So, I just checked my Love, February posts – it has been a while since I’ve logged in.
2019: I shared my deep love for my brother
2020: I shared that I had decided to take a chance on love and go on dates
2021: I shared that I had met Someone Special and that covid lockdowns had supercharged our relationship
2022: I… had forgotten my DB password after changing phone and didn’t participate 😅
2023: I am delighted to share that my love story has resulted in the birth of a wonderful baby boy last September. What a joy to have one more person to love wholeheartedly!
(So much) Love, February
My boyfriend hasn\’t proposed to me. He states regularly that he wants me for himself and forever and that we should sign a little contract to make it official and legal.
I haven\’t proposed to my boyfriend. I recently told him that, one day, when we would be ready, I would be very happy to call him my husband. He concurred.
My boyfriend and I are not engaged. But we are slowly becoming family.
Conversation with my wonderful widowed, 80-year-old former landlady:
Me: I hope you didn\’t feel too lonely this summer
She: actually, I have met somebody…
Me: really? How wonderful! How is he?
She: this man is perfect: he is widowed and doesn\’t have any children
Me: well, that sounds promising! But are you sure that he is not after your money?
She: oh no, he is rich as well
And then, the rich widowed childless lover came into the room with a lightbulb to fix her place. He cracked a joke and she started giggling like a teenager.
This is lovely! Reminds me of an octogenarian patient I have who came in with her husband. I asked how long they were married and she said 15 years, the same number of years as my husband and I at the time. Her husband quickly added, “But if you add all our married years together it’s 94!” Turns out they were both widowed and met each other after her husband passed away. They were the cutest and you could just tell how much they loved each other.
When I started dating Friday guy, I anticipated a nice courtship with dates to restaurants and movies, slowly getting to know each other and meeting our friends, romantic getaways and meeting the parents down the line. I had underestimated that corona time meant a fast track train to togetherness!
Restaurants and movies? Closed! We turned immediately very domestic, cooking together and watching tv. He happens to love food and is a great cook – I have gained 5 kg over the last few months…
Summer holiday was upon us when we started dating and it felt presumptuous to plan vacation for 2, other than a weekend together here or there. In the end, I had to cancel all my train tickets because we were hardly ever appart and he drove me everywhere I wanted to go.
We didn\’t meet each other\’s family over a meal: since summer plans were up in the air, we met crashed our family summer houses when the whole families were there (his family is great!)
I didn\’t want to move into his place, because I didn\’t want our living together to be organized according to his house rules. He didn\’t want me to move into his place because he considered his one-bedroom apartment to be too small for the two of us. Of course, I totally moved in right after when the Fall lockdown came around. Lockdown was no fun, but being together 24/7 was great!
We still want an extra room, so we started looking at properties for the two of us. Talks of renting turn into talks of buying. I should freak out about such an important commitment. But I just freak out about the price of apartments around here.
So much has changed in my life over the last few months that it is mind blowing. But my heart is at ease.
We will get a home cinema to remedy the current movie restrictions 😉
It is so wonderful that you and SNG had a successful courtship despite the tumultuous times – impressive in every way !
Oh, that’s a great idea and you will enjoy it. We’ve watched so many movies now that we’ve lost count.
I think the hardest part for us was when he confessed and the next day the area he lived in went into a complete lockdown. I remember that night he called me when he heard the news and I was like “what do we do now?”.. he said we’ll figure something out and yeah, well, now we’re here!
About a year ago, I registered on a dating app. Inspiring love stories (cough *@azzo1 *cough) made me want to give love a chance.
In order to give dating a fair shot (and not run away at the first difficulty), I set myself SMART goals and a support team. Of course, lockdown soon happened and dating was became purely digital for a while.
Blame me not, but messaging numerous gentlemen at the same time can be confusing at time! I almost needed Excel sheets and mind maps to remember who was telling me what, and what I had shared with whom!
When the lockdown was lifted, I selected a couple of suitors to meet who were, apparently, very similar: same age, same height, same kind of high level engineering position, same broad frame, same agreeableness. One blonde, one dark haired. How to differentiate them?
I must admit that I didn\’t expect much from these dates. I thought it would be nice, but that nothing would come out of it.
Also, dating activities in May were very limited: no movies or bar or restaurant or even public parks. We were not allowed to go very far. Even public transportation had limited access.
So I organized similar dates with these gentlemen to ensure a fair competition (in a Covid mindful setting): early afternoon, one on Thursday, one on Friday, one in the woods East of the city, one in the woods West of the city, 4 hours each. And may the best win!
As expected, both dates were really nice and engaging. Both suitors indeed had a lot in common and a real dating potential. But Friday guy had a little something extra. I still cannot pinpoint exactly what it was. Maybe it was because he was insanely respectful of all my limits and barriers. Maybe it was because he was a pleasant company even when it started raining. So I agreed to a second date with Friday guy. And another. And another. And another. And another. And soon my calendar bear his name on most days of each week.
Today I\’d like to send my warmest thanks to my past self for taking a chance at love a year ago. And to thank all beanies for sharing their love stories – I can assure you today that it made a difference in someone\’s life.
Awww… I’m so happy for you! I know this is not important in the whole scheme of things but which one is Friday guy? The blonde or the dark-haired? Sorry for being nosy but my Ahjumma heart is interested to know 🤣
😂 Friday guy is the dark haired one. He also had / has a big beard which make him the perfect teddy bear 😍 (to be fair he came to our dates with holes in his pants, so I picked the laid-back guy 😂)
Wow! I must admit, your organization and “fairness” made me chuckle. Love is not fair no matter how much you will try. Amazing you chose two similar personalities and even vocations. I was all over the place when I dated. I didn’t know what I would like. Good luck!
One of my (many) rules when online dating was to be as open minded as possible. I exchanged messages with all kind of people with different appearances and ages and professions. It just happened that the 2 “finalists” were very similar (on paper). I guess we do have a type? (I initially wanted to date a bald guy but I had to compromise 😂)
Eeeep!!! What a nice story!! Thanks for sharing!! Maybe this is the nudge I need, lol. Catch up with me in a year, hehe!!
In all seriousness, I am happy for you and your bravery to put yourself out there. I don’t have many friends, and you guys sharing your love stories and lives makes it seem like I have many:)
Aw, I love this and it just makes me really happy, I’m glad you took a chance on love!
So now we have Pie Guy @hotcocoagirl and Friday Guy (if that’s how you want us to call him, of course 😀).
