The first one I will like to talk and recommend is Ha il Kwon, I think by default I have read almost all of his works and honestly after I finish one, he leaves me craving for more (there is one I will never read though, Sperman, no thanks xD). It’s just that the way he presents the story, the humor and the overall moral is what makes it worth reading his webtoons. So far I that I have read and recommend are: Annarasumara, After School War Activities (Duty after School), My Heart is Beating, and God of Bath. I read a comment once saying that he writes for dreamers and honestly I have to agree.
Annarasumara deals with the hardships of becoming an adult and having to conform to the norms of society. What makes a respectable and respectable adult in our current society? Should out current views of what adults can be be changed? This story also deals with the mental health issues that the pressure on the youth can cause. There is particularly one chapter that I couldn’t help but sympathize with the character, all he wanted was to leave the cold asphalt and run through the field of flowers ;-; . One thing to know about Ha il Kwon is that he sometimes uses metaphors, and the pictures shouldn’t be taken literally so if you see a character with a big head just keep in mind that his head is not really like that xD.
After School Activities… honestly the ending left me speechless and was with me days after reading the webtoon. I don’t want to give too many spoilers but believe me when I say that the first chapters are deceiving. In the first chapters we see humor and normal high school students but as the story progresses it becomes much darker. The premise is about high school students who are forced (they are promised easy university entrances) to participate in military training after these purple spheres appear and kill people around the world. The training and situations starts to take a toll on the mental health of the students and that is when the story becomes interesting.
My Heart is Beating, this story in particular won a place in my heart. The premise might not be for everyone but give it a try and you might find your next favorite story. The story is about a boy who loves and has an obsession with women swimsuits (the reason behind this is explained in the story) and after being caught by his teacher for taking pictures of girl students in swimsuits, he finds himself in a situation where he has to crossdress and is forced to join the new water polo team under the training of the same teacher. This story deals in particular with parent/children relationships and the importance of communication. I really wish this would get picked up for a mini drama or movie :(, I love it that much…
God of Bath,…where to start with this webtoon xD. How can a story of scrubbers be entertaining and heartfelt? Leave it to Ha il Kwon he knows how to do it. Honestly I almost dropped it after the first episode but I am glad I stayed and finished it because while the premise and humor where ridiculous at points it did what it was meant to do, it entertained me and while it did that also taught me a lesson. But honestly this webtoon was hilarious at points, I really have come to love this writers humor. This one was picked a couple years ago for a movie (lead was offered to Kim Young kwan) but it seems that as of now it has been abandoned 🙁 and I can kind of see why, the budget would have been huge.
Sorry for the long post this will be the first part I will write part two tomorrow :)….
I’ve read through Annarasumara and My Heart is Beating. Even without understanding all the symbolism, I could tell that there were deeper meanings at play. Tried reading God of Bath, but couldn’t get into it. Haven’t tried reading After School Activities.
I don’t blame you for God of Bath it’s not for everyone, in particular the humor, but I personally enjoyed it :). After School War Activities is good, although it was slow at times, I will probably read it again when I get the chance.
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July 25, 2019 at 2:39 AM
The first one I will like to talk and recommend is Ha il Kwon, I think by default I have read almost all of his works and honestly after I finish one, he leaves me craving for more (there is one I will never read though, Sperman, no thanks xD). It’s just that the way he presents the story, the humor and the overall moral is what makes it worth reading his webtoons. So far I that I have read and recommend are: Annarasumara, After School War Activities (Duty after School), My Heart is Beating, and God of Bath. I read a comment once saying that he writes for dreamers and honestly I have to agree.
Annarasumara deals with the hardships of becoming an adult and having to conform to the norms of society. What makes a respectable and respectable adult in our current society? Should out current views of what adults can be be changed? This story also deals with the mental health issues that the pressure on the youth can cause. There is particularly one chapter that I couldn’t help but sympathize with the character, all he wanted was to leave the cold asphalt and run through the field of flowers ;-; . One thing to know about Ha il Kwon is that he sometimes uses metaphors, and the pictures shouldn’t be taken literally so if you see a character with a big head just keep in mind that his head is not really like that xD.
After School Activities… honestly the ending left me speechless and was with me days after reading the webtoon. I don’t want to give too many spoilers but believe me when I say that the first chapters are deceiving. In the first chapters we see humor and normal high school students but as the story progresses it becomes much darker. The premise is about high school students who are forced (they are promised easy university entrances) to participate in military training after these purple spheres appear and kill people around the world. The training and situations starts to take a toll on the mental health of the students and that is when the story becomes interesting.
My Heart is Beating, this story in particular won a place in my heart. The premise might not be for everyone but give it a try and you might find your next favorite story. The story is about a boy who loves and has an obsession with women swimsuits (the reason behind this is explained in the story) and after being caught by his teacher for taking pictures of girl students in swimsuits, he finds himself in a situation where he has to crossdress and is forced to join the new water polo team under the training of the same teacher. This story deals in particular with parent/children relationships and the importance of communication. I really wish this would get picked up for a mini drama or movie :(, I love it that much…
God of Bath,…where to start with this webtoon xD. How can a story of scrubbers be entertaining and heartfelt? Leave it to Ha il Kwon he knows how to do it. Honestly I almost dropped it after the first episode but I am glad I stayed and finished it because while the premise and humor where ridiculous at points it did what it was meant to do, it entertained me and while it did that also taught me a lesson. But honestly this webtoon was hilarious at points, I really have come to love this writers humor. This one was picked a couple years ago for a movie (lead was offered to Kim Young kwan) but it seems that as of now it has been abandoned 🙁 and I can kind of see why, the budget would have been huge.
Sorry for the long post this will be the first part I will write part two tomorrow :)….
July 25, 2019 at 7:54 PM
I’ve read through Annarasumara and My Heart is Beating. Even without understanding all the symbolism, I could tell that there were deeper meanings at play. Tried reading God of Bath, but couldn’t get into it. Haven’t tried reading After School Activities.
July 26, 2019 at 1:17 AM
I don’t blame you for God of Bath it’s not for everyone, in particular the humor, but I personally enjoyed it :). After School War Activities is good, although it was slow at times, I will probably read it again when I get the chance.