Yes, we ragged a lot of Lee Min-ho through the run of The King: Eternal Monarch, but it all came from a place of unfulfilled expectations.
So, we thought we needed to analyze exactly when we started liking LMH so much and which of his performances made us have a high expectations. And also, why he’s been so consistently failing at meeting them.
Here’s a post co-written by @laica, @saya and me. We go over each Lee Min-ho performance since Boys Over Flowers – and to make things fun, we crown one Min-ho the True King.
Beanies, do you remember your earliest KDrama with a sci-fi or fantasy bend?
For me it was Queen In-hyun’s Man. (And I’m having a hard time recalling any dramas in that genre before QIHM. Was it the first? What started this trend?)
It doesn’t have to be a time-travel drama. Shows like Pinnochio, Circle, You From Another Star, Memories of Alhambra all count as SFF.
This is for research purposes, so I’d be very grateful for any morsels of wisdom on this!
Thanks guy. <3
My earliest was MLFAS but it was more of a rom com than a sci fi fantasy. Next came W which was a really interesting medium travel (space travel) if that’s what we can call it. But I didn’t come to like this genre till Circle which did a really good job of handling too many things in one show, someone could learn (ahem, TKEM).
Is drama like My Girlfriend is a Gumiho and 49 Days also count? I don’t remember which one I watched first, but my very first dip into fantasy genre is between those two titles.
If W (2016) qualifies then that was my 11th kdrama and earliest SFF.
In the summer of 2017 I watched JOSEON X-FILES (2010) as a summer rerun and if that qualifies that would be my second SFF.
Faith and Secret Garden were among the first dramas I’ve watched and they both have supernatural elements. I think the oldest drama I’ve seen with supernatural elements is Soulmate. (It’s also my favorite drama.)
Joseon X-files (2010) – Scifi sageuk.
It’s still on my top 10 dramas to this day.
Recaps here by Javabeans. She hardly recap sageuks but she is a scifi geek.
Faith was probably my first.
And sci/fantasy has provide a ton of my favorites. QIHM, YFAS, Signal, Splash Splash Love, Bring It On Ghost & Master’s Sun are all firmly in my top 10, and I even enjoyed W, Alhambra & HdL more than is entirely respectable around here 🙂
I know I can\’t be the only one who was watching The King last weekend and wondering if I was too stupid to understand the show\’s grand logic, or if the show is just… daft. Is there a way I can go in and rescue my Kim Go-eun from this tyrannical maniac?
You know, it gets marginally better for exactly two episodes (11 & 12) – mostly because of evil Kim Go-eun doppleganger – but then it goes right back to worshiping at the alter of Lee Gon, and sense goes flying out of the window.
Hola. So, I watched a few more episodes of A Piece of Your Mind and I’m starting to warm up to it, but the absurdity of the Ha-won/Ji-soo story in the first 2 eps still bugs me. So, I made a thing.
Find the full thing here:
In the run up to the “local awards show” AKA Oscars, PARASITE is making a splash everywhere. So, our first #SpoiledYak of 2020 is all about this amazing movie. Mind the spoilers!
Hello, y’all. Anisa ditched us for this episode of WHAT’S UP IN DRAMALAND, but Rimi (AKA realgreenfields/payodhi) was awesome enough to help keep our numbers odd.
Under Upcoming, you’ll find a few familiar names, that’s cause their premieres got delayed from last month.
03:48 – Kang Ji-hwan under arrest for sexual assault
09:14 – Korea and India collaborating on a sageuk about Heo Hwang-ok
17:40 – Agency 51K taking a hard line against sasaengs
21:11 – Yoon Yeo Jung And Han Ye Ri To Make Hollywood Debuts
23:57 – Mulan trailer discussion (book rec: Girl King)
32:49 – Actress Jeon Mi-sun passed away
34:25 – Park Shin-hye and Yoo Ah-in to be co-starring in #Alone
35:51 – Krystal cast in film as an unwed pregnant student looking for her father.
37:18 – Kang Ha-neul, Gong Hyo-jin and Kim Ji-seok confirmed to star in KBS drama.
40:17 – Melo Suits Me
42:48 – I Wanna Hear Your Song
45:23 – Graceful Family
48:54 – Strangers from hell
51:36 – Catch the ghost
—Awesome Patrons who support us—
Steven Blackmore
Lia W.
Kimbap Noona
We’re very, very late! But in good news the next episode will be out in a few days? *grins widely*
Welcome to the Long Yak with Paroma, Anisa, and Saya!
— Non-Korean —
00:02:09 – Dark
00:02:45 – General & I
00:04:40 – Well Intentioned Love
00:08:54 – Always Be My Maybe
— Korean —
00:11:08 – Angel’s Last Mission: Love
00:29:59 – Perfume
00:35:30 – Arthdal Chronicles
00:49:07 – Abyss
00:55:42 – Secret Life of my Secretary
01:14:22 – Search: WWW
01:28:31 – Beautiful World
01:33:38 – Her Private Life – Final Thoughts
01:37:02 – One Spring Night
01:37:39 – Time Between Dog and Wolf
01:38:23 – Aje gags from Saya
—Awesome Patrons who support us—
Steven Blackmore
Lia W.