😊 I am so glad we can support each other and inspire each other and find love, even when it seems impossible to us. Sometimes the most difficult is to remember that we are wonderful and lovely and worthy of love. Friday guy told me that he was very happy that I put myself “on the market”. Well, I didn’t have to put myself out there that long, so I guess I am a catch (kinda) 😂😂😂
Aww I came across your story on azzo’s posts comments and kudos to you for taking action. It seems like you did it with such discipline and planning when I have mostly heard that love is spontaneous. That gives me a different outlook on all this ❤️
😊 Well, after believing in dramas and expecting a meet cute with a chaebol for years without anything happening, I did have to take the matter into my own hands 😂
I don’t think we can command feelings, but the all dating process helped me identify what I was looking for in a partner and also in my life. And when I met Friday guy, it all clicked, it all made sense. I feel like dating was my homework to spontaneously fall in love with the right guy for me 😉
^_^ I love this! Sometimes, all it takes is that step, taking a chance. Friday Guy sounds like a lovely person to have on a calendar ~
Also, I recall when I online dated a few years ago, it is insanely difficult keeping everything straight! You’re idea of excel sheets is likely not unwarranted.
😁 I had to consider dating as a work project to manage the workload and all the input and stay focused on my objectives! 😂
I confess Friday guy is not so much on my calendar these days… He is simply by my side everyday 😊
Delsatu!!! Happy to see your name here again and equally happy to hear your story as well!!! Sending all my good wishes! And hope to hear from you more soon! Cant wait to hear more about Friday guy!!!
@acacia!! So good to read you! Thank you for your good wishes 😁
2020 has been a strange and crazy year, but I have been lucky enough to experience wonderful changes (I must admit it kept me busy and away from DB). I hope you are doing well!!
This is such a good story and the kind of motivation I need to get my self out there. I can travel the world alone but I’m so good at talking myself out of doing these kind of things…
Love is an option and not an obligation! If you decide one day to go for It, you might discover that it is not that difficult (though, I confess, very time consuming 😂). I have travelled the world by myself and loved it – now I am ready to travel with someone else, I hope it will be just as fun! 😉
For the first time in a long time, I\’m giving love a chance.
I\’m going on a first date this weekend and I\’m scared but happy too.
Love (?), February
Thank you, I’ll need it! to be fair, all the beautiful stories (including yours!) I see here on DB prompted me to give it a try, so I’ll hope for the best!
I love refering to him as \”my big height younger brother\”;
I often joke that I took all the hair in the family and left him none; it is my way to empathize with him on the fact that he is bald at age 30;
I love baking with him and fighting over how to position a buiscuit;
Ten years ago I told him dramas were a thing and he bet it was not; he lost and performed 50 push-up as a result;
He lets me hug him when hugging is not something we do in my country;
I sometimes felt jealous that everything came his way easy in life, but I am so relieved he didn\’t face the same difficulties as I did in school, work and love;
He reminds me that life can be simpler than I make it out to be;
He is my rock of sanity when everything seems crazy, my piece of kindness when people are mean, my extra dose of strength when things crumble all around;
To the best brother I could wish for;
Thank you!! I didn’t expect to participate to this February writing challenge, but when reading beanies’ expression of love this morning, I suddenly felt the urge to speak about that special someone close to my heart. Because I know I can’t tell him to his face… boys and feelings you know 😁
I know it’s silly, but I am so proud to have finished my Korean vocab session on Memrise! 😁 I don’t pretend to remember all 1800 words, but if I’ve remembered half of it, it is great already!
Good Job!
I always found it boring to memorize lists of vocabulary so it’s even more amazing from my point of view.
I’m curious about how long it took you to finish 1800 words
PS: je vois du français 😉
Thank you!! Yes, memorizing lists of vocab is boring, but it is really nice to have some basics before reading a real text (and giving up after 10 min because you have to look up every word in a dictionnary!!). And I’ve done a lot of practice in the train to work – commuting is boring anyway!!
To answer your question: it took me about 100 days for the whole list (but I had a break in the middle). Learning does become easier after a while for some reason.
As for the French… guilty as charged! 😉
Thank you!!! I know you are practicing quite well also!!
There is still so much to learn though!!
And vocab is only good when you can place it in a text or dialogue…
Dear Beanies,
I wanted to share this piece of news with the Beanie community: after a very long period of unemployment and fifteen job interviews over the last few months, I HAVE FINALLY FOUND A JOB! The team looks dynamic and kind, it is located in the best place of town with a breathtaking view of the city, there is a ton of vacation days and the salary is better than in most places (although I was hoping for a little bit more).
I have just learnt the news but I wanted to address my deepest gratitude to the Beanie community: without this website, I would have lost my sanity a long time ago. Because looking for a job can be so isolating, Dramabeans was the best reminder that people from various ages, nationalities and situations are living their lives with their ups and downs and challenges, but the journey can be a positive one, despite the difficulties everyone face and no matter where you are in life. Thank you to everyone who are making this platform such a happy place, full of ideas and energy!
A special thanks to @raonah and @acacia, who let me join their Korean practice sessions: the last couple of months have been a bit hectic, but I am more motivated than ever to improve my language skills again. Thank you for your support, your patience, your humor and your imagination: since the beginning of the year, practicing with you has meant that I could at least achieve one thing in my life, when I was facing disappointment everywhere else. It has been central to my personal well-being, and I hope my words are enough to convey my gratitude to you, and to this website which makes so much possible. <3
And wow! I said almost the same thing about the DB community when I got a job… Dramabeans is really the perfect place to save one from going into the job-hunting related depression! It is really a perfect place! <3
Thank you!! Indeed I am not a social network person but Dramabeans is always so soothing and gives such energy! Doctors should prescribe Dramabeans mandatory reading and commenting to treat job-hunting depressions and it should be funded by insurances! Congratulations on your new job as well, I hope you’ll be happy there!
Congratulations! This is such good news, we should have a party to celebrate!! I hope that your new job is even better than you hope.
<3 <3
I agree about the DB community… and you are one of the people who make it so wonderful, just don't forget that, okay?
Thank you!! I am so thankful for having this job opportunity that I will make that job better, no doubt about it!
And thank you, I hope to bring whatever is wonderful from Dramabeans into the world as well! 🙂
Thank you! I guess I’ll have to behave like a grown-up now, but I’ve been told (by a drama of course) that everyone just pretend they know what they are doing anyway! 😉
Congratulations on the new job! That’s fantastic news! And welcome back to DB! I’m still practicing Korean every day. You’re welcome to join in whenever you have time 🙂 I’ve missed practicing with you.
Thank you Raonah! (I love your new nickname by the way! But you need to save money to travel to Korea!!!). I’m impressed at how consistently you’ve been practicing with drama video clips. Do you feel like you are improving your listening comprehension skills? I’m sure you are improving, even if you don’t notice it on the day to day. I miss practicing with you as well, and I need to begin practicing diligently again. With the job hunting burden now off my shoulders, I’ll be more free to focus on Korean lessons, and I am looking forward to it! 🙂 Fighting!
