 8:39 AM
you are busy on that bitch site 😛
September 8, 2020 at 11:56 AM
Welcome back!!! and thanks for sharing this adorable clip with us!!!!!!!!!
September 9, 2020 at 4:14 AM
Thank you @strawberry. Hugs to you!!
It’s sad that there are few really new, recent clips of him. I just post what’s out there, which have been re-posted recently, although they might be many months old, but I don’t mind. I just want to save them here for us to savour anytime.
September 9, 2020 at 12:29 PM
:3 Agreed! I hope we get to see more of his work and his adorable self soon!
September 13, 2020 at 11:59 AM
been praying for the last 2 months for any of his 3 dramas to be aired
September 15, 2020 at 3:50 AM
IKR! Not a proper whisper of them … or there are, but nothing official. 😓 🙁 😤
September 15, 2020 at 4:26 AM
good news @strawberry, @growingbeautifully n the other ladies here, he’s included in the pandemic drama “heroes in harms way” which will be shown in CCTV this sept. 17. he is featured in one of the stories. there are 7 stories to be exact.. so happy for my boy, he’s finally back!!!
September 15, 2020 at 7:36 AM
September 13, 2020 at 12:02 PM
his roseonly livestream last aug was crazy, with 8.5M viewers live watching. his short 2 min vid about his usual routine in one day had more than 40M views. that’s how he is missed by his fans. i miss him
September 8, 2020 at 3:42 PM
Thanks for tagging me. He is and always will be the essence of humility and kindness and authenticity in a young actor. He always seems just so ‘real’ in everything he does!
And I never get tired of seeing him…
September 9, 2020 at 4:11 AM
So true @stpauligurl. I like that humility and realness about him too.
Last clip I saw, had him carrying his own umbrella, so unlike those celebrities who go around ignoring their poor assistants, who have to scramble after them with an umbrella and all kinds of gear. Such sweet simple acts of humility and consideration go a long way.
September 13, 2020 at 11:58 AM
he is the best!!
September 13, 2020 at 11:58 AM
this is all so true @stpauligurl
September 10, 2020 at 9:21 PM
Xiao Zhan & aincient ponytail, match made in heaven
September 13, 2020 at 11:56 AM
so true
September 13, 2020 at 11:56 AM
many thanks @growingbeautifully, anything about my boy Xiao Zhan is always welcome.
i take him with the good and bad, that’s how i love/support/stan this boy who has been through a lot these last six months. he deserves our love and support.
and he’s so cute in this vid..
June 17, 2020 at 12:15 AM
Something a little different. Vlog of XZ’s visits for his charity work. Nice to see and hear him. Pity the mask is still a mainstay in our lives! LOL.
June 17, 2020 at 12:18 AM
@linda-palapala @trinpie @kimbapnoona @shach @jenmole @zetteceniza @giegie0384 @1tea1 @alasecond @bcampbell1662 @egads @drawde2000 @marites59 @nightmoon @blueskye @lillamy @stpauligurl @strawberry @gadis @gmelenco @artgirl @maybemaknae @bluekitchen @carmen @mrobles @noobita @zgs1994 @infinitize @bunny @shinayame @sweetsammy @larelle79 @mayhemf @persianrose @pinklolipop @dramalava @outofthisworld @neener @hades @llljr
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
June 17, 2020 at 2:58 AM
He’s been pretty quiet lately and has even been very much on the dl despite attending quite a few charity events lately… He’s been so quiet that it actually seems intentional, despite everything that he’s still doing 🧐🧐
He attended 1-2 charity events that helped to kickstart the reopening and rebuilding of the economy of Hubei
Province (where Wuhan is located), then he quietly attended a few charity events that worked towards promoting Chinese culture, focusing a lot on a lot of almost-lost agricultural and textile arts like paper-cutting, etc.
June 17, 2020 at 3:43 AM
Might be a extra low key comeback strategy. Hopefully he’s getting good advice as to what to do. I felt that he looked extra young in this video. No need for makeup, costume and accessories, he still looked great, and even looked like a fresh faced kid. 😍 😆
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
June 17, 2020 at 8:04 AM
His company/agency (whatever you want to call it) is useless… I believe what he’s doing now— choosing to keep a low profile and focusing on his charity work— is his own choice 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 The only useful thing of his agency (Xiao Zhan Studio) right now is that they are listening to him and letting him have input in what he does, for work and for how he wants to deal with all the defamation that he’s been going thru, because that’s the main purpose of a personal work studio/workshop format for an agency of an entertainer— their sole focus and purpose is for the ONE person they are named under (like Deng Lun Studio or Charmaine [Sheh]’s Workshop)— but other than that, they’ve been pretty useless this entire time, especially the PR department and how they’ve chosen to protect him 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️
June 18, 2020 at 1:55 AM
Poor boy! He’s been on his own so much, never getting support or being sufficiently promoted. Still we have confidence that he’ll keep going and growing. 😉
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
June 18, 2020 at 9:18 AM
Yea 🙁 The only reason Xiao Zhan Studio (but still under his agency) actually exists is because Xiao Zhan actually had to sue his agency for better treatment, better pay, and for fair pay. The lawsuit ended with an out-of-court agreement, and part of the agreement was for Xiao Zhan studio to be established… All of that happened during the same time Xiao Zhan was working on “Joy Of Life” and preparing for “The Untamed”. Xiao Zhan actually had to argue against his agency and to help himself to get the role of Wei Ying for “The Untamed” because his agency kept telling him that he ‘wasn’t good enough’ and actually put steps out to try to stop him from auditioning, but thankfully Xiao Zhan got the role just based off of a photo that was shown to the director of “The Untamed” from one of the staff of “The Untamed”
June 20, 2020 at 1:12 AM
@bebeswtz Yes, I heard a bit about this. Thanks for giving me more of the details. 😃
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
June 17, 2020 at 8:38 AM
He looks happy ☺️ He looks calm and not stressed out from the pace of the bigger city or the rush of the work in the city surrounding
June 17, 2020 at 10:28 AM
What I love most about this appearance is that he’s wearing his own charity $13 t shirt, no make up, no jewelry (except the red charm bracelet tha his mom gave to him), no expensive brand, and he’s still shining like the brightest star and breaking all the hot topics and social media trends
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
June 17, 2020 at 12:57 PM
That’s actually the first thing o noticed about him from this vid— unfiltered (no makeup), simple (not wearing brand names, just his own t-shirt), and true to himself (the bracelet his mother gave him ❤️)
June 18, 2020 at 2:04 AM
I’ve always liked his natural boyish look and how he’s happy as himself. No need to put on a show or create an image. Being authentic in the crazy world of entertainment is quite a feat. Kudos to him for keeping true. 😃
I’ve just started watching the cdrama, ‘We are All Alone’ about the drama/entertainment industry and it will be pretty stark and not too far from the truth, I believe. 😣 Not a peaceful sort of workplace at all! 😀
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
June 18, 2020 at 9:21 AM
Agreed!! I am happy that he is happy with himself through and through 🙂
Here’s a pretty good “First Impressions” review of “We Are All Alone” by AvenueX, and she actually says that the drama’s depiction of the entertainment industry in China is actually quite accurate, as AvenueX is someone who used to work in the Chinese entertainment industry:
June 17, 2020 at 7:15 AM
He will shine like the bright sun whatever he does. This young man is so well grounded.
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
June 17, 2020 at 8:04 AM
June 17, 2020 at 8:21 AM
June 18, 2020 at 1:52 AM
So true! 😄
outofthisworld 不愧是我 🏍
June 19, 2020 at 10:47 PM
Hi folks! *waves* to @growingbeautifully @bebeswtz @stpauligurl @persianrose @marites59! How are you untameables? Hope you’ve been keeping well.
Just saw clips of XZ’s recent interview, my heart aches for him.
