#2024 ROUND UP: DAY 4
Scene stealer Im Chul Soo be it the fashionista kitty gang leader or the ex con dad with his immense love for his wife and kids, Im Chul soo always hits it out of the park.
Honarable mention- the Deer gang from MSM
#2024 ROUND UP: DAY 5 2024 Crush – this is easy, the first couple I have shipped so hard in my 14 years of drama watching #SolSunjae #WooHye – Kim Hye Yoon snd Byeon Woo Seok. Never thought I would spend 6 mths of my life obsessed with a kdrama couple 🤣🤣
#2024 ROUND UP: DAY 6 Favorite OST – Lovely Runner and the fictional Band,Eclipse totally have my heart. Fav song was You and I
Honorable mentions- Serendipity’s Embrace soundtrack, Oldie but an absolute favourite Mido and Falasol covers Hospital Playlist
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December 7, 2024 at 8:07 PM
#2024 ROUND UP: DAY 4
Scene stealer Im Chul Soo be it the fashionista kitty gang leader or the ex con dad with his immense love for his wife and kids, Im Chul soo always hits it out of the park.
Honarable mention- the Deer gang from MSM
#2024 ROUND UP: DAY 5 2024 Crush – this is easy, the first couple I have shipped so hard in my 14 years of drama watching #SolSunjae #WooHye – Kim Hye Yoon snd Byeon Woo Seok. Never thought I would spend 6 mths of my life obsessed with a kdrama couple 🤣🤣
#2024 ROUND UP: DAY 6 Favorite OST – Lovely Runner and the fictional Band,Eclipse totally have my heart. Fav song was You and I
Honorable mentions- Serendipity’s Embrace soundtrack, Oldie but an absolute favourite Mido and Falasol covers Hospital Playlist