Yay! I’m glad you’ll be practicing with us again!
I think the video clips are really helping. There’ve been some days where I understood almost the whole clip without subs 😊 I still get really confused with longer sentences though or when people talk really fast 😕 But, a year ago I would’ve only understood things like “Hello” “Thank you” and “I love you”, so when I remember that, I can really see how far I’ve come 🙂 I’ll be fluent eventually 🙂 화이팅!
It is very impressive! I have recently purchased (in what is obviously an excess of confidence) the first Harry Potter book in Korean, and I hope to understand parts of it (after creating a vocabulary list with words like wand, spell and witch in Korean!). Let’s be linguistically ambitious! 😂 I’ve had a hard time connecting with dramas this year, therfore there was none I liked enough to work on clips, but I’m keeping this goal in mind. 화이팅!
I’m tearing up now 😢. We seriously missed you in our posts!! Joining an online community was seriously not my thing, but DB is genuinely something so different. I haven’t met such a large group of encouraging, motivated, and insightful people outside of here and I’m so glad to have met you too! My sincerest congratulations!! Your hard work has paid off!!! This is when I wish we can give hugs through the internet!! 🎊🎉🎈🎉🎊
Thank you my dear Acacia! It is such a relief to finally be accepted for a job – even if I know better, failing constantly makes you feel like a failure after a while. This is why practicing Korean with you was such an important outlet: at least there is still something I can do and a (virtual) place I can go to!! Now I’m completly planning to keep learning Korean, but simply for the pleasure of it (and the ambition, let’s admit it!).
It is interesting how Facebook used to give me mixed feelings but Dramabeans only gives me positive ones – DB really has a sense of community and support which is precious – and it is so much fun!!
I’ve been around all summer with limited internet access, but now I should connect myself more often (Raonah has improved so much! I need to catch up!!). See you soon 😉
By the way, Prison Playbook was so good that I had to watch it again, all 16 episodes of an hour and a half… Still amazing !
YAY! It’s amazing to hear how learning Korean has been a good outlet for you. And now you can enjoy it for pleasure (double YAY) See you soon!!!
Totally agree with you about FB. I never post anything there anymore but on DB I feel like I can express myself more without reservations. The power of DB
I got my mom into Prison Playbook, and she who maybe watches a few kdramas a year marathoned the whole drama twice over a course of a week! The power of PP 😂
I never thought this movie would bring up a heavy issue. The trailer didn’t show anything about it. In the end, I’m glad I watched it. It’s indeed a beautiful friendship.
Thanks to @modernflapper\’s diligent promotion/ spaming, I watched and really enjoyed A Love So Beautiful. It had a grade school\’s level of innocence, a tiny budget and a very obvious story, but the overall effect was so comforting and lovely, like an emotional hot chocolate. Thanks to the beanies for their effective and trust-worthy recommandations! 🙂
I’m binged this this weekend (Mother’s Day and all) and have just an episode and a half left. I LOVE IT. I think started before modernflapper but here I am still watching it! But it’s all good. The story is sweet and the actors are so endearing!
The actors are really endearing and their characters as well. Enjoy episode 23 (episode 24 is only a bonus) and all its warms fuzzies! It feels like a simpler yet updated version of It Started with a Kiss, and I really like that women are more empowered than 10 years ago, even though the story remains quite innocent. It is actually my first C-Drama and I am pleasantly surprised.
I think I might have to write an essay about it when I’m done. I loved Xiaoxi and how she matured by the end, but I have a feeling that life won’t all be butterflies and rainbows for them and need to get that off my chest!
I am really looking forward to your essay and / or a second season! I agree that they will face challenges ahead, considering their opposite personalities and probably hectic profesionnal lives, but I trust those two kids! I regret a little bit that we didn’t see Xiaoxi during the 3 years of their separation, because she did mature a great deal during that time and I would have liked to see that.
Popping into the middle of this conversation to thank @modernflapper for posting so much about A Love So Beautiful that I had to finish watching it. I started watching it quite a while back, but was interrupted in the middle of episode 2. I forgot all about it until I saw your posts, and realized I still wanted to watch it! Just finished it yesterday and totally loved it!
No need to thank me, it’s because of the beanie wall that Mr MF must buy me bigger and bigger external hardrives for my ever increasing drama collection. I have been persuaded by so many Beanie posts as to what I should watch, I’m happy to return the favour.
Well I suddenly feel old… Remember Dream High in 2010? It starts with a mystery: one of the kids from the Kirin High School has won a Grammy Award. When? In 2018!! Sam-dong, I miss you!
I wasn’t into dramas in 2010 so I just watched this last summer and was thinking “Wow, it’s closer to the 2018 part of the story than it is to the 2010 part!”
I did watch it live, so it feels ages ago, but I remember it fondly and I’m pretty sure it has aged well. I like these kind of dramas in which you know the characters had beautiful and full lives after the drama ended.
It was a good show. It didn’t feel dated at all. JYP was hilarious and Kim Soo Hyun was fantastic as always. I was expecting more romance so I was a bit disappointed on that but I really enjoyed it.
February 2, 2023 at 12:49 PM
So, I just checked my Love, February posts – it has been a while since I’ve logged in.
2019: I shared my deep love for my brother
2020: I shared that I had decided to take a chance on love and go on dates
2021: I shared that I had met Someone Special and that covid lockdowns had supercharged our relationship
2022: I… had forgotten my DB password after changing phone and didn’t participate 😅
2023: I am delighted to share that my love story has resulted in the birth of a wonderful baby boy last September. What a joy to have one more person to love wholeheartedly!
(So much) Love, February
February 2, 2023 at 2:33 PM
Baby spam! I love it!
February 2, 2023 at 3:32 PM
So sweet!
RaOnAh loves Jay B 💚
February 2, 2023 at 6:04 PM
Congratulations! What a cute baby!
Cocoa, The Fake Poet of February
February 2, 2023 at 6:56 PM
In hearts for February! Such a cutie!
Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
February 2, 2023 at 9:20 PM
Oh what joy, thanks for spreading it around for all of us to share❤️ Congrats on the relationship and your beautiful baby.
isa: I'm not a serial killer I'm just really passionate about things
February 2, 2023 at 9:37 PM
CUUUUUUUTE!!!!!!! The story the baby all of it. Yay!
February 2, 2023 at 10:33 PM
February 3, 2023 at 11:57 PM
Aww Delsatu, so glad to see you here and THIS update! Hope you, Friday guy and the baby are all doing great.