The industry is super competitive, stressful and nasty. For every success story, there are hundreds or maybe thousands of failure. Then when one becomes successful, it’s still such a tough life. Since Untamed, I’ve been watching mostly C dramas. There is a big pool of actors, more than in Kdramas. Many are good looking, young and talented but sadly limited good scripts, good production and thus few opportunities. I’m watching We Are All Alone after Ave X had it in her video, I wanted to understand more about the industry. It’s certainly interesting and surprising to know some of these things that happen behind the scenes.
Xiao Zhan and Yibo were extremely lucky to catch their break with The Untamed. I just hope the fame they have achieved will allow them to pursue their dreams instead of being an obstacle in their lives. Xiao Zhan is more popular but also has a harder time than Yibo. This is just my observation. I guess the more popular you are, the more antis you attract and the more people there are who want to displace you. In XZ’s case, it’s not always those who are against him, his own fanatic fans have contributed to his woes.
I only hope he will find more happiness in this cray cray world.
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
June 19, 2020 at 11:20 PM
Hey @outofthisworld friend!!!!
The last couple of months (especially this last month) has had its ups and downs during my country & city’s stay-at-home order due to COVID, but I’m hanging in there 💪🏻💪🏻
I have also not been able to move on from Chinese dramas since completing “The Untamed” last year (it’s almost the 1-year anniversary of the airing of Episode 1!!!!), and have watched a couple of Chinese dramas here and there since then, a few BL ones, too, but found myself not really going back to Korean dramas 🤨🤨
The industry is definitely really competitive, and it may be different levels of intensity as well, depending on the direction an artist goes down… I know that the Chinese film & drama industry is super competitive just from the mere fact of its population and just how many actors and actresses make up the Chinese entertainment industry 🥺🥺
In terms of Xiao Zhan, I’m in no way happy about what’s happened to him, especially since he really didn’t do anything and was basically collateral damage for the actions of others, but—in a way— I’m happy for what it has brought him in terms of a slower pace in his work (it was not fun having to worry about his health all the time last year when all the craziness from “The Untamed” happened on top of him filming 2-3 dramas back-to-back 😰😰😰) and how much stronger he has become when resuming his work after, not just the scandal, but also from being forced to take time off and stay at home—because of COVID— to think things through and reflect. It’s also somewhat comforting to know that he’s okay and understands the other side of things and that he’s okay with it, too— he may not like it and it’s really unfortunate, but he understands why his endorsements dropped him so he’s not going to say or hint at anything bad towards those brands or companies, he understands that when he is so loved that he will most likely also have (an equal amount or more) people who dislike him— he’s always said that, and by doing so, I think he’s also always prepared himself for the day that the antis and haters would end up doing something 🤷🏻♀️ And here we are…
But Xiao Zhan has a pretty high EQ, and I trust and know that he knows how to face and how to deal with everything ☺️☺️☺️
June 20, 2020 at 1:22 AM
Hi @outofthisworld! Glad to read ya!
What a coincidence. I too watched Avenue X and decided to pick up We Are All Alone to find out more about the tough c-ent industry. Just started and can’t say I could grasp it all but it does give us the hard-as-nails attitude that one has to have to get in and go through it.
I have never watched Godfrey Gao before, but knowing what happened to him and seeing him on screen, actually affects me. I find it saddening that someone young and with so much potential, had his life cut short.
I’m thinking of starting the light The Romance of Tiger and Rose, since Avenue X reviewed it highly, and it sounds fun.
I deplored what happened to XZ. I believe that whatever he chose to do, to respond or not to all the furor, would still have found critics. We have faith that he has weathered the worst of it and will continue to get through it well, and likely stronger.
outofthisworld 不愧是我 🏍
June 20, 2020 at 3:52 AM
Hi @growingbeautifully
I am at ep 12 now. I almost skipped the show because I thought it would be too sad to watch GG, knowing that he’s no longer around. I’ve not watched any of his shows but heard of his name as he’s been around and posthumously, read good things about him. What a loss! Unfortunately, I am skipping his scenes because the romance just doesn’t work for me. Nothing bad but it’s boring. I am watching to understand the C industry.
Tiger and Rose was absolutely fun and I’ve discovered more talented actors in Ryan Ding and Zhao Lusi. If you enjoy ROTR, do try out the short drama Reset Life which Ryan is in, it’s just 5 eps and a good watch.
It might be a long stretch but I find some similarities between what happened to XZ and WWX. Of course, XZ’s character is totally opposite to WWX. It’s more about how fast and hard the public opinion can turn against you. They can praise you sky high and then drag you to the lowest next. XZ still has a large fanbase and support so it’s not that bad. However, these incidents show how volatile it can be. I like the lyrics of Yibo’s song which went along this line- I am not as good as you say(fans) I am or as bad as you think(antis). People forget they are humans.
June 20, 2020 at 4:58 AM
Thanks for the quick reviews @outofthisworld. I was rooting around for cdramas to watch and your recommendations are just in time! I’m also going to test watch It’s Okay to Not Be Okay (kdrama). If it works out that’s fine but nowadays, I don’t have as much time and bandwidth to watch.
Yes, the similarities of how opinion turned against XZ and WWX did occur to me. It was comforting to know, that in one of his interviews, XZ already sounded like he knew what to expect. He knew that fame came and went easily and that he had no control over public opinions. He was able to accept that even early on in his career and hopefully remembers what he himself has said. On the whole, he has taken everything in his stride and is at least no longer silent or invisible.
You are obviously still a great fan of WYB. I haven’t been searching out the latest news on the boys of TU, but if I happen on Star News, I get to hear bits and pieces about both WYB and XZ. It seems WYB still prefers his sports and work and eschews mixing with any ladies. Wise young man!
June 23, 2020 at 5:30 AM
hi there ms @outofthisworld
happy to see you posted after such a long time.
what happened to XZ was really crazy. C-ent i think is crazier comparing to K-ent, maybe because of the huge population. from XZ’s latest interview though, he looked much better and his smile is much brighter comparing to his first interview, which made me a lot happier as his fan.
hope all of you ladies are fine and well considering that the virus is still around us.
once again,thank you @outofthisworld for remembering us here.
outofthisworld 不愧是我 🏍
June 27, 2020 at 5:46 AM
Hi @marites59!
I am well, thank you! Hope everything is fine with you too!
I’m on discord C(chinese drama) channel these days. Not good at being in multi places so I tend to stick to just one.
June 27, 2020 at 7:56 AM
that’s why we don’t get to see you much around here. am glad that you’re ok. been missing you and your posts. i’m also on tweeter most of the time, just come here to check if somebody’s posted anything about WangXian/TU, from time to time.
June 27, 2020 at 8:00 AM
yes, i have faith in XZ that he will be able to weather this storm and make a smashing comeback.
June 21, 2020 at 4:58 PM
Hi @outofthisworld long time no see! I truly missed you.
Yeah, the c entertainment industry seems very scary, and the most scary parts are fanatic fans… they seems to be the one feeding the anti and haters with their misbehavior… I heard Yibo also received so 1000s of hate letters and treats, but his agency acted better by taking legal act against the few main people involved… I don’t know who in their right mind can hate such talented artists… this is too sad… I just hope Xiao Zhan can stay strong through this stom and this is not the end of his career
outofthisworld 不愧是我 🏍
June 27, 2020 at 5:54 AM
Hi @persianrose! I miss you too! Great to see you at discord the other day.
The C ent industry is scary alright. I do notice that C artists are more vocal and likely to take action than K ones. They need to otherwise it would be terrible for them. For XZ’s case, it’s very unfortunate. He shot to tremendous fame overnight and his fanbase exploded. His fans were seen as bullies to other fandoms although fanwars aren’t uncommon. They ‘offended’ many and the AO3 thing had far more reaching consequences than they imagined. His agency did not handle it well.
June 17, 2020 at 12:03 AM
Is this reliable news? A collaboration between Xiao Zhan and Wang Yi Bo with some friends?
