Thank you @midnight and @bbstl for recommending Wok of Love! I looooved it! The OTP *gasp* communicated and the bromance was so sweet. The FL’s mom was a piece of work but otherwise totally enjoyed it


    OMG I first swooned over the pic and then noticed the mention quite belatedly! You are welcome! I am VERY happy that you loved it! It is one of my most favorite shows!


      They do look good, don’t they? I need to get myself a guy who looks and cooks like Poong.


    Loan shark with a heart of gold and Dim Sum (the cute kitten) too!


      I was rewatching Miss Korea the other day, which is by the same writer of WoL, and I noticed that this writer has a soft spot for Loan sharks with a heart of gold. Can’t say I don’t!! Jung Sun Saeng and his story arc is one of my most favorites EVER!


        Oooh I didn’t realize that. I watched the first episode (or maybe first 2) then ended up watching something else. It’s still on my list though.


          I don’t blame you at all. The first few episodes aren’t very gripping. Whenever I rewatch it I wonder how I went past episode 1 the first time. But it is totally worth it!


            I think the ML frustrated me or something. It’s been awhile. But, I’ll definitely give it another shot at some point.


      The true OTP. He has become one of my favorite second leads. He was just so sweet and heartfelt but then he could beat up everyone all smoothly.


    Glad you watched and love it! I wanted that kitty.


      I want one too. I had a kitten like that but he’s a huge cat now and lives with my parents lol


    Oh, I’m happy you enjoy it. It kinda lost its spark in the second half, but not so much that I stopped loving it. I love the romance, I love the bromance, and it’s one of the most healthy triangle love I’ve seen portrayed on drama. And I especially in love with the weirdly frank conversation between our leads. So quirky, so honest, hilarious and on-point too.


      I saw that in the comments on the recaps so I was waiting for everything to become horrible in the second half, but I still enjoyed it. The FL’s mom was horrible and I was disappointed that they made her that way and that they never actually resolve it. I do love how the OTP ended up handling it though so that at least made up for it a little.
      And there were some plot points dropped in favor of food shots, but that didn’t bother me too much. I still thought it maintained it’s quality.
      That last sentence perfectly sums it up. I was just amazed how natural their conversations were without making them seem like untouchable angels or unreasonable jerks. They all had some growing to do but you see how they all changed (from the thugs to the OTP) by meeting each other.