Kimbap Noona
There are so many comments about how bad Perfume is and will be only because of the 1st episode.
Imo, it is not bad as some paint it to be. The message it brought forward was realistic and clear. There were many heart tugging moments but it also managed to retain funny moments to the end.
The acting was top notch. I’ve watched nearly all SSR projects, and yet I’m surprised by his performance in Perfume. He was exactly like his character description, a man-child. Both Go Won Hee and Ha Jae Suk were amazing as Jae Hee. This drama treated social issues with respect in an entertaining way, but yet people who only watch it for 1 episode dismisses it as superficial fatshaming glamorizing death.
It is far from that. I’m glad SSR, GWH and HJS took this. I might have not watched this if not for them, then I would miss out the messages this drama had. Many kudos to everyone involved in Perfume.
Can the first couple of hours be done better? Maybe or maybe not. Regardless of what could have been with the 1st ep, for the 16 hours of its run time, I was entertained and touched by it.
Thanks for giving us your honest take on Perfume, @katakwasabi! It’s true we didn’t watch the drama beyond the first episode, and often a terrible set up is followed by a truly heartwarming story in dramaland. So, I’m grateful you commented, and hope that people who aren’t triggered by the same aspects we were, watch the drama for the eventual payoff.
The trouble is that first impressions matter. And even if the setup is meant to show us how bad things are, so we enjoy the eventual character redemption/triumph more, there are ways to do this without triggering people who actually have to face these issues in the real world. My co-host, Anisa (@laica) has battled life threatening allergies for decades of her life. To show SSR as a manchild is fine. To show him being actively cruel and selfish because of the same conditions as my friend, insults the years of pain and isolation she dealt with while always being considerate towards the people in her life. This would be less of an issue if so many dramas didn’t use mental/physical illness to excuse shitty behaviour.
And the problem with many dramas is that even when their end goal is to address things like ageism and body-shaming, they will indulge in heavy doses of that same prejudice in the initial episodes, believing that all is forgiven because eventually they intend to show how bad that prejudice is.
Anyway, we do appreciate your comment, and it’s good to know that the drama was worth watching to the end for you. =)
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, @katakwasabi. @festerfaster has explained beautifully, and far more coherently (❤︎), the reason why I found the first episode so upsetting, and why I will never go back and finish Perfume. As Paroma said, it’s a particularly egregious example of a dramaworld-wide problem. I’m glad you were able to enjoy the drama, though, and I don’t begrudge anyone who liked it.
So, @saya and I couldn’t wait till the next Yak to talk about Designated Survivor: 60 Days, so here is a post we wrote together about our thoughts on the first two episodes:
Your mini Yak conversation here is making me motivated to go back and tackle the 80 minute episodes. I began the drama because I was drawn into a bit of debate on another site about how the Americans are being depicted, and I have to say I agree with your assessment.
Some news and some new June dramas! Welcome back to What’s Up in Dramaland.
34:00 – Jang Ja-yeon update
11:00 – Kim Woobin spotted by fans
13:00 – Jian84 creates racist webtoon
18:43 – Kang Haneul discharged and cast in a romcom!
19:55 – Kim Go-eun, Lee Min-ho in alternate world fantasy drama
24:32 – Hyun bin, Sohn Ye-jin team up for new drama
25:58 – So Ji-sub dating seriously
27:05 – Arthdal Chronicles
32:18 – Perfume
34:55 – Investigation Couple 2
36:00 – Search WWW
37:52 – Joseon Survival Guide
—Awesome Patrons who support us—
Steven Blackmore
Lia W.
Kimbap Noona
With a shorter list than usual, here’s our Long Yak. We discuss the final leg of Her Private Life and some leftover thoughts on He is Psychometric before moving on to newly airing dramas: Abyss, Secret Life of My Secretary, and Angel’s Last Mission: Love. Also watch out for a comeback of Saya’s infamous Aje gags towards the end. (You’ve been warned.)
TIMESTAMPS: 06:48 – Her Private Life (Spoiler from 12:30 -14:00) 14:51 – He is Psychometric 18:41 – Abyss 30:27 – Secret Life of My Secretary 37:48 – Angel’s last mission
—Awesome Patrons who support us— Egads Steven Blackmore Lia W. Kimbap Noona Hades Gracefulegg Divina Jenmole Saoirse10
I was disappointed to find how quickly that aspect of the ALM:L took a turn, but it’s great that they continued exploring the theme of unwilling dependency on Shin Hye Sun’s part.
We bring you some updates to the Burning Sun controversy, the tale of Park Yoochun’s expulsion from his agency, our anticipation of Ji Chang-wook’s next project, and some discussions of Korean multiculturalism. Plus the new dramas of May and what we expect from them!
(00:10:53 – We move on from the Burning Sun update to other news.)
—Awesome Patrons who support us—
Steven Blackmore
Lia W.