February 14, 2021 at 1:42 AM
My boyfriend hasn\’t proposed to me. He states regularly that he wants me for himself and forever and that we should sign a little contract to make it official and legal.
I haven\’t proposed to my boyfriend. I recently told him that, one day, when we would be ready, I would be very happy to call him my husband. He concurred.
My boyfriend and I are not engaged. But we are slowly becoming family.
Love, February
February 14, 2021 at 2:14 AM
All this cuteness on the fanwall is making my grim days better. Hope you guys get to be called “family” forever.
February 12, 2021 at 11:53 PM
Conversation with my wonderful widowed, 80-year-old former landlady:
Me: I hope you didn\’t feel too lonely this summer
She: actually, I have met somebody…
Me: really? How wonderful! How is he?
She: this man is perfect: he is widowed and doesn\’t have any children
Me: well, that sounds promising! But are you sure that he is not after your money?
She: oh no, he is rich as well
And then, the rich widowed childless lover came into the room with a lightbulb to fix her place. He cracked a joke and she started giggling like a teenager.
Love, February
February 13, 2021 at 1:57 AM
Love makes one feels young (and giggly) 💕💕
February 13, 2021 at 6:01 AM
This is lovely! Reminds me of an octogenarian patient I have who came in with her husband. I asked how long they were married and she said 15 years, the same number of years as my husband and I at the time. Her husband quickly added, “But if you add all our married years together it’s 94!” Turns out they were both widowed and met each other after her husband passed away. They were the cutest and you could just tell how much they loved each other.
February 13, 2021 at 7:09 AM
I think we underestimate how much elderly people can teach us about love. And inspire us! 😊
Cocoa, The Fake Poet of February
February 13, 2021 at 8:03 AM
Eek! This is adorable!
bbstl 🧹
February 13, 2021 at 8:28 AM
Awwwww, she waited a while but she met her charming chaebol! 🥰
February 15, 2021 at 10:30 AM
This is so adorable!
February 11, 2021 at 1:03 PM
Love at the time of the corona (bis)
When I started dating Friday guy, I anticipated a nice courtship with dates to restaurants and movies, slowly getting to know each other and meeting our friends, romantic getaways and meeting the parents down the line. I had underestimated that corona time meant a fast track train to togetherness!
Restaurants and movies? Closed! We turned immediately very domestic, cooking together and watching tv. He happens to love food and is a great cook – I have gained 5 kg over the last few months…
Summer holiday was upon us when we started dating and it felt presumptuous to plan vacation for 2, other than a weekend together here or there. In the end, I had to cancel all my train tickets because we were hardly ever appart and he drove me everywhere I wanted to go.
We didn\’t meet each other\’s family over a meal: since summer plans were up in the air, we met crashed our family summer houses when the whole families were there (his family is great!)
I didn\’t want to move into his place, because I didn\’t want our living together to be organized according to his house rules. He didn\’t want me to move into his place because he considered his one-bedroom apartment to be too small for the two of us. Of course, I totally moved in right after when the Fall lockdown came around. Lockdown was no fun, but being together 24/7 was great!
We still want an extra room, so we started looking at properties for the two of us. Talks of renting turn into talks of buying. I should freak out about such an important commitment. But I just freak out about the price of apartments around here.
So much has changed in my life over the last few months that it is mind blowing. But my heart is at ease.
Love, February
RaOnAh loves Jay B 💚
February 11, 2021 at 3:29 PM
Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉
February 12, 2021 at 8:06 AM
Thank you 😊
Cocoa, The Fake Poet of February
February 11, 2021 at 3:42 PM
I’m so happy for the two of you!
And yes! Pie Guy and I met two weeks before lockdown, so I totally understand the fast pace of corona love ~
February 12, 2021 at 8:08 AM
😂 at least we can’t get speed tickets with love
Cocoa, The Fake Poet of February
February 13, 2021 at 8:05 AM
I’d happily take the fine!
February 11, 2021 at 4:55 PM
So happy for you!!! ❤️❤️❤️
February 12, 2021 at 8:06 AM
Thank you 😊
February 12, 2021 at 10:24 AM
SNG and I had two months before all the lockdowns and we still didn’t get to go to the movies!
And I’m so very happy for you and hope you get the house you both call home.
February 12, 2021 at 1:05 PM
We will get a home cinema to remedy the current movie restrictions 😉
It is so wonderful that you and SNG had a successful courtship despite the tumultuous times – impressive in every way !
February 13, 2021 at 8:53 AM
Oh, that’s a great idea and you will enjoy it. We’ve watched so many movies now that we’ve lost count.
I think the hardest part for us was when he confessed and the next day the area he lived in went into a complete lockdown. I remember that night he called me when he heard the news and I was like “what do we do now?”.. he said we’ll figure something out and yeah, well, now we’re here!
February 9, 2021 at 1:59 PM
About a year ago, I registered on a dating app. Inspiring love stories (cough *@azzo1 *cough) made me want to give love a chance.
In order to give dating a fair shot (and not run away at the first difficulty), I set myself SMART goals and a support team. Of course, lockdown soon happened and dating was became purely digital for a while.
Blame me not, but messaging numerous gentlemen at the same time can be confusing at time! I almost needed Excel sheets and mind maps to remember who was telling me what, and what I had shared with whom!
When the lockdown was lifted, I selected a couple of suitors to meet who were, apparently, very similar: same age, same height, same kind of high level engineering position, same broad frame, same agreeableness. One blonde, one dark haired. How to differentiate them?
I must admit that I didn\’t expect much from these dates. I thought it would be nice, but that nothing would come out of it.
Also, dating activities in May were very limited: no movies or bar or restaurant or even public parks. We were not allowed to go very far. Even public transportation had limited access.
So I organized similar dates with these gentlemen to ensure a fair competition (in a Covid mindful setting): early afternoon, one on Thursday, one on Friday, one in the woods East of the city, one in the woods West of the city, 4 hours each. And may the best win!
As expected, both dates were really nice and engaging. Both suitors indeed had a lot in common and a real dating potential. But Friday guy had a little something extra. I still cannot pinpoint exactly what it was. Maybe it was because he was insanely respectful of all my limits and barriers. Maybe it was because he was a pleasant company even when it started raining. So I agreed to a second date with Friday guy. And another. And another. And another. And another. And soon my calendar bear his name on most days of each week.
Today I\’d like to send my warmest thanks to my past self for taking a chance at love a year ago. And to thank all beanies for sharing their love stories – I can assure you today that it made a difference in someone\’s life.
(To be continued)
Love, February
bbstl 🧹
February 9, 2021 at 4:34 PM
SQUEEEEEEE! Oh my gosh, @azzo1 has a spin-off!