June 17, 2020 at 12:18 AM
@linda-palapala @trinpie @kimbapnoona @shach @jenmole @zetteceniza @giegie0384 @1tea1 @alasecond @bcampbell1662 @egads @drawde2000 @marites59 @nightmoon @blueskye @lillamy @stpauligurl @strawberry @gadis @gmelenco @artgirl @maybemaknae @bluekitchen @carmen @mrobles @noobita @zgs1994 @infinitize @bunny @shinayame @sweetsammy @larelle79 @mayhemf @persianrose @pinklolipop @dramalava @outofthisworld @neener @hades @llljr
June 17, 2020 at 2:54 AM
not confirmed..
it is a multi starrer and there is news that they are signed on..
but yibo is already booked on next drama, couple of variety etc etc.. so not sure how feasible this will be
June 17, 2020 at 3:37 AM
Hah! Thanks for this. I’m not keeping up with the news lately. Don’t know what’s true and what’s fake!! 😬 😯 😃
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
June 17, 2020 at 3:03 AM
I wouldn’t trust hotpot tv as a credible entertainment news source 😅😅😅
June 17, 2020 at 3:38 AM
Thanks @bebeswtz no truer words I think! 😅 😂 🙄
June 17, 2020 at 7:17 AM
Whether it is credible or not I sure would love to see these two collaborate on something again.
June 17, 2020 at 8:18 AM
not true
June 17, 2020 at 10:35 AM
It’s just a rumor for now… I feel that they’re dropping rumors to test public opinion before they decide!!!
That picture though 🤣🤣🤣 it’s like hotpot editors are Yizhan shipper 🤣🤣🤣
June 18, 2020 at 2:05 AM
I do not like the photo to be honest. So obviously faked.
Trinity 🍆
June 17, 2020 at 10:43 AM
To be honest, I really hope this isn’t true. Yibo and Xiao Zhan should not be in anything together for a long time. There are already way too many crazy people out there causing issues for the 2 of them and it will just feed their delusions more if they appear in something again so soon.
June 18, 2020 at 2:08 AM
Ah those delusionary fans. Wish they’d not make something out of nothing, it’s unhealthy! 🙄
June 3, 2020 at 5:07 AM
Such a hoot, Xiao Zhan’s been so low key for months but still hits top spots in popularity polls. Go figure! 😵 🤔 🤭 😁
June 3, 2020 at 5:13 AM
@linda-palapala @trinpie @kimbapnoona @shach @jenmole @zetteceniza @giegie0384 @1tea1 @alasecond @bcampbell1662 @egads @drawde2000 @marites59 @nightmoon @blueskye @lillamy @stpauligurl @strawberry @gadis @gmelenco @artgirl @maybemaknae @bluekitchen @carmen @mrobles @noobita @zgs1994 @infinitize @bunny @shinayame @sweetsammy @larelle79 @mayhemf @persianrose @pinklolipop @dramalava @outofthisworld @neener @hades @llljr
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
June 3, 2020 at 7:00 AM
He’s always been low key ☺️☺️👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 It’s his brand that blew up after “The Untamed” 😉😉
June 4, 2020 at 2:30 PM
And see who’s name is at the top of the table for Best-selling Digital Singles in the World (and it happened while he was keeping low key):
June 8, 2020 at 9:45 PM
@persianrose Imagine if he’d be out and working in ‘high-key’ LOL. He’d have had so much more endorsements and been chosen for new dramas. I’m glad that the experience has only slowed him but not stopped him. He’ll continue to come through stronger. 😄
May 23, 2020 at 8:54 PM
A collection of snippets of Xiao Zhan. I haven’t seen quite a lot of these. How about you?
May 23, 2020 at 8:55 PM
@linda-palapala @trinpie @kimbapnoona @shach @jenmole @zetteceniza @giegie0384 @1tea1 @alasecond @bcampbell1662 @egads @drawde2000 @marites59 @nightmoon @blueskye @lillamy @stpauligurl @strawberry @gadis @gmelenco @artgirl @maybemaknae @bluekitchen @carmen @mrobles @noobita @zgs1994 @infinitize @bunny @shinayame @sweetsammy @larelle79 @mayhemf @persianrose @pinklolipop @dramalava @outofthisworld @neener @hades @llljr
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
May 23, 2020 at 9:34 PM
Thank you for sharing 😊😊
I’ve seen bits and pieces this on various SNS, but have never seen the thing as a whole. This must’ve been a while ago, since the brand D&G (Dulce & Gabbana) is mentioned, but the brand has been sort of staying quiet from the Mainland China market since the controversy back in 2018
May 23, 2020 at 10:45 PM
I’m so impatient and hard-to-please nowadays, I hardly sit for 5 minutes at a stretch to watch or read 1 anything, unless it’s a drama that I’m very engaged in. So it’s good that these come in short bits so that I can watch without hitting the next button so soon. 😬 😑 😁
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
May 24, 2020 at 12:36 AM
I know the feeling!!! I’ve been able to watch things, but not fully enjoy or be engaged and I’d get really easily distracted during an episode ☹️☹️☹️
Linda Palapala
May 23, 2020 at 9:58 PM
Thanks – I’m keeping up fairly well as for some reason I keep getting notices about new XZ posts every day!
Sent a friend an article about why it’s a good idea to binge TU on Netflix. She’d never watched an Asian drama but tried it and so far is loving it. Of course, to keep up with her I have to re-watch it myself. I didn’t realize before that when re-watching I’ve seen ep 33-50 many times, but the first 32 episodes only watched once. I’m catching even more this time! Unbelievable! And it’s still so good that I don’t want to watch anything else while I’m watching this.
Linda Palapala
May 23, 2020 at 10:00 PM
here’s the link to the article if you’re interested:
May 23, 2020 at 10:42 PM
Thanks @linda-palapala. You’re certainly a true die-hard fan of TU!! 😆
Linda Palapala
May 23, 2020 at 10:54 PM
Like most of us probably, as much as I love XZ and WYb, I love the story even more.
May 26, 2020 at 10:06 AM
thank you so much @growingbeautifully for this. FYI, Xiao Zhan’s fans in twitter and as far as i know weibo are missing him a lot. I do miss our boy a lot. We’re all waiting for The Wolf, Douluo Continent and TOOL but so far no official news of release yet.
May 26, 2020 at 10:36 AM
You’re welcome @marites59 🙂 Yes, me too!
May 29, 2020 at 8:39 AM
❤️Xiao Zhan❤️
Why is he so cute and hot at the same time?!
May 5, 2020 at 4:31 AM
Here’s a video of Xiao Zhan doing a live stream interview. Does anyone know when this was? Love that it’s all about The Untamed and it’s characters and how he would relate to them now.
May 5, 2020 at 4:34 AM
@linda-palapala @trinpie @kimbapnoona @shach @jenmole @zetteceniza @giegie0384 @1tea1 @alasecond @bcampbell1662 @egads @drawde2000 @marites59 @nightmoon @blueskye @lillamy @stpauligurl @strawberry @gadis @gmelenco @artgirl @maybemaknae @bluekitchen @carmen @mrobles @noobita @zgs1994 @infinitize @bunny @shinayame @sweetsammy @larelle79 @mayhemf @persianrose @pinklolipop @dramalava @outofthisworld @neener @hades @llljr
Let’s see if this video does or does not disappear from here!!! Was this a long ago interview and video posted soon after TU aired? The posting date is just 30 April 2020.
May 5, 2020 at 6:29 AM
His outfit seems like it’s from one of those rounds of TU interviews from a bit ago, but I could totes be wrong. :3 Ahh what a cutie~
May 5, 2020 at 6:40 AM
It looks like the date on the video is 7-29-19 – so it was filmed in the middle of airing.
How can he be just so cute and nervous and innocent at the same time? sigh… my heart will never be over him.
thanks for this @growingbeautifully!
