Major major love for Just Between Lovers. I love the way Moon Soo and Gang Doo are drawn to each other and keep seeking each other out. I love the small touches like them having non-fancy phones.
Just Between Lovers is so realistic that both Moon Soo and Gang Doo are poor so they aren’t supposed to have the latest Samsung, unlike any other dramas
Same! Moon-soo’s is a little more subtle but she either has the iPhone SE (which I have, it’s a more affordable option) or the 6/6s, which is still an older model. We always joke about everyone in dramas having the same shiny new phone no matter their social class, so this is such a nice surprise!
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December 30, 2017 at 1:16 AM
Major major love for Just Between Lovers. I love the way Moon Soo and Gang Doo are drawn to each other and keep seeking each other out. I love the small touches like them having non-fancy phones.
December 30, 2017 at 1:19 AM
Just Between Lovers is so realistic that both Moon Soo and Gang Doo are poor so they aren’t supposed to have the latest Samsung, unlike any other dramas
December 30, 2017 at 3:38 AM
Same! Moon-soo’s is a little more subtle but she either has the iPhone SE (which I have, it’s a more affordable option) or the 6/6s, which is still an older model. We always joke about everyone in dramas having the same shiny new phone no matter their social class, so this is such a nice surprise!