Kimbap Noona
We’re back with another Yak! We discuss the dramas we’re currently watching and how my recommendations cannot be trusted. (Recorded on 28th Feb)
00:03:35 – Her Private Life
00:33:48 – My Fellow Citizen
00:43:14 – Beautiful World
00:53:35 – He is Psychometric
01:03:59 – I picked up a celebrity
01:08:33 – Rec: Playlist global
—Awesome Patrons who support us—
Steven Blackmore
Lia W.
Kimbap Noona
We decided to do a special deep dive into the Seungri scandal, and to help us discuss the revelations of the last few months with empathy and knowledge, Rimi and LollyPip join us on the podcast. Both are ardent Kpop fans. Rimi is also a lawyer, and she sheds some light on how the law works in such cases.
Follow them both on Twitter –
Rimi: @_payodhi
LollyPip: @LollyPipKD
This Yak we wrap up two romances we loved and gush about a thriler/romance that we can’t get enough of. We also talk about the fallout of the current scandals for 1N2D and if the alpha-hole trope is finally dying in Kdramas.
00:01:17 – He is Psychometric
00:12:42 – Legal High
00:20:21 – Ms Temper and Nam Jungi
00:25:57 – Touch Your Heart/ Reach of Sincerity
00:47:07 – Romance is a Bonus Book
01:09:18 – Because it’s the First Time
01:12:56 – 1N2D
01:16:46 – Your Honor
01:19:50 – I Picked Up a Celebrity on the Street
01:28:08 – “Has the jerk alpha hero trope died?”
—Awesome Patrons who support us—
Steven Blackmore
Lia W.
Kimbap Noona
I had to listen to the part about Psychometric! I’m glad 2/3 of you are watching and enjoying it 🙂
There’s actually at least three Jinyoungs (with two of them being named Park Jinyoung) GOT7 Jinyoung, JYP Jinyoung, and B1A4 Jinyoung.
Fun fact, Ahn Hyo Seop (Chan from 30 but 17) was a trainee at JYPE (GOT7’s company) and was almost going to be a part of GOT7 but he was too tall.
Hey everyone! What’s Up in Dramaland is online now. We added a last minute segment on the Seungri and Jung Joon Young before releasing it. The situation is still unfolding, so we just covered the basics. We’ll likely talk more about it next month.
I’ll have the (super delayed) Long Yak up by Monday. Thanks so much for waiting and for the supportive comments and messages. My ear’s much better now. =)
00:00:00 – Seungri & Jung Joon-young charged in sexual assault and corruption scandal
00:12:35 – AT&T’s grand plan post Dramafever shutdown
00:20:51 – More Kdramas on Netflix
00:30:21 – Hong Sisters cleared of plagiarism charges for Hwayugi
00:32:47 – Hong sister’s new drama – Hotel Del Luna
00:34:49 – Chae Min soo indicted in road rage incident
00:37:14 – Kim Ki Duk’s defamation lawsuit thrown out… & More.
00:46:23 – UPCOMING DRAMAS – He is Psychometric, Kill It, Doctor Prisoner, Confession, Laughter in Waikiki 2
Patrons who support us:
Steven Blackmore
Lia W.
Kimbap Noona
So I just figured out the timestamp thing. I usually listen to you guys on Soundcloud where the timestamps aren’t embedded. Then I checked out the YouTube page and they are embedded there. Yay! Exactly what I need. The new episode looks to be really interesting!
Oh! You were asking about embedded timestamps! I’m a stupid. XD
I don’t know if it’ll work, but I’ll put the stamps in SoundCloud’s comments as well. Just in case they allow that time linky thing.
Hi guys! I wanted to apologise for the delay with this month\’s episodes (Long Yak as well as What\’s Up in Dramaland). It\’s entirely my fault. We recorded everything on schedule, and then I went and developed an ear infection. That made it difficult to edit the podcast for a while. But I\’m better now, and the next episodes will be out over the next few days.
Thank you for your patience!
— Paroma
‘lo peeps. The very first episode of WHAT”S UP IN DRAMALAND is here.
We cover some industry news and a lot of the upcoming dramas scheduled to air next. As always, our coverage is liberally peppered with our commentary.
Many of you would be already familiar with these topics, but let us know if we managed to add to your drama current affairs knowledge a bit. =P
01:47 – Pretty Noona leads to be reunited
04:21 – 3rd season of Voice and 2nd season of Laughter in Waikiki confirmed
06:34 – Strong Woman Do Bong-soon getting US remake
13:40 – SBS and NBS creating new fri-sat drama time slot
18:16 – Touch Your Heart
20:29 – Legal High
21:09 – Trap
22:22 – The Light in your eyes
25:06 – Item
26:19 – Haechi
28:12 – Possessed
29:18 – Hot Blooded Priest
30:28 – Big Issue
31:34 – A question & Saya’s joke.
Patrons who support us:
Steven Blackmore
Lia W.
Kimbap Noona
I like the time stamps. If I don’t have time to listen to the whole thing at once and I lose my place, I can find it easily by looking the time stamps.
Thanks for telling us that. There’s no way to know how integral it is to most listeners’ podcast experience, but since I always use want time stamps on other podcasts, I really just wanted to have one on ours. Even if it’s just for us. =)
June 19, 2020 at 3:25 AM
Yes, we ragged a lot of Lee Min-ho through the run of The King: Eternal Monarch, but it all came from a place of unfulfilled expectations.