May 5, 2020 at 7:07 AM
Thanks @stpauligurl! I believe it did come out earlier but without the subs, so thanks to whoever added the subtitles too!
neener ~ Inside the Magic Shop ~
May 5, 2020 at 7:57 AM
I remember watching this when I was in the behind the scene rabbit hole of TU.
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
May 5, 2020 at 11:48 AM
The date listed in the video title should be the same as the date of the interview, so it would’ve been during the airing of “The Untamed” and Xiao Zhan was doing his promo rounds for the drama ☺️ It was during the same interview where they secretly filmed Xiao Zhan reacting to the MV for Wei Ying’s theme song, “曲盡陳情” (starts around the 6-minute mark)…
His reaction and his explanation of his interpretation of the character Wei Ying is what drew me to go back and to take another look—a new look— at the character of Wei Ying, which then has caused me to fall in love with him (the character 🥰🥰… I’ve always loved Xiao Zhan haha 😏😏)
May 5, 2020 at 3:55 PM
Thanks @bebeswtz Oh yes! Those videos! Love them but they are receding in memory now. Oh dear… can’t afford to go back down that rabbit hole!!! LOL.
There’s another one (rabbit hole) figuratively, and somewhat literally, in the ‘Alice’ analogy used in The King: Eternal Monarch. Now that’s one deep and convoluted hole and I’m not getting out any time soon!
I love how XZ in this video was at times, at a loss for words, but nevertheless gave his best answer on the fly. The interviewer did not give him the questions in advance to prepare?!?!
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
May 5, 2020 at 4:07 PM
I think they did give him the questions ahead of time—it’s interviewer etiquette to do so—but from what I remember about what he said in another interview ABOUT interviews, Xiao Zhan actually doesn’t like to prep too much for interviews nor does he like to prepare his answers ahead of time or interviews, because he feels that premeditated answers takes away from the authenticity and of his answers
May 5, 2020 at 6:42 PM
Ah! He sure looked un-prepped LOL. No matter what, he always looks authentic. 😁
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
May 5, 2020 at 7:22 PM
I love his honest approach to everything that he does ☺️☺️
May 6, 2020 at 2:01 AM
i love everything about him..haha
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
May 6, 2020 at 2:52 AM
I do, too 💕💕💕❤️❤️❤️
May 4, 2020 at 7:46 PM
Here\’s something heart-warming from Wang Yi Bo, thanks to @linda-palapala who gave me the link.
May 4, 2020 at 7:49 PM
@trinpie @kimbapnoona @shach @jenmole @zetteceniza @giegie0384 @1tea1 @alasecond @bcampbell1662 @egads @drawde2000 @marites59 @nightmoon @blueskye @lillamy @stpauligurl @strawberry @gadis @gmelenco @artgirl @maybemaknae @bluekitchen @carmen @mrobles @noobita @zgs1994 @infinitize @bunny @shinayame @sweetsammy @larelle79 @mayhemf @persianrose @pinklolipop @dramalava @outofthisworld @neener @hades @llljr
And so our love for the boys continue, and we see another reason why, with WYB keeping his word and waiting on the frontline nurse. So SWEET!!!!
LOL the anecdote of her forgetting to write her name on her PPE and being called Yi Bo the whole day! 😁 😂 🤣
May 4, 2020 at 7:54 PM
That was sweet. The name thing is cute. I wouldnt write it but was trying to think whose name I would of written if I was her and I guess it would of been Yoo.
May 4, 2020 at 8:08 PM
@bcampbell1662 As in Yoo Ah In?
May 4, 2020 at 8:23 PM
As in Gong Yoo.
May 4, 2020 at 8:39 PM
Ah yes, I’d have maybe more than 1 name on my PPE and Gong Yoo would have been one of them. Haven’t thought through whom the others might be yet. LOL.
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
May 4, 2020 at 8:36 PM
Awwwwww our 🦁
I can’t wait for this episode of DDU to air!!!
May 5, 2020 at 6:26 AM
This was really sweet! Every time the little clip pops up on my Instagram feed, I’d watch it and aww-ing over it. :3
May 5, 2020 at 11:22 AM
But, but, but, I don’t see the link?😱
May 5, 2020 at 3:46 PM
It’s in the comment with our handles/names … here it is again. 🙂
May 10, 2020 at 12:48 AM
❤️❤️❤️ ahhhaha my non existent eyes
April 25, 2020 at 8:45 AM
April 25, 2020 at 8:51 AM
@linda-palapala @trinpie @kimbapnoona @shach @jenmole @zetteceniza @giegie0384 @1tea1 @alasecond @bcampbell1662 @egads @drawde2000 @marites59 @nightmoon @blueskye @lillamy @stpauligurl @strawberry @gadis @gmelenco @artgirl @maybemaknae @bluekitchen @carmen @mrobles @noobita @zgs1994 @infinitize @bunny @shinayame @sweetsammy @larelle79 @mayhemf @persianrose @pinklolipop @dramalava @outofthisworld @neener @hades @llljr
Xiao Zhan has a new song and within 13 hours it’s out and subbed! Thanks to JongShine.
I like the lyrics, especially the meaningful English lyrics of the chorus that are so appropriate to our times.
“That we’ve got one life, one world
So let’s come together, we’ll weather the storm
A rain of colours, look up to the sky
We’re all made of shooting stars
We are made to love”
Certainly we’re made to love XZ, and his voice and song!
neener ~ Inside the Magic Shop ~
April 25, 2020 at 9:18 AM
That’s a catchy chorus! Loved the beat too!
If only I can sing along to the Chinese lyrics >.<
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
April 25, 2020 at 10:03 AM
Here’s an article giving an explanation of the song, what was Xiao Zhan’s thought process when he was co-writing it, and the team that helped him produce it (it’s the same team of people who worked with Wang Yi Bo to produce his song “No Sense” ) ☺️☺️☺️
Linda Palapala
April 25, 2020 at 10:43 AM
Thanks for the link! Best thing happening today.
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
April 25, 2020 at 10:51 AM
Yesssss, definitely ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘
April 26, 2020 at 8:17 AM
Thanks @bebeswtz! Nice to know that he’s not just singing songs written by and already sung by others, but is getting into a bit of songwriting himself. I’m glad for that. ☺️
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
April 26, 2020 at 8:52 AM
It makes me happy that he’s always so open to trying new things, learning new things, and changing things up— all in the name of self-improvement, growth, and maturity in all that he does 🥰🥰🥰
April 27, 2020 at 4:54 PM
@growingbeautifully @bebeswtz read this very interesting article about Xiao Zhan incident, etc.
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
April 27, 2020 at 5:26 PM
Thank you for sharing ☺️☺️☺️
At the end of the day, it’s because of who Xiao Zhan is as a person and his efforts in staying true to that and true to his roots.
He’s very popular, he’s very established, yet, he’s very humble and very hard-working and UNDERSTANDS that hard work is what is needed to reach success. Even when he’s reached success, he knows that it isn’t everlasting and can disappear at any time.
“For as many people there are who will like you, there is an equal amount of people who will dislike you.”
– Xiao Zhan
He decides what he wants to do and goes for it, he does what he thinks and feels is important to himself and knows how to productively use his status as a public figure to influence that (like his charity project and the equipment donations he quietly made for Covid-19), he does what he enjoys, he is the person he wants to be (personality, temperament, how he carries himself, etc.), and many of his decisions about his work he makes himself and is influenced very little by anyone else (that is what he wants and that is why “Xiao Zhan Studio” was established). He doesn’t choose to do things and never picks projects because he thinks it’s going to be popular or that it’s going to bring him more fame— everything he chooses to do—all of his drama project and all of his variety shows appearances— he chooses because it’s something he wants to do and is something he knows he has the ability to put 100% of himself into it and/or because it will bring him a good learning experience and ways to improve himself 👌🏻
This is why I like him so much ❣️
April 28, 2020 at 12:34 AM
Thanks @persianrose Interesting opinions and review!