I’m very happy for you 💐
February 9, 2021 at 11:17 PM
Thank you 😊
Azzo is an inspiration (she would not accept to be qualified as a love guru I think 😉)
February 9, 2021 at 4:39 PM
Awww… I’m so happy for you! I know this is not important in the whole scheme of things but which one is Friday guy? The blonde or the dark-haired? Sorry for being nosy but my Ahjumma heart is interested to know 🤣
February 9, 2021 at 11:22 PM
😂 Friday guy is the dark haired one. He also had / has a big beard which make him the perfect teddy bear 😍 (to be fair he came to our dates with holes in his pants, so I picked the laid-back guy 😂)
February 10, 2021 at 6:06 PM
My husband is like a teddy bear too. Well he didn’t start out as one but after 20 years of marriage, I fattened him up good haha
Teddy bears are the best, they are so nice to hug and snuggle to when it’s cold. Good choice! You have my ahjumma stamp of approval 😆
isa: I'm not a serial killer I'm just really passionate about things
February 9, 2021 at 7:09 PM
OH! Look at you! Im so happy for you!
February 9, 2021 at 11:23 PM
😊 thank you isa
February 9, 2021 at 7:30 PM
Wow! I must admit, your organization and “fairness” made me chuckle. Love is not fair no matter how much you will try. Amazing you chose two similar personalities and even vocations. I was all over the place when I dated. I didn’t know what I would like. Good luck!
February 9, 2021 at 11:28 PM
One of my (many) rules when online dating was to be as open minded as possible. I exchanged messages with all kind of people with different appearances and ages and professions. It just happened that the 2 “finalists” were very similar (on paper). I guess we do have a type? (I initially wanted to date a bald guy but I had to compromise 😂)
February 10, 2021 at 6:05 AM
Friday guy may still end up bald—although I don’t know if you should tell him that fantasy!
February 10, 2021 at 6:58 AM
🤣🤣🤣 he doesn’t need to know everything yet!
February 9, 2021 at 8:14 PM
Eeeep!!! What a nice story!! Thanks for sharing!! Maybe this is the nudge I need, lol. Catch up with me in a year, hehe!!
In all seriousness, I am happy for you and your bravery to put yourself out there. I don’t have many friends, and you guys sharing your love stories and lives makes it seem like I have many:)
February 9, 2021 at 11:30 PM
See you in a year @jellybn! 😉
February 9, 2021 at 9:39 PM
Aw, I love this and it just makes me really happy, I’m glad you took a chance on love!
So now we have Pie Guy @hotcocoagirl and Friday Guy (if that’s how you want us to call him, of course 😀).
Cocoa, The Fake Poet of February
February 9, 2021 at 10:59 PM
It’s all about those rhymes ~
February 9, 2021 at 11:42 PM
😊 I am so glad we can support each other and inspire each other and find love, even when it seems impossible to us. Sometimes the most difficult is to remember that we are wonderful and lovely and worthy of love. Friday guy told me that he was very happy that I put myself “on the market”. Well, I didn’t have to put myself out there that long, so I guess I am a catch (kinda) 😂😂😂
February 12, 2021 at 9:58 AM
You definitely are and of course he is. He sounds like such a wonderful guy and I really wish you two all the best together ❤
February 9, 2021 at 9:57 PM
Aww I came across your story on azzo’s posts comments and kudos to you for taking action. It seems like you did it with such discipline and planning when I have mostly heard that love is spontaneous. That gives me a different outlook on all this ❤️
February 9, 2021 at 11:50 PM
😊 Well, after believing in dramas and expecting a meet cute with a chaebol for years without anything happening, I did have to take the matter into my own hands 😂
I don’t think we can command feelings, but the all dating process helped me identify what I was looking for in a partner and also in my life. And when I met Friday guy, it all clicked, it all made sense. I feel like dating was my homework to spontaneously fall in love with the right guy for me 😉
Cocoa, The Fake Poet of February
February 9, 2021 at 10:59 PM
^_^ I love this! Sometimes, all it takes is that step, taking a chance. Friday Guy sounds like a lovely person to have on a calendar ~
Also, I recall when I online dated a few years ago, it is insanely difficult keeping everything straight! You’re idea of excel sheets is likely not unwarranted.
February 9, 2021 at 11:55 PM
😁 I had to consider dating as a work project to manage the workload and all the input and stay focused on my objectives! 😂
I confess Friday guy is not so much on my calendar these days… He is simply by my side everyday 😊
Cocoa, The Fake Poet of February
February 10, 2021 at 12:01 AM
AWww~ I’m so glad!
February 10, 2021 at 6:52 AM
@DelSatu That’s wonderful ♥
February 10, 2021 at 6:59 AM
February 10, 2021 at 4:27 PM
Delsatu!!! Happy to see your name here again and equally happy to hear your story as well!!! Sending all my good wishes! And hope to hear from you more soon! Cant wait to hear more about Friday guy!!!
February 11, 2021 at 9:30 AM
@acacia!! So good to read you! Thank you for your good wishes 😁
2020 has been a strange and crazy year, but I have been lucky enough to experience wonderful changes (I must admit it kept me busy and away from DB). I hope you are doing well!!
February 10, 2021 at 8:19 PM
This is such a good story and the kind of motivation I need to get my self out there. I can travel the world alone but I’m so good at talking myself out of doing these kind of things…
February 11, 2021 at 9:34 AM
Love is an option and not an obligation! If you decide one day to go for It, you might discover that it is not that difficult (though, I confess, very time consuming 😂). I have travelled the world by myself and loved it – now I am ready to travel with someone else, I hope it will be just as fun! 😉
February 11, 2021 at 11:42 AM
Thank you!
RaOnAh loves Jay B 💚
February 11, 2021 at 4:42 PM
This is so sweet! Congrats DelSatu! I’m so happy for you 🎉🎉🎉🎉
February 12, 2020 at 11:05 PM
For the first time in a long time, I\’m giving love a chance.
I\’m going on a first date this weekend and I\’m scared but happy too.
Love (?), February
February 12, 2020 at 11:06 PM
Enjoy your date !
February 13, 2020 at 8:35 AM
Thank you! I’ll consider my date a success if I don’t auto-combust by the end of it! 🙂
mugyuljoie is preciousss
February 12, 2020 at 11:19 PM
I hope it’s fun!
February 13, 2020 at 8:36 AM
Wait, dates are fun? So that’s why people do it…
February 13, 2020 at 4:32 AM
Aw, del! Good luck!
February 13, 2020 at 8:38 AM
Thank you, I’ll need it! to be fair, all the beautiful stories (including yours!) I see here on DB prompted me to give it a try, so I’ll hope for the best!
February 13, 2020 at 7:07 AM
Have fun Delsatu!!!