So, we thought we needed to analyze exactly when we started liking LMH so much and which of his performances made us have a high expectations. And also, why he’s been so consistently failing at meeting them.
Here’s a post co-written by @laica, @saya and me. We go over each Lee Min-ho performance since Boys Over Flowers – and to make things fun, we crown one Min-ho the True King.
June 19, 2020 at 6:44 AM
Love this you guys!!
June 19, 2020 at 7:03 AM
Thank you! XD
Though wow, just noticed that my grammar in this post is all over the place. Yeesh.
June 19, 2020 at 7:40 AM
@Paroma This was a fun read! Thanks for sharing.
June 19, 2020 at 1:50 PM
You’re welcome! XD And thank YOU for reading!
June 10, 2020 at 6:08 AM
Beanies, do you remember your earliest KDrama with a sci-fi or fantasy bend?
For me it was Queen In-hyun’s Man. (And I’m having a hard time recalling any dramas in that genre before QIHM. Was it the first? What started this trend?)
It doesn’t have to be a time-travel drama. Shows like Pinnochio, Circle, You From Another Star, Memories of Alhambra all count as SFF.
This is for research purposes, so I’d be very grateful for any morsels of wisdom on this!
Thanks guy. <3
June 10, 2020 at 6:43 AM
My earliest was MLFAS but it was more of a rom com than a sci fi fantasy. Next came W which was a really interesting medium travel (space travel) if that’s what we can call it. But I didn’t come to like this genre till Circle which did a really good job of handling too many things in one show, someone could learn (ahem, TKEM).
June 10, 2020 at 6:53 AM
My second kdrama was 49 Days and the third was My Girlfriend is a Gumiho, I still like them very much, so yes I would recommend them.
June 10, 2020 at 8:29 AM
I think MLFAS can be considered fantasy/sci-fi.
Well, I will consider it anything!!
It’s on my top ten list.
How much I missed those two!!
June 10, 2020 at 6:58 AM
Is drama like My Girlfriend is a Gumiho and 49 Days also count? I don’t remember which one I watched first, but my very first dip into fantasy genre is between those two titles.
June 10, 2020 at 7:15 AM
If W (2016) qualifies then that was my 11th kdrama and earliest SFF.
In the summer of 2017 I watched JOSEON X-FILES (2010) as a summer rerun and if that qualifies that would be my second SFF.
June 10, 2020 at 8:27 AM
Rooftop Prince for me. I think it was the third or fourth drama I watched. Shortly after I watched Faith.
So, those two.
June 10, 2020 at 8:29 AM
Wow, and Goblin? Is it a fantasy? I think so…
That was my first drama…
June 10, 2020 at 11:57 AM
High five! Me too.
June 10, 2020 at 8:36 AM
Faith and Secret Garden were among the first dramas I’ve watched and they both have supernatural elements. I think the oldest drama I’ve seen with supernatural elements is Soulmate. (It’s also my favorite drama.)
June 10, 2020 at 8:50 AM
Joseon X-files (2010) – Scifi sageuk.
It’s still on my top 10 dramas to this day.
Recaps here by Javabeans. She hardly recap sageuks but she is a scifi geek.
Lord Cobol (Kdramas, like water, flow downhill)
June 10, 2020 at 10:27 AM
Faith was probably my first.
And sci/fantasy has provide a ton of my favorites. QIHM, YFAS, Signal, Splash Splash Love, Bring It On Ghost & Master’s Sun are all firmly in my top 10, and I even enjoyed W, Alhambra & HdL more than is entirely respectable around here 🙂
June 10, 2020 at 11:49 AM
I believe that my first fantasy drama was 49 Days.
June 10, 2020 at 3:57 PM
Secret Garden! My girlfriend is a gumiho.
Those are both more fantasy than scifi though i guess.
As for time travel… QIHM and Dr Jin but we dont talk about Dr Jin
June 10, 2020 at 3:59 PM
Oh and rooftop prince was also time travel. Man 2012 was the year of time travel I REALLY DIDNT NEED THIS TREND TO COME BACK
June 11, 2020 at 7:55 PM
Circle was my first love~ (I think). Either that or I watched W first…
June 9, 2020 at 1:11 AM
I know I can\’t be the only one who was watching The King last weekend and wondering if I was too stupid to understand the show\’s grand logic, or if the show is just… daft. Is there a way I can go in and rescue my Kim Go-eun from this tyrannical maniac?
June 9, 2020 at 2:06 AM
It’s daft. I have not been able to watch past ep 10, but I heard it gets better. Don’t tell me it still remains daft
June 9, 2020 at 7:03 AM
You know, it gets marginally better for exactly two episodes (11 & 12) – mostly because of evil Kim Go-eun doppleganger – but then it goes right back to worshiping at the alter of Lee Gon, and sense goes flying out of the window.
June 9, 2020 at 12:34 PM
June 9, 2020 at 4:13 AM
I’m pretty sure I had the Math Lady Meme face on the whole episode. And yet somehow it doesn’t feel like I’m the dumb one. It’s the show.
parkchuna is Scouting for Stars in Hanyang 🍉
June 9, 2020 at 4:24 AM
Maybe the show is so extra [insert your choice of adjective], it needs to be shown in the parallel world instead of ours.