Linda Palapala
April 28, 2020 at 10:55 AM
Viki just got the license for The Wolf! Does that mean it’s finally, finally going to air??
April 28, 2020 at 3:48 PM
@linda-palapala Rumour has it that it may show up in mid-May. We hope and keep our fingers crossed!
Linda Palapala
April 28, 2020 at 4:37 PM
I added it to my Viki watchlist and it’s so pretty…
I remember when the first trailer came out (years ago!) I was so excited. Put the photo on my desktop. A Chinese friend who also watched c-dramas saw it on my computer so I told her I really liked Darren Wang because he was unusual looking. The 2nd male lead, who I had no idea who it was, I told her was the classically handsome man but I liked the unusual way Darren Wang looked. Only a few years later did I realize that beautiful 2nd lead was Xiao Zhan.
April 28, 2020 at 4:41 PM
Ahh! Now I must watch for both Darren and XZ! 😁
Linda Palapala
April 28, 2020 at 9:00 PM
I don’t know where else to post this, so I apologize because this is slightly off topic. I was watching the last episode of the Special Edition and towards the end, the part where they’re about to say goodby to Wen Ning and Ah Ruan(?), there’s a close up shot of WY looking at LZ with adoring eyes and LZ looking back at him with the same eyes. I’d never noticed before the slow blinks with half open eyes that they each gave the other. I had just finished reading an article about how you know your cat loves you – one of the things it said was it will give you slow blinks with half open eyes. Then the article said that humans do the same thing, which I never knew that! Anyway, what before I thought was just a shot of them looking at each other with adoring eyes, the sleepy-eyed slow blinks meant love. Did everybody else already know this interesting fact??
April 29, 2020 at 6:49 PM
@linda-palapala LOL, no, I’ve never heard of this.
When I see it, I interpret it as a look with a smile or a look with a thought behind it, but not necessarily a look of love. That particular scene, it was a look of understanding that passed between WY and LZ.
LZ had wanted to tell WY precisely this piece of info (that little Ah Yuan was Si Zhui), and had waited for the right time to do so. WY had received the info with surprise and delight from Si Zhui directly instead, and it slowly dawned on him what LZ and done for Ah Yuan, and why it was only at this moment that LZ was about to tell him.
To me it was a look with a thought and the half closed eyes gave the message, ‘I understand, and I’m grateful.’ Lan Zhan’s response is an acknowledgement that he knows that WY knows ‘Good that you know and you’re welcome!’. 😄
Linda Palapala
April 29, 2020 at 8:03 PM
@growingbeautifully Yes, I agree with you but what surprised me was the article I read about cat’s expressions of love and that humans do it too, without realizing. It’s the slow blink of the eye and in that end scene (and I’ve found another scene since then, the one where they’re in the market and WY buys LZ the rabbit lantern) the camera lingers on their faces until they slowly blink. Yeah, the smiles are there, the looks, but surely the camera and the director knew what they were doing. It was just an added detail that we probably only noticed subconsciously.
April 25, 2020 at 11:33 AM
Thanks again for this. What a wonderful voice and song!!! I’ll play this again and again. He is such a treasure isn’t he?
April 26, 2020 at 8:24 AM
@stpauligurl This song is somehow so simple and yet so catchy. Definitely one of those songs I’ll be playing over and over as I move around. XZ is a treasure indeed… to those who are his ‘capital’, but not only that. He’s worth his weight in gold, and not only in terms of money, but in how he deals with, and gets the better of all kinds of challenges beyond his control.
April 25, 2020 at 11:43 AM
we can feel the essence of xiao zhan in this song. he is extraordinary. many thanks @growingbeautifully for this. i’m much happier now that he is slowly making his way back.
bdw, the sale of this ep in 24 hrs is 73 million yuan.
April 26, 2020 at 8:20 AM
@marites59 Yup, I didn’t take note during the announcement by one of the YouTubers who follow everything XZ, but it seems that within minutes and then hours his song reached gold or diamond status in the number who bought it. His likability trumps any ‘bad vibes’ people try to throw at him. He hasn’t even reached the peak of his abilities yet, and he’s already so popular. I hope he can keep improving and not let all this hoopla detract him.
May 4, 2020 at 7:52 PM
I just realised that the video I linked here has disappeared!!! However the song is in @bebeswtz‘s link below so not to worry. 😬 😁
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
May 4, 2020 at 8:32 PM
Yea, it’s don’t know what’s wrong with posts lately, lots of them just disappear 🤔🤔🤔
@db-staff ???
May 4, 2020 at 8:40 PM
I wasn’t aware of this @bebeswtz. Posts with just text disappear too? Or only videos and other media?
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
May 4, 2020 at 8:46 PM
Just videos and other media, i.e. Instagram posts
May 4, 2020 at 8:51 PM
Hmm, OK. Thanks @bebeswtz, I’ll check when I next put up a video and see if it stays for long. 🤪
April 23, 2020 at 4:02 PM
Boy have we missed JB and GF and here they are again!!!
April 23, 2020 at 4:13 PM
I knew they’ll be fangirling somewhere over Lee Min-ho lol.
April 23, 2020 at 6:10 PM
LOL. I didn’t actually know that they’d go for LMH but I’m glad they never stopped!
April 23, 2020 at 6:12 PM
@linda-palapala @trinpie @kimbapnoona @shach @jenmole @zetteceniza @giegie0384 @1tea1 @alasecond @bcampbell1662 @egads @drawde2000 @marites59 @nightmoon @blueskye @lillamy @stpauligurl @strawberry @gadis @gmelenco @artgirl @maybemaknae @bluekitchen @carmen @mrobles @noobita @zgs1994 @infinitize @bunny @shinayame @sweetsammy @larelle79 @mayhemf @persianrose @pinklolipop @dramalava @outofthisworld @neener @hades @llljr
No, this time my post does not include XZ, but figures iconic to us at DB. What fun seeing our overlords again, lording it over LMH and his latest show.
April 28, 2020 at 6:51 PM
omg!!! thank you!
April 28, 2020 at 8:47 PM
@dramalava I’m glad you didn’t miss this! 😆 You’re welcome!
April 23, 2020 at 6:50 PM
awww! I miss those days with JB and GF as our overlords!
April 19, 2020 at 2:45 AM
Wow, their voices are so soothing and the choice of music too. Poems read out by Xiao Zhan and his Wei Wu Xian voice actor, Lu Zhixing. Sounds to relax to. 😃
April 19, 2020 at 2:48 AM
@linda-palapala @trinpie @kimbapnoona @shach @jenmole @zetteceniza @giegie0384 @1tea1 @alasecond @bcampbell1662 @egads @drawde2000 @marites59 @nightmoon @blueskye @lillamy @stpauligurl @strawberry @gadis @gmelenco @artgirl @maybemaknae @bluekitchen @carmen @mrobles @noobita @zgs1994 @infinitize @bunny @shinayame @sweetsammy @larelle79 @mayhemf @persianrose @pinklolipop @dramalava @outofthisworld @neener @hades @llljr
The poem sounds so appropriate, relatable and intimate somehow, in this time of aloneness with our lockdowns. Love their voices!
April 19, 2020 at 7:32 AM
this is so soothing! i love their voices!~ 🙂 thanks for sharing!!
April 19, 2020 at 4:27 PM
thank you – this was beautiful, but I found myself not reading the text so I could just listen to the sound of their voices, and the beauty and tones of the Chinese words.
Yes this is beautiful!
But Wei Wuxian’s voice in TU is NOT Xiao Zhan?????