February 13, 2020 at 8:46 AM
Thank you acacia! It seems somewhat more challenging than learning Korean, but I’ll face this adventure with courage and fortitude! 🙂
February 13, 2020 at 1:50 PM
I hope you have a wonderful time. Enjoy!!
February 13, 2020 at 4:31 PM
Congratulations! Hope it goes well for you! Fighting!
November 28, 2019 at 1:02 PM
In 2020, I just want those two in a drama with a bromance again. It’s not too much to ask for, right? 😉
mugyuljoie is preciousss
November 28, 2019 at 1:24 PM
February 6, 2019 at 12:16 AM
I love refering to him as \”my big height younger brother\”;
I often joke that I took all the hair in the family and left him none; it is my way to empathize with him on the fact that he is bald at age 30;
I love baking with him and fighting over how to position a buiscuit;
Ten years ago I told him dramas were a thing and he bet it was not; he lost and performed 50 push-up as a result;
He lets me hug him when hugging is not something we do in my country;
I sometimes felt jealous that everything came his way easy in life, but I am so relieved he didn\’t face the same difficulties as I did in school, work and love;
He reminds me that life can be simpler than I make it out to be;
He is my rock of sanity when everything seems crazy, my piece of kindness when people are mean, my extra dose of strength when things crumble all around;
To the best brother I could wish for;
bam 🐢🐌💖~
February 6, 2019 at 9:03 AM
*sends waves of love to you and your dear brother*
February 6, 2019 at 10:12 AM
Thank you!! I didn’t expect to participate to this February writing challenge, but when reading beanies’ expression of love this morning, I suddenly felt the urge to speak about that special someone close to my heart. Because I know I can’t tell him to his face… boys and feelings you know 😁
bam 🐢🐌💖~
February 6, 2019 at 10:19 AM
I’m really glad you decided to join!
Oh, I totally understand. XD You tell him in the fighting, in the hugging, in the joking, instead. 🙂
RaOnAh loves Jay B 💚
February 6, 2019 at 8:41 PM
I’m glad to see you joined the Love, February posts! Your brother sounds amazing 💕
December 6, 2018 at 8:47 AM
I know it’s silly, but I am so proud to have finished my Korean vocab session on Memrise! 😁 I don’t pretend to remember all 1800 words, but if I’ve remembered half of it, it is great already!
December 6, 2018 at 9:24 AM
Good job. 😍
I’m taking Korean lessons too and god, memorizing the words is killing me😂😂😫
December 6, 2018 at 11:13 AM
Thank you!! And good luck to you!
Yes, Korean vocab can be so confusing at times ; as a dyslexical person, I mix up the syllables all the time! 😓
bam 🐢🐌💖~
December 6, 2018 at 11:15 AM
Not silly at all! Congratulations and good work on your achievement!
*clicks teeth together while looking at my progress*
December 6, 2018 at 11:19 AM
Thank you!!
And I am trembling too at the thought of reading an actual book and still not understanding a thing! 😢
bam 🐢🐌💖~
December 6, 2018 at 1:39 PM
😂 C’est moi. But you got this!
December 6, 2018 at 11:32 AM
Good Job!
I always found it boring to memorize lists of vocabulary so it’s even more amazing from my point of view.
I’m curious about how long it took you to finish 1800 words
PS: je vois du français 😉
December 6, 2018 at 1:22 PM
Thank you!! Yes, memorizing lists of vocab is boring, but it is really nice to have some basics before reading a real text (and giving up after 10 min because you have to look up every word in a dictionnary!!). And I’ve done a lot of practice in the train to work – commuting is boring anyway!!
To answer your question: it took me about 100 days for the whole list (but I had a break in the middle). Learning does become easier after a while for some reason.
As for the French… guilty as charged! 😉
RaOnAh loves Jay B 💚
December 6, 2018 at 11:53 AM
That’s awesome! You’re doing great DelSatu!
December 6, 2018 at 1:24 PM
Thank you!!! I know you are practicing quite well also!!
There is still so much to learn though!!
And vocab is only good when you can place it in a text or dialogue…
another woodalchi nicole recruit
December 6, 2018 at 11:54 AM
not silly at all! so so awesome–congrats! (plus, i’m using memrise too, and its encouraging to see that there is an actual end out there 😉
December 6, 2018 at 1:25 PM
Thank you!!
Yes, there is an end somewhere to memrise lessons… although it seems illusive for some time! 😀
December 6, 2018 at 4:30 PM
Well done! Congrats!
October 31, 2018 at 12:33 PM
For the show I wanted to watch. On to the next!
September 12, 2018 at 9:41 AM
Dear Beanies,
I wanted to share this piece of news with the Beanie community: after a very long period of unemployment and fifteen job interviews over the last few months, I HAVE FINALLY FOUND A JOB! The team looks dynamic and kind, it is located in the best place of town with a breathtaking view of the city, there is a ton of vacation days and the salary is better than in most places (although I was hoping for a little bit more).
I have just learnt the news but I wanted to address my deepest gratitude to the Beanie community: without this website, I would have lost my sanity a long time ago. Because looking for a job can be so isolating, Dramabeans was the best reminder that people from various ages, nationalities and situations are living their lives with their ups and downs and challenges, but the journey can be a positive one, despite the difficulties everyone face and no matter where you are in life. Thank you to everyone who are making this platform such a happy place, full of ideas and energy!
A special thanks to @raonah and @acacia, who let me join their Korean practice sessions: the last couple of months have been a bit hectic, but I am more motivated than ever to improve my language skills again. Thank you for your support, your patience, your humor and your imagination: since the beginning of the year, practicing with you has meant that I could at least achieve one thing in my life, when I was facing disappointment everywhere else. It has been central to my personal well-being, and I hope my words are enough to convey my gratitude to you, and to this website which makes so much possible. <3
September 12, 2018 at 9:48 AM
Congratulations! All the best of luck for the new job 🙂
Also agreed re dramabeans!
September 12, 2018 at 10:49 AM
Thank you! I hope it goes well and Dramabeans is there whatever happens (and wherever, that the magic of the internet! 😀 )
September 12, 2018 at 9:53 AM
And wow! I said almost the same thing about the DB community when I got a job… Dramabeans is really the perfect place to save one from going into the job-hunting related depression! It is really a perfect place! <3
September 12, 2018 at 10:51 AM
Thank you!! Indeed I am not a social network person but Dramabeans is always so soothing and gives such energy! Doctors should prescribe Dramabeans mandatory reading and commenting to treat job-hunting depressions and it should be funded by insurances! Congratulations on your new job as well, I hope you’ll be happy there!
September 12, 2018 at 11:17 AM
Ha! That should definitely be a thing!