June 9, 2020 at 6:47 AM
Maybe there’s a better version of this show in a parallel world.
June 9, 2020 at 7:01 AM
Muahahahahaha. XD
mugyuljoie is preciousss
June 9, 2020 at 7:12 AM
I’m reserving final judgement until the end, but I’m leaning toward daft. It’s made me laugh almost as much as Vagabond.
April 17, 2020 at 12:10 PM
Hola. So, I watched a few more episodes of A Piece of Your Mind and I’m starting to warm up to it, but the absurdity of the Ha-won/Ji-soo story in the first 2 eps still bugs me. So, I made a thing.
Find the full thing here:
April 17, 2020 at 12:35 PM
Welcome to absurdity.
Karmen ~ 🍜🏢🎭 ~ 📚☔🦋 ~ 🪂🌱💘 ~ ✨🍊💫 ~
April 17, 2020 at 3:38 PM
🤣🤣🤣I saw it on IG. It’s great!!!🤣🤣🤣
parkchuna is Scouting for Stars in Hanyang 🍉
April 17, 2020 at 9:12 PM
January 22, 2020 at 9:22 PM
In the run up to the “local awards show” AKA Oscars, PARASITE is making a splash everywhere. So, our first #SpoiledYak of 2020 is all about this amazing movie. Mind the spoilers!
December 11, 2019 at 8:11 AM
Hail olde friends. In this spoiler filled episode, @laica and I do a deep dive into SEARCH:WWW with mystery novelist Anja De Jager.
Fly Colours
December 11, 2019 at 8:40 AM
Heard this yesterday! You guys are so funny! 👏👏👏
August 23, 2019 at 12:01 PM
Here’s an outtake from our last Long Yak. @saya has recently been watching some non-Korean dramas and they’ve made her realize some things.
bbstl 🧹
August 23, 2019 at 4:20 PM
Gosh, it cut out at the best part! I want to hear why she left it in the first place.
August 23, 2019 at 6:10 PM
me too
August 22, 2019 at 9:16 PM
Well hello. We have here the Long Yak discussing all our new watches and happy endings from July. Enjoy.
Podcast timestamp –
00:04:25 – Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung
00:21:50 – Designated Survivor
00:23:51 – Hotel Del Luna
00:37:29 – Level Up
00:46:09 – Watcher
01:02:58 – Class of Lies
01:13:32 – Search: WWW
01:33:23 – Unrequited Love (Chinese Drama)
01:40:36 – Jokes
—Awesome Patrons who support us—
Steven Blackmore
Lia W.
Kimbap Noona
Twitter: @dramasoverflow
Email: [email protected]
Listen to us on:
> Soundcloud
> YouTube
> Apple Podcasts
mugyuljoie is preciousss
August 22, 2019 at 10:40 PM
I can’t wait!
August 3, 2019 at 11:56 PM
Hello, y’all. Anisa ditched us for this episode of WHAT’S UP IN DRAMALAND, but Rimi (AKA realgreenfields/payodhi) was awesome enough to help keep our numbers odd.
Under Upcoming, you’ll find a few familiar names, that’s cause their premieres got delayed from last month.
Also, here’s a post Anisa created to keep the monthly premieres straight:
Podcast timestamp –
03:48 – Kang Ji-hwan under arrest for sexual assault
09:14 – Korea and India collaborating on a sageuk about Heo Hwang-ok
17:40 – Agency 51K taking a hard line against sasaengs
21:11 – Yoon Yeo Jung And Han Ye Ri To Make Hollywood Debuts
23:57 – Mulan trailer discussion (book rec: Girl King)
32:49 – Actress Jeon Mi-sun passed away
34:25 – Park Shin-hye and Yoo Ah-in to be co-starring in #Alone
35:51 – Krystal cast in film as an unwed pregnant student looking for her father.
37:18 – Kang Ha-neul, Gong Hyo-jin and Kim Ji-seok confirmed to star in KBS drama.
40:17 – Melo Suits Me
42:48 – I Wanna Hear Your Song
45:23 – Graceful Family
48:54 – Strangers from hell
51:36 – Catch the ghost
—Awesome Patrons who support us—
Steven Blackmore
Lia W.
Kimbap Noona
Twitter: @dramasoverflow
Email: [email protected]
Listen to us on:
> Soundcloud
> YouTube
> Apple Podcasts
mugyuljoie is preciousss
August 4, 2019 at 12:31 AM
I can’t wait!
July 25, 2019 at 8:04 AM
We’re very, very late! But in good news the next episode will be out in a few days? *grins widely*
Welcome to the Long Yak with Paroma, Anisa, and Saya!