April 20, 2020 at 9:21 AM
Yup, the voice actor has quite a similar voice and is very good at following the emotions of the actor. But it was not Xiao Zhan’s voice in TU. XZ himself credited the voice actors for the success of the show.
neener ~ Inside the Magic Shop ~
April 19, 2020 at 4:13 AM
That was beautiful! Thanks for sharing~
April 20, 2020 at 9:25 AM
Yes, it was lovely! You’re welcome @neener 😃
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
April 19, 2020 at 5:24 AM
OMG I love this, thank you for sharing ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I like the fact that it’s so slow— both are taking their time slowly to read, to set a mood, taking the effort to be very articulate and precise in their speaking of every word and every syllable 😘😘😘 It makes the literature and art nerd in me so happy!!!
April 20, 2020 at 9:24 AM
I love that we have turned away from the rush of life, at least for a while, and can take the time to listen to the slow beat of the poem. When the madness returns, we can come back to refresh ourselves in this, over and again. 😄
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
April 20, 2020 at 9:52 AM
Yes!!! Despite the reasoning, I’m glad that we have been forced to slow down in life, take a breath, and have learned to refocus ourselves, our lives, and to tweak the pace of everything 🥰🥰🥰
April 16, 2020 at 7:41 AM
This is interesting! Would any of us, fans of The Untamed, like to let Chinese Star News translate our love for TU into Chinese for China’s TU fans to read? If so please watch the vid.
April 16, 2020 at 7:46 AM
@linda-palapala @trinpie @kimbapnoona @shach @jenmole @zetteceniza @giegie0384 @1tea1 @alasecond @bcampbell1662 @egads @drawde2000 @marites59 @nightmoon @blueskye @lillamy @stpauligurl @strawberry @gadis @gmelenco @artgirl @maybemaknae @bluekitchen @carmen @mrobles @noobita @zgs1994 @infinitize @bunny @shinayame @sweetsammy @larelle79 @mayhemf @persianrose @pinklolipop @dramalava @outofthisworld @neener @hades @llljr
When I watched this video, offering viewers a chance to write about themselves and how they love TU, thoughts of you gals and guys popped into my mind immediately, since I know Beanies are great writers.
I didn’t know it’s been 2 years since TU started filming. No one knew then, what a big part it would play in our ‘entertainment’ lives. That’s certainly something to write about, and what fun to think that our counterparts in China will be reading/hearing what we say through Chinese Star News!
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
April 16, 2020 at 9:59 AM
This is actually a really sweet initiative 🥰🥰🥰 To celebrate its success and to acknowledge that the success comes from the love of all the fans
April 17, 2020 at 4:38 AM
That’s true and a very nice way of looking at it @bebeswtz 😀 It is a nice initiative and it was the fans of the written work and the animated work as well that made The Untamed such a big thing. People like me were just drawn in sort of by accident and then hooked by the characters and their tale. If not for our ‘love’, TU would have just been another fantasy Xian Xia/Wu Xia.
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
April 17, 2020 at 8:16 AM
Yea!! I was drawn in because the influence of other Beanies haha Its been a while now but I still haven’t let go!! 😅😅
April 19, 2020 at 2:49 AM
I see that you’re still rewatching some episodes! You certainly haven’t let go at all!! 😆 😘
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
April 19, 2020 at 5:15 AM
lol I was rewatching episodes here and there at random before just to relive some of my favourite moments, but it was only yesterday that I completed a FULL and official rewatch of the entire drama, all 50 episodes, in chronological order, no skipping and no fast-forwarding 🥰🥰🥰🥰
April 13, 2020 at 10:45 PM
Xiao Zhan seems to be back! Anyway, we can get to see a picture of the plum blossoms that he posted (and may have drawn himself) and to hear his voice again, to begin with. A melodic old song.
April 13, 2020 at 10:52 PM
@linda-palapala @trinpie @kimbapnoona @shach @jenmole @zetteceniza @giegie0384 @1tea1 @alasecond @bcampbell1662 @egads @drawde2000 @marites59 @nightmoon @blueskye @lillamy @stpauligurl @strawberry @gadis @gmelenco @artgirl @maybemaknae @bluekitchen @carmen @mrobles @noobita @zgs1994 @infinitize @bunny @shinayame @sweetsammy @larelle79 @mayhemf @persianrose @pinklolipop @dramalava @outofthisworld @neener @hades @llljr
According to Chinese Star News, plum blossoms have significance in China. I paraphrase: “It can mean that XZ is not defeated by the controversy (and continuing hate). These flowers symbolise strength and elegance, … being unafraid of the cold. … It is an auspicious symbol that comes with good news. Plum blossoms mean everything is reviving and Spring is coming. So … we do not need to worry about Xiao Zhan.” 😃 Well I certainly hope so!!
Now hoping that Oath of Love won’t take forever to be aired!
Linda Palapala
April 14, 2020 at 7:06 AM
Been waiting for you to post this!
April 14, 2020 at 5:39 PM
Heheheh! @linda-palapala You know me well!
April 15, 2020 at 5:22 AM
thank you so much @growingbeautifully for posting this. i really hope that all of you guys here are doing well with the nasty stuff that is going on right now.
April 15, 2020 at 5:31 AM
You’re welcome @marites59. I trust you are keeping yourself safe too!
Nothing like a little (or a lot) of Xiao Zhan’s singing, to keep the cabin fever at bay, what with almost lockdowns going on. Take care!
Linda Palapala
April 15, 2020 at 4:06 PM
In the meantime, you won’t believe what I’m doing – watching The Untamed once more. Didn’t realize how much I missed it. One thing led to another: watched the above video and song, then missed Xiao Zhan’s voice and watched other music videos like “Faded”, which led to telling a friend about XZ and sent her the official Untamed OST to watch, then rewatched it myself, which led to watching more OSTs which led to episodes 1-4 and skip to 33.
April 16, 2020 at 5:52 AM
LOL! Here’s a true fan, easily sucked down the Untamed rabbit hole once again!
Glad that you’re happy and enjoying yourself! I’m too tied up with RL to watch much. No energy and flagging interest in shows generally. However I do perk up on any news on XZ, or The Untamed, and will keep updating this fan wall. 😁 Catch ya again!
April 20, 2020 at 2:03 PM
So I’m not the only one deep in the rabbit hole!!
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
April 13, 2020 at 11:02 PM
I posted this song this morning, with a similar explanation on plum blossoms 🥰🥰🥰 Great minds think alike!!! 😉😉😉
April 14, 2020 at 3:13 AM
Hi there Fellow Great Mind!! 😆 😂 I’ll visit your fan wall soon!
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
April 14, 2020 at 4:45 AM
April 14, 2020 at 5:16 AM
Was at your fan wall grinning like a loon. Loved the clip of Wang Yi Bo’s un-Lan Zhan-like face contortions and bad posture! From other posts on XZ, looks like he’s really started working again. As usual, Yay! But I hope he still gets enough rest. 😉
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
April 14, 2020 at 9:33 AM
Hahaha I’m happy to hear that my posts can bring a smile to your face 😁😁😁
Yes!! I’m glad that he was able to get his rest. He’s mentioned on multiple occasions that he didn’t get to go home AT ALL ever since the promotions for “The Untamed” began and he picked up a lot more spokesperson work on top of other things, at least, not until the beginning of 2020 when he was given time off for the Lunar New Year. Im happy that he is back, better than ever, and that he’s starting off his comeback doing the things that are close to his heart, i.e. charity work and concentrating on his charity project (fund??)
April 14, 2020 at 6:27 AM
This is so sweet!! Thanks for sharing!!!
Loss of work/revenue/etc. aside, these bouts of groundless bullying are so detrimental to one’s mental health. I hope he’s taking care of himself and I’m very excited to watch Oath of Love~~~
April 14, 2020 at 5:39 PM
@strawberry You’re welcome! Yes, as if it isn’t bad enough that there is loss of income, and an undeserved smear on his name, he still has to continue through the constant bullying and mean nastiness. He has to keep up looking fine and being OK, while knowing that a bunch of faceless people are just out to destroy his career for no good reason. What ever he does, will be scrutinised and criticised. It’s a very stress-filled situation to live with for months.