Thanks 🙂 It has been around 5 months and yeah it’s okay 🙂
Rukia wants melona
September 12, 2018 at 9:54 AM
Congratulations! This is such good news, we should have a party to celebrate!! I hope that your new job is even better than you hope.
<3 <3
I agree about the DB community… and you are one of the people who make it so wonderful, just don't forget that, okay?
September 12, 2018 at 10:54 AM
Thank you!! I am so thankful for having this job opportunity that I will make that job better, no doubt about it!
And thank you, I hope to bring whatever is wonderful from Dramabeans into the world as well! 🙂
Rukia wants melona
September 12, 2018 at 11:12 AM
September 12, 2018 at 10:07 AM
Congratulations and good luck in there)) 👍
September 12, 2018 at 10:55 AM
Thank you!! I’ll take my lessons after Jang Gu-rae! 🙂
September 12, 2018 at 10:58 AM
Yes, he’s excellent role model)) wish you to find your Oh Sang Sik in this company.
September 12, 2018 at 1:02 PM
A good mentor, that’s the dream!
September 12, 2018 at 10:08 AM
Congratulations on the new job! ^^
September 12, 2018 at 10:55 AM
Thank you very much! 🙂
September 12, 2018 at 10:36 AM
What a brave and beautiful sentiment you’ve written here. Congratulations on the new job! Msu it be the beginning of more good things to come!
September 12, 2018 at 10:56 AM
Thank you! I truly look at it as the beginning of a new chapter in my life, hopefully a beautiful one! 🙂
bam 🐢🐌💖~
September 12, 2018 at 10:50 AM
Hurrayyyy!! Congratulations, all the best in this new part of your journey!
September 12, 2018 at 1:03 PM
Thank you! I’ll do all my best indeed! 😉
September 12, 2018 at 10:55 AM
Thank you!! 🙂
September 12, 2018 at 11:25 AM
Congrats! Sending positive vibes your way ✨
September 12, 2018 at 1:04 PM
Thank you! My positive vibe receptor is wide open!:D
September 12, 2018 at 11:30 AM
Congrats!🌺 wish you all the best for the new stage of your life😆
September 12, 2018 at 1:06 PM
Thank you! I guess I’ll have to behave like a grown-up now, but I’ve been told (by a drama of course) that everyone just pretend they know what they are doing anyway! 😉
September 12, 2018 at 1:15 PM
everyone just pretend they know what they are doing anyway!
Spot on.
RaOnAh loves Jay B 💚
September 12, 2018 at 11:57 AM
Congratulations on the new job! That’s fantastic news! And welcome back to DB! I’m still practicing Korean every day. You’re welcome to join in whenever you have time 🙂 I’ve missed practicing with you.
September 12, 2018 at 1:14 PM
Thank you Raonah! (I love your new nickname by the way! But you need to save money to travel to Korea!!!). I’m impressed at how consistently you’ve been practicing with drama video clips. Do you feel like you are improving your listening comprehension skills? I’m sure you are improving, even if you don’t notice it on the day to day. I miss practicing with you as well, and I need to begin practicing diligently again. With the job hunting burden now off my shoulders, I’ll be more free to focus on Korean lessons, and I am looking forward to it! 🙂 Fighting!
RaOnAh loves Jay B 💚
September 12, 2018 at 1:26 PM
Yay! I’m glad you’ll be practicing with us again!
I think the video clips are really helping. There’ve been some days where I understood almost the whole clip without subs 😊 I still get really confused with longer sentences though or when people talk really fast 😕 But, a year ago I would’ve only understood things like “Hello” “Thank you” and “I love you”, so when I remember that, I can really see how far I’ve come 🙂 I’ll be fluent eventually 🙂 화이팅!
September 12, 2018 at 2:22 PM
It is very impressive! I have recently purchased (in what is obviously an excess of confidence) the first Harry Potter book in Korean, and I hope to understand parts of it (after creating a vocabulary list with words like wand, spell and witch in Korean!). Let’s be linguistically ambitious! 😂 I’ve had a hard time connecting with dramas this year, therfore there was none I liked enough to work on clips, but I’m keeping this goal in mind. 화이팅!
RaOnAh loves Jay B 💚
September 12, 2018 at 3:16 PM
Wow! Good luck with reading Harry Potter!
September 12, 2018 at 11:35 PM
It will be a feat if I don’t give up at page one! 😂
September 12, 2018 at 12:39 PM
Big congrats!!!! 😀
September 12, 2018 at 1:14 PM
Big thanks!! 😀
September 12, 2018 at 1:40 PM
Congratulations on the new job! 😊
September 12, 2018 at 2:23 PM
Thank you! I’ll do my best! 😁
September 12, 2018 at 3:19 PM
I’m tearing up now 😢. We seriously missed you in our posts!! Joining an online community was seriously not my thing, but DB is genuinely something so different. I haven’t met such a large group of encouraging, motivated, and insightful people outside of here and I’m so glad to have met you too! My sincerest congratulations!! Your hard work has paid off!!! This is when I wish we can give hugs through the internet!! 🎊🎉🎈🎉🎊
September 12, 2018 at 11:34 PM
Thank you my dear Acacia! It is such a relief to finally be accepted for a job – even if I know better, failing constantly makes you feel like a failure after a while. This is why practicing Korean with you was such an important outlet: at least there is still something I can do and a (virtual) place I can go to!! Now I’m completly planning to keep learning Korean, but simply for the pleasure of it (and the ambition, let’s admit it!).
It is interesting how Facebook used to give me mixed feelings but Dramabeans only gives me positive ones – DB really has a sense of community and support which is precious – and it is so much fun!!
I’ve been around all summer with limited internet access, but now I should connect myself more often (Raonah has improved so much! I need to catch up!!). See you soon 😉
By the way, Prison Playbook was so good that I had to watch it again, all 16 episodes of an hour and a half… Still amazing !
September 12, 2018 at 11:59 PM
YAY! It’s amazing to hear how learning Korean has been a good outlet for you. And now you can enjoy it for pleasure (double YAY) See you soon!!!
Totally agree with you about FB. I never post anything there anymore but on DB I feel like I can express myself more without reservations. The power of DB
I got my mom into Prison Playbook, and she who maybe watches a few kdramas a year marathoned the whole drama twice over a course of a week! The power of PP 😂
September 12, 2018 at 6:37 PM
congratulation and best of luck~
September 12, 2018 at 11:12 PM
Thank you very much!
outofthisworld 不愧是我 🏍
September 12, 2018 at 7:52 PM
Congrats! All the best in your new job!