— Non-Korean —
00:02:09 – Dark
00:02:45 – General & I
00:04:40 – Well Intentioned Love
00:08:54 – Always Be My Maybe
— Korean —
00:11:08 – Angel’s Last Mission: Love
00:29:59 – Perfume
00:35:30 – Arthdal Chronicles
00:49:07 – Abyss
00:55:42 – Secret Life of my Secretary
01:14:22 – Search: WWW
01:28:31 – Beautiful World
01:33:38 – Her Private Life – Final Thoughts
01:37:02 – One Spring Night
01:37:39 – Time Between Dog and Wolf
01:38:23 – Aje gags from Saya
—Awesome Patrons who support us—
Steven Blackmore
Lia W.
Kimbap Noona
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @dramasoverflow
Listen to us on:
> Soundcloud
> YouTube
> Apple Podcasts
Kairoskat 💐
July 25, 2019 at 1:25 PM
Perfume is totally worth a 2nd chance.
Kairoskat 💐
July 25, 2019 at 2:00 PM
There are so many comments about how bad Perfume is and will be only because of the 1st episode.
Imo, it is not bad as some paint it to be. The message it brought forward was realistic and clear. There were many heart tugging moments but it also managed to retain funny moments to the end.
The acting was top notch. I’ve watched nearly all SSR projects, and yet I’m surprised by his performance in Perfume. He was exactly like his character description, a man-child. Both Go Won Hee and Ha Jae Suk were amazing as Jae Hee. This drama treated social issues with respect in an entertaining way, but yet people who only watch it for 1 episode dismisses it as superficial fatshaming glamorizing death.
It is far from that. I’m glad SSR, GWH and HJS took this. I might have not watched this if not for them, then I would miss out the messages this drama had. Many kudos to everyone involved in Perfume.
Can the first couple of hours be done better? Maybe or maybe not. Regardless of what could have been with the 1st ep, for the 16 hours of its run time, I was entertained and touched by it.
July 25, 2019 at 9:51 PM
Thanks for giving us your honest take on Perfume, @katakwasabi! It’s true we didn’t watch the drama beyond the first episode, and often a terrible set up is followed by a truly heartwarming story in dramaland. So, I’m grateful you commented, and hope that people who aren’t triggered by the same aspects we were, watch the drama for the eventual payoff.
The trouble is that first impressions matter. And even if the setup is meant to show us how bad things are, so we enjoy the eventual character redemption/triumph more, there are ways to do this without triggering people who actually have to face these issues in the real world. My co-host, Anisa (@laica) has battled life threatening allergies for decades of her life. To show SSR as a manchild is fine. To show him being actively cruel and selfish because of the same conditions as my friend, insults the years of pain and isolation she dealt with while always being considerate towards the people in her life. This would be less of an issue if so many dramas didn’t use mental/physical illness to excuse shitty behaviour.
And the problem with many dramas is that even when their end goal is to address things like ageism and body-shaming, they will indulge in heavy doses of that same prejudice in the initial episodes, believing that all is forgiven because eventually they intend to show how bad that prejudice is.
Anyway, we do appreciate your comment, and it’s good to know that the drama was worth watching to the end for you. =)
July 26, 2019 at 2:42 PM
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, @katakwasabi. @festerfaster has explained beautifully, and far more coherently (❤︎), the reason why I found the first episode so upsetting, and why I will never go back and finish Perfume. As Paroma said, it’s a particularly egregious example of a dramaworld-wide problem. I’m glad you were able to enjoy the drama, though, and I don’t begrudge anyone who liked it.
July 6, 2019 at 5:08 AM
So, @saya and I couldn’t wait till the next Yak to talk about Designated Survivor: 60 Days, so here is a post we wrote together about our thoughts on the first two episodes:
July 6, 2019 at 5:55 AM
Your mini Yak conversation here is making me motivated to go back and tackle the 80 minute episodes. I began the drama because I was drawn into a bit of debate on another site about how the Americans are being depicted, and I have to say I agree with your assessment.
But why do the episodes have to be so long?
June 12, 2019 at 4:15 PM
Some news and some new June dramas! Welcome back to What’s Up in Dramaland.
34:00 – Jang Ja-yeon update
11:00 – Kim Woobin spotted by fans
13:00 – Jian84 creates racist webtoon
18:43 – Kang Haneul discharged and cast in a romcom!
19:55 – Kim Go-eun, Lee Min-ho in alternate world fantasy drama
24:32 – Hyun bin, Sohn Ye-jin team up for new drama
25:58 – So Ji-sub dating seriously
27:05 – Arthdal Chronicles
32:18 – Perfume
34:55 – Investigation Couple 2
36:00 – Search WWW
37:52 – Joseon Survival Guide
—Awesome Patrons who support us—
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Lia W.
Kimbap Noona
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June 12, 2019 at 5:50 PM
June 4, 2019 at 3:21 AM
With a shorter list than usual, here’s our Long Yak. We discuss the final leg of Her Private Life and some leftover thoughts on He is Psychometric before moving on to newly airing dramas: Abyss, Secret Life of My Secretary, and Angel’s Last Mission: Love. Also watch out for a comeback of Saya’s infamous Aje gags towards the end. (You’ve been warned.)