Yes, I hope he has good people around him, and that he can maintain good and positive mental health. ☺️
April 15, 2020 at 5:19 AM
i can feel it coming, he is coming back. i’m just so happy knowing that he is ok!!
April 15, 2020 at 7:50 AM
I missed his voice!
Thank you, GB! 🤗
April 16, 2020 at 5:54 AM
So did I! You’re welcome @giegie0384 😘
March 25, 2020 at 1:58 AM
Are things slowly starting to look up for Xiao Zhan? Thanks to China Star News, we get little updates and translations of stuff buzzing on Weibo. Waiting for his 3 shows!!
March 25, 2020 at 2:00 AM
@linda-palapala @trinpie @kimbapnoona @shach @jenmole @zetteceniza @giegie0384 @1tea1 @alasecond @bcampbell1662 @egads @drawde2000 @marites59 @nightmoon @blueskye @lillamy @stpauligurl @strawberry @gadis @gmelenco @artgirl @maybemaknae @bluekitchen @carmen @mrobles @noobita @zgs1994 @infinitize @bunny @shinayame @sweetsammy @larelle79 @mayhemf @persianrose @pinklolipop @dramalava @outofthisworld @neener @hades @llljr
News has been coming in bits, but some news is better than none about our boy! May the tunnel be coming to an end and the light be shining for XZ.
neener ~ Inside the Magic Shop ~
March 25, 2020 at 2:25 AM
I really hope so
March 25, 2020 at 2:41 AM
I won’t believe in Wolf broadcasting until I watch first episode, this show has the worst of luck.
But fingers crossed for Xiao Zhan.
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
March 25, 2020 at 8:24 AM
Little bits and pieces is better than no news at all— I’LL TAKE IT!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
A few days ago, he/his studio even put out a statement to declare the official launch of his charity 🥰🥰🥰 Charity is something that’s always been on his heart, so I’m happy that he is able to use his own platform as a social figure to do what he wants and to encourage others to follow in doing good
March 25, 2020 at 4:27 PM
I heard about it. He has been quietly working on stuff that matters to him, and at the same time raising his visibility slightly. I believe that even the charity effort evoked some negative comments but that’s to be expected, since the smear campaign appears to be deliberate.
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
March 25, 2020 at 4:40 PM
I’m happy and very glad that he is able to work and produce things that are important to him and matter to him, and that he is using his platform as a public figure for good 🥰🥰🥰
I’m very positive that this will pass soon 🥰🥰 Since, like you said, it’s a deliberate smear campaign, and we have seen how smear campaigns can only last so long and will lose momentum and traction (anti-fans of EXO’s CHEN are an example)…. It’s just a matter of ‘when’ 🤔🤔🤔
But it could possibly be soon, since the lockdown in China has been loosened in the last few days and people are now allowed to leave their homes and not sit in front of their screens all day/night
It also helps that Xiao Zhan has a good head on his shoulders and has an understanding that you cannot make the whole world like you, and for every person that likes you, you will most likely have the same amount of people who dislike you. He is mature enough and understands that, and I think it’s what has kept himself (and his agency & Xiao Zhan studio by association) from speaking out. He can see that by doing so (speaking out), in the long run, depending on what he chooses to say if he were to put out a statement, that it may not be a very good move, therefore, he’s choosing to stay quiet and just let it pass, let time tell the tale 👌🏻👌🏻
March 14, 2020 at 8:02 AM
Remembering the positive energy of Xiao Zhan and hoping it’s keeping him well and still able to absorb and negate the negative.
March 14, 2020 at 8:03 AM
@linda-palapala @trinpie @kimbapnoona @shach @jenmole @zetteceniza @giegie0384 @1tea1 @alasecond @bcampbell1662 @egads @drawde2000 @marites59 @nightmoon @blueskye @lillamy @stpauligurl @strawberry @gadis @gmelenco @artgirl @maybemaknae @bluekitchen @carmen @mrobles @noobita @zgs1994 @infinitize @bunny @shinayame @sweetsammy @larelle79 @mayhemf @persianrose @pinklolipop @dramalava @outofthisworld @neener @hades @llljr
Another fan collation of XZ’s positive moments.
March 16, 2020 at 2:30 AM
many thanks for this. i miss our boy!!!
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
March 14, 2020 at 9:03 AM
March 14, 2020 at 10:50 AM
He is such an amazing young man and good example for others. I wish him all the happiness he deserves!!!
March 6, 2020 at 3:49 AM
International fans are out to console and in support of Xiao Zhan. Please join in leaving a comment on the YT video and giving it a like to show your support.
March 6, 2020 at 3:53 AM
@linda-palapala @trinpie @kimbapnoona @shach @jenmole @zetteceniza @giegie0384 @1tea1 @alasecond @bcampbell1662 @egads @drawde2000 @marites59 @nightmoon @blueskye @lillamy @stpauligurl @strawberry @gadis @gmelenco @artgirl @maybemaknae @bluekitchen @carmen @mrobles @noobita @zgs1994 @infinitize @bunny @shinayame @sweetsammy @larelle79 @mayhemf @persianrose @pinklolipop @dramalava @outofthisworld @neener @hades @llljr
over 28 minutes of XZ!! Thanks to this Vietnamese fan, we get to see a great video bringing in many if not all his endorsements. What a lot of work he has done! Fighting Xiao Zhan! You’re looking great!
March 6, 2020 at 7:30 AM
many thanks for this @growingbeautifully, this is what we really need right now
March 6, 2020 at 8:16 AM
You’re heartily welcome @marites59. I will certainly miss XZ if all his shows don’t get to air this year. All we have are the ads, his singing, Who’s the Murderer and the ones from before 2020. Cheers!
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
March 6, 2020 at 8:53 AM
Thank you for sharing this 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️❣️❣️❣️❣️😘😘😘😘🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
March 6, 2020 at 11:28 AM
Thank you for sharing this ❤️❤️❤️❤️
March 5, 2020 at 1:48 AM
Over 11 minutes compilation of Xiao Zhan with Olay plus other video cuts, before the sh*t hit the fan and this endorsement was taken down. Love that the ad is a mini drama-wannabe, with his voice.
March 5, 2020 at 1:54 AM
@linda-palapala @trinpie @kimbapnoona @shach @jenmole @zetteceniza @giegie0384 @1tea1 @alasecond @bcampbell1662 @egads @drawde2000 @marites59 @nightmoon @blueskye @lillamy @stpauligurl @strawberry @gadis @gmelenco @artgirl @maybemaknae @bluekitchen @carmen @mrobles @noobita @zgs1994 @infinitize @bunny @shinayame @sweetsammy @larelle79 @mayhemf @persianrose @pinklolipop @dramalava @outofthisworld @neener @hades @llljr
I’m glad I finally got to see the OLAY ad. It’s nice to see him looking like a high schooler, with boyish good looks and not just the smouldering man in the suit and the smooth moves. It’s sad that he’s been losing endorsements through no fault of his own, but we wish him all the best and may these dark days be over soon.
Keep on smiling Xiao Zhan!!
March 5, 2020 at 1:57 AM
Forgot to add that the most beautiful scenery in this compilation is of course Xiao Zhan himself. What a sweet song, especially when sung by XZ … can’t help swaying to it!
March 5, 2020 at 6:36 AM
Wait, what now??? Why his he losing endorsements.
March 5, 2020 at 7:52 AM
@larelle79 @lixie @stpauligurl
The sad thing is that XZ is being hurt by what I call immature, entitled ‘brats’ (most I believe are young girls/kids) who have struck out in a very mean way … to express their horror, dismay, anger using any means that they can, just because XZ’s fans/anti-fans, etc caused enough ruckus to get AO3, their beloved fan-fic site, blocked in China.
They want to hurt XZ’s fans who reported AO3 for indecency, by hurting XZ … and/or he’s just an easy target for angry kids to hit at in their tantrums. Because they went on a rampage and threatened to boycott products XZ endorsed, he has been taken off the ads for a few of them. They down voted shows that he acted in.