September 12, 2018 at 11:11 PM
Thank you! I’ll do my very best indeed! 🙂
June 22, 2018 at 2:48 PM
Typical me: I thought I was starting a charming, light-hearted comedy and I ended up a sobbing mess. Beautiful friendship and powerful message.
June 22, 2018 at 2:51 PM
I never thought this movie would bring up a heavy issue. The trailer didn’t show anything about it. In the end, I’m glad I watched it. It’s indeed a beautiful friendship.
June 22, 2018 at 2:59 PM
Korean movies will break you and leave you a blubbering pile on the floor. Even the comedies.
June 22, 2018 at 3:01 PM
Comment was deleted
June 22, 2018 at 3:04 PM
Yes! The trailer was deceptive but it gave the reveal so much impact! I’m glad I’ve watched it but I would recommend it with caution.
June 22, 2018 at 4:23 PM
I didn’t know that I would end up crying buckets of tears.
June 25, 2018 at 6:12 AM
Love this movie!
I will never look at the generic “How Are you? I am fine thank you and you?” lines the same way again ♥
May 14, 2018 at 3:35 AM
Thanks to @modernflapper\’s diligent promotion/ spaming, I watched and really enjoyed A Love So Beautiful. It had a grade school\’s level of innocence, a tiny budget and a very obvious story, but the overall effect was so comforting and lovely, like an emotional hot chocolate. Thanks to the beanies for their effective and trust-worthy recommandations! 🙂
May 14, 2018 at 6:20 AM
I’m binged this this weekend (Mother’s Day and all) and have just an episode and a half left. I LOVE IT. I think started before modernflapper but here I am still watching it! But it’s all good. The story is sweet and the actors are so endearing!
May 14, 2018 at 6:49 AM
The actors are really endearing and their characters as well. Enjoy episode 23 (episode 24 is only a bonus) and all its warms fuzzies! It feels like a simpler yet updated version of It Started with a Kiss, and I really like that women are more empowered than 10 years ago, even though the story remains quite innocent. It is actually my first C-Drama and I am pleasantly surprised.
May 14, 2018 at 8:37 AM
I think I might have to write an essay about it when I’m done. I loved Xiaoxi and how she matured by the end, but I have a feeling that life won’t all be butterflies and rainbows for them and need to get that off my chest!
May 14, 2018 at 8:43 AM
I am really looking forward to your essay and / or a second season! I agree that they will face challenges ahead, considering their opposite personalities and probably hectic profesionnal lives, but I trust those two kids! I regret a little bit that we didn’t see Xiaoxi during the 3 years of their separation, because she did mature a great deal during that time and I would have liked to see that.
lazygeisha was modernflapper
May 14, 2018 at 12:54 PM
*cough* fanfiction *cough*
May 14, 2018 at 1:42 PM
Omo! No!!! It would be too autobiographical I’m afraid, only replace me as Jiang Chen and my husband as Xiaoxi!
lazygeisha was modernflapper
May 14, 2018 at 8:37 AM
I’m happy my obsessions can be of service to you. 😁 😂
Prepare yourself for Iron Ladies. It’s more mature, which can be a nice change.
May 14, 2018 at 8:45 AM
Adorable GIFs of swoony moments are always welcome! I’m prepared to be convinced by your future posts! 😀
lazygeisha was modernflapper
May 14, 2018 at 12:52 PM
May 14, 2018 at 12:34 PM
Popping into the middle of this conversation to thank @modernflapper for posting so much about A Love So Beautiful that I had to finish watching it. I started watching it quite a while back, but was interrupted in the middle of episode 2. I forgot all about it until I saw your posts, and realized I still wanted to watch it! Just finished it yesterday and totally loved it!
lazygeisha was modernflapper
May 14, 2018 at 12:53 PM
No need to thank me, it’s because of the beanie wall that Mr MF must buy me bigger and bigger external hardrives for my ever increasing drama collection. I have been persuaded by so many Beanie posts as to what I should watch, I’m happy to return the favour.
May 14, 2018 at 1:00 PM
Thanks to Mr ModernFlapper for supporting our collective addiction! That the kind of Mister I wouldn’t mind having! 🙂
April 28, 2018 at 6:05 AM
Anyone else? The message I intended to write had no inappropriate word, or even ambiguous one…
April 28, 2018 at 6:43 AM
This happened to me and after trial and error I think the word “spoiler” triggers it.
April 28, 2018 at 7:06 AM
Thank you for your feedback. Mine didn’t have that word, but I’ll try to rephrase the whole message to see if it works in the end.
April 28, 2018 at 7:29 AM
😊 Hope you don’t get the message yet again
March 18, 2018 at 2:28 AM
I need to write this sentence on a tee-shirt.
March 18, 2018 at 2:34 AM
Go Hye Ran ! Go !
RaOnAh loves Jay B 💚
April 20, 2018 at 8:56 PM
Hi Del Satu 🙂 It seems like it’s been a while since you practiced Korean with me. I hope everything’s okay and you’re able to practice again soon 🙂
February 15, 2018 at 11:33 AM
Well I suddenly feel old… Remember Dream High in 2010? It starts with a mystery: one of the kids from the Kirin High School has won a Grammy Award. When? In 2018!! Sam-dong, I miss you!
RaOnAh loves Jay B 💚
February 15, 2018 at 11:47 AM
I wasn’t into dramas in 2010 so I just watched this last summer and was thinking “Wow, it’s closer to the 2018 part of the story than it is to the 2010 part!”
February 15, 2018 at 11:54 AM
I did watch it live, so it feels ages ago, but I remember it fondly and I’m pretty sure it has aged well. I like these kind of dramas in which you know the characters had beautiful and full lives after the drama ended.
RaOnAh loves Jay B 💚
February 15, 2018 at 12:12 PM
It was a good show. It didn’t feel dated at all. JYP was hilarious and Kim Soo Hyun was fantastic as always. I was expecting more romance so I was a bit disappointed on that but I really enjoyed it.
February 15, 2018 at 12:29 PM
I adored IU in this drama! She was so cute!
February 14, 2018 at 7:56 AM
Mystery Queen 2 cannot come soon enough!
February 14, 2018 at 9:26 AM
Were the first season posters done se well too?? I don’t remember at all, but the 2nd season ones are great!
February 14, 2018 at 11:14 AM
The first season’s posters were amazing as well ( but very different: moody, cinematic, very noir and femme fatale. I like that for this season they go full buddy cop influence, which highlight the new relationship of the two main characters. And the humor, ‘coz that is a fun bickering couple!
February 14, 2018 at 11:23 AM
Thank you 😊
February 14, 2018 at 4:51 PM
October 6, 2017 at 6:03 AM
I do love when the guy in love is such a grumpy pants!
April 13, 2017 at 2:41 PM