TIMESTAMPS: 06:48 – Her Private Life (Spoiler from 12:30 -14:00) 14:51 – He is Psychometric 18:41 – Abyss 30:27 – Secret Life of My Secretary 37:48 – Angel’s last mission
—Awesome Patrons who support us— Egads Steven Blackmore Lia W. Kimbap Noona Hades Gracefulegg Divina Jenmole Saoirse10
Patreon: Transcripts: Email: [email protected] Twitter: @dramasoverflow
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mugyuljoie is preciousss
June 4, 2019 at 4:40 AM
Thank you! I even enjoyed the dad jokes.
June 4, 2019 at 5:52 AM
Great. Now there’ll be no stopping @saya. XD
June 4, 2019 at 5:16 AM
I shall henceforth be called “Hades Gracefulegg Divina Jenmole Saoirse10” 😂😉
I like that you guys mentioned the portrayal of disabilities and that able-bodied actors often play characters with disabilities.
Also, Shin Hye Sun is indeed amazing.
June 4, 2019 at 5:51 AM
Oh no the text got all squished together! XD
I was disappointed to find how quickly that aspect of the ALM:L took a turn, but it’s great that they continued exploring the theme of unwilling dependency on Shin Hye Sun’s part.
May 12, 2019 at 12:15 AM
We bring you some updates to the Burning Sun controversy, the tale of Park Yoochun’s expulsion from his agency, our anticipation of Ji Chang-wook’s next project, and some discussions of Korean multiculturalism. Plus the new dramas of May and what we expect from them!
(00:10:53 – We move on from the Burning Sun update to other news.)
—Awesome Patrons who support us—
Steven Blackmore
Lia W.
Kimbap Noona
May 12, 2019 at 12:26 AM
1. Burning Sun update, translated by The Korean:
2. A thread about the long history of sex trafficking in Korea and its roots in foreign occupation, first by Japan and then the US
3. Two allegations of group sexual assault by JJY, CJH and others
4. Park Yoochun expelled from agency:
5. Racist Korean restaurants in India:
6. Korean resistance to refugees:
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May 4, 2019 at 8:32 PM
We’re back with another Yak! We discuss the dramas we’re currently watching and how my recommendations cannot be trusted. (Recorded on 28th Feb)
00:03:35 – Her Private Life
00:33:48 – My Fellow Citizen
00:43:14 – Beautiful World
00:53:35 – He is Psychometric
01:03:59 – I picked up a celebrity
01:08:33 – Rec: Playlist global
—Awesome Patrons who support us—
Steven Blackmore
Lia W.
Kimbap Noona
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @dramasoverflow
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mugyuljoie is preciousss
May 5, 2019 at 1:05 AM
Looking forward to listening to it!
April 18, 2019 at 12:58 PM
We decided to do a special deep dive into the Seungri scandal, and to help us discuss the revelations of the last few months with empathy and knowledge, Rimi and LollyPip join us on the podcast. Both are ardent Kpop fans. Rimi is also a lawyer, and she sheds some light on how the law works in such cases.
Follow them both on Twitter –
Rimi: @_payodhi
LollyPip: @LollyPipKD
NEWEST UPDATE: A woman came forward to testify against Jung Joon Young and others on rape charges:
—Awesome Patrons who support us—
Steven Blackmore
Lia W.
Kimbap Noona
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @dramasoverflow
Listen to us on:
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April 18, 2019 at 1:48 PM
Comment was deleted
mugyuljoie is preciousss
April 18, 2019 at 11:28 PM
Thank you! Sadly the scandal keeps growing.
April 6, 2019 at 11:16 AM
This Yak we wrap up two romances we loved and gush about a thriler/romance that we can’t get enough of. We also talk about the fallout of the current scandals for 1N2D and if the alpha-hole trope is finally dying in Kdramas.
00:01:17 – He is Psychometric
00:12:42 – Legal High
00:20:21 – Ms Temper and Nam Jungi
00:25:57 – Touch Your Heart/ Reach of Sincerity
00:47:07 – Romance is a Bonus Book
01:09:18 – Because it’s the First Time
01:12:56 – 1N2D
01:16:46 – Your Honor
01:19:50 – I Picked Up a Celebrity on the Street
01:28:08 – “Has the jerk alpha hero trope died?”
—Awesome Patrons who support us—
Steven Blackmore
Lia W.
Kimbap Noona
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @dramasoverflow
Listen to us on:
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> Apple Podcasts
RaOnAh loves Jay B 💚
April 6, 2019 at 12:36 PM
I had to listen to the part about Psychometric! I’m glad 2/3 of you are watching and enjoying it 🙂
There’s actually at least three Jinyoungs (with two of them being named Park Jinyoung) GOT7 Jinyoung, JYP Jinyoung, and B1A4 Jinyoung.
Fun fact, Ahn Hyo Seop (Chan from 30 but 17) was a trainee at JYPE (GOT7’s company) and was almost going to be a part of GOT7 but he was too tall.
April 8, 2019 at 1:50 AM
@saya will be most disheartened to learn this. XD
April 19, 2019 at 2:44 PM
why would I? 😂 This means he became an actor much sooner and we got adorable Chan instead of losing him to a field I don’t follow!!
April 19, 2019 at 2:45 PM
I am, in fact, the very opposite – extremely heartened! thanks Raonah!