The thing is, they know that they are not supposed to be consuming ‘immoral’ stuff, and that it was always tentative when authorities might decide to do another clean sweep to block/clear out ‘bad influences’. They are not entitled to it just because they like it. It could have been the case that regulators had already decided to take action, and would have done something about sites like AO3 anyway around March 1st, so it could have had nothing at all to do with XZ or his fans. However the timing was just so bad. It was a few days end of Feb, when a fan started getting others to report AO3 and the whole thing blew up, so the block seems to be linked to XZ’s fans.
XZ said in one interview, some time back, that he has been in the ‘trough’ or down and out before, and is not afraid of having to work hard to climb out of it again if he should have to. Well, it seems the time has come where he will have to do just that. May his struggle to overcome this setback make him stronger and show what a determined and persevering soul he is. Jia You Xiao Zhan!
For detailed info on this sad saga, here’s AvenueX, who did this video, I think without even putting makeup on… she was that fed up.
March 5, 2020 at 11:49 AM
what happens all boils down to MONEY. Xiao Zhan’s meteroric rise to popularity in China has created jealousy within the c-ent industry. as far as i ununderstand there are paid people who only post hate stuff to whoever they were paid to do their smear campaign online. these people are being paid by competing entertainment companies, PR agencies, as well as rival celebs, with the purpose to bring him down just so all the lucrative product endorsements and acting jobs will not be offered to him anymore. so these people were the ones who made this big when it all started with that fan/s reporting those stuff.
his cfans played right into their hands. i just pity the poor boy. i think his supporters are just afraid to speak up for him for fear of the backlash from these antis and haters. i have faith that Xiao Zhan will be able to recover from all of this. God bless him.
March 6, 2020 at 4:26 PM
They did speak up. Both sides were accusing each other of cyberbullying.
Then, the more “main stream” state-affiliated media and perhaps paid cybertroopers joined in leaning towards XZ fans side emphasizing copyright infringement as well as a citizen’s right to report “immoral” content.
Revamped fan leadership asked the fans to be more low key.
“Creative freedom” side sensed that big money and government might be turning public opinion against their cause so it also called on its followers to be low key on social media but continue with the boycott. The makeup of this group makes the participants even harder to control.
March 6, 2020 at 1:39 AM
But according to new regulations all BL content is immoral and bad influence? Let’s not be hypocritical here, those who are involved in this from both side are mean and immature but being angry at censorship isn’t wrong, what’s is wrong it the way they expressed it.
March 6, 2020 at 3:59 PM
Not really. As long as BL content follows the “no action below the neck” rule and no underage romance, it is tolerated by regulators.
March 6, 2020 at 4:12 PM
I read lots of BL web novels and some fanfics on various Chinese platforms. I also listen to BL-based audio dramas. A few years ago, smut and racy stuff were common. Now, those have been either taken down or re-edited. When it gets to the racy parts, “Lights off!”
Some writers can be very creative at making their writings imply such content. However, many have either used “…” or “Here would be content considered unsuitable to publish by…”
March 6, 2020 at 4:37 PM
As a regular consumer of various Chinese BL content, I must say, “Censorship sucks!” It’s a pain in the ass trying to decipher words that have been replaced with 口口. Reading older material, written during laxer censorship, whole chunks of missing stuff entire chapters locked really irritate me to no end.
Often the blocked words are perfectly normal and acceptable in the entire content. Just that the filters are stupid. Even English words, for example, 口口ile (=”smile”) because “sm” (taken as s&m, abbreviation for sadomasochism) is a no-no.
March 6, 2020 at 4:39 PM
entire context
March 5, 2020 at 7:54 AM
March 5, 2020 at 7:42 PM
This makes me so sad 😭.
Thanks for sharing.
neener ~ Inside the Magic Shop ~
March 5, 2020 at 10:59 AM
That was a beautiful video ~~~
Keep strong bb!
March 5, 2020 at 1:57 AM
I read that other fandoms took to boycotting XZ endorsements and mass writing to the brands he is representing 🙁 This mess is still not over and it’s not looking good. His fandom really do him.
March 5, 2020 at 3:58 AM
they have to let it play out..
the other fandoms can see this as their only retort..
once the dust settles, and original fandom learns the lesson.. xz would be fine..a comeback after a break will put everything in place..
March 5, 2020 at 7:55 AM
@shach Yes, they really did him in. Acted without thinking of the consequences because of course, there would be retaliation. Wish we international fans can do something more to encourage him and show our support. Maybe I’ll like all the videos of him or something! 🙂
March 5, 2020 at 8:13 AM
Good idea @growingbeautifully. Other than that it’s better to let it go and don’t bring attention to this matter until it pass. He has a lot of good will in industry and unless his fans will do something stupid again it should pass. But for sure it will leave dent in his public image for time being.
March 5, 2020 at 5:08 AM
I’ve read about this but I still don’t understand why the fandom has been taking it out on him when he wasn’t responsible. sigh… I feel so bad for him.
But can I repeat once again, he is sooo beautiful to look at in every way with that smile of his and wonderful voice.
I just never get tired of looking at him. sigh…..
Thanks for the video @growingbeautifully!!
March 5, 2020 at 5:53 AM
Maybe he got very famous too quickly and crazy fandom blames him because they have been taught that their idols are in some kind of competition?
March 5, 2020 at 7:52 AM
His fans reported individual writers to authorities, that’s what enraged people the most, and that they played right into government plans to further censor internet content.
March 5, 2020 at 7:48 AM
His fandom reported to authorities not only sites (they not only reported AO3 but other popular Chinese portals too) but individual writers and that could put this people in very real legal trouble, it enraged not only other celebrities fans but people who were creatively engaged on this sites too. Yes he is not at fault but he in the way represents his fandom in the eye of the public so there is that.
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
March 5, 2020 at 7:45 AM
Thank you for sharing this ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I really needed it, what with all the negative stuff about XZ and his fandom that just keeps and happening and not relenting 😞😞😞😞
I really believe that he will be able to bounce back once everything is passed, because he, himself, did not do anything wrong personally
March 5, 2020 at 8:02 AM
@bebeswtz Yes, compared to those who were in drug or sex scandals, XZ has been above board. Unfortunately I heard the China Star News guy say that the lady who interviewed him before advised that he should not just remain quiet but be ready to speak up about it. However, I have no clue what he can possibly say. He cannot speak badly about what the fans did nor go against what authorities have laid as rules to follow. Just that general apology that hopes to hit no nerves is all the XZ Studio could do. But it’s considered as not enough.
From hindsight, if anyone could have guessed what would happen, his people should have if they could have, controlled the fans a bit. I hear that they can give incentives etc and maybe could have prevented it going overboard, but this is only wisdom after the damage is done.
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
March 5, 2020 at 8:15 AM
Like you said, the damage is done. Unless an official statement comes out from somewhere—someone— clarifying and completely detaching Xiao Zhan from everything, nothing more that he says or does will help, his words and actions will just be twisted and used against him. It’s the same with us fans: The more we try to say or do to defend him and try to help the situation—even if our motives is good— it will only be twisted and used against us for now because the situation is still attached to him (even though it’s just all rumours and angry speculations & allegations for now, nothing confirmed).
So I actually think it’s smart for him to keep silent for now
Linda Palapala
March 5, 2020 at 9:17 AM
This whole thing makes me sick. It’s like XZ has become WWX in real life, being blamed and vilified when he did nothing wrong.
My daughter always says social media is a shark infested water.
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
March 5, 2020 at 9:40 AM
Whichever way we put it, it REALLY isn’t his fault 🙁
Heh, @gadis made a comment on one of my other recent Xiao Zhan posts and said the same thing (
Social media is….. sigh
March 5, 2020 at 11:22 AM
he will and that’s what i believe will happen