April 19, 2019 at 9:40 PM
You would be disheartened by the abundance of Jinyoungs is what I meant. XD
RaOnAh loves Jay B 💚
April 19, 2019 at 10:23 PM
I realized there’s ANOTHER Jinyoung. Hong Jinyoung is a female singer.
mugyuljoie is preciousss
April 7, 2019 at 12:14 AM
Yay! I’ll start it tonight.
March 16, 2019 at 6:56 AM
Hey everyone! What’s Up in Dramaland is online now. We added a last minute segment on the Seungri and Jung Joon Young before releasing it. The situation is still unfolding, so we just covered the basics. We’ll likely talk more about it next month.
I’ll have the (super delayed) Long Yak up by Monday. Thanks so much for waiting and for the supportive comments and messages. My ear’s much better now. =)
00:00:00 – Seungri & Jung Joon-young charged in sexual assault and corruption scandal
00:12:35 – AT&T’s grand plan post Dramafever shutdown
00:20:51 – More Kdramas on Netflix
00:30:21 – Hong Sisters cleared of plagiarism charges for Hwayugi
00:32:47 – Hong sister’s new drama – Hotel Del Luna
00:34:49 – Chae Min soo indicted in road rage incident
00:37:14 – Kim Ki Duk’s defamation lawsuit thrown out… & More.
00:46:23 – UPCOMING DRAMAS – He is Psychometric, Kill It, Doctor Prisoner, Confession, Laughter in Waikiki 2
Patrons who support us:
Steven Blackmore
Lia W.
Kimbap Noona
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @dramasoverflow
Listen to us on:
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mugyuljoie is preciousss
March 16, 2019 at 7:56 AM
You’ll be keeping me company while I make dinner tonight. I almost feel guilty for not inviting all of you over.
March 16, 2019 at 9:11 AM
So I just figured out the timestamp thing. I usually listen to you guys on Soundcloud where the timestamps aren’t embedded. Then I checked out the YouTube page and they are embedded there. Yay! Exactly what I need. The new episode looks to be really interesting!
March 16, 2019 at 10:43 AM
Oh! You were asking about embedded timestamps! I’m a stupid. XD
I don’t know if it’ll work, but I’ll put the stamps in SoundCloud’s comments as well. Just in case they allow that time linky thing.
March 16, 2019 at 10:56 AM
hehehe. No worries. I don’t think I explained myself properly the first time, so all good. Keep the podcasts coming! 💚
March 13, 2019 at 12:27 AM
Hi guys! I wanted to apologise for the delay with this month\’s episodes (Long Yak as well as What\’s Up in Dramaland). It\’s entirely my fault. We recorded everything on schedule, and then I went and developed an ear infection. That made it difficult to edit the podcast for a while. But I\’m better now, and the next episodes will be out over the next few days.
Thank you for your patience!
— Paroma
March 13, 2019 at 12:29 AM
Oh no. Get well soon Paroma! ☺️ We’ll wait patiently!
mugyuljoie is preciousss
March 13, 2019 at 1:31 AM
I admit, I’ve looked for it a few times. Glad you’re doing better and I’ll wait more patiently now.
February 6, 2019 at 12:17 AM
‘lo peeps. The very first episode of WHAT”S UP IN DRAMALAND is here.
We cover some industry news and a lot of the upcoming dramas scheduled to air next. As always, our coverage is liberally peppered with our commentary.
Many of you would be already familiar with these topics, but let us know if we managed to add to your drama current affairs knowledge a bit. =P
01:47 – Pretty Noona leads to be reunited
04:21 – 3rd season of Voice and 2nd season of Laughter in Waikiki confirmed
06:34 – Strong Woman Do Bong-soon getting US remake
13:40 – SBS and NBS creating new fri-sat drama time slot
18:16 – Touch Your Heart
20:29 – Legal High
21:09 – Trap
22:22 – The Light in your eyes
25:06 – Item
26:19 – Haechi
28:12 – Possessed
29:18 – Hot Blooded Priest
30:28 – Big Issue
31:34 – A question & Saya’s joke.
Patrons who support us:
Steven Blackmore
Lia W.
Kimbap Noona
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @dramasoverflow
Listen to us on:
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mugyuljoie is preciousss
February 6, 2019 at 6:09 AM
I enjoyed every minute of it.
February 6, 2019 at 7:06 AM
Phew. XD Thanks for letting us know.
Lord Cobol (Kdramas, like water, flow downhill)
February 6, 2019 at 10:24 AM
Like the new format.
Shorter + more often = less likely to interrupt and lose my place
February 6, 2019 at 12:58 PM
Awesome. That was the intention. =D
Quick question. Do the Time stamps help at all?
Lord Cobol (Kdramas, like water, flow downhill)
February 6, 2019 at 1:25 PM
mugyuljoie is preciousss
February 6, 2019 at 6:55 PM
I like the time stamps. If I don’t have time to listen to the whole thing at once and I lose my place, I can find it easily by looking the time stamps.
February 7, 2019 at 12:52 AM
Thanks for telling us that. There’s no way to know how integral it is to most listeners’ podcast experience, but since I always use want time stamps on other podcasts, I really just wanted to have one on ours. Even if it’s just for